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Mario help.


Smash Champion
Jun 11, 2008
Copiague, New York
I seriously need help with my Mario, I get ***** in the *** by:

Mario dittos
Mario's bad match-ups

I don't understand why it's so much worse than it needs to be. In dittos even if the other person doesn't use him they've got a goid shot of winning on me and it's impossoble for me to use Mario on:

ROB *Can't combo him for some reason*

I'm also trying to completely pick up C-stick for arieals... but if all this doesn't stop soon I'm dropping Mario for a Top teir (Probably Falco) since that's all that's used at tourneys anyway.

Help please, and I want to play the best Mario users online (I know Boss and Monk don't >_>).


Smash Master
Oct 26, 2007
Montebello, California
i'm an ordinary mario and i win most of my mario dittos
the only top mario i haven't beat that plays online is jo-p
like i said maybe mario is not for you,if you've used mario since 64 days then you should be really good and not losing to people who don't even main mario.


Smash Champion
Jun 11, 2008
Copiague, New York
i'm an ordinary mario and i win most of my mario dittos
the only top mario i haven't beat that plays online is jo-p
like i said maybe mario is not for you,if you've used mario since 64 days then you should be really good and not losing to people who don't even main mario.
It's not just Mario dittos, I suck at dittos completely.


Smash Master
Aug 9, 2008
I seriously need help with my Mario, I get ***** in the *** by:

Mario dittos
Mario's bad match-ups

I don't understand why it's so much worse than it needs to be. In dittos even if the other person doesn't use him they've got a goid shot of winning on me and it's impossoble for me to use Mario on:

ROB *Can't combo him for some reason*

I'm also trying to completely pick up C-stick for arieals... but if all this doesn't stop soon I'm dropping Mario for a Top teir (Probably Falco) since that's all that's used at tourneys anyway.

Help please, and I want to play the best Mario users online (I know Boss and Monk don't >_>).
Except for Rob, those are difficult matchups.


Smash Legend
Oct 13, 2007
RPV, California
Switch FC
SW 8400 1713 9427
Olimar is not a bad matchup. You just need to camp and pay attention to what he does. Tornado stops him from doing Pikmin latch on you. If he likes U-smashing a lot, go for N-airs, since they **** his U-smash. Space B-airs really well to punish his other smashes, and juggle him to nullify his grab game. BF is a really good stage against Olimar.

G&W, you must focus on getting inside his range, and then you can jab or F-tilt him a lot, and it will outspeed most of what he does. Up-B out of shield is good against B-air if you are close enough and angle it towards him correctly. Stutter step F-smash slightly outranges most of his attacks.


Smash Master
May 21, 2008
Ontario, Canada
I suck in Mario dittos too, it's just one of those match-up's like I lose a lot. I also mained him till N64, it's just one of those matchup's I dislike, it's so akward.

But getting 3 stocked in dittos does hurt, I will say.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 15, 2008
Olimar is not a bad matchup. You just need to camp and pay attention to what he does. Tornado stops him from doing Pikmin latch on you. If he likes U-smashing a lot, go for N-airs, since they **** his U-smash. Space B-airs really well to punish his other smashes, and juggle him to nullify his grab game. BF is a really good stage against Olimar.
you really havent played a good olimar huh....


Smash Journeyman
Oct 15, 2008
no i was talking about the guy that i quoted....

Judge Judy

Smash Lord
May 18, 2008
Olimar is tricky but I sort of agree with A2ZOMG, Olimar isn't really any harder than Marth; yah I know Marth is hard but we all know he's not impossible by any means.


Henshin a go-go Baby!
Sep 26, 2008
Miamisburg, OH
The reason you have trouble comboing ROB is the same reason everyone has trouble comboing ROB: The thing is too floaty to stay in anything... However, he shouldn't be impossible by any stretch. Your cape will annoy him to no end, and fireballs are pretty good for when you've convinced him spamming lasers/gyros was a bad idea, as it will get him started again, at which point you can cape it all back. Seriously, ledge hop>cape almost always reflects something, usually gyros in my case, and it is how I get a lot of my kills in this matchup. Why work for them if the ROB players are willing to do it for you?

As I said in the Mario vs everyone Q&A thread:

Vs ROB: Cape, cape, cape. Watch out for his Nair, as it stays out a while and outprioritizes everything. His Fair has deceptively long range and his Bair is disjoincted. Also, Fair has his whole body as the hitbox for some reason, not just his arms.

If you're hanging on to the ledge, cape as soon as you jump up; odds are a gyro is coming at you, and even if it isn't, it stops your momentum and can be good for mindgaming and safe landings. This in and of itself was the main thing that was going for me when I play my friend's ROB.

ROB can get out of Utilt combos early, but meh, you might as well try them anyway. Free damage is free damage.

This match revolves around caping the projectiles, especially the Gyro (the laser is weak enough that getting hit now and again isn't too bad), and punishing his approach if/when he gets tired of being killed by his own gyro.

Also, not sure how many ROBs do this, but my friend enjoys hanging at the ledge and boosting back up to gyro/laser, or Nair if you're too close. If this happens, cape the gyro after dodging it, pick it up, jump above him (out of range of his aerials preferably), throw it up when you are above him, and try to attack/confuse/stage spike/distract him. Most of the time, he will be paying attention to you and not notice the gyro coming back down on him, which screws with his position and throws him off balance.

Also, FLUDD seems kind of useless in this match.

Hope that helps.
That thread in general could help you out.

I haven't played a good enough Olimar to know, but on paper he doesn't appear that bad for Mario...

I hate G&W regardless of who I'm playing as, so listen to other people's advice: Mine would be bad.

Wario? He's a bad Mario matchup? Why?
I dunno, I never have trouble with him. You can FLUDD his Dair for FIHL, fireball camp him, I think Nair might interrupt his DA>Usmash, though I dunno.
If you FLUDD his bike, does he get FIHL? (Even better, does it rust?)
Bike parts can be caped, Fsmash can be caped despite the SA (And heavily punished afterwards), Dsmash sucks, his Ftilt is kind of slow, his Dtilt is just creepy, I forget what his Utilt is, so I'm assuming it wasn't that good or the Wario I've played never used it.
Just watch out for some of his aerials, boost smash, bite, and DA cancel to Usmash if you can't Nair out of it.
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