My 1st skype sessions notes with Cheeseface Immortal (pro ST player)
ST: Cheeseface Immortal
1: spacing/distance between you and your opponent/positioning (taking advantage of disjointed hitboxes and max ranges etc.) footsies/knowing range for continuing combo
2: Holding the space they want (the space that gives them the most advantages) (very matchup specific). Knowing the available options from both players at said space.
3: reacting to impulsive decisions/reacting to changing in positioning. In the space there is poking/counter poking, and due to a high chance of there being a life lead someone HAS to commit in some way to making a move, and from there proper and superior spacing/position will lead to a possible knockdown/tick throw and follow up as a result. Or it may lead to just chip damage, which will further apply the pressure of the clock.
4: Sometimes combos are even finished in a way that sacrifices maximum damage for holding/gaining an advantageous position.
5: safe jumping -> A deep jump in that if your opponent does an attack without invincibility will hit them, if they do a move with invincibility you will have time to block and punish, and if they block you go into a block string. -> this is similar but this isn’t the safe jump, this leads into a free grab based on T. Hawk knowing his ranges and options for both him and chun.
6: Boxer vs T.Hawk – Boxer changes his seemingly static game plan drastically simply because of how important matchups are. Boxer’s normal game plan utilizes the same ideal range as T.Hawk, but because T.Hawk has an advantage in the matchup in that space Boxer is forced to play a more footsie/zoning game plan. Refer back to the safe jump clip
7: Tick throwing – using block stun to put an opponent in a position in which the will get thrown if they don’t reversal out (the reversal can be baited and punished also though).
It's amazing how a lot of this is EXACTLY how we think when we play melee >_< this has just come to my attention. Do you guys think I should go into further depth about the similarities and stuff? Comparing tactics we pointed out and not just fundamentals shared by all fighters?