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Most disappointing and Controversial Roster yet?

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Smash Hero
Jan 28, 2014
Buried under 990+ weapons
The only one you mentioned there that easily had more votes worldwide than the "big three" was Mega Man, with Little Mac and Palutena trailing behind. I'm pretty sure there's a thread around here that shows the numbers, but saying that a character like Villager (who I love, mind you) had more requests than the "big three", would be stretching it.
The fans single-handedly turned Sakurai's opinion on Villager around, remember? He'd be one of the biggest examples.


Smash Ace
Aug 10, 2013
The fans single-handedly turned Sakurai's opinion on Villager around, remember? He'd be one of the biggest examples.
Do you have a source? IIRC, Tom Nook was the way more popular Animal Crossing representative and I'm pretty sure Sakurai simply changed his mind to include an Animal Crossing character due to the success of New Leaf.
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Smash Journeyman
Aug 25, 2014
I quite like the roster actually, Wii Fit Trainer is one of those characters you didn't know you wanted to play with until you used it. And I got my most wanted character, my bae Lucina (and Robin!).

On the other hand, I quite hate that there's A LOT of Mario **** already... I despise Bowser Jr and his stupid friends, the Miis, Dark Pit and Dr. Mario. They're a waste of memory that could've gone for Isaac and Mewtwo.


Smash Hero
Jan 28, 2014
Buried under 990+ weapons
Do you have a source? IIRC, Tom Nook was the way more popular Animal Crossing representative and I'm pretty sure Sakurai simply changed his mind to include an Animal Crossing character due to the success of New Leaf.
Well, an AC character in general. And NL was pretty new to take into consideration for adding a character, don't you think? Anyway: http://nintendoeverything.com/sakur...wl-talks-about-choosing-smash-bros-character/

"He was removed in the planning stages (in Brawl) because he wasn’t suited for battle.”
Not quite the interview I was talking about, but you get the point. AC's fans made him realize people wanted him in SSB.

Xevious 1

Smash Ace
Jun 30, 2014
I almost have no problems with the roster. The only problems I have are certain unique cut characters that didn't make it in like Mewtwo, Ice Climbers, and Snake (who everyone s*** on for some reason). Other than that I am fine. Also characters like Shulk, Rosaluma, Villager, Bowser Jr, Robin, Little Mac, and the Mii Fighters are some of the most unique characters ever in Smash.

Champ Gold

Smash Scrublord
Aug 11, 2014
Switch FC
It's pretty much the best roster in the series.

Fan favorites all around, new and interesting characters, big names(Let's be real only Mewtwo and Ridley are the only true big names despite everyone else doesn't have any relevance)

Only characteris missing is :popo: other than that, great roster.

And I know people love to point out :4darkpit:but let's be real here, no matter how bad he is(and he is a bad choice) he'll never be :pichumelee: and don't ever try to defend Pichu. He was useless and unliked.

Ehn Jolly

Smash Journeyman
Jul 24, 2014
Pittsburg, Pa
It's another "My characters didn't get in" thread.

Because we needed another one.

I didn't get my OC fan hedgehog, DARKZOR who's dads are Sasuke and Shadow, in this game.

The amount of different playstyles from newcomers is amazing, easily the best I've seen in the series. Most of the new characters have very interesting and varied mechanics, making them far different to play as than the previous characters, with Robin's 'breaking weapons', Rosalina and Luma, Mac's power meter, and Megaman's...everything.

While I'd have cut Falco over Wolf, every other cut was just fine in my opinion, and made the game far better.


Smash Lord
Oct 28, 2013
Can anyone tell me how this topic is not just ******** at Sakurai because the roster is not perfect on someone's eyes?
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Smash Ace
Jul 21, 2014
Can anyone tell me how this topic is not just *****ing at Sakurai because the roster is not perfect on someone's eyes?
This. This thread is simply a formal way to mask that the thread creator is salty that things didn't go the way he envisioned it. While some like Mewtwo and Big Rids would be nice, it's as if the character you wanted didn't get in, then the game automatically is trash.


Smash Ace
Jul 11, 2014
The smasher comes from the bottom of the arena
I love this roster but at the very least I can say for certain that this game has better newcomers than Melee.

Melee's unique newcomers:

Smash 4's unique newcomers:

Even discounting the Mii's, 4 has a larger selection of newcomers and IMO move-set wise they are some of the most unique and fun characters to play as in the series.

Melee Clones:

4's Clones:

Now the clones in Melee were far more objectionable then 4's.
Take Ganondorf for example, him being a clone of CF makes no sense and almost feels insulting to the character. Lucina and Pitoo at least make sense that they fight like Marth and Pit.

Dr Mario isn't even a separate character from Mario unlike Lucina and Pitoo.

And Roy hadn't had a game yet but was just shoehorned in to promote the upcoming FE game. At least Lucina and Pitoo are popular within the FE/KI fan-bases. Roy's game bombed and he is probably one of the least popular lords from FE apart from his Melee appearance.


Smash Apprentice
Sep 27, 2014
Yeah, I don't believe this is the most controversial or disappointing roster. At least, I don't feel it should be. The only reason I'd consider it more controversial than previous rosters would be because the Smash community is bigger and more vocal than it was on previous games. That, and the fact that every 10 seconds a leaker has new evidence of Ridley. People get hyped up on fake leaks and then disappointed when the leaks are false, and I don't think people would be NEARLY as disappointed if this game had come out without any leaks. Sure, they'd still be bummed that Ridley (or Dixie, or whatever flavor of the week character we want to complain about) wasn't in the game, but without someone promising that he was I don't think it would sting as much. You couldn't play Ridley in any of the other games either.

And disappointing? I think this roster is awesome. First of all you've got a ton of returning characters which is good cause at one point early on I heard talk of focusing on a smaller, more unique roster. You've got some cool thinking-outside-the-box characters like Villager, WFT, or Duck Hunt. And you've got characters who should have been in the game a long time ago like Little Mac and Bowser Jr. This is a fantastic roster and I feel strongly that anyone who says otherwise is just butthurt that their personal favorite didn't make it in.

If there are 20 characters you wish you could take OUT and put 20 DIFFERENT characters in, then I suppose you have a legitimate claim to saying you hate the roster, but everyone I've truly questioned about why they hate the roster always says it's because x, y, and z didn't get in. Not even that they hate anyone ON the roster, just raging because 3 or 4 characters they could think of didn't make it in, and that makes the whole game garbage for them.

Now if Bowser Jr or Ness didn't make it into the game, THEN the roster would be garbage.


Smash Apprentice
Apr 15, 2009
Well, I think that sm4sh has a larger roster than brawl, 64, and even melee
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Smash Lord
Jul 26, 2013
And I know people love to point out :4darkpit:but let's be real here, no matter how bad he is(and he is a bad choice) he'll never be :pichumelee: and don't ever try to defend Pichu. He was useless and unliked.
At least :pichumelee: looked different and had the "interesting" but terrible gimmick of hurting himself as to where Dark Pit really has nothing interesting about him. Even his Final Smash. But to be honest, I am coming to terms with him being in the game...verrrry slightly.

Anyways, the roster in my opinion is amazing. Yes, the clones kinda make it seem like a dud, but in retrospect, Lucina is her own character and with all the sword users (especially from Fire Emblem) it would be a bit difficult to make them all have their own unique movesets. Sakurai did say that Chrom was basically gonna be a mix of Marth and Ike. Dr. Mario, I guess its a Melee throwback, but even then Mewtwo would've made a good "throwback", but people were hoping he'd get revamped (same happened with Ganondorf, but people are still happy to see him). And Dark Pit is just bias, imo, but eh whatevs.

As everyone's pointed out all the newcomers basically have a cool and interesting gimmick to them:
  • :4villager: - use of small household items and plants to help him fight, and his moves make him interesting, like his f-air and b-air dealing with a slingshot and such
  • :4megaman: - 3rd party rep, projectiles galore, and he's been resurrected to be seen fighting against some the biggest names in gaming. Also a nostalgia factor with his classic look and references to other games like Marvel vs Capcom
  • :4wiifit: - Yoga for fighting. Yeah Dhalsim from Street Fighter uses "yoga" but not really.
  • :rosalina: - Puppet fighter with Luma. Something I didn't even suspect when I think she'd make it in the game. Genius!
  • :4littlemac: - Great ground fighter, terrible air game. Everyone expected Mac to be an all around character or basically Marth with punches.
  • :4greninja: - Has that sneaky fighter approach, and overall a surprise character from being in a game that was just barely announced.
  • :4mii:- May seem bland, but you have 3 fighting styles to choose from, plus gives the whole "create a fighter" aspect to the game, but with presets and not as much freedom.
  • :4palutena: - huge arsenal of special moves. Granted only accessible through customization, but still.
  • :4pacman: - same as Mega Man just more physical based. And again, nostalgia factor being used.
  • :4robinm: - limiting the use of special moves (tombs) and strong smash attacks (Levin sword). Plus, air smash attacks while Levin sword is active.
  • :4shulk: - buff and nerf system because of the Monado's Power
  • :4duckhunt:- zoning character. Yeah you have Fox and Falco with their blasters, but practically all of Dog's moves aside from his recovery deal with zoning. Also has the 3-character team in one (Dog, Duck, and "Hunter" due to the gunshots)
  • :4bowserjr:- first "mech" fighter in a sense seeing as how the Koopa Clown Car does all the work while he's controlling it. His play-style is more like the other characters, but still. Kinda has a Tron Bonne feel to it from Marvel vs Capcom because of him using a machine rather than fighting by himself, which everyone basically suspected.


Overkill Sarcasm
Dec 24, 2013
The Fabulous Friendly Super Sparkle Train
I think Smash 4's roster is pretty great. The only thing I don't understand the absence of is Mewtwo and Wolf, and I'd really appreciate if Sakurai actually shed some light on why they're not included.


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
The roster is good overall. No complaints here. Sure, I would have liked it even more if the Ice Climbers, Lucas and Wolf returned, but as is, it isn't a bad roster.

Also, do mind that :4darkpit: is really popular in Japan. He ranked high on polls, being on par with other iconic Nintendo characters. He's not of an outlandish or biased choice as people are making it to be.

Also, the Japanese overall didn't like :4littlemac:'s inclusion and had harsh words about his inclusion, but he was very well received in the West. As far as I know, :4darkpit: was overall better received there.
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the true enemy of humanity is anime
Feb 8, 2014
It is the most awesome roster yet. We have most character from previous titles + tons of newcomers. I fail to see how it is anything close to disappointing.


Smash Lord
Oct 28, 2013
It is the most awesome roster yet. We have most character from previous titles + tons of newcomers. I fail to see how it is anything close to disappointing.
People are just salty that XXX character didn't make the cut for SSB4. Or salty that XXX clone did make the cut. We all know this, but people do have their reasons for being salty at the SSB4 roster.


Smash Ace
May 4, 2008
I don't think I'll ever understand the people who "blame" Lucina, Dr. Mario and Dark Pit, characters that took next to no development time, for their favourite character not getting into the roster. It's okay if people don't like the roster, they're entitled to that opinion, but blaming characters on their favourite's absence is a bit irrational I think. The cold truth is, if your favourite character didn't get in, chances are they were never considered in the first place... Sorry.

I would have liked to see Mewtwo, Ridley and King K. Rool hit the spotlight too, but they didn't. We did get quite an array of unique additions though, and I'm going to just enjoy what we have.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 17, 2014
Wait, so this "disappointing" thing is still a thing?

All of the newcomers(save the clones who are glorified alts and thus should have very little effort into them) are very original/unique, and represent great parts of Nintendo history(with the exception of Greninja, but he represents the new part of Pokemon, and I think that's okay)
True, the cuts are a bit disheartening, and some expected characters not making it in is a slight downfall, but it ain't at all disappointing. Maybe controversial to some, but that's it.
And, well, to be honest...The four gaming elites standing side by side in one game...
That's history. And it's amazing.


Apr 27, 2014
Wichita, Kansas
Switch FC
SW 7896 6401 6209
Dr. Mario returned. Need I say anymore? Apparently Sakurai's favorite Melee character was Mario in a Doctors costume.
I was going to give a really big reply for an argument against everyone of your points, but I got to here and I dismissed this entire thread.

TL;DR of the thread
"My fav character didn't get in whaaa"


Banned via Administration
Jul 8, 2012
Yeah, I don't believe this is the most controversial or disappointing roster. At least, I don't feel it should be. The only reason I'd consider it more controversial than previous rosters would be because the Smash community is bigger and more vocal than it was on previous games. That, and the fact that every 10 seconds a leaker has new evidence of Ridley. People get hyped up on fake leaks and then disappointed when the leaks are false, and I don't think people would be NEARLY as disappointed if this game had come out without any leaks. Sure, they'd still be bummed that Ridley (or Dixie, or whatever flavor of the week character we want to complain about) wasn't in the game, but without someone promising that he was I don't think it would sting as much. You couldn't play Ridley in any of the other games either.

And disappointing? I think this roster is awesome. First of all you've got a ton of returning characters which is good cause at one point early on I heard talk of focusing on a smaller, more unique roster. You've got some cool thinking-outside-the-box characters like Villager, WFT, or Duck Hunt. And you've got characters who should have been in the game a long time ago like Little Mac and Bowser Jr. This is a fantastic roster and I feel strongly that anyone who says otherwise is just butthurt that their personal favorite didn't make it in.

If there are 20 characters you wish you could take OUT and put 20 DIFFERENT characters in, then I suppose you have a legitimate claim to saying you hate the roster, but everyone I've truly questioned about why they hate the roster always says it's because x, y, and z didn't get in. Not even that they hate anyone ON the roster, just raging because 3 or 4 characters they could think of didn't make it in, and that makes the whole game garbage for them.

Now if Bowser Jr or Ness didn't make it into the game, THEN the roster would be garbage.
RIDLEY AND DIXIE FLAVOR OF THE WEKK...AHAHAHAHAHA! That's a really good one, I almost took you seriously, fantastic roster? Yeah right, no fan-favorites made the cut while Sakurai was too busy doing the exact opposite of what the fanbase wanted, Ridley, K.Rool and Mewtwo should've been worked on from the very beggining.

And the whole 'four gaming giants' you do realize three of those 4 characters are third-parties, right? We WANT NINTENDO ALL-STARS, NOT A BUNCH OF C-LISTERS, THIRD-PARTIES AND ABSOLUTELY WRETCHED CLONES. We didn't get the one character that should've been in the game since Melee.

I hate the roster because there's just so much Sakurai being 'creative' rather than actually listening to the fanbase's requests, and don't come at me with this 'Dark Pit's popular in Japan' bull**** because he's still the same character with the word Dark added to the name, no one should even consider him as his own separate character because he's not.
While I'd have cut Falco over Wolf, every other cut was just fine in my opinion, and made the game far better.
What are you even on right now? So cutting the villain of Starfox, two of the most iconic Pokemon to add a flavor of the month no-one, cutting Earthbound's representation IN HALF and GETTING RID OF TWO ENTIRE FRANCHISES made the game better? The Sakurai apologist is strong on this one.
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Smash Lord
Oct 28, 2013
RIDLEY AND DIXIE FLAVOR OF THE WEKK...AHAHAHAHAHA! That's a really good one, I almost took you seriously, fantastic roster? Yeah right, no fan-favorites made the cut while Sakurai was too busy doing the exact opposite of what the fanbase wanted, Ridley, K.Rool and Mewtwo should've been worked on from the very beggining.
I agree with Mewtewo.
I think Dixie is a better choice than K.Rool. But I'm not fuzzed either way, if he had made it in.
Ridley as a playable character would hurt Smash4 is so many ways we know and so many we do not. Sakurai not having it in the game as a playable character was a wise move on his part.


Smash Hero
Jan 28, 2014
Buried under 990+ weapons
RIDLEY AND DIXIE FLAVOR OF THE WEKK...AHAHAHAHAHA! That's a really good one, I almost took you seriously, fantastic roster? Yeah right, no fan-favorites made the cut while Sakurai was too busy doing the exact opposite of what the fanbase wanted, Ridley, K.Rool and Mewtwo should've been worked on from the very beggining.

And the whole 'four gaming giants' you do realize three of those 4 characters are third-parties, right? We WANT NINTENDO ALL-STARS, NOT A BUNCH OF C-LISTERS, THIRD-PARTIES AND ABSOLUTELY WRETCHED CLONES. We didn't get the one character that should've been in the game since Melee.

I hate the roster because there's just so much Sakurai being 'creative' rather than actually listening to the fanbase's requests, and don't come at me with this 'Dark Pit's popular in Japan' bull**** because he's still the same character with the word Dark added to the name, no one should even consider him as his own separate character because he's not.
You act as if the characters added weren't wanted. All of them had significant fanbases ('sides WFT for obvious reasons) and unique movesets that make sense (sans the clones (it's sad that I have to go out of my way to say this since somebody is going to end up "correcting" me)).

You're coming off as pretty hypocritical. You're pretty obviously a Kid Icarus fan, and you main Lucina. Sakurai has said time and time again that there was only time for the clones. They didn't take anybody's spot, 'cept perhaps Alph as a clone.

And what's this about C-listers? Yeah, no. Who are you talking about, exactly?

Dark Pit is 1000x better then nothing. The rage he causes is worth it since the fans will appreciate him. It's just that simple.

Clint Jaguar

Smash Journeyman
Feb 25, 2014
Preston, England
The only part of the roster that I'm really disappointed with is the exclusion of the Ice Climbers. I mean the ONLY reason they didn't make it, is because the 3DS version couldn't handle them and for some asinine reason both versions have to have the same roster.

And can people stop with the excuse that certain characters can be added in later through DLC. That's not a good reason to not have them in the final version of the game.
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Smash Journeyman
Mar 10, 2010
I don't see the problem with this roster. The more characters the better, no matter how much biased Sakurai gets (Dark Pit is one of my mains now).


Smash Apprentice
Jun 14, 2014
over here
I agree with Mewtewo.
I think Dixie is a better choice than K.Rool. But I'm not fuzzed either way, if he had made it in.
Ridley as a playable character would hurt Smash4 is so many ways we know and so many we do not. Sakurai not having it in the game as a playable character was a wise move on his part.
Kinda curious to find out what you mean exactly by "hurt Smash4 in so many ways we know" in regards to Ridley. I really don't see how one character would bring down the entire game.


Smash Ace
Jun 30, 2014
United Kingdom
I honestly don't know what is wrong with Isaac. Meh I always knew that he wouldn't make it in, another Mario rep over a franchise that hasn't been represented properly!

Oh and Falco isn't a clone. Honestly don't understand where people are getting this idea from =/.
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Banned via Administration
Jul 8, 2012
I agree with Mewtewo.
I think Dixie is a better choice than K.Rool. But I'm not fuzzed either way, if he had made it in.
Ridley as a playable character would hurt Smash4 is so many ways we know and so many we do not. Sakurai not having it in the game as a playable character was a wise move on his part.
HOW, HOW would Ridley as a playable character hurt Smash4, what's wrong with you? The only thing Ridley would do to Smash4 would be make it the best character game ever. In so many ways we know? I don't see any downside to Ridley being playable, he's a Nintendo All-Star, he's Samus' nemesis, he's a Metroid character, and it would finally let us know that Sakurai will budge under enough pressure from the biggest, loudest fanbases. It would be Sakurai 0, the fans 1. Celebrating a character not making it in, that's a low one.
You act as if the characters added weren't wanted. All of them had significant fanbases ('sides WFT for obvious reasons) and unique movesets that make sense (sans the clones (it's sad that I have to go out of my way to say this since somebody is going to end up "correcting" me)).

You're coming off as pretty hypocritical. You're pretty obviously a Kid Icarus fan, and you main Lucina. Sakurai has said time and time again that there was only time for the clones. They didn't take anybody's spot, 'cept perhaps Alph as a clone.

And what's this about C-listers? Yeah, no. Who are you talking about, exactly?

Dark Pit is 1000x better then nothing. The rage he causes is worth it since the fans will appreciate him. It's just that simple.
He causes rage because he never deserved even being a clone, he deserves being an Alternate Costume at best, same for Dr. Mario, at least Lucina's a different character, unlike those two wretched abominations. And most of the characters weren't AS wanted as Ridley, K.Rool and Mewtwo, if you're going to listen to the fans, listen to the loudest fans.
Kinda curious to find out what you mean exactly by "hurt Smash4 in so many ways we know" in regards to Ridley. I really don't see how one character would bring down the entire game.
He's just angry at the thought of a fanbase that was tortured for a year by the power-hungry developer finally getting what they have wanted and deserved for so long. These are the kind of people that make us have characters like DHD and Greninja.
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Smash Apprentice
Jun 14, 2014
over here
I honestly don't know what is wrong with Isaac. Meh I always knew that he wouldn't make it in, another Mario rep over a franchise that hasn't been represented properly!

Oh and Falco isn't a clone. Honestly don't understand where people are getting this idea from =/.
I agree that Falco isn't a clone, I just think that many people think of him as closer to Fox than Wolf. Since Wolf is gone now naturally people are gonna complain that the one who was closer to his own character in terms of moveset was removed while Falco stayed.


Smash Lord
Apr 18, 2014
They brought back mostly everyone from Brawl, added a lot more awesome characters, increasing the roster count and it's controversial? Yeah, totally disappointing. :rolleyes:
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Smash Hero
Jan 28, 2014
Buried under 990+ weapons
He causes rage because he never deserved even being a clone, he deserves being an Alternate Costume at best, same for Dr. Mario, at least Lucina's a different character, unlike those two wretched abominations. And most of the characters weren't AS wanted as Ridley, K.Rool and Mewtwo, if you're going to listen to the fans, listen to the loudest fans.
If you're going to listen to fans, listen to ALL of them. Sakurai has been supporting the silent majority for years, starting with Kirby's Dream Land. This is yet another example. How much appeal do the reptiles and monkeys have outside their own fanbases? Not alot, especially if they have dull moves. The dude with the thunderbolt sword and magic will find (has found, now that the game is out) fans in those who haven't even heard of Fire Emblem, thanks in part to his design and unique moves. WFT will find fans in those who want to poke fun at the roster haters. K. Rool would be a big guy with a heavy projectile and suction. Sound familiar? :4dedede: I'll take unique characters over these supposedly popular characters any day.

Who made you the final arbiter on who lives and dies deserves to be a clone or not? People like Dark Pit. Every other kid on Miiverse mains him. He was most certainly a valid choice.
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