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Faith, Hope, Love, Luck
Jul 6, 2005
Brisbane, Australia
Link to original post: [drupal=968]Melee[/drupal]

Like a lot of the old fogies around here (By which I mean people who joined before 2007), I grew up on Melee. Melee is an incredible thing. I grew up watching the likes of SephirothKen and Bombsoldier battling it out at JGT6, I grew up trying to argue to newbies on other forums that Marth is superior to Roy.

It was like a spectator sport, or is. Even across an ocean, I felt like I was one of many many smashers watching, following the ups and downs of the greatest players of Melee's time.

Brawl changed everything, but I'm not really going to talk about it much. Only, that it's taken the spotlight away. No longer does the Melee subforums of smashboards represent the central hub of activity it once held.

Yesterday I went to a Melee smash meet. The first time in a long time. It was in a quaint little town called Nundah. Nundah is a suburb of Brisbane, a while away from the inner city. Pretty typical of your east coast suburbs here. A mix of new houses built up by house renovators and old, dilapidated houses, their paint peeling away everywhere, and barely look like they can support their own weight (A lot of houses are built off the ground to help insulate them during the hot season (which is during the American winter).

My good friend Josh, known on smashboards as "King Kong" lives in a share house with several other uni students, renting out one of the aforementioned sun worn, creaky houses. Says the owners are parents of a friend, and let them rent it for $50 a week. Though given the state of the house, that's about all anybody could ask for it.

Josh is a good guy. He played against Ken once. His DK against Ken's Marth. Josh managed to 0-death Ken on the first stock, but the proceeded to be 3-stocked. His DK is amazing. Really.

The place was about as tidy as a uni student den could be, not that it mattered since we weren't going to be playing Melee inside the house.

Aparently, there was a room underneath the house. It's not so much a room as it was a slab of concrete with (widely) spaced planks of wood making up the 'walls'. But when we got there, it was good to see Josh and another familiar smasher, Scrubs, there too.

So we all took up seating amongst the random objects in the room. A locker and two cinder blocks serving as the only support for the breaking toilet floor above us.

But even then, in a 'room' consisting of half concrete and half dirt, we played Melee. As more people arrived, and the afternoon wore on, it didn't seem so bad. More than that, my Fox seemed to get better as I warmed up as well.

Sitting on a couch between a drum kit and a washing machine, Josh and I played out virtually every top tier match up we could come up with. My Falco against his Sheik were the toughest. We were playing 3-stock matches (We're so Japanese lololol) and even then a match on Pokemon stadium lasted 6 minutes. Laser Vs Needle camping. It doesn't get much more intense than that.

Amazingly, I started pulling off stuff like Shine-Bair combo's with Falco. Not that it's particularly hard to do, but I'd never implemented it into my game before. I even taught myself how to double shine back in the day, but never the Shine-Bair combo. I was pretty happy with my progress by the end of the evening, and I wanted to practice some more.

This year, in Australia at least, Melee is returning to form. In both Queensland and Victoria, there are events catering for Melee where they weren't last year.

Melee can and will make a resurgence if we really want it to. But in a way, I'm kind of disapointed in quite a few members of the smashboards Melee community.

You can't force your ideals on to people. You can't simply state that Melee is superior, nor can you write out a 1000 word essay on why Melee is better (than Brawl that is).

When I look at the situation, I look at it from the point of view of a Tournament Organiser trying to ensure the long term existence of a tournament scene for Melee.

If I want Melee to exist. I have to accept that Brawl is there too. I have to accept that people like Brawl. That in no way means that those same people can't like Melee. Making people feel bad for liking Brawl, and then telling them to play Melee will only incite a negative response.

In the end, if that kind of attitude towards Brawl continues in the Melee scene, it will die. Smash for me, for everyone, is a community thing. People go see movies on the weekend. Others go to smash tournaments. If people are going to be hostile about it, going to be hostile at the first mention of Brawl, then I wouldn't want to try the game out either, not because of the game, but because of the people around it.

I'm just saying be nice, be respectful I guess. I try to be that way when I'm dealing with individuals. I try to do as much as I can to cater for every kind of smasher with my yearly tournament schedule.

It's too much to expect that to happen though. It's rather selfish of me really. Maybe I take the internet way too seriously.

For the Brawlers that are reading this, I just want to say it's okay to like Brawl over Melee. I believe there are qualities in Brawl that Melee lacks, but that mindset is very opinionated. I think everybody who has never played Melee should try it out. Play it for a day and try to get advanced techniques down. Watch some matches on Youtube. Don't worry about anything else.

I don't know what I'm trying to say with all this. I mostly wanted to recount that evening, under a house an hour's drive from my place.

No more discontent. Nothing can change from it.

I'm going to play Melee & Brawl.


Through Fire, Justice is Served
Super Moderator
Oct 23, 2008
Beastector HQ
A good read.
Personally, I believe that most people in either the Melee or Brawl community respect someone's preference of a game as an opinion, and will not show animosity unless one party tries to shove it down the other's throat.
You're right though, people should grow up and just live and let live.
The Play Melee thing is a joke btw, if that's what brought this on lol.


Social Outcast
May 30, 2008
Perth, Western Australia
I have to agree with you vyse - I play both melee and brawl and enjoy both of them.

I may have only joined the boards last year, but I've lurked since 2006. I never went to melee tournaments, but I decided to enter one in perth recently just to try it out. It was great.

What disappoints me is the people that bash brawl/melee (like you said). They're both great games, and if you prefer one over the other there's no reason to get disrespectful towards others about it.

Anyway nice blog.


Smash Lord
Jul 25, 2005
Chicagoland (NW Indiana)/Purdue West Lafayette
I barely play Brawl, but when I do I play pink Meta and the name "MELEE." Really, Brawl is so slow that all I have to do is space like a madman. Luckily, this is by far the strongest aspect of my Melee game.

The first time I tried to play both, playing one screwed up the other. Now I've separated the two in my head. I can play both. I still get bored playing Brawl, but I've always loved spacing, and MK is really a beast. The only way MK could be a better character is if he became heavier and got Fox's jump-cancellable Melee shine.

That said, if I have to choose between Melee and Brawl, I choose Melee. But now if I got to a Melee/Brawl tournament, I can still play Brawl.

Brawl has also seemed to weed out all the scrubs from the Melee community. Nowadays, intelligent discussion is way more common on the Melee boards. I live in the Midwest, and I have an easier time finding a Melee tournament around me than a Brawl one. I really wouldn't be surprised if in a year or so, Melee is back on top. With old pros like Drephen, PC, and Chu playing again, it seems to be inevitable.


Faith, Hope, Love, Luck
Jul 6, 2005
Brisbane, Australia
I've read in different places that PC plans on coming back to Melee (more than he has done so for the last year - apparently anyway).

Yeah, I realise that 'Play Melee' thing is a joke. That's only a very small part of why I posted what I did. It has a lot more to do with the situation we're experiencing in Australia.


Smash Hater
Mar 22, 2008
Video Games
lol well i dont think thats the case here in SA

@ reloaded no one cared about melee, and brawl attracted so many new people who ive never seen at tourneys, hopefully a sign of better things to come.

Anyway imo hating one game or the other, and then turning this hate into a personal issue is just plain immature. Its almost as bad as listening to console fanboys argue about graphics processing power.


Smash Ace
Jan 5, 2009
A lot of the hate, in my opinion, isn't true. Most of the people who say "brawl sucks" or "melee sucks" are the kind of people who are highly influenced by what other people are saying at the time. For example, a lot of people say "**** Bush", but when you ask them, "why do you hate bush?" they have no answer because they are only following a stereotype. This goes for smash brothers too, a lot of people say what they say because someone else they know said it, and they want to be a part of the "fad" or "group". Basically what I am trying to say is that 90% of the people who say what they say are uneducated on the subject.

Mr. Rogu

Smash Ace
May 26, 2008
Cruisin in my Jeep.. I wish.
vyse makes a really good point. i play both games too, brawl and melee. in fact i still play 64 too. but i do play brawl the most. some people treat the whole brawl/melee situation like a crime to like both games. there all great games its just that i think since brawl is still new, people are still wanting to try it simply because its new. some will stick to it and love it, others will not like it so much or at all and go with melee. thats how it goes basically.


Faith, Hope, Love, Luck
Jul 6, 2005
Brisbane, Australia
lol well i dont think thats the case here in SA

@ reloaded no one cared about melee, and brawl attracted so many new people who ive never seen at tourneys, hopefully a sign of better things to come.

Anyway imo hating one game or the other, and then turning this hate into a personal issue is just plain immature. Its almost as bad as listening to console fanboys argue about graphics processing power.
Even more annoying are the people *****ing about Nintendo's supposed 'Casual' bias. It gets really old, really fast.

People waited 6 years for Twilight Princess (since the 01 Space World trailer).
: 0

Red Arremer

Smash Legend
Nov 27, 2005
Oh vyse. You are definitely worth your orange nickname. Beautiful story. <3

And so true!

i agree, i like brawl and melee equally, although im ilke over 9000 times betetr @ brawl...:p
I'm the exact opposite. I'm far better in Melee than in Brawl. No idea why. ¬¬


Faith, Hope, Love, Luck
Jul 6, 2005
Brisbane, Australia
Haha, well I kinda swapped between writing a blog and a narrative here.

Then again, they aren't that much different : 0


Smash Legend
May 8, 2008
A lot of the hate, in my opinion, isn't true. Most of the people who say "brawl sucks" or "melee sucks" are the kind of people who are highly influenced by what other people are saying at the time. For example, a lot of people say "**** Bush", but when you ask them, "why do you hate bush?" they have no answer because they are only following a stereotype. This goes for smash brothers too, a lot of people say what they say because someone else they know said it, and they want to be a part of the "fad" or "group". Basically what I am trying to say is that 90% of the people who say what they say are uneducated on the subject.

Good read Vyse. :]


Faith, Hope, Love, Luck
Jul 6, 2005
Brisbane, Australia
That much is true I guess, Bun-chan.

But at the same time, it doesn't give a lot of credit to Melee players that firmly believe Melee is the better game. Melee requires more technical skill, and allows for more diverse movement options. Those are facts, not opinions.

It's up to Brawlers to justify why they give preference to Brawl. I give preference to it because the competitive scene for it is larger, and it's a more popular game. I can justifiably pursue a competitive scene for it in my country and know that it is reasonably viable.

AlphaZealot is another educated person that has written about the positive aspects of Brawl as well.

He makes a lot of good points highlighting what Brawl has over Melee. It's an old article, but it still has some very good food for thought.

Also, my new avatar is sizzling hot.

Jam Stunna

Writer of Fortune
May 6, 2006
Hartford, CT
Nothing will ever change my opinion that Brawl is totally inferior to Melee in every single way.

That said, I have been considering getting back into the Brawl scene. I love fighting games, and with more coming out this year, I want to play as many as I can. So I'll be going hardcore with Melee, Guilty Gear, BlazBlue, Street Fighter 4, and Arcana Heart 2. I might as well throw Brawl on the list.


Faith, Hope, Love, Luck
Jul 6, 2005
Brisbane, Australia
I saw Guilty Gear Accent Core for like $30 the other day.
I really should've bought it :(

Been getting into Tekken 6 lately.
Went through a few characters and I've found that Anna has big is really easy for me to use.

Jam Stunna

Writer of Fortune
May 6, 2006
Hartford, CT
vyse, I would love you forever if you got BlazBlue.

Also, I'm going to try and borrow my friend's copy of Brawl soon. We should play that too.


Faith, Hope, Love, Luck
Jul 6, 2005
Brisbane, Australia
I keep reading the name 'BlazBlue' but have never heard anything about it.

What console is it on? (Goes to check)

Ah, PS3.

Maybe I should ditch the plane tickets to Genesis and buy a PS3?

I am expecting a $1500+ pay check next payday since I haven't been paid over the holidays...<3


I hope it comes out in the arcades, blazblue. Can't find Guilty Gear anywhere in Australia arcade wise.
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