bad news time. i'm dropping the Waddle Doo project. it's been fun doing it, but it was kind of an accident that i ended up doing it, but not in a bad way. it helped me learn how to animate, which aparently animators are few here. the Bowser Jr project needs help, so that's what i'll be doing. and i couldn't really figure out how to PSA very well. so if anyone wants, i can upload what i have. i have a few attack animations done, and i was in the process of porting him to Pikach. i got sick of the Pikmin, and i actually found out that with Waddle Doo on Pikachu, Waddle Doo's model doesn't keep disappearing, which i couldn't figure out how to fix with him over Olimar. and i may have a different project that will require Olimar for his bone structure. and really, the entire reason WD was over Olimar was because he was the first one i could get WD to show up on, and since i now know why WD didn't show up on anyone else, i started to put him over Pikachu. so if anyone wants to continue doing Waddle Doo, i'll send you the files of what i have, and you'll have a good start on him too.