MK vs Ike...
what advantages do you have over ike as meta?
Mk vs Ike
Metaknight has a huge advantage over ike knock him off he is dead he dies at like nothing from just a nair and maybe a dair if necessarily.
what disadvantages do you have?
Ike is really strong with good spacing and jab mix up grabs you can die at like 60% at 100% you are allready considered on life support. But then again this is a good ike. He has a really good mix up. It could be your last shuttle loop
if you were ike facing yourself as meta how would you take advantage?
If it was me I would use good spacing with some down throws to get him near the end of the stage knock him off with a down A and well that's GG some of the ikes I play don't even try to come back when they get knocked off because they know they are dead. But others are more stubborn and try to act like fake me out Spartans. With they'll have to play a hefty price if he does a regular up+B down spike his *** (dair). If he tries to the forward b dash recovery jump out there and neutral then to show him who is bad@ss you dair him for no reason the neutral A along will kill him the dair is just because you can. Then in just witting all of this down trying to help ya out I realized yet another thing you still have the down b mixup. down b and grab the edge this will trick him if you are always coming after him. Another approach is actually let him grab on to the stage this is very "situational" because this is assuming you both are off the stage trying to recover/kill. Then shadow loop since he is grabbing on he should get stage spiked. Then he goes WTF that was so fluke and you say yea I know skills do that some times.
I agree with infinity though becase you have it big over ike still.