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Mario vs Falco. Is it all in my head?


Maybe Even...Utopian?
Jun 9, 2007
Bowie, MD
Falco is a much harder match than Lucario...As long as you play patient and get a KO on him before triple digit &s it should be a fairly decent match-up...

However for Falco...I have actually had to wait for them to make a mistake for me to do....well...almost anything

Don't misunderstand me...I'm not saying "OH **** IT'S DA NEW MK!!!!" no I'm saying it's alot gayer than the rest of you are thinking....

Also...just sit on the edge and play ******** gay **** from there
Hard to get inside vs Lucario tho. And when you do, he has a better jab game than us, more range/priority, and kills Uair/Utilt chains with that Dair. He lives forever with DI as well, so somtimes killing him below 100% is a little difficult. Once he's up there....well...

Vs Falco, easy comboing once you're in since he's a fastfaller, and easier gimping/KOs because of his light weight.

I'd rather play a good Lucario than a good Falco.

But I'd rather play a great Falco like SK92 than a great Lucario like Azen. Maybe it's my playstyle, I dunno.


Smash Champion
May 19, 2008
The Legion of Doom Headquarters
Hard to get inside vs Lucario tho. And when you do, he has a better jab game than us, more range/priority, and kills Uair/Utilt chains with that Dair. He lives forever with DI as well, so somtimes killing him below 100% is a little difficult. Once he's up there....well...

Vs Falco, easy comboing once you're in since he's a fastfaller, and easier gimping/KOs because of his light weight.

I'd rather play a good Lucario than a good Falco.

But I'd rather play a great Falco like SK92 than a great Lucario like Azen. Maybe it's my playstyle, I dunno.
Matador, when is the next time you're available for some friendlies? I could use some Mario practice.


Maybe Even...Utopian?
Jun 9, 2007
Bowie, MD
Matador, when is the next time you're available for some friendlies? I could use some Mario practice.
AIM me at Zalba77 next time you see me on. I'll prolly be available then.

You quoted my post because you plan to prove me wrong?


Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
It sucks but there are things that make it better:

1. Don't get over ethusiastic about juggling. Utilt and usmash juggles can be done until probably 35% before it becomes relatively easy for Falco to cut through it with a fast falled dair.

2. Shield grab all his smash attacks and the early frames of his jab. Fsmash will push you about right in front of him if you're right in front of him when he does the attack and the same goes for usmash. Dsmash will throw you back relatively far if you're right next to him when he does it but you should be just about in front of him if you shield at the tip of his boots.

3. Don't drop your shield too soon after dash attacks. Good Falcos will usually follow up with a utilt or a cancelled usmash so just be aware of it.

4. Beware of pillars. This tactic isn't too wide spread by Falcos (yet) but it absolutely sucks if you get stuck in one. Basically, he dthrows and then immediately follows up with dair afterwords, rinse and repeat. It can be cancelled at the end of the dair into a jab, usmash, or even an incredibly gay lazer lock at anytime so be aware of it. The only upside to this is that the timing for the pillars are kind of difficult so if the Falco screws up the timing, MAKE HIM PAY FOR IT!

5. Don't get grabbed. It's hard, I know but try your best. If you get caught in a dthrow chain grab, don't try to jump out especially if you're fast approaching the edge; save your jump because there's a freakishly high chance he'll try to dair spike you. Being stuck without second jump during a spike sucks even at percentages as low as 40% so keep this in mind.

6. Don't be stupid with the fireballs. Use them to stop his advances or for approaching at short distances. Trying to use them from far distances will basically result them being reflected at a you. Don't underestimate his reflector especially since it can trip and can relatively easily stop most strings of attacks if you get overenthusiastic.

7. Use the cape and FLUDD not just to gimp/edgeguard him but to stop his attacks in general. For example, caping his fsmash is sex on toast.

8. As just about everyone else has said, edgeguarding is very important in this match up; don't underplay it.

9.To deal with lazers: duck, cape, or run to the edge to avoid them. Don't let him make a fool of you with hit and run games.

10. I found his out earlier this week: if you get stuck in anyone's jab, you can smash DI forward and land a uair when you get out of the top. If you shield the jab, a common tactic used by Falcos is to hit you with the reflector as soon as you drop it so be aware of this.

That's all I can think of for now.


Smash Master
Jun 24, 2006
Chicago Heights
I'd rather face anyone in this game, anyone except.

G&W <---RIP

These are the only 4 characters in this game i actually have a ton of trouble with using Mario. Other than that, i counterpick with Rob and Peach.

Judge Judy

Smash Lord
May 18, 2008
I'd rather face anyone in this game, anyone except.

G&W <---RIP

These are the only 4 characters in this game i actually have a ton of trouble with using Mario. Other than that, i counterpick with Rob and Peach.
Really? I have trouble against DDD and MK, but I've never really found Snake and G&W too impossible.


Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
I'd rather face anyone in this game, anyone except.

G&W <---RIP

These are the only 4 characters in this game i actually have a ton of trouble with using Mario. Other than that, i counterpick with Rob and Peach.
I've never really had problems with King Dedede simply because most of the Dedede's I've faced turn into complete grab whores in this matchup making them really predictible. Metaknight absolutely sucks balls and the match up is just plain infuriating for me. I do fine against Mr. Game and Watch but I don't really recall what I do that makes the match up managable. Snake sucks too but I usually lose matchs by a single attack (you know, matches that are basically determined by who lands a strong attack first when both people have really high percentages) so hopefully I can improve in the future. I actually hate fighting Marth more than all these people except MK despite usually winning.


Smash Champion
Oct 4, 2006
Dunedin, FL(MWFL)
Snake sucks too but I usually lose matchs by a single attack (you know, matches that are basically determined by who lands a strong attack first when both people have really high percentages)
But Mario doesn't have any strong + fast attacks while Snake on the other hand has Utilt, Jab, he can catch you off guard with an aerial and explosions...the match itself isn't that hard...it's the fact that...when you really need a kill you're probably not getting it


Smash Lord
Jul 22, 2008
Farmingville, Long Island.
But Mario doesn't have any strong + fast attacks while Snake on the other hand has Utilt, Jab, he can catch you off guard with an aerial and explosions...the match itself isn't that hard...it's the fact that...when you really need a kill you're probably not getting it
Yeah. While, for me, Snake isn't that much trouble in the aspect of racking up damage. (Easily Utilt chained and I can do other things thanks to him being so heavy.) The hard part is KOing him. I find that I usually don't KO him until around, or even over, 150%. Sometimes I get the good prediction in and hit him with an Fsmash on the ledge and KO him at around 120%. But that's about as easy as it gets. I can't cape him easily, can't Meteor Smash him easily and can't edge guard him easily thanks to his recovery which is almost always used above stage level. You can't even attack him while he's coming down out of fear of a falling C4, his Dair, or Nair all of which can KO you if your around 100%-110%.


Smash Master
Jun 24, 2006
Chicago Heights
Its all fun and games when you avoid DDD's grabs as much as possible until he enventually grabs you.

There's barely any DDD's here in IL anyway.
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