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MWGHC: Nebraska's Donation to ROCHA - April 20th, 2013 - Omaha, NE (JJ ROCKETS, Nicole, DeLux)


Smash Hero
Dec 5, 2009
Omaha, NE
In association with the Midwest Get Hype! Circuit

Nebraska Smash Presents

Nebraska's Donation to Rocha

Location: 3304 Davenport St, omaha, NE

Time and Date:

This will be the weekend of Saturday 4/20, with possible events on 4/21

Friday-I get off work around 9:30 so OOS can feel free and show up around 10 p.m. If you need to get here earlier than that it should work out, but please let me know beforehand.

Saturday-Venue is open all night, I'll probably get out of bed around 11:30 because people probably won't let me sleep.
Signups start at 1:00 p.m. for both games, ending hopefully at around 2:30 (you're welcome, Lux).
Pools start around 3:00 for both games
Break around 4:20
Doubles for both games will start after that
Singles bracket will begin before/after dinner/break.
Project M/Low Tiers if there's time.

Really it depends on how many people/set ups we have for how long everything takes and when things finish up and begin again from there.

Sunday-Low/Mid-Low Tier brawl/melee, Project melee, whatever else.

Prices: MRM Special-Enter Brawl/Melee Doubles/Singles for $35 dollars

Super Smash Brothers Brawl Singles-$9

Super Smash Brothers Brawl Doubles-$16 per team ($8 person)

MWGH Circuit Fee-$3 (50% of it goes towards circuit winners, 50% of it goes towards bonus championship pot at Get Hype 3)

Super Smash Brothers Melee Singles-$10

Super Smash Brothers Brawl Doubles-$10 per team ($5 per person)

Venue Fee-$5
potential discounts for bringing set ups or new players or far OOS or party favors, but if you want a smoothly ran tournament, you should bring a set up (system/game) at least. I have like 8 TVs, but only 2 melee set ups because my Wii doesn't play brawl.

Sunday-If you did not pay venue/circuit fee the previous day, $3.

Project melee-$5

Low/Mid-Low Tier prices $2 Per person per event (so $4 for doubles).


Entry Pot Cuts based on attendance

Less than 8 will be round robin and everyone will be given a lot of free points for circuit

If 23-8 attend
1st - 60%
2nd - 30%
3rd - 10%

If 24 or over attend
1st - 52%
2nd -26%
3rd -14%
4th - 8%


There is PLENTY of housing at the current venue and there are a lot of hotels around my part of town.


General Rules

#0-Don't be a jerk
#1-No stealing
#2-Cigg smoking outside
#3-Don't trip over hippies
#4-Be respectful of other peoples property and person
#5-Be on time for your matches, let the TO know if you are going for a smoke break or food break.
#6-Coaching allowed between matches, not during
#7-You are responsible for your own controller and name tag. Any malfunctions or errors that occur are your responsibility (including battery issues with a Wii Remote), so bring an extra controller if possible and always check to make sure you're using the correct settings BEFORE a match is played. Both parties need to agree if a match is to be paused or restarted because of these problems.
I understand that people play pranks. Joker doesn't know this but on someones wii all of his inputs are set to shield and taunt, so if something like this occurs, I will laugh at you, but your match will be restarted with the understanding that you must change your controls afterwards.
#8--Intentional forfeiting, match fixing and any other forms of bracket manipulation are not allowed and punishable by the TO. Splitting is a touchy subject, but so long as you play your set out, I don't care what you do with your $ or who you share it with.
#9-All hacks must be approved by the TO, specifically stage/character textures. Music is usually fine but I may request that you turn off some specific songs, and you must oblige.

Seeding: I might run pools, if 24 or less everyone will make it to bracket. Otherwise I will be looking for one person per area to assist in seeding. PR rankings will be acknowledged. So make your fake PRs now.

Furthermore, people who have not played each other yet in the circuit will be more likely to play each other early on at this tournament.

Brawl rules

* 3 stock, 9:00 minutes
* Items are set to "OFF" and "NONE"
* Pause is set to "OFF" if players agree
* Metaknights infinite dimensional cape and extended dimesional cape are banned.
* 50 Ledge Grab Limit for Low Tier characters [15 for 1 stock in the event of a timeout]
* 40 Ledge Grab Limit for Mid Tier characters (Borderline) [13 for 1 stock in the event of a timeout]
* 30 Ledge Grab Limit for High Tier characters (S tier) [10 for 1 stock in the event of a timeout]
-If a player goes over the ledge grab limit and the game goes to time, the opponent will be declared the winner. If both players exceed the ledge grab limit, normal win conditions apply.
* See Stage Striking for more information on how stages are selected and banned.
* Ties after the time limit are determined by stocks, then by percentage.
* No player may choose a stage they have already played on in that set unless agreed upon by both players.
* In teams matches, ports will be determined in a 1221 fashion; whoever wins G&W Judgement will choose first, then the opposing team will get their ports, and then the teammate of the G&W Judgement winner will get the last port. If there is a conflict in singles, G&W Judgment will determine who chooses port/stage striking first.
* Stalling is banned. Stalling is defined as the act of deliberately avoiding any and all conflict. Running away from an opponent to reach a better position is not stalling, while endlessly grabbing the ledge or flying underneath the stage is. Any infinite chain grabs must end immediately after 200% has been reached so as to prevent excessive stalling. If stalling is confirmed by the tournament organizer, the offending player will forfeit the match.
* In the event of a Bowser/Ganon/Dedede/Kirbycide
#1-If the game goes to sudden death, sudden death is played out
#2-If the game goes to the winner screen, the one who did the suicide move wins.
* If a sudden death is initiated by both players dying at the exact same time or a tie in both stock count and percentage, sudden death will be played out
*In the event pause is left on and is pressed, immediately call over the TO. Based upon the TO's judgment, the situation will be resolved. Punishment may range from nothing, a warning, free attack (will be chosen by the TO and will be character specific), loss of stock/match/set or ejection from venue.
*Any additional disputes will be up to determination by the tournament organizer.

Stage Striking:


-In the event of a dispute, G&W Judgement will be used to determine who strikes first.

After each match:
1. Winner announces 2 stage bans
2. Loser chooses counter-pick stage
3. Winner chooses their character
4. Loser chooses their character

Doubles-Specific Rules:
* Life stealing is allowed
* Team Attack is turned ON
* Double Metaknight is banned unless agreed upon by all FOUR players
* If a player is using the character Pokemon Trainer, Lucario, or Sonic, either team may request that team colors be changed to make it easier to tell the difference between team players.

TLDR: Brawl Rules
3 stocks, 9 minutes, WF/LF/GF b/o 5, 2 stage bans. There are no starters/counters, Double MK banned


:battlefieldb: :delfino: :fdb: :frigate: :lylat: :pictochat: :smashville: :yoshisb: :Vote for Stage:

Melee Rules

4 stocks, 8 minutes, WF/LF/GF b/o 5, 2 stage bans until WF/LF/GF then 1 stage ban.


Neutral: :battlefieldm: :fdm: :dreamland: :fountain: :yoshis:
CP: :ps1: :kongo64:

Doubles: :battlefieldm: :dreamland: :fdm: :ps1: :yoshis:
CP: :kongo64: :To Be Voted On:

Low/Mid-Low Tier Singles/Doubles specific rules

Allowed Characters for Brawl (13)

F: Yoshi, Ness, Pokémon Trainer, Luigi
G: Lucas, Mario, Samus, Bowser, Captain Falcon
H: Jigglypuff, Link, Zelda, Ganondorf

Allowed Characters for Melee (11)

E: Link, Young Link
F: Zelda, Roy, Mewtwo, Yoshi, Mr. Game & Watch
G: Ness, Bowser, Kirby, Pichu


Project Melee Singles/Doubles specific rules


Please read the above information carefully. By participating, you are agreeing to follow all rules. Any failure to do so can and will result in you being asked to leave (no refund). Also by participating you are agreeing not to hold us, the venue, or any parties involved responsible for any property or personal loss or damage.

Contact Info

MegaRobMoore-402-305-5522, PM me


Smash Hero
Dec 5, 2009
Omaha, NE
Stages to be voted on for doubles

Brawl: :mansion: :norfair: :pirateship: :summit:

Melee: :pokefloats: :kongo: :termina: :peachscastle:

For an explanation on :ps1: :castlesiege: and :pictochat: see the MWGHC thread.


Smash Cadet
Jan 28, 2012
I can see Pictochat being legal, but PS1 and CS being banned? I understand that there have been circumstances where you die in pretty dumb ways, it's happened to me a couple times, but they're way too infrequent for it to be bannable. It's like saying a certain character should be banned for a couple instances of broken-ness.

But, it's not my tournament, do whatever you want with it :p


Smash Hero
Dec 5, 2009
Omaha, NE
I can see Pictochat being legal, but PS1 and CS being banned? I understand that there have been circumstances where you die in pretty dumb ways, it's happened to me a couple times, but they're way too infrequent for it to be bannable. It's like saying a certain character should be banned for a couple instances of broken-ness.

But, it's not my tournament, do whatever you want with it :p
It happened in 2/2 matches and 3/4 overall last monday night on castlesiege.

That's unacceptable. Plus that stage is bad anyway for a ton of reasons, the 1st part is garbage, the 2nd part is super garbage, and the 3rd part is okay. The transformation period is even dumber since people fall through it and die.

You can't even compare that to choosing a character, no character is broken given LGL/stalling.

PS1 happened during grand finals of a tournament, and it's less bannable outside of that but it has a lot of things that make a bad and uncompetitive stage.

TBH, in melee, in theory I'm pro-banning PS1 over KJ for doubles, and not even having PS1 for singles and just have a 5 stage list because it's disruptive as ****. But the Brawl version is 1.66 times as bad since they made the windmill techable and made the ledge ********. The only benefit of PS1 is that you can't scrooge the stage, which is kind of why I thought about keeping that but pictochat eliminates that and is a better stage overall.

(Pictochat basically replaces PS1 as Lux has said on my Jambaroo tournament thread).


Smash Cadet
Jan 28, 2012
The way you get killed on Castle Siege is avoidable unless you play someone with an unwieldy recovery.
If you don't want to go there, strike it, don't ban it for the whole tournament.

As for PS1, I can understand the windmill problem. But at the same time, most people will agree that it's a much more balanced stage than, oh I don't know, Summit? Luigi's Mansion? Norfair? Pirate Ship?

I believe you said something about Pictochat along the lines of "Get your reaction time better and quit complaining".

I'm not trying to antagonize you, I'm just saying that PS1 and CS are generally stages that aren't game-breaking. Meanwhile, you are promoting or potentially allowing stages that most people wouldn't want to be used in the competitive scene ever.


Player that used to be Lux
Jun 3, 2010
PS1 has been known to force the game flow to break the game flow for large quantities of time. So depends how you define "game breaking"


Smash Master
Mar 27, 2008
Hannibal, MO
PC (slanted line appears as I'm about to grab the left ledge) and Lylat (stage tilts when I'm about to grab) have made me randomly die infinitely more times than PS1 (0 times, and it's one of my most played stages) or CS (1 time). You can prevent yourself from dying on CS the same was as when the stage flips on Frigate or the ship takes off on Halberd: JUMP. Can't say for sure on PS1 because I've never fallen through it, so Idk when it happens - but if it's when the stage changes, the same solution applies. And you have plenty of warning.


Player that used to be Lux
Jun 3, 2010
Rob, can you explain the reasoning for less stage bans in a 5 game set rather than a 3 game set?

I'd explain why this defeats the purpose of having multiple bans through some mathematical stage notation arguments, but I'd rather save the effort if you have some sort of good reason


Smash Hero
Dec 5, 2009
Omaha, NE
The way you get killed on Castle Siege is avoidable unless you play someone with an unwieldy recovery.
If you don't want to go there, strike it, don't ban it for the whole tournament.

As for PS1, I can understand the windmill problem. But at the same time, most people will agree that it's a much more balanced stage than, oh I don't know, Summit? Luigi's Mansion? Norfair? Pirate Ship?

I believe you said something about Pictochat along the lines of "Get your reaction time better and quit complaining".

I'm not trying to antagonize you, I'm just saying that PS1 and CS are generally stages that aren't game-breaking. Meanwhile, you are promoting or potentially allowing stages that most people wouldn't want to be used in the competitive scene ever.
Castlesiege is a bad stage, period. It's a ****ing joke that it's a neutral in some places. CP, sure, but not here.

PS1 I'd listen to an argument for it to be legal, but I want 11 stages and that stage has been around since 2001, let's give a new stage a try.

I want to get stages that aren't used very often and have people vote for them for doubles, in a tournament with 3 bans.

TBH, pirateship is a legit stage in a lot of ways and the locals love it (not just me, it was the 2nd most voted for stage (pictochat winning) on a poll I ran a while ago for bonus stages).

Norfair is too big and you would have people forcing timeouts because someone accidentally went over the ledge grab limit, but it's okay for doubles.

Luigi's Mansion Lux tried to use before and it has awesome music.

Summit is an obvious troll. But Thugz and I beat Joker/Trent on that stage in the 1st set of grandfinals so it brings back awesome memories (Why we were playing on Summit idk, but they agreed to it). People have to vote it in. If the trolls want to win, I support them.

I hate Lylat, Frigate, FD, PS2 and Rainbow Cruise, but they are still there because there isn't a good reason to ban them, other than RC which is why I did it for doubles.

I'll admit I was wrong about Frigate for those of you who care. Stage is stupid but it's kind of competitive...ish...ishhhhush.


PC (slanted line appears as I'm about to grab the left ledge) and Lylat (stage tilts when I'm about to grab) have made me randomly die infinitely more times than PS1 (0 times, and it's one of my most played stages) or CS (1 time). You can prevent yourself from dying on CS the same was as when the stage flips on Frigate or the ship takes off on Halberd: JUMP. Can't say for sure on PS1 because I've never fallen through it, so Idk when it happens - but if it's when the stage changes, the same solution applies. And you have plenty of warning.
I main don't grab the ledge and get CG-0-Deathed by the entire cast :wolf:, you don't need to tell me about ledges. I lost to Fino game 3 because Wolf missed the ledge on Lylat after I spike killed him and grabbed the ledge except I didn't grab it because the game is stupid.

Having 1 bad ledge is not a reason to ban a stage. It's A reason, but should ever be THE reason, otherwise battlefield on melee would be banned. That's the only real problem with lylat other than people (joker) will have TVs that have NO brightness possible so the **** blends in with the stage.

Yes, that one slant is the 1 thing about pictochat I don't like, but play as Wolf and you can just go through the stage. OR do MK/Jiggs/Rob ****.

It's an ethical question to ban some stages based on MK being "broken" on them because rob/pit/jiggs and others get hurt because they get favored on the same stages usually.

If someone is a stockahead, lets say, Falco or D3, and they get a CG, they can just CG them off the stage and into oblivion on CS and PS1. You have to remember that stages are banned because they are broken and have game altering strategies, just because yall'z aren't smart enough to see it doesn't mean I want to wait for it to happen. That **** is *** as ****ng a *** guy in the *** with a ***** you just pulled out of another mans *** after you ****** his ****.

Not comparable to the Frigate stuff imho, but if you're trying to get me to get rid of one of Wolfs worst stages, I'll keep listening to why I should ban that and then I can get rid of RC or Halberd and everyone is happy except people who want those stages.

The ship moving off of halberd is similar but not congruent because you aren't falling through a platform that is supposed to be solid and not up/downable, it's programed to be that way and it's supposed to be that way.

History lesson

Kongo/half the stages in melee is banned because Fox can just camp the side of the ledge with the log and shoot lasers and shine gimp them when they try and force him to approach, rinse repeat.

Rob, can you explain the reasoning for less stage bans in a 5 game set rather than a 3 game set?

I'd explain why this defeats the purpose of having multiple bans through some mathematical stage notation arguments, but I'd rather save the effort if you have some sort of good reason
It becomes hard mode and t's way more hype to have less bans in WF/LF/GF, and it makes your stage selection more important.


Player that used to be Lux
Jun 3, 2010
I would contend that if you want hard mode you'd add stage bans rather than take them away so if someone wants to maximize competitive advantage they'd have to play more characters thereby adding a higher skill depth requiremnt =P



Smash Hero
Dec 5, 2009
Omaha, NE
You play best of 5.

If everyone has 3 stage bans, game 3 has 6 stage bans out of 11, so 5 stages possible given people don't agree to go to the same stage again.

If people have 4 stage bans, that's 8 stage bans, so people would be forced to play the same stages if ""

That's why you don't add stage bans for GF/LF/WF. If you convince me that it's a bad idea I might just keep it at 3. 3 is good with all of those horrible stages possible.

I doubt people will complain, but here's the reasoning.

:pokefloats: -We've used it in Nebraska and it's a competitive/chaotic stage. Does have stupid falling through the stage gimmicks but you can't set them up potentially the same.

:kongo: - Fox is going make me regret this but assuming fox gets gimped for trying to gimp all is well.

:termina: - Nebraska Favorite for FFA's, it's borderline in my mind.

:peachscastle: -More Fox might get punished by the partner


Player that used to be Lux
Jun 3, 2010
Alternatively you don't change the number of bans and the DSR makes the stages trend towards neutral for the Finals sets that you'd want the more competitively neutral stage anyways. By removing bans, you more or less defeat the purpose of the 5 game set with DSR for that more neutral later games in the set.

If you add bans in your scenario, you be forced to counter pick a stage your opponent won on, meaning that in order to gain advantage, you'd have to have the higher skill threshold of the character counter pick which is the point I was making. I'm not saying you should add bans, but removing them for finals is the wrong direction for certain.


Smash Master
Mar 27, 2008
Hannibal, MO
I main don't grab the ledge and get CG-0-Deathed by the entire cast :wolf:, you don't need to tell me about ledges. I lost to Fino game 3 because Wolf missed the ledge on Lylat after I spike killed him and grabbed the ledge except I didn't grab it because the game is stupid.

Having 1 bad ledge is not a reason to ban a stage. It's A reason, but should ever be THE reason, otherwise battlefield on melee would be banned. That's the only real problem with lylat other than people (joker) will have TVs that have NO brightness possible so the **** blends in with the stage.
Lol, exactly. My argument is that these stages SHOULDN'T be banned. If having a CONSISTENTLY bad ledge is not enough to ban a stage, how the hell is having a glitch that occurs once in a thousand matches AND can be avoided by jumping at a SET TIME make a stage worth banning?

Yes, that one slant is the 1 thing about pictochat I don't like, but play as Wolf and you can just go through the stage. OR do MK/Jiggs/Rob ****.
I've died many times AS MK because the slant appears right when I shuttle loop. Besides, "just play X character" is not an argument as to why a stage should be legal when I could just say the same thing for PS1 or CS.

It's an ethical question to ban some stages based on MK being "broken" on them because rob/pit/jiggs and others get hurt because they get favored on the same stages usually.

If someone is a stockahead, lets say, Falco or D3, and they get a CG, they can just CG them off the stage and into oblivion on CS and PS1. You have to remember that stages are banned because they are broken and have game altering strategies, just because yall'z aren't smart enough to see it doesn't mean I want to wait for it to happen. That **** is *** as ****ng a *** guy in the *** with a ***** you just pulled out of another mans *** after you ****** his ****.
"...and they get a CG..."

Very simple solution to this: run away during those parts. Or, of course, pick a different charater - CP stages are supposed to give an advantage. There is nothing difficult about avoiding grabs during the walk-off or windmill.

Not comparable to the Frigate stuff imho, but if you're trying to get me to get rid of one of Wolfs worst stages, I'll keep listening to why I should ban that and then I can get rid of RC or Halberd and everyone is happy except people who want those stages.

The ship moving off of halberd is similar but not congruent because you aren't falling through a platform that is supposed to be solid and not up/downable, it's programed to be that way and it's supposed to be that way.
How is it not comparable? They are both instances where you can die if you stay on the ground, but the game alerts you to when you need to jump.

What the programmers intended is always irrelevant to any competitive game. DACUS was not intended, but it's legal. Point is, any unintended consequences are highly avoidable and/or change the game only slightly (camping out transformations is acceptable on Delfino and PS2, why not CS or PS1?).

History lesson

Kongo/half the stages in melee is banned because Fox can just camp the side of the ledge with the log and shoot lasers and shine gimp them when they try and force him to approach, rinse repeat.
Logic lesson: that example is in no way analogous to CS or PS1. On neither of those stages can a character invincibly camp a single area. So the reasoning for banning those stages in Melee does not apply here.

I don't even care that much, I just think that your reasons for banning these stages are entirely arbitrary/biased, and it hurts my brain.


Smash Hero
Dec 5, 2009
Omaha, NE
Lol, exactly. My argument is that these stages SHOULDN'T be banned. If having a CONSISTENTLY bad ledge is not enough to ban a stage, how the hell is having a glitch that occurs once in a thousand matches AND can be avoided by jumping at a SET TIME make a stage worth banning?

I've died many times AS MK because the slant appears right when I shuttle loop. Besides, "just play X character" is not an argument as to why a stage should be legal when I could just say the same thing for PS1 or CS.

"...and they get a CG..."

Very simple solution to this: run away during those parts. Or, of course, pick a different charater - CP stages are supposed to give an advantage. There is nothing difficult about avoiding grabs during the walk-off or windmill.

How is it not comparable? They are both instances where you can die if you stay on the ground, but the game alerts you to when you need to jump.

What the programmers intended is always irrelevant to any competitive game. DACUS was not intended, but it's legal. Point is, any unintended consequences are highly avoidable and/or change the game only slightly (camping out transformations is acceptable on Delfino and PS2, why not CS or PS1?).

Logic lesson: that example is in no way analogous to CS or PS1. On neither of those stages can a character invincibly camp a single area. So the reasoning for banning those stages in Melee does not apply here.

I don't even care that much, I just think that your reasons for banning these stages are entirely arbitrary/biased, and it hurts my brain.
Actually when discussing why I thought PS1 should be banned, I discussed the ledge and he was like "just pick ZSS, you'll grab the ledge", so to some people that is a legit thought process.

Also you mention changing character as a legit strategy later on in your post.

Also it happens on CS 75% of the times in the latest clinical trials. PS1 it is pretty rare, but I've seen it happen IN GRANDFINALS so it DOES impact at higher level play.

THE GAME DOES NOT ALERT YOU WHEN TO JUMP, LOOOOOOOOL, there isn't an alarm like on frigate or Halberd, glitches vs design. Also having to pay attention to a stage timer is stupid and just adds more stupid crap you have to get around to play a more pure game.

Dacus is something that benefits competitive design, MK has an infinite cape thing and it's banned. Stages having instant death traps is not beneficial in the least.

Plus CS is a horrible stage, period.


Player that used to be Lux
Jun 3, 2010
If by clinical trials you mean the limited tests you've done, seems like the constant in that is not only the stage but also the players


Smash Hero
Dec 5, 2009
Omaha, NE
That would be nice.

We had 10 new players yesterday combined for brawl/melee so we might have some new blood in the seas.


Smash Hero
Dec 5, 2009
Omaha, NE
I have decided to drop Halberd completely, so the 2nd winner of the poll will be a legal stage for doubles as well.

OR I might run it without Rainbow Cruise in singles too and have 9 stages and only 2 bans.

The reason RC is still legal is the need for a stage to counter pick myself to. As in RC is a good CP vs Wolf in enough match ups to warrant it being legal.



Smash Hero
Dec 5, 2009
Omaha, NE
Tournament is on 4/20 unless I have a family emergency (which is a 10% possibility)

It will be 4/27 in that case, but I am going to go ahead and plan on it being on 4/20 and start getting things going.

Parental Discretion Advised.


Player that used to be Lux
Jun 3, 2010
What's the tentative schedule as far as times go?

Need to figure out if I have to request off work and stuff


Smash Hero
Dec 5, 2009
Omaha, NE

I guess I'll actually have to figure out times and stuff :/

Usually I just lay around until people show up and then I am like "Oh, I should probably set up a TV".

Assuming it's at my place, there is no time restriction so take that as you may.


Player that used to be Lux
Jun 3, 2010
So KS showing up at like...
2pm would be legit so we don't have to leave until 1030 meaning I can get over 6 hours of sleep after work? :p


Smash Hero
Dec 5, 2009
Omaha, NE
If more people are willing to stay up late that night to get more sleep as opposed to starting earlier and getting out earlier I'm 100% in favor of me getting sleep before this lol.

I know everyone in Nebraska agrees with me, so i'm assuming the vote is 20-0 so far.

Lets get the contrary rolling!

I usually open doors at 1 on tournament days but I figured noon would be legit since this is supposed to be more than a smashfest tournament and people are gonna come and shuit.

Also housing is free at the venue

so I assume there will be people crashing here the night before, but I doubt we'll do side events that night since I probably work til 9:15 p.m. the 19th

But PCity expressed interest on Sunday activities so I think we might run all side events then.


Smash Hero
Dec 5, 2009
Omaha, NE
StageList update for brawl

Smashville, Battlefield, Final Destination, Pictochat, Delfino, Frigate, Yoshis, Lylat and "TBA PICK THE STAGE"

There will now only be 2 bans the entire time.

And yeah man I'll answer whatever questions you got.

I will enable the pick the stage option nowish.


Player that used to be Lux
Jun 3, 2010
I'll vote Luigi's Mansion as it's the only stage on that list without a hitbox


Smash Hero
Dec 5, 2009
Omaha, NE
I'm going to make separate threads with polling options soonish, you will have to revote but currently LM is winning in Nebraska with Pirateship 2 votes behind if I included yours and 2 votes for Norfair, though that's all speculation and doesn't count at this point.


Smash Hero
Dec 5, 2009
Omaha, NE
Front page cleaned up.

Voting has been set up, please begin voting now



Also, would there be more/less interest in melee if the entry fee was $10 instead of 5 for singles (doubles will still be $10 per team).


Smash Hero
Dec 5, 2009
Omaha, NE
Front page has been even more cleaned up

Melee Singles has been bumped up to $10 and Venue has been firmly set at $5.

Currently Termina Bay and Pirate Ship are winning the bonus stage vote.



Project M and Low/Mid-Low Tier have been announced for Sunday, April 21st.

Low/Mid-Low Tier characters have been added for both melee and brawl

Edit: RSVP has been added.


Smash Hero
Dec 5, 2009
Omaha, NE
Currently we are looking at in terms of OOS attendance (for brawl)

4 from South Dakota
3-6 from Kansas
3-4 from Missouri
2-5 from IA (Pcity may come after sundown saturday or on sunday for side events)
2-3 from KY via Omaha
8-12 from Nebraska.

Where Colorado at?

So far I haven't had a hard confirm on any melee OOS, sadly.
So Melee's singles fee may be bumped down to $5 and the MRM deal will go back down to $30 if that is the case.


Smash Hero
Dec 5, 2009
Omaha, NE
David/JBM/Sm3esh/Myself have all confirmed for this weekend in terms of melee. Not sure about Tyser. Probably still gonna be $10 at least until the day of when I'm actually asking for $ if it does go down to $5.


Smash Hero
Dec 5, 2009
Omaha, NE
Well I hope you are able to make it! Convince your boys to quit being scared or something. Or Tell Honda there's LOL.

If people want to do a Project M tournament, people need to bring a set up for it. My wii doesn't play wii games as previously stated, I could have like 2 SD cards with it on it, but I just need set ups.

Is there a snaploader so I don't have to hack peoples wiis?
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