Shiz would be top of the top 10 melee players in florida, but who is at the top of the top 10 HUMAN melee players in florida?
Shiz being robotic obviously gives him unfair advantages over us puny humans.
Also, RockCrock is probably the most underused phrase I've ever heard. I say it at least 10 times a day.
"Hey dude, have you seen that girl's rockcrocks? They are uber!"
"Really, wow! That's rockcrockin!, I need to check them out"
I haven't seen cashmooney in 17 months.
Andy(QDVS) is probably the best Melee player in dog years.
I live in the same apartment as Andy, and we build Gameboys out of old computer equipment and shoeboxes.
Colin (COLBOL) is more into cats than he is into smash. He has more cats than most nuns.
He has a cat named PJ. (Who lives under the constant threat of murder)
He has a cat named Starfox. (The largest cat I have ever seen by a ratio of 2:1)
And he has a black cat with no name, who is stupid and unsociable.
That's the scoop, Peter Parker.