I really sighed when I found out that they where transferring this game to the Wii when I had bought the PS3, with Monster Hunter 3 being one of the big anticipation games for it. However, I might just be willing to buy a Wii for this game alone though, simply because it's most likely going to be good.
Lol...I remember the good old Monster Hunter 1 game, hahahaha, I played a female, since most of the male gears looked completely horrid. However Khezu Set, Los Set, Borialis (<---is that how you spell it?) set, Black Dragon Set, all of them where rocking. Also remember, the good old HeadLocking from Monster Hunter 1, now that was true beast. Especially if you got 3 other people with you who could squad and most importantly, they could HL as well, made tackling opponents like Gravios, and Duo Blos ridiculously easy. Lol, the monster BDS, gosh I miss that weapon, Dual Swords rocked...too bad that weren't all that good in the original.
Play a bit of the PSP one, hated the controllers, even though they where newbified, it was too lame. However the game itself was great though, without a doubt.
Anyhow, here's to hoping MH3 delivers, and seeing how Capcom has been beasting everything these days (SF:IV, RE5, DMC4, etc, etc), I'm sure I won't be disappointed.