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Motivation and Growth

Red Arremer

Smash Legend
Nov 27, 2005
Link to original post: [drupal=1411]Motivation and Growth[/drupal]

So... this blog is written while SWF is offline for me and while I have to kill some time.

Anyway, yesterday I had a very enriching talk with Reflex, and I want to share the thoughts I had running through my mind while and after it with you. Now why I mention Reflex already in the first sentence has a reason - you will see why.

When I got Brawl I was all over it, and thought I was acceptable. I horribly failed in a small tournament at a convention, and was then beaten by a friend all over the place - only when he wouldn't use his mains (Samus and ZSS) I would be able to almost or really beat him. And even when I won it was normally very close. I was absolutely destroyed, my self-esteem and motivation was eradicated like a pencil line by a strong rubber. I felt like I was horrible at the game, and put it aside. Although I continued informing myself about the metagame and all, I didn't really continue to play myself, as I felt that all hope was lost in my case, and that I should continue being some kind of database, despite me only playing horrendously bad.

Then, suddenly, I saw a thread in the Tactical discussion... "Becoming pro isn't Fictional" by Sky. It was an interview with the successful Wario player Fiction, who told Sky how he became good, and the hurdles he had to take during the way. It was a very enriching read, and it made me rethink a lot. When I then saw several videos of another Wario player - Reflex - playing against Mew2King, and actually beating him... I was very astonished. Seeing those videos and reading the articles of Sky in Tactical Discussion - especially the interview with Fiction - made me realize that I wouldn't get better if I just were to whine and not do anything.

I started picking up the game again. I finally tried to figure out how I could get my WiFi to work. And although it sometimes *****es like something I've never seen before, I still was able to play some people online. Playing against other players made me also change my character choices... In the beginning, I normally played Zelda and a very bad Wario. I went through pretty much the whole cast, figuring out who would fit my style best. I landed at Bowser. I continued searching further, and found Mr. Game & Watch as addition. So I started playing with those two. I know it may sound ridiculous, but when I started to be able to implement airdodging or grabbing properly into my game - stuff like that -, I was very happy. I became even more motivated to learn more, and become better, because I already saw my big steps forward. I changed my tag from SPFX to Impa, and changed my usual color choices to mark me getting better.

I still feel not ready yet, though. I've left Wario alone, because I felt he wasn't the right choice for me, although I loved to play as him. A lot. So as said, yesterday I had this talk with Reflex. It was actually initiated randomly, when he changed his location, and I just VMed him out of silliness. Despite the fact he didn't tell me much, and the conversation was short, Reflex NOT looking down on me, but rather being happy with me that I became better and that he was one of the reasons for me to come back ... I kinda felt that I should give Wario another go. So I played as him today. Only against CPUs, but still. I loved playing as him, and since I was better than I was back in the day before picking up Bowser and GaW, I actually was quite good with Wario - or at least I felt like I was good. I was able to use tactics that I wasn't able to work out before. Although I still have to learn to properly use Wario and not SD with him so much (I tend to forget I already used my second jump when going offstage x.X), that day with playing only the big guy was very enriching. I changed from the classic overalls to the biker outfit, too... so another color change for me. I felt very comfortable using Wario. I still have to learn much with the 3 characters I started out to play as and like, not only their special techniques and strategies, but also some basic stuff. But... I do think that I only can get better from this point on.

So I really have to thank two Wario players for giving me the motivation to take a deep breath and get back to work. Not to give up because of a few drawbacks. I feel like I can become a good and respected player. I know I'm getting better. And it can only go uphill from this point on. Both Fiction and Reflex are now pretty much the players I idolize. Not because I love their style and want to imitate them and "be like them", but rather because their words (and videos) were so enriching and they are the reason I grew up. So, again, thanks to you two guys. I hope I can meet you at a tourney some day and play a friendly or two. =)

It's all a big fat ramble here, I know. And some probably won't even read it. But I don't care. It is a blog, after all, and I just felt like putting down what is moving my mind currently. Maybe someone will read it, and feel the same kind of inspiration I got from the two Warios, and if these words get someone back into the game, that would be awesome.

To anyone who read it until now... thank you. <3


Smash Legend
May 18, 2008
I read the whole thing ♥

That is fantastic, Joel. Frankly, it is not something I can relate to, since I've only played the game for the mere joy of it. It did not take motivation, and I was never demoralized when I lost the good battle. However, when I reminisce on the times of gameplay, I've realized that I never gotten the opportunity to play it to the fullest like I should have. It has been 6 months since I even touched a Wii, and evidently, the days of Smash are not numbered. I truly do seek the day where I can return and duel my friends, and I believe they all do as well. This is what brought us together, and if playing with them is the last thing we do, then so be it.


All I want is a custom title
Aug 9, 2008
San Diego
Yes, I read it too 8D
Congratulations on finding the motivation to keep getting better, we all go through those plateau phases. But I don't think I got to brawl your wario over wifi, though.
I wish I was patient enough to read a guide, lol. I only read the AT threads ;-; One of the reasons Im not getting much better atm.


Smash Champion
Aug 12, 2008
Las Vegas, Nevada
Congrats, I guess.

There's always a series of plateaus that one struggles with. I think I've been on mine for a loooong time (a month or two). Not sure exactly how to break it. Then again, perhaps it's not a plateau at all, but I continue to learn at a slower pace? Idk. If you ever are bored and none of your friends are online, shoot me a message and I'd be happy to brawl you.


Smash Ace
Jun 28, 2008
Area 42
well, it seems pretty awesome, u found the charcter that u love and get better with him, I was like that when I first got defeated rly bad on wifi (Duo, pwned o-o) I started working on my sonic. Mindgamez, Trickxies, Match-ups and all that jazz lol. Playing with other ppl is wat makes smash such a lovable game XD ^^

Red Arremer

Smash Legend
Nov 27, 2005
well, it seems pretty awesome, u found the charcter that u love and get better with him, I was like that when I first got defeated rly bad on wifi (Duo, pwned o-o) I started working on my sonic. Mindgamez, Trickxies, Match-ups and all that jazz lol. Playing with other ppl is wat makes smash such a lovable game XD ^^
It's not really about the character, it's about me growing exponentially with getting the basics of gameplay right, and learning how to control my characters properly. ^^


Smash Apprentice
Mar 13, 2009
For years and years of smash I thought I was pretty good, untill I found out my router
was unplugged...and found smash boards and fought someone.
The first Fight I fought, I realized I was a 2/10 in skill, thinking I was an 8. Fighting
people is a lot different then computers, and I hadn`t had any real people to fight so just trained on
them, and I was addicted to rolling and F-smashing all the time.

Then I saw Izaw`s videos but didn`t even realize how good he is. When I got owned on my first
wifi match, so I fought an fought my friends and after only a week or two I got at least 10x better, and found out how much I improved
when I fought my friends I know in real life.


Smash Lord
May 30, 2008
Bloomington, MN
I thought I was good at smash as well... I sucked, and because I'm more than modest, believe I suck anyway now.

I should actually blog about my Smash life, from beginning to now, later today. It'll be fun.

EDIT: Oh, and make me and the other guys here a promise you won't cop-out the next time you get three stocked consistently. I have a friend that gives up a lot, and it's aggravating because I have to watch. Don't give up, and only stop smashing if it bores you or if your life takes priority.


Smash Lord
Feb 3, 2008
Aurora, Illinois
Read the whole thing.
Yes, sometimes you hit such a low that you start to give a serious though, "What am I even doing here? Should I even do this anymore?" and its awesome to read that you found your motivation, because you just inspired me a little more too =]

Get out there and win a tournament now!! =D


Smash Ace
Jan 3, 2008
United Kingdom, Birmingham
Switch FC
3133 8842 3910
Well, it's was a pleasurable read myself! Only living in a small area with many of my mates having Xbox's, it's hard for me to truely train (I want to attend to a tourney, but my area isn't into SSBB or the WII.). However, since Brawling online with some of online pals, I figure, or think, I'm decent at the game. I tend to pick up and learn stuff and implement them quite well from here. I must also say thank you pros of smashboards with helpful tips and discoveries, as I wouldn't be as good as I am now without it. And you know I haven't got muchio of a live sadly, so you can pretty much ask whenever you want to Brawl ^.^.

Also, Wario was my first favourite character (after learning how to get off the bike lulz), but I realised my best characters is G&W and ROB, but he's my funniest character to use.
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