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Melee Hacking Open Project List


Smash Master
Jun 18, 2007
Cincinnati / Columbus OH
I've been meaning to make a thread like this for awhile.

The goal of this thread is to act as a compendium of hacking ideas for anyone that wants to get involved with Melee hacking, and is looking for a specific project or code to work on.

Feel free to add comments about new code ideas or details of a project (suggestions and/or coding tips such as helpful memory offsets).

As far as SSBM versions go, code compatibility with all versions is desired. I would, personally, put an emphasis on 1.02 and advise you to start writing your codes in 1.02.

Google Spreadsheet with lots of useful SSBM (1.02) Offsets

Project List:

Dual 1v1 Mode
  • Two 1v1 matches being played simultaneously.
  • Zauron created a code for this for version 1.00 awhile back. His commented code is shown here.
  • I have not tested this myself, but it might need some tweaking and certainly needs to be ported to 1.02.

"Tag Team" Teams Mode
  • Teams of two fight each other in a 1v1 setting.
  • The team member not currently fighting can be "tagged in" with a button combination by their teammate.
  • Some sort of Tag Team code already exists for PAL (will add link later) but it is surely outdated and likely needs to be totally revamped.
[COLLAPSE="More Details"]
- players not in match will need to be totally removed from the stage.
- invisible and totally invincible (as if trying to hit your partner with team attack OFF)
- what if you set their vertical position some crazy high amount every frame? Would they die off top or be out of the normal playable area? Need to do testing.
- There needs to be limitations on when you can tag a teammate in. I'm thinking you must be on stage to tag a teammate in. And when you are tagged in, your character appears in the middle of the stage.

- Cooldown time so you can't continuously be switching.

Teleport Mode
  • Pressing the d-pad in any direction will teleport your character ___ amount (5-10ft?) in the direction pressed.
  • Cooldown time between teleport uses. Or something so it's not incredibly O.P.
  • Think Diablo 2 teleport style...except with cooldown
[COLLAPSE="More Details"]
I feel like this one wouldn't be too bad and could be really fun.

My thoughts on this are:

- Check for button input

- Load previous frame timer value (when the character last teleported) [see below]
- if current frame time is not larger than (cooldown time + previous frame timer), then branch to end and don't teleport

If current frame time is larger...​
- Load character's horizontal or vertical position (based on what button they pressed)
- Load into floating point register and add some amount that teleports them a good distance.
- Store that value back into their horizontal/vertical position.

Load current game frame timer into some memory location to use as the check for next time they press the button.

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Aug 20, 2005
Sacramento, CA
Why 1.02 and not 1.01? I think the bonus of not being able to SDI out of <1% damage hitboxes is a nice feature (especially for some of the lower/bottom tiers).

Furthermore, is there a place that faithfully and completely lists ALL of the differences between the game versions? I've seen several lists before, but they've only led to some confusion, as some do not list everything and some even contradict.

Btw, I like your new avatar standardtoaster. (Even though I'm not quite sure I understand.... :p )


Smash Master
Jun 18, 2007
Cincinnati / Columbus OH
Why 1.02 and not 1.01? I think the bonus of not being able to SDI out of <1% damage hitboxes is a nice feature (especially for some of the lower/bottom tiers).

Furthermore, is there a place that faithfully and completely lists ALL of the differences between the game versions? I've seen several lists before, but they've only led to some confusion, as some do not list everything and some even contradict.

Btw, I like your new avatar standardtoaster. (Even though I'm not quite sure I understand.... :p )
This is the best list I have found of version differences.

And 1.02 is the most widely used and distributed in NA. So I guess I want to make mods for the version that most people have. This may be more important if the GeckoOS is user for codes - if we are able to use the gameconfig.txt mod to have thousands of lines of code available. (GeckoOS can only boot discs).


Aug 20, 2005
Sacramento, CA
Ok, thanks. I'll just go by that one. I know I looked at that page a long time ago, but there was something weird or different about it when I was looking at it in comparison with something else. It's been a while though, so I don't remember what it was.

Ah. Makes sense. I guess it's just too bad the most used isn't 1.01. :p


Smash Cadet
Dec 11, 2007
Dual 1v1 Mode
  • Two 1v1 matches being played simultaneously.
  • Zauron created a code for this for version 1.00 awhile back. His commented code is shown here.
  • I have not tested this myself, but it might need some tweaking and certainly needs to be ported to 1.02.
This is ****ing amazing. How has it not been done yet! Crowded locals just got 10x better.
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Smash Cadet
Jul 11, 2013
Hi guys, not sure if this is the right place to put this but i figured i'd throw it out there...

I'd really like a mod that could colour code the ice climbers, indicating which one i'm controlling. e.g. both blue if they're sync'd, when desync'd the one i'm controlling is lit up or turns yellow etc so i can learn all the times i have control of nana and for how long :)



Smash Cadet
Oct 1, 2014
Mute City
Dual 1v1 Mode
  • Two 1v1 matches being played simultaneously.
  • Zauron created a code for this for version 1.00 awhile back. His commented code is shown here.
  • I have not tested this myself, but it might need some tweaking and certainly needs to be ported to 1.02.

"Tag Team" Teams Mode
  • Teams of two fight each other in a 1v1 setting.
  • The team member not currently fighting can be "tagged in" with a button combination by their teammate.
  • Some sort of Tag Team code already exists for PAL (will add link later) but it is surely outdated and likely needs to be totally revamped.
THESE ARE INCREDIBLE IDEAS! I hope to see both working on 1.02 very soon.

Any chance there could be a way to "delete" characters or stages? Examples of use (all for entertainment purposes, of course) for custom Melee mods.
  • Only Pokemon Characters, only Pokemon Stadium/ Floats
  • Only Top 2-8 tier characters, for a Melee Elitist version,
  • For my purposes, only Falcon.
  • A joke 20xx, with only Fox.
  • Get rid of all maps not applicative to competitive play.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 12, 2013
Minneapolis, MN/Princeton, NJ
Alt costume toggle with CSP change instead of port background color change? :)
Actually not sure if this is possible (atm there aren't enough alt CSPs/costumes for every character in the game anyway) but it's something I'll be looking into again when I have the motivation to. My notes are a mess but if anyone's interested, just ask I guess.
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