Smash Champion
this is what I think
Why the Effword. are mute city, rainbow cruise, Brinstar! and Corneria(in some tourneys) legal
one stage is on a ****ing race track.....
one is on a magical adventure in the sky where platforms disappear and blocks randomly fall out of the air after you stand on them for a few seconds.
one stage is randomly engulfed in lava, and falls apart.
one stage is actually ****ing bombarded by space-fighter squadron lasers.
My suggestions
suggestion 1
all matches start on final destination, the loser counter picks from yoshis, Fod, Battlefield, Dreamland
suggestion 2
normal tourney standard for 1st match stage striking random neutrals etc.
but counterpicks only consist of yoshis, FoD, battlefield, dreamland or FD
suggestion 3
Final destination and Dreamland are the only neutrals on random
counter picks only consist of Final Destination or Dreamland.
Just think if you were a samurai about to duel another samurai......to the DEATH
you wouldn't be like "hey I think we should do this on a freeway during rushhour"
or "meet me in the giant Pit of Lava"
you'd ****ing meet in an open field or some ****. c'mon this is ridiculous.
Why the Effword. are mute city, rainbow cruise, Brinstar! and Corneria(in some tourneys) legal
one stage is on a ****ing race track.....
one is on a magical adventure in the sky where platforms disappear and blocks randomly fall out of the air after you stand on them for a few seconds.
one stage is randomly engulfed in lava, and falls apart.
one stage is actually ****ing bombarded by space-fighter squadron lasers.
My suggestions
suggestion 1
all matches start on final destination, the loser counter picks from yoshis, Fod, Battlefield, Dreamland
suggestion 2
normal tourney standard for 1st match stage striking random neutrals etc.
but counterpicks only consist of yoshis, FoD, battlefield, dreamland or FD
suggestion 3
Final destination and Dreamland are the only neutrals on random
counter picks only consist of Final Destination or Dreamland.
Just think if you were a samurai about to duel another samurai......to the DEATH
you wouldn't be like "hey I think we should do this on a freeway during rushhour"
or "meet me in the giant Pit of Lava"
you'd ****ing meet in an open field or some ****. c'mon this is ridiculous.