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Melee/PM: GameClucks (Washington): August 3rd!


Banned (62 points)
Jul 11, 2005
Edmonds, Washington
This is Hitsugaya.

We didnt get in until around 10pm (Adam, Eric and myself)
Tiep and Ryan didnt get here until around 12 because Ryan didn't bring his passport and they had to miss the train and bus it down here.

Also Im pretty sure that previous double post on Gimpy's account was Ryan. Since he was trying to double post in the BC Thread but failed so he did it here


Smash Lord
Oct 4, 2005
Bellingham, WA
Good tourney. Nice seeing lots of people.

WTF otto, good job man!! 2nd place. I can see you going really far this year. Go to MLG's ;-)

Teddy - What can I say? I represent like, 1/9th of everything you hate...(fox mains, lol)
But hey, at least you beat me. I enjoy playing against you.

Eggz - T_T Is it some curse that I lose to you by a hair on our third game!? Don't ever sandbag against me, I'll destroy you! >:-(

CowEar - Man...good games. Your fox reminds me a lot of how I play...except for apparently better, lol. You guys should come down to B'ham and smash since you live relatively close. We hold tournament here sporadically. And I'd like to practice against you.

I actually didn't play very many of you this time around...sad.

And sorry my 'crew' didn't stick around for the battles. You guys should come up here and face our 'real' crew. I'll host a tourney soon.

Blair - shoutouts seem kind of irrelevant concerning you because you probably dont even read them, but good job on winning as usual...haha.

Link - WTF!? Leaving when you were pretty much looking at 1st or 2nd place!? No johns. I hope you left nothing short of your mother dying... :-X

Till next time.


Smash Lord
Apr 29, 2005
Des Moines/Renton, WA
1) Blair
2) SilentWolf
3) Ka-Master

1) Tori and Ka-Master
2) Blair and Link

so sleepy......
Certainly was quite a lot of fun. Very nice turnout too.
I got to see Blair pull off one of the craziest comboes I have ever witnessed....

I wasnt too happy about fighting a Fox player every match in singles though, haha.
Power Rankings are gonna get even more confusing now....****.

shoutouts being edited in now....

SilentWolf - Lol wtf. you really did well in this tournament. you were only 1 game from taking to whole thing. good job.

Tori - Lol probably the most hilarious ending of a match during the tournament. It seems strange that we didnt end up playing against each other after all the practice we had in the past few days. GJ on first in teams.

Dan - Lol, dont worry, with the absurd abundance of fox players out there, I surely enjoy playing against your fox in comparison. =P

Gimpy - lol gj housing canada and bringing recording equipment unlike anyone ever. Hopefully playing against double Peach in teams wasnt too bad, haha.

Ka-Master - I'm still amazed by how good you are. but seriously.....counterpicking Marth against Otto!?!? lol wtf. GJ on teams.

Eggz - Our matches were pretty crazy. I was pretty confident after the first match, but you adjusted very well to DreamLand and came very close to beating me this time. GJ beating Tori.

Hero - Its nice to see you picking up a higher tier secondary, even though it didnt really work out well this time. =P

Link - lol wtf no work johns. enjoy your "Burning Crusade"

Blair - fox is broken. Blair is broken too. That combination is certainly too much to handle. GJ winning singles for the zillionth time lol.

Chris and Henry - wtf no johns

Canadians - Great times, lots of fun to hang out with you guys. Glad you came down for the tourney. I enjoyed playing double Peaches with Hitsugaya.

Paul/Emo$ - Hope you enjoyed the tourney. Enjoy your underage girls till next Gameclucks. =P

Zeru - you certainly arent helping your position in the rankings by missing these tournaments.

Everyone Else - Good games, thanks for coming.
Jun 27, 2005
the west

Eggz: Good job in the beating of the Tori and the almost winning that mm vs him. Nice job beating dan...again. Also nice job in the crew battle, 7 stock as usual.

Tori: Ammon's too good and so are you. nice job in 2v2, me and Shane got a win though, we bad. gj in 1v1 team battle too.

Reggie: We sure have our moments making random jokes about everyone while playing the most epic matches in the universe. XD

Ammon: If I would've stayed Fox, chances are I would've had your **** in my ***. Sorry I had to semi-camp with Sheik with my counter on my counter, same with Falco, and thanks for being Marth, I do that match up with Nate all the time. =P

Dan: You're still a better Dan than anyone, way to Dan it up Dan style Dan. Me and Shane Danned a lot in our 2v2s vs you guys. XD Too good. Dan.

Eric: GG in our mm and It was great seeing you again. you've gotten a lot better, and I still have more Falco practice than anyone. =P

Adam: omg I actually semi played you this time! Too bad it was Sheik Ganon on FD. XD gg though.

Tiep: I'm glad Tori told me what to do vs you in tourney, i was worried to play you. GGs, and that mm was kinda dumb because I had negative motivation. XD

Ryan: You got Dan goin on. Dan. gj vs Dan. Way to give Gimpy a warning >.>

Teddy: I don't see why you wouldn't have tried vs me like i think you claimed to not have? You usually beat me. and if anything, playing foxes before me would help you. ggs, lets smash more as usual at nates n stuff.

Gimpy: Way to succeed by bringing that DVD recording thing and putting up with my sheik. thanks for the compliments too. also the cokes.

Paul: quit luigi. XD hes bad.

Metroid: we will definitely try to make it to spokane, we have most of it worked out.

Blair: too good. im glad my sheik did as good as it did. ggs. congratulations you got the fox trophy.

link: yay, too bad we played on the tv with lag. ggs. no work johns. i didnt want to play blair.

mike: that sucks that you couldnt make it and that when you tried to the snow said no. same with RC.


Smash Lord
Sep 7, 2005
Olympia, WA

Everyone who made me look like I bearly knew how to play this game. (so pretty much everybody)

gimpy fish for three stocking me with bowser, you're awesome

tori (?) for almost four stocking me, best falco I've ever played against. hopefully next time we play I will be able to move around a bit more :laugh:

silent wolf for shouting out to me. woooo!

captain obvious for being good at n64

people who liked my game and watch


Smash Hero
Sep 16, 2005
Combo Status Island
**** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** **** ****

Silent Otto man- Props on second. Play less gay. rofl. Its a technical gay though...>_> lol Cya next weekend.

NightBlade- Hey man, if you are into smash, you should call me sometime and come play with me and ammon, since we breathe and eat smash. 425-923-5796

Torithy: Our money matches are hella tight. Except that I have to just space **** and spotdodge. I hate it. XD. I love getting combo'd by your characters though. Too fun. Good thing all that amazzzzing stuff was recorded, yayuhhhhz! Oh yeah, GG in tourney. >>

Ben: Sorry for being a **** all the time. Its all in good fun. Anyway, your getting alot better, and clowning with/on you is fun. Your Falco is fast, but it needs mindgraines. Your basically in the developing stages of an Otto type.


Ammon: I'll provide you with ample shiek practice. Also, counter shiek with fox next time. And dont FD falco. And win so I can mooch off you.

Dan: Dandandandandandandan. I love playing you, your too fun of a guy. Your Dan-Dannery is too Dan unless your Dan then its only pretty Dan, so Dan it up Dan. GG dan. <3 Dan.

Dan's crewmates (I dont know your names guys, I'm really sorry): GG in 2v2s and friendlies. Your Falco is pretty good (to Dan's teammate). You guys are funzors.

Loop: We had really good matches, I fear jigglypuff alot. Rest is ****in gay. XD Your too good man.

Touk: You owe me money. *a money match (Same thing anyway rofl zing)

Eric: It was great to see you again sweety, I loved making snow angels <3333. Also, our money matches were ****in sick mang. GG all around, I'm glad we got some recorded.

Adam: DINOSAUR POWER!!!!!!!!!!! Our matches were my favorite of the day. I love canadians. Combos all around. Your my favorite person to fight everrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Also your ****in hilarious **** ********

Tiep: Your Samus made me not hate Samus anymore. Your mindgraines are too good for the hood. You skillz are ****in tight son, nah mean?

Ryan: I noticed that you enjoyed Gimpy's toy. GG. Your too hilarious, and your fox is like Dan on crack. Too good.

John: Your hilarious and fuzzy like a kitten. GG, your peach rizapes hard.

Teddy: Our matches were so close after I remembered how to fight peach, man those were good. I love our matches. They bring out the camper in me. And sometimes I combo to like 70% I guess thats cool.

Gimpy: Money match, Roy VS Bowser, INCOMPLETE. Thanks alot for bringing recording stuff and being hilarious all the time. Cya hopefully next week.

Paul: Go to more smash events and I'll start hanging out with you again. >=[ bros before hoes. Or movies with us. No ho johns.

Metroid: Thanks for coming, but next time play me.

Blair: Sorry about the incomplete money match, but man your too good. Complete money matches next time foooor show mangz.

link: Wow, still have yet to play you once. GG.

mike: I bumped you below Dan because you didn't make it.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 24, 2003
good games guys. there is too many people to name so just gg.

We should try and make these tourneys into biweeklies or at least tri weeklies. monthlies is too long between tourneys there.
we should keep it at a month. that way more people keep coming and the tourny itself seems more special. also so when someone wants to improve they look better at the next tourny.

gimpy go to sleep.

DJ Combo

Smash Lord
Feb 24, 2006
Sea Tac, WA
I agree with blair, but, I say tri weeklys would be cooler, we want to compete more, friendlies for a month every month is bleh, HOPEfully I can start some sort of tourney action going on, still pending.

I say we take a vote on monthlies or tri weeklys, but its up to Chris, if we cant do it we cant do it, nah mean?


yes, i mean U


Smash Apprentice
Jul 23, 2006
no i think he means the ggkthxbai gu... why would anyone want to shot out you. LOL

i guess i would.

i love how noone ever gives me a shoutout..... /cry


Smash Journeyman
Apr 18, 2006
eggz, u didnt give me a hug... but i still love j00z

hero, ggesses sir

ammonsizzle, i love you <3

teddy, i will definitevly enjoe the underage girls :)

squicks/darkamassprime, get bettter <--- shout out from PPA0

adam, your gannon moves me in so many ways XD

2 foxers that were cannadian, you guyses should play shiek against me and not ure foxes next time

all the other pplz = ure my heros
Jun 27, 2005
the west
We don't have tournaments on Thursdays.
The next one will be on the 10th of February, I'll update the title now.
We will be having a 2on2 tourney after 1v1s and 2v2s are done, ill explain how that works later. 5$ entry for that.
Jun 27, 2005
the west
The only crew battle ended like this:
We won with Ka-Master at 4 stocks left.
Crews were:
Ssssp!-vs-Team B.C.
Silent Wolf, Tori, Eggz, BladeWise, and Ka-Master-vs-NoobKing, Blunted Object, Hitsugaya, Cowear, and Patooty.


Smash Lord
Apr 29, 2005
Des Moines/Renton, WA
The crew battle went:

Bladewise 4-stock V Hitsugaya 4-stock, Bladewise wins with 2 stock remaining
Bladewise 2-stock V Noobking 4-stock, Noobking wins with 2 stock remaining
SilentWolf 4-stock V Noobking 2-stock, SilentWolf wins with 3 stock remaining
SilentWolf 3-stock V Cowear 4-stock....

dammit I forgot what happened after that...
all I remember is that Eggz owned and Tori fails at Marth v Samus, lol.
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