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Mario's Matchups! Updated May 15, 2007! Only missing Zelda!

Jun 27, 2005
the west
It's ctually not very hard to hit, because It's predicable, lol. Even if you guess wrong, Pika's up-b has a lot of landing lag so you may as well watch where he's going to land then get him with a strong attack.
About the Mario v space animals thing, i dont really know. i know that space animals definately have the advantage. someone said earlier either in this thread or another that marios easy to edgeguard, but that goes for the space animals even more, especially vs mario. falco vs mario on platforms=combo forever. fox vs mario =dash dance camp, uthrow uairs everywhere. id say mario has the advantage on FD, but if so, not by much.


Smash Ace
Jun 18, 2006
A lost ghost
Well, space animals aren't that much of a problem if you can use Mario flawlessly and make no mistakes during the fight. But i don't think there is a Mario that can be THAT flawless though.


Smash Master
Apr 22, 2004
mario = marth, sheik

mario < fox, falco, peach, jiggs

thats all i gotta say


Smash Hero
Sep 16, 2005
Combo Status Island
Mario = Marth and Shiek? Are you perverted? I think you need some enlightenment. Go fight a marth or shiek that isn't a jub. Those are Mario's WORST matchups, hands down. (Yes, including Samus and Peach.

Mario is about even with fox and falco. It is SLIGHTLY out of his favor in space animal matchups. Peach and jiggs own Mario pretty good.


Smash Master
Apr 22, 2004
good marths and sheik like Fastliketree, caveman etcetc?? o ya i already have =(


Smash Hero
Sep 16, 2005
Combo Status Island
With Mario? Hmm. Unfortunatly throwing pro names out isn't very impressive, especially if you dont say anything aside from

"Mario = Shiek/Marth

Its ok, I played fastliketree and caveman."


Smash Journeyman
Feb 23, 2005
With Mario? Hmm. Unfortunatly throwing pro names out isn't very impressive, especially if you dont say anything aside from

"Mario = Shiek/Marth

Its ok, I played fastliketree and caveman."
You seem to have alot of opinions, what pro players have u face just wonderin?

I myself have played Azen (mario ditto, several times), PC Chris (Mario vs CF), Chillin (Mario vs Fox), KM (Mario vs Fox/Marth, several times), M2K (Mario vs Fox), and that might be all of the "pros" listed from top 25 that ive faced with mario (i played husband yoshi vs shiek/marth) but MD/VA has amazing TA members such as Chinesah, Kaiser, Kirbstir, G-reg and many many many others (WAY TOO MANY TO LIST). Experience is everything.

Mario is basically even with shiek, or maybe shiek has a slight adv, FAR from ****.

Mario vs Marth is hard for mario, Chinesah 3 stocked me at CCX like 2 weeks ago, and B-ryan (a very very good Midwest Marth who doesnt even have a smashboards acct...he got like 17th at FC6) 3 stocked me as well.
Jun 27, 2005
the west
mario does NNOOOOTTTT=marth and sheik, not overall, and not in that match up.
and lucky sharmz19, sure a perfect mario could beat a space animal, but im sure a perfect space animal could also beat a flawless mario, so your point made no sense/didnt prove anything.
also, its not like all marth/sheik players have a lot of mario practice, and if any matches were friendlies they dont mean ****. and eggz has faced some "pros", in case you didnt know, he lives in WA. *cough*skypal*cough*


Smash Journeyman
Jul 31, 2006
Hmmm... I dunno about Mario having a disadvantage against Falco. Off of the top of my head:

Mario has that gay size and floatiness that Falco just really doesn't like.

Mario's cape gives him a few more options in dealing with Falco's lasers. It's kind of like Marth's counter though, it isn't that much of a good thing, but it is a fun thing to use against lasers that other characters don't have. So don't give me any crap about how easily Mario is punished in the cape lag (I know this, obviously u have to use your brain when capeing lasers...) Plus the cape has the obvious use of edge guarding.

Lots of Mario's moves seem to have a really good angle against Falco. Especially the back aerial and forward smash.

There is the obvious crazy combo game Mario has on Falco, esp. on Final D.

Mario has a mad good edge guarding game against Falco.

Mario's forward smash is really good against Falco. It isn't like Falco doesn't have varios ****-Mario moves as well (Falco's spike is nasty on Mario, but who doesn't it ****?), but man, Mario's forward smash always leads to dead Falcos.

Lots of pros and noobs alike think Doc has an advantage against Falco, and many of the reasons why can be duplicated my Mario. This isn't that much different. Mario is a match that all Falcos shouldn't like. So I don't see how Falco has an advantage.

If anything the only reason why Falco would beat Mario is because Falco is just the much better character. But that just seems kind of weak for me. My point is that Mario has a lot more going for him in this match than many of his others, and at the same time Falco has a lot less going for him in this match than many others. I think that is pretty much undesputable.

Oh, and I think Mario vs. Marth/Fox/Falcon/Ganon can go either way. Those depend on play styles alot. However, Sheik has an advantage against Mario no doubt.
Jun 27, 2005
the west
I think Falco definately has advantages on platform stages cause the combos are too good, as for FD, marios chain throw on falcos nasty, but thats not the entire match up, just a factor. i wouldnt say marios combo game is to great on falco, i mean, its not bad, but compared to most of his other match ups, the combo game is better overall on other characters, mainly flaoties. sure marios good at edgeguarding falco, but so is everyone else, and sure falcos spike ***** mario, but it does to everyone else like you said, but just because it does it to everyone else doesnt mean it doesnt do it as much to mario. it just seemed like you were leaning towards that, i cant be too sure though. :)
the falco v mario thing came outta no where, lol. i wouldnt say mario's floatiness or w/e is bad for falco. and his size isnt a bad thing really either, what dis advantages does it put falco at that are exceedingly important? or essential? as for the cape, id say using it too much can make you easlily read, so that would make you want to use it less, thus making it less uselful as a tactic, that that of it being used as a major factor in the fight.
btw, i dont play mario or falco too much so dont get mad at me if you disagree with me, or think i am wrong, because i never said im right. :) (that just happens to me a lot)


Smash Master
Apr 22, 2004
mario can **** up marth/sheik with grabs and combos

one grab to marth is almost always guarenteed 30-70% combo the only thing bad about playing marths is getting ina hit that can kill, so u have to get quick edge guards

sheik u can cg to death gg

fox and falco u can cg but ull never get a grab off vs someone good

sheik/marth are very close

fox/falco CAN **** mario


Smash Ace
Oct 16, 2005
Tarboro, NC &lt;CREW YGO&gt;
idk, what you said about marth and sheik in combos is true and suprisingly I,ve never really had i tough sheik match. However, Marth and his sword are pretty gay to mario. If mario cant grab a good fox or falco player then why can he grab marth? Idk, I just have alot of trouble getting close enough to really hurt marth and that coupled with always being one tippered f-smash away from an easy, (and I mean really really easy) edgeguard just makes me kinda hate the match up. So to me the marth match up is deffinatly in marth's advantage especially if your gonna use the "you can't do something to a good player" argument, same thing goes for marth.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 31, 2006
btw, i dont play mario or falco too much so dont get mad at me if you disagree with me, or think i am wrong, because i never said im right. :) (that just happens to me a lot)
Awww, you're one of my favorite people on these boards... except for you thinking Sastopher is better than Vidjo :ohwell:

It just feels really awkward when I'm playing Marios with Falco. It is the same kind of awkwardness that I get when I play Docs. They are just hard to deal with, it's really hard to explain. It has everything to do with Mario's shortness/floatiness/movement.

I just mentioned Mario's cape because it gives you more options against laser approaches. At MLG Dallas Ken kept countering PC's SHL approach right when he was in Ken's face. PC would SHL, try to grab Ken, and then get stabed in the face. You've got that same option with Mario. Cape the Falco around, the Falco misses the grab in the opposite direction (or gets hit by his own laser), you forward smash the Falco to his death. Hell even at 60% forward smash leads to inevitable edge guarding (aka death). I also stated that the cape isn't the end all laser approach, it is just an extra tool that most characters don't have.

I just think it is worth mentioning that Falco has less going for him in this match than against most other matches (say Fox). And at the same time, Mario has a few pluses that he usually doesn't have. Falco does fall a little too fast though. Great for chain throws, but doesn't do much for up aerials. Things like up air to down smash are good, but up air chains into forward smashes seem to work better against Sheik and maybe Marth. Still though, Mario combos Falco pretty nicely. Usually it's simple up tilt/up smash/throw combos.


Smash Master
Apr 22, 2004
you cant grab falco, fox because ina good players hand they can jump in nair, uair, dair etcetc and be 100% safe from a shieldgrab

Marth is just easy imo
i play sheik, fox, falco, link, marth
hell i can play anyone and i feel most comfortable playing mario vs marth out of everyone


Smash Journeyman
Feb 23, 2005
Grabbing foxes = 100x easier than grabbing a falco.

Grabbing Marths = The Same as trying to grab a falco.

Mario vs Marth is not even, Marth wins....have u ever heard of any GOOD players picking mario to face vs marth? lol ...no... marth has the adv, Mr. C clearly the marth's ur facing have little to no mario practice, and therefore do not know how to abuse his poor range and average aerial/ground game.


Smash Master
Apr 22, 2004
the marths i play are some of the best in the usa gg.

Im just a top texas player who isnt stupid and uses a little something called mindgames.


Smash Lord
Apr 23, 2004
Madison, WI
Mr. C, if you happen to have the mindgames to will yourself past Marth's ubiquitous wall of steel, then all the more power to you. Lesser peons with little mindgames, such as myself, are reduced to involuntary colonoscopies courtesy of a certain tiara-wearing ***hole.

There's really only a few reasons why Mario has bad matchups--

1) They don't die, because of uber recovery.

2) They're hard to grab, due to range and/or aerial priority.

3) They're difficult to combo, because of floatiness and/or aerial priority.

4) They're difficult to edgeguard.

Fox, Flaco, and Marth all fall into category number 2. None of the 3 are particularly easy to grab; Fox because his shine negates shield grabbing and his speed is difficult to deal with; Flaco because of his SHB rushdown and pillar combos that negate shield grabbing, and Marth because of his keep-away game with the sword.

Presumably, if you can space yourself well enough and know the Marth's routine well enough to spot openings, then the matchup would be much easier. I suck at the matchup because I haven't figured out Marth's general patterns and range yet. Meh.

XLR8, caping lasers at close range is bad. Lasers come out too fast.


Smash Hero
Sep 16, 2005
Combo Status Island
Ok. Here it goes.

When a Marth knows how to fight a Mario, they can DI out of your combos EXTREMELY early and interrupt them with a fair. Marth is hard to combo. The most you can get on him is like 4 uairs when it comes to juggling, and you can't connect a fsmash out of it unless they DI ******** so you have to nair them and hope it hits then go for a ledgeguard. Marth is very hard to combo properly. And no, getting like 30% and then spending the rest of the stock trying in vain to land a KO move does not count.

As for Shiek, she is much harder to approach than falco. Crouch canceling only goes so far. Weeee CC Dsmash. Theres 15%. At this point, the shiek should be realizing that she should needle spam. GG indeed.

Did you know that Shiek's jab is as long as Mario's fsmash, and that her ftilt is LONGER? Yeah GG once more.

Did you know that Mario's grab is about a million times harder to land on Shiek then it is on falco? GG once more.

Did you know that good Mario's dont go for shieldgrabs on falco, but mindgame or jab into JC grabs? GG again.

Did you know that falco isn't dair-shine-jc-dair-shining 24/7? GGGGGGG!

Take more than potential comboing into consideration with Shiek. Because she is ****ing hard to get ahold of. Falco is easy sauce to grab compared to Shiek.

Speed only goes so far (space animals) but with a pretty decent speed, and an arsenal of attacks that outrange every single one of Mario's (including fsmash) basically make the Shiek Mario matchup hardcore anal ****. I mean, like Bible Black anal **** or something. Like 18 shiek tentacles in your buttocks. ****.

And I'm pretty sure being a top texas player doesn't mean anything. You guys have like 4 good people. I'm pretty sure being one of the best Mario's on the pacific west and fighting people like skypal frequently means alot more than a self proclaimed "Top texas player" title. I noticed that you didnt even make it out of pools in that texas tourney too. GG. So you can play some pros in friendlys? Good work. Thats amazing. I wish I could be that much of a nuiscance, but I only fight pros in tourneys. Snap.

Oh, and btw

WA >>>>>> Texas when it comes to smash skill. : )


Smash Ace
Jan 19, 2004
WA is not better than texas.. there about even.. rob$, caveman, fast liketree all are good.
2nd according to azen, mew2king, plainrrk and lots of other people they think mario vs sheik is even.. i don't know why.. but they see it another level beyo d us.. so its even.


Smash Hero
Sep 16, 2005
Combo Status Island
Ah. Maybe they have the power to look beyond approach. Maybe they have the power to negate logical thought and transcend the barrier of Shiek being twice as long as Mario.

WA vs Texas is debatable. =P


Smash Cadet
Sep 10, 2006
So you can play some pros in friendlys? Good work. Thats amazing. I wish I could be that much of a nuiscance, but I only fight pros in tourneys. Snap.
ya goood point i definitely have never seen mr. c beat any of those players in tournamint and i check all the brackets and shizz for all of them.

i no u mean well mr c but u cant count friendlies or whatever, and even then there is the fact that u gotta face people who have good practice vs mario so they know the matchup.

but im 100% sure i havent seen u beat those players in tournamant. i no u've beaten other good players like smiles and sos tho but that's a different matchup i think i danno.


Smash Master
Apr 22, 2004
TX would win vs WA =)

For me the only hard match's with mario is falco, fox, jiggs.

everything eles i can handle

might be just me tho

but ya u can combo marth with just more then uair

one throw can be dair uair dair uair
bair uair bair etcetc

i find it fun playing marths when im mario =)


Smash Hero
Sep 16, 2005
Combo Status Island
I really doubt that texas would win vs WA.

Marth is only fun to play when the marth doesn't have massive experience against Mario.

IE: I play Luigi Ka Master 24/7. I'm like "Hey I need Marth practice so play Marth." And I get owned by his Marth because he knows how to fight Mario with all of his characters. So since he plays a style that owns Mario, Marth has the potential to rizape Mario.
Jun 27, 2005
the west
this sint TX vs WA, stop with pointless stuff.
we have skypal and others, they have the names mentioned above and others, but great.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 23, 2005
Rofl at mentioning Plairnkk, he always 1 stocks me mario vs shiek >_< (if not more)

Uhhhh MD/VA >> all? :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


Smash Cadet
Sep 10, 2006
Thats why im not going into detail about why WA is superior to Texas.
kind of an arrogant comment imo. neways id like to hear ur reasons.

imo it's impossible and pointless to try and debate it cuz tx and wa dont play with each other. but if u got good reasons i wanna hear em.

and dont tell me sastopher 2nd at fc3 or something that happened years ago lolz.
Jun 27, 2005
the west
no one said that LOL. or will. he got 13th at OC2, and another of our crew members got like 5th, but hes fromer WA guy. Blairs amazing too. me and toi are great. and yagi etc skypal. syndicate black is alright i guess. lol
no more talkn about this, itll get huge.


Smash Hero
Sep 16, 2005
Combo Status Island
Um. How about...

We have Skypal and Luigi Ka Master.

Texas has like 2 good people.
</argument> Keep on topic plzkthx. >_> lol

And yup, im pretty arrogant. WA pride fo sho.


Luigi Ka-master

Smash Lord
Sep 8, 2005
Laie, HI
TX would win vs WA =)

For me the only hard match's with mario is falco, fox, jiggs.

everything eles i can handle

might be just me tho

but ya u can combo marth with just more then uair

one throw can be dair uair dair uair
bair uair bair etcetc

i find it fun playing marths when im mario =)

Nice argument. Do you know anything at all about WA players? Just curious.
Because uhh, if you don't, you probably shouldn't be saying that there's a 100% chance that Texas would win. Because that's a really freaking arrogant statement to make. (But only if you don't know anything about WA players)

Oh yeah, I don't quite understand that combo on Marth that you gave as an example. Does the, "etcetc" mean that it's like an infinite or something? Because...I didn't think Mario had any infinites on Marth....then again, I don't know much about Mario, so I could be wrong.


Smash Cadet
Sep 10, 2006
Texas has like 2 good people.
</argument> Keep on topic plzkthx. >_> lol
not really lolz. just cuz u dont hear about them all doesnt mean they're not good. tx has a lot more than "2 good people." ur pretty ignorant.

im not saying i can predict the result of tx vs wa, but i'm saying there is no way you can just randomly guarantee that wa >>> tx. doing so is extremely dumb, almost as dumb as mr. c saing dat mario beats marth (see i aint biased lolz i can discredit my own ppl)

Nice argument. Do you know anything at all about WA players? Just curious.
Because uhh, if you don't, you probably shouldn't be saying that there's a 100% chance that Texas would win. Because that's a really freaking arrogant statement to make. (But only if you don't know anything about WA players)
TELL THAT TO UR OWN **** FRIEND MEDIOCRE MAN who started the whole thing. if u even READ the whole thing u would realize mediocre man STARTED it by saying wa >>> tx


Smash Cadet
Sep 10, 2006
this is how it went:

mediocre man:

Oh, and btw

WA >>>>>> Texas when it comes to smash skill.

THEN mr. c: TX would win vs WA =)

then mediocre again: I really doubt that texas would win vs WA.
Thats why im not going into detail about why WA is superior to Texas.

who's really making the "freaking arrogant statements"? the answer is both of them, and mediocre initiated it.


Smash Hero
Sep 16, 2005
Combo Status Island
Im saying that using the given information, WA > Texas. Not WA > Texas regardless of what goes down.

So far, I've brought up a very large crew of really good pros, skypal as an example, along with our crew, syndicate black, and a couple of other people who arnt in crews but are very good.

You have brought up 2 names as far as I've seen, Fastliketree and caveman.


Smash Hero
Sep 16, 2005
Combo Status Island
Oh and btw, I felt compelled to say

Oh, and btw

WA >>>>>> Texas when it comes to smash skill.

when Mr. C acted as though his opinion and experience were better when he played some good texans.

I stand by my arrogance with pride, thankies.


Smash Cadet
Sep 10, 2006
um ok. in addition to those to there is rob$ who's beaten plenty of good people. smiles, sos have beaten darkrain. mr. c and cow have beaten PC Chris and DSF in teams.

zulu is old school he's good. xelic is good. dr drew has beaten some good people in fc3 (husband among others)

so i guess dats 8 additional peeps.

now this:
when Mr. C acted as though his opinion and experience were better when he played some good texans.
that's a good point. i agree with that, he shoud not think his opinion is better cauz of that.


Smash Hero
Sep 16, 2005
Combo Status Island
Alright, so we will just assume Texas and WA are on par until a crew battle MM can occur or something, or until some more educated people can come in and prove their points better. ^^ My apologies to Texans that arn't arrogant/ignorant ***** like Mr. C.


Smash Cadet
Sep 10, 2006
Alright, so we will just assume Texas and WA are on par until a crew battle MM can occur or something, or until some more educated people can come in and prove their points better. ^^ My apologies to Texans that arn't arrogant/ignorant ***** like Mr. C.
no worries dawg we cool we cool

WA definitely got mad skill i gotta admit skypal is nuts especially they got old school players as well.

neways back to topic i guess.


Smash Master
Apr 22, 2004
your a ****ing *******

u say WA > texas

then i say tx > wa

and im a ****?

u cockwhore
Jun 27, 2005
the west
Someone explain a Pichu match up. All i can think of is Pichu being extremely light, easy to kill, and having a predictible recovery.
<on topic for once/>
Pichu doesnt have that gay uair spike that can destroy mario so thats a plus. pichus lighter, thats a plus, kill wise, combo wise im not sure. pichus smashes are pointless. dsmash sux, fsmash can be DIed out of, and usmash is a failed effort. mario has the advantage obviously.:)

stop with this WA TX bull****. who cares.what will proving that one state is better do for us?
yes! im complete now, my state is better than another one! im not singleing out anyones statements. im not going to name anymore WA accomplishments that im unsure about, cause itll lead no where, just deeper into this gay arguement.

starting now, if you continue to argue, youre gay! so dont be gay, lolz
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