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Make Your Move 4

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Smash Ace
Nov 27, 2008
In a timeless world
@Spadefox: That is a cool way of being a prick, man. Crossing out what could have happened to him like that. lol. Awesome, awesome job. I'm still not fond of text mountains, but the colors made it fun to read. *gets a seizure*


Smash Journeyman
Nov 11, 2008
Somewhere in Nevada...
I love all the Starfox 64 quotes for the Bill moveset. Would be funny if he said "Hey! See if I ever help YOU again" when on Team Battle and the teamate of Bill steals a life.

Also, the Final Smash is freaking awesome.

Red Arremer

Smash Legend
Nov 27, 2005
Hah. Thanks, you guys. Glad you like him even if he's just a generic moveset. :B

I tried to fit most of his SF64 quotes in, but some just didn't seem appropiate, hence they're lacking.

Also, I've updated my Link-Space, and will now reveal my second secret character early...

Oh dear! It's Jonathan & Charlotte, the protagonists of Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin! I wonder how they'll work...


Smash Ace
Nov 14, 2008
Added a new recovery for Blinky, another Final Smash, some more detail, some Inky nerfing, and some stuff about Pinky.


The Stadium only has Blinky for some reason, updating it to the new one would be nice.

And Bill looks awesome. A StarFox character with a different moveset!


Smash Ace
Nov 27, 2008
In a timeless world
Hah. Thanks, you guys. Glad you like him even if he's just a generic moveset. :B

I tried to fit most of his SF64 quotes in, but some just didn't seem appropiate, hence they're lacking.

Also, I've updated my Link-Space, and will now reveal my second secret character early...

Oh dear! It's Jonathan & Charlotte, the protagonists of Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin! I wonder how they'll work...
Dude, you just helped me out with something. Thanks.


Smash Ace
Nov 15, 2005
Shropshire Slasher

Contents(Use Ctrl+F to skip to a section)
  • Introductions [MM/i0]
  • About Controlling Megaman [MM/c0]
  • About Megaman's Weapons [MM/mw]
  • About Changing Megaman's Weapon [MM/wc]
  • Stats [MM/s0]
  • Pros/Cons [MM/pc]
  • Playstyle[MM/ps]
  • Actions[MM/a0]
  • Weapons[MM/w0]
  • Final Smash[MM/fs]
  • Extras[MM/e0]

Important message from Dr Light!
Megaman is unlike any brawler you've played before. Everything about him is as close as can be to his NES appearances. He looks the same. He moves the same. He controls the same. Only slight adjustments have been made to Megaman to make him viable for Smash.

If you haven't had any experience with MegaMan, simply watch some videos on YouTube, and you know exactly what Megaman is like in Brawl.

Good luck, and get equipped!


Ah, Megaman. The last great bastion of the retro fanatic. An endearing two palette character who can only truly be himself on the severely limited NES architecture... With the release of Megaman 9, his latest escapade, it's time people rediscovered the blue bomber. It's time to rejoin the fight for everlasting peace...

About Controlling Megaman

Actually controlling Megaman is simplicity itself. You can;
  • run left or right (Left or Right)
  • jump (Jump)
  • slide (Down+A)
  • shoot (A)
  • switch weapons (B, Up-B, Down-B, Left-B, Right-B).
  • Activate shield (R)
  • Spot Dodge (Down+R on ground)
  • Roll (Left or Right+R on ground)

Megaman cannot do anything else, so he lacks many manouvers that other brawlers take for granted. He is also incapable of brandishing items like the Beam Sword or Golden Hammer.

Don't fret! Megaman has gotten out of tougher scrapes. So long as he has his megabuster and something to fight for, he will never give up!

About Megaman's Weapons

Everyone knows about Megaman's ability to get equipped all kinds of wonderous weapons and tools. Megaman will even change colour so you know exactly which weapon you're using!

Megaman can only equip and use one weapon at a time. But he can shoot that weapon whenever he wants to. He can shoot while running, he can shoot while jumping, he can shoot while climbing a ladder, he can shoot while sliding (it will end the slide early though). That adds up to a lot of shooting!

There are a few catches however. If he shoots any weapon other than his default MEGABUSTER, he will drain its WEAPON ENERGY slightly. Running out of weapon energy for a certain weapon renders that weapon un-usable. This spent weapon energy is half restored whenever Megaman is KO'd.
To restore WEAPON ENERGY without dieing, Megaman must change back to his Megabuster and shoot. Every shot fired restores one UNIT of weapon energy, to a random weapon that needs it.
Each weapon starts off with 28 UNITS of weapon energy and each weapon has different unit costs when shooting it;
  • Tornado Blow (7 units)
  • Concrete Shot (4 units)
  • Laser Trident (2 units)
  • Black Hole Bomb(5 units)
  • Jewel Satellite(5 units)
  • Plug Ball (3 units)
  • Magma Shot (4-8 units depending on level of charge)
  • Hornet Chaser (3 units)
  • Rush Coil/Jet (7 units for Coil. 4 units per second of travel with Jet. 8 units if Coil is used while riding Jet)

About Changing Megaman's Weapon

There are two methods Megaman can use to switch his currently equipped weapon;
#1 MENU-TIME weapon change (NEUTRAL B to bring up the menu)
#2 REAL-TIME weapon change (B + ANY DIRECTION to navigate the 'Weapons Grid')

About Menu Time Weapon change

The Weapons Menu! It's quite small, so the brawl continues while you use it.
Time stops for Megaman when the menu is up

Megaman can open his weapons menu by pressing NEUTRAL-B. This opens a WEAPON MENU near Megaman, which the player can use to select a new weapon (Move Cursor with CONTROL STICK and PRESS A to confirm new weapon choice).

Megaman himself will be statically frozen in place until the player selects a new weapon (or 4 SECONDS pass, in which event the new weapon will be selected at random). The other players, however, can still move and attack Megaman (the total "launch" megaman will suffer after he leaves the menu is the accumulation of every attack Megaman suffered whilst frozen in place).

Fine print: Megaman cannot select a weapon that has no charge left, and he cannot re-enter the menu until he has used his current weapon at least once. He also cannot select the same weapon twice in a row. If Megaman has no other available weapon to switch to, the menu will not open. Once Megaman closes the menu, he must wait at least 2 seconds before opening it again. When Megaman enters the menu, any shots he had fired will disappear.

About Real Time Weapon change

The Weapons grid! Yellow marks your current weapon.
Blue marks a weapon that can be equipped. Grey denotes a weapon that has no energy left

Megaman can switch to another weapon without having to call up his menu! UP-B, DOWN-B, LEFT-B and RIGHT-B will all automatically change his weapon according to the WEAPONS GRID. Just as it sounds, the weapons grid is a 3x3 grid populated by the various weapons he can equip. The "cursor" highlights the weapon he has equipped, and he can equip a new weapon by moving the cursor. UP-B moves the cursor up, LEFT-B moves it left etc. The cursor cannot select, nor can it move past, any weapon that no longer has any energy left. So it is vital that Megaman plans ahead.

The weapons grid only appears briefly (0.9 seconds) whenever Megaman moves the cursor, but Megaman is helpless while the weapons grid is visible.

Fine print: Unlike using the menu, using the weapons grid does not remove any shots still on screen. This is both a blessing and a curse. While this means you can use other weapons with Plug Ball, Hornet Chaser and Black Hole Bomb, please note that Megaman cannot have more than three shots onscreen at once. That's three shots total, not three shots of each weapon. The exception is Tornado Blow. Tornado blow fires 5 tornadoes at once, so this cannot be fired at all if there are any other shots onscreen.

Important message from Dr Light!
Megaman has his megabuster, 8 robot master weapons and rush. One of the Robot master weapons (Jewel Satellite) is missing from, both the Weapons grid and Megaman's weapon menu. This is because Megaman uses Jewel Satellite instead of his shield! Just tap R at any time to summon a Jewel Satellite to protect Megaman.

Megaman's Stats


Megaman is a rather sturdy robot, even the strongest of blows from robots twenty times his size, barely phaze him. Megaman is even more difficult to launch than his weight would suggest, but that simply makes him a punching bag to comboists. Megaman cannot swim, at all. He sinks immediately and cannot jump out.


Despite being so heavy, Megaman is a real shrimp when it comes to size. An important thing to note is that his hitbox includes his feet and shoulders, which makes him a rather large target when he jumps.


Megaman cannot crouch. Crouching is for cowards like Wily


Having only one jump, Megaman is mostly doomed when knocked off stage. Rush Coil/Jet are great recoveries, but they quickly run out of energy and Megaman will be left with nothing but a long fall. Megaman does have an ace up his sleeve however. When he falls so far that he can't recover, Megaman will use a Beat Call (he only has 1 per stock) which is a guranteed recovery.


Megaman uses Jewel Satellite instead of a shield (it uses energy just like any other weapon), and he can move and jump with it active. Megaman can't shoot his current weapon until the jewel satellite has been destroyed however, and the shield itself is very fragile.


Megaman converts himself into a pile of pixels, then immediately reassembles himself. This looks and acts exactly the same as the animation when Megaman changes weapons in Megaman 2, so you just KNOW it's going to be short. Since pressing shield also activates Jewel Satellite, the spotdodge it actually genuinely useless.


Like the spotdodge, Megaman converts himself into a pile of pixels, but then he shoots off in the direction of the roll before reassembling. The roll takes 0.7 seconds, is as wide as 3 Marios, and is stylistically similar to his entrance animation (only sideways). If Megaman has a Jewel Satellite (since you have to press shield to roll, this is very likely), it will stay in place while he performs the roll, and quickly drift back to him once the roll ends.
Tip: Rolling behind a foe with a Jewel Satellite and charged Magma shot equipped, is literally the sweetest combo on earth. On its way back to Megaman, the Jewel Satellite slams into the foe, giving you ample opportunity to shotgun them with Magma shot.


Megaman activates Jewel Satellite if he presses shield whilst airborn.


Megaman is not known for having the highest or the fastest jump, but it always seems to be "just enough" to get him through whatever obstacle he faces. Part of the reason why is that Megaman shifts his body foreward when he jumps, meaning Megaman can jump just a little bit farther than he would be able to otherwise. Megaman only has one jump, after all, only freaks can double jump.


Megaman has been known to drop like a brick, particularly in water, due to being a robot. But this actually tends to be to Megaman's benefit, jumping up to take pot shots and falling down before the inevitable rebbutal. What makes Megaman somewhat unique in this regard is that the Jump itself is quite slow and floaty, it's just the fall which is quick and stubborn. Megaman does not have a terminal velocity while falling, if he jumps from a high enough point, he can fall faster than any other Character in the game.


Megaman can't walk, but he can inch forward a single pixel by flexing his foot. To do this, megaman must gently tap the control stick, since holding it to any degree results in a run.


Megaman has a very deliberate pace to go with his very deliberate jump. He won't be able to outrun opponents and relies instead on repelling them.


Megaman only has 1 frame of animation before reaching top speed, and he can turn around without skidding or penalty to his speed. He also reacts surprisingly well to icey floors.


Megaman has genuinely terrifying range and real options to punish an enemy in the air. Despite this, the fact he can only have 2-3 projectiles out at once, means he is much better in close quarters. Megaman is well known for his balls-to-the-wall bravado, often standing right in front of a vicious foe and dodging the enemy's attacks at point blank.


Individually, Megaman's projectiles are weak. But the rate at which he can pepper an enemy with them, is brutal.


There's no real limit to how fast megaman can shoot his projectiles, but if he starts missing his foe, his rate of fire will plummet


If Megaman has one failing above all others, it's that he can't launch his foes away easily. He is much more suited to racking up horrific amounts of damage, than he is to dealing the final strike. That said, shooting a foe a point blank with Magma shot is roughly equivilent to an uncharged F-smash


Megaman is surprisingy adept at gimping foes, Particularly with Concrete block and Plug ball, which will often send foes straight to their dooms.

Pros and Cons
  • Every move Megaman has is useful. Learn to use them in tandem with one another.
  • Megaman is almost untouchable if he has enough Weapon energy for Jewel Satellite. Break up combos, or start your own with a simple tap of R.
  • Megaman can shoot laglessly. Paste your enemy with an endless barrage of fire, or punish even the smallest opening.
  • Megaman only suffers half the normal knockback if he is in the air when struck. Many traditional KO methods will not work on Megaman
  • Megaman has safe, easy gimping techniques
  • Megaman can semi-stall with Menu-Time weapon change
  • Megaman cannot be grabbed

  • At any one time Megaman can only use two of his attacks (Slide & Shoot Weapon)
  • Megaman has only one jump (usually) and recoveries that rely on having weapon energy
  • Megaman can easily run out of weapon energy, stopping him from using certain weapons at crucial moments
  • Being both heavy and a fastfaller, makes Megaman the perfect target for combos
  • Megaman is quite slow at changing his weapons
  • Jewel Satellite is extremely fragile
  • Megaman can't camp. He's too slow
  • Megaman is at his most dangerous when he is up close to his enemy. But that's also when he's at his most vulnerable
  • Megaman has blind spots that are as clear as day
  • Megaman cannot grab ledges
  • Megaman cannot shoot if there are 3 or more of his projectiles on screen
  • Megaman dies INSTANTLY, if he touches spikes or lava hazards in stages

Megaman is an odd sort. Despite having so many projectiles, he cannot camp the enemy very well. Just like in his games, Megaman is at his best when he's right up in the enemy's face, plastering them with a deluge of shots. His shield should be used sparingly, either to stop an enemy advance, or to start a counterattack. Mindgames are vital with Megaman, as to divert focus away from his glaring blind spots. When low on weapon energy, repel the foe with Magma shot or a charged Megabuster shot, and then plaster a wall with megabuster shots. Remember to combine his attacks creatively, and spam his slide like it was going out of style


Idle: Megaman stands in a rather defiant pose, turning his head to face the action

Run: Making no pretences to being graceful, Megaman plods onward, towards his next challenge

Jump: Megaman leaps with all the strength his robotic limbs can provide. He raises his arms in the air as if to say "I enjoy jumping like I enjoy a good rollercoaster"

Shoot: Megaman leans foreward, in order to brace himself for the recoil. His hand metamorphasises into the Megabuster, presumably to deliver justice to his enemy's face

Damage: Megaman's limbs become limp from the shock of taking damage. The pain of the attack registers across Megaman's face

Sleep/Stun/Trip: Megaman falls flat on his face

Slide (DOWN + A): The slide is the only Close range manouver, Megaman has at his disposal. Megaman slides foreward 1.5x as fast as his walking speed. This is an attack with a small hitbox at his foot. The attack hits multiple times (1% every 0.2 seconds) and drags the foe along with him. There is one additional hit at the very end of Megaman's slide, which has a fixed knockback (it repels the foe by a distance of 3 Marios). There is no lag at either end of the move and Megaman can cancel the move at any time by shooting. Megamand cannot change direction while sliding and Megaman can accidentally slide off the stage all-together.

Beat Call (Fall down past the blast zone): Good thing he visited Auto's shop before the brawl. Beat flies down below the bottom of the screen and retrieves Megaman, flying him to the point he would have had to respawn if he had died. Megaman has Super Armor while recovering, and he can let go of Beat by pressing jump. Megaman only has one beat call per stock, and it won't stop you from getting KO'd off the top or side blast zones


Megaman fires a small pill shaped projectile out of his megabuster which travels forward until it leaves the screen or hits an obstacle. If a foe reflects or shields the shot, it will bounce off, flying off into the sky. Even shots that have been reflected can still deal damage if they hit someone. Megabuster shots (and all of his other weapons other than Black Hole bomb and laser Trident) cannot travel through walls.
Megaman can charge his shot by holding the button down (although he will still fire a shot out before he starts charging). At 1.75 seconds the shot is semi-charged and at 3 seconds it becomes fully-charged. Megaman can have up to three shots on screen at once.

effect: An uncharged megabuster shot deals 2% damage but no knockback,stun or flinching. A semi charged shot deals 6% damage and hitstun, but still no knockback. A fully charged Megabuster shot deals 12% damage and medium knockback, KO'ing at 120%. When megaman shoots a megabuster shot, it restores one unit of charge to a random weapon that isn't already fully charged.

Comments: The Megabuster is Megaman's last resort in many cases, which is ironic considering just how many things it has going for it; It doesn't run out of energy, the pellets move relatively fast and charged megabuster shots are one of Megamans very few KO options. The big problem with the megabuster, however is that shots bounce off shields and end up going in the completely wrong direction. Since you can only ever have 3 shots onscreen at once, this is a big problem if you're trying to lock a player down with a barrage of projectile fire, or if you're attacking at long-range. Uncharged Megabuster shots also lack knockback and hitstun, making it a poor choice of weapon in close quarters.
The Megabuster is best used at Mid Range while retreating.

Tornado Blow
When Megaman uses the tornado blow, 5 green tornados [all megaman's size] sweep the screen from bottom to top, gaining momentum as they travel. If megaman jumps when the tornado's are onscreen, his jump height is doubled. If Megaman is in midair when he uses tornado blow, he gains another jump. Megaman must wait until the tornado's have disaapeared before he can use the move again.
effect: If a tornado collides with an enemy, they will take a good deal of damage (12%) and are swept upwards in a manner similar to how G&W's Up-Air blows foes up in the air. The higher the damage and the lighter the character, the farther they will be blown.

Comments:Tornado blow is a great weapon for spacing your enemy/enemies. At least one tornado appears underneath each foe when you use it, so they will have to move to avoid it. Plus you gain a higher/extra jump when you use it. By far the best weapon to use while retreating. Tornado blow has, the second slowest firing rate, and cannot be used in conjunction with any other projectile.

Concrete Shot
When Megaman shoots a blob of cement out of his megabuster it quickly falls to the ground where it solidify's into a block that is roughly the size of megaman himself. Until it crumbles 2 seconds later, that block will behave just like solid ground. Megaman can have up to 3 cement blocks out at any one time.
effect: If a cement blob hits an enemy, they will be encased in cement, and frozen in place for 3 seconds (if they are in the air, they will plummet to the ground whereupon the cement will shatter, dealing 6% damage). If the blob hits a projectile, the projectile will soldify, halving its momentum but doubling the damage it deals

Comments: This and Plug Ball are tied for 'most sadistic edge-guard ever'. The blobs of cement have enough priority to stop most approaches dead in their tracks, but they'll dissipate if hit by a sword, beam or water attack. If you cement a foe, you'll have just enough time to switch weapons before they escape, so it's the only weapon Megaman can technically combo with. Concrete shot only does damage to foes in the air, however, and attacking them when they're frozen in place does nothing. Concrete Shot CAN be reflected back at Megaman, so BEWARE!

Laser Trident
When a laser trident shoots out of megaman's megabuster it shoots straight foreward (it travels as fast as Link's charged arrows). The laser Trident is not affected by shields, counters, solid ground, explosions etc, but has a low priority against other projectiles and trown items. Megaman can have up to 3 Laser Tridents on screen at once
effect: If the laser trident hits an enemy (who isn't shielding, countering etc) it will deal 3% damage and light knockback. The laser trident pierces through enemies, objects and solid ground and can hit more than one enemy before it disappears. It will disappear if it hits a projectile or leaves the screen.

Comments: Laser Trident is an all-round weapon, in many ways it is better than the Megabuster. Although it can be stopped by virtually any other projectile, Laser Trident is incredibly reliable, zipping right through walls and shields. The knockback is another thing that sets this weapon apart from the megabuster, and if you space his shots perfectly, you can combo an enemy until the weapon's energy runs out

Black Hole Bomb
Megaman shoots a small purple orb out of his megabuster, which will lazily float foreward until Megaman presses the button again, whereupon it will stop, explode and become a small blackhole. The black hole lasts for 4 seconds. Megaman can only have one Black Hole out at any one time.
effect:The black hole gently pulls foes towards it (triple that of the "pull" exerted by Unira) and deals 10% the first time it hits a given enemy. The, admittedly small, explosion itself deals medium knockback (negated partially by the "pull" from the black hole) and 15% damage. Nearby Items and projectiles are pulled into and are destroyed by the black hole

Comments: Black Hole Bomb is all about crowd control and messing with your opponent, although clever opponents can slingshot themselves out of its pull, turning that momentum into an unstoppable approach. It does make an excellent barier to all other projectiles though (Including Final Smashes such as Zero-Laser)

Jewel Satellite
(unlike other weapons, Jewel Satellite can be activated at any time by pressing R, Megaman will briefly flash pink while summoning the satellite)
Megaman summons 4 small jewels which revolve around him in an irregular pattern, providing a small shield. If a small projectile hits a jewel (around 75% chance due to how they move) the projectile is destroyed and the jewel shoots forward in rebbutal. If a large projectile hits the jewel satellite (and it will unless some of the jewels are missing from the satellite) both the jewels and the projectile are destroyed. Megaman can't shoot his current weapon while he has a Jewel Satellite but Megaman can instead, shoot his remaining jewels foreward, one at a time,
effect: If a jewel that has been shot foreward hits a foe, they will be dealt 2% damage and miniscule knockback. If an enemy touches or attacks the jewel satellite, they will suffer 5% damage + medium hitstun and the satellite will disappear.

Comments: A shield you can move around with sounds amazing. But relying on it for defensive purposes will quickly see Megaman run out of weapon energy for it. Best used to break up an enemy's combo before it gets out of hand. Although it's tempting to do so, don't just spam Jewel Satellite in an enemy's face over and over

Plug Ball
A plug ball drops out of Megaman's megabuster and plummets to the ground. When it touches the ground, it will travel along it, following the surface of the stage like a small Hothead for 6 seconds. The plug ball will also disappear if it hits an item or enemy. Megaman can have up to 3 plug balls out at once
effect: on Contact, a plug ball deals 9% damage and light knockback. Electric properties but no hitstun. If it hits an enemy whilst falling to the ground, the enemy is spiked.

Comments: Plug balls are absolutely awesome projectiles, despite dropping like a rock in midair. Spamming this over the edge is probably the easiest edgeguarding technique in the game, although most attacks will get rid of a plug ball. Plug balls also interrupt most up-B's (except disjointed ones for reasons that should be obvious). Other than that, letting a couple of plug balls circle a platform will keep the enemy on its toes, and possibly even provide an opening for a fully charged magma shot.

Magma Shot
Three licks of flame spread out from the megabuster in a shotgun like fashion. Megaman can charge Magma shot like he can charge his Megabuster. Charging for 3 seconds or more doubles the size, knockback and unit cost of the flames. Like the megabuster, Megaman can hold (but not store) the charge while he moves around, but if Megaman is hit by an attack, he is knocked out of his charge. Each flame disappears when hit by most attacks or projectiles. All three flames must disappear before megamn can shoot again.
effect: each shot deals only 1% damage and very light knockback. Being hit by 2 shots deals 4% damage and 4x as much knockback. Being hit by all 3 shots deals 16% damage and 8x as much knockback (like an uncharged F-smash). Charging Magma shot for 3 seconds will deal twice as much knockback.

Comments: Magma shot is THE KO move of Megaman. unfortunately it's totally useless unless you can get all three shots to hit an enemy. So, obviously you have to be at close range, which is pretty predictable. Expect enemies to make a bee-line for your bindspots, so they can knock you out of your charge. You can stop aerial approaches with this, and shotgun another shot into their face while they're off-balance.

Hornet Chaser
Megaman shoots a little buzzy bee out of his megabuster which, although homing, is in no rush to get to its target. It can only turn anti-clockwise, so the closer it gets, the easier it is to dodge. Hornets can also choose to home in on small items, which it will bring back to megaman. Hornets will follow eachother if there is only one target in range. Hornets will stop homing after being out for 6 seconds and will continue on their current trajectory until they leave the screen or hit something (they will also drop any items they are carrying). Megaman can have up to three hornets out at once.
effect: on contact, each hornet deals 5% damage and cancels all the enemy's current momentum. The hornets are easily taken out by other projectiles but are not affected by direct attacks.

Comments: Because they home in on their own, this is a good projectile for aerial pressure and locking a foe down. You can juggle a foe in the air if they try to jump over or land near Megaman (getting all 9 hornets to hit is 45% damage. So it's certainly worth trying for)

Rush Coil/Jet
Megaman summons his faithful canine companion who (in a manner like megaman's entrance) swiftly falls from the top of the screen to a strategic point, wherupon he will transform into something that will help Megaman move about. After summoning Rush, Megaman can shoot uncharged megabuster shots (up to 2 onscreen at once). These shots do not restore any weapon energy when fired.

If megaman uses this on the ground, Rush will be summoned to the space directly in front of him, (if there is ground to stand on) and transforms into a spring. The spring will stay out for 5 seconds or until someone jumps onto it. If Megaman jumps on the spring, he will be catapulted straight up, to a little more than twice his regular jump height.

If rush is used while falling, Rush is summoned a short distance underneath Megaman where he will hover in place with his jets, making a small platform for Megaman to ride. When Megaman lands on Rush, he will travel forewards until he collides with solid ground, after which Rush will disappear. Rush Jet moves at 2/3 the speed of Megaman running, but only moves while Megaman is actually standing on it.

Comments: Rush Coil is all about chasing an enemy into the air, so it's relatively situationaly. Rush Jet, however, is much more useful, since it's one of the few recovery options Megaman has. Rush Coil can actually be activated whilst riding Rush Jet, in which case a spring automatically appears on Rush's back and launches megaman upwards, at a cost of 8 units. Megaman can stall underneath most stages with Rush jet, by constantly jumping up and down on Rush.

Megaman automatically loads battering/throwable items into his megabuster when he picks them up, and shoots them out instead of whatever projectile he would usually shoot. Items shot out like this behave as if thrown. He can load up to three items into his megabuster before he has to start shooting them.

Important message from Dr Light!
Megaman's weapons are all effective against certain foes. For example, Black Hole Bomb deals double damage to Mario.
This works the other way around too. Mario takes half damage from Jewel Satellite...

Weakness Table
(character suffers double damage against that weapon)
Tornado Blow: Peach, Kirby, Jigglypuff, Bowser, Charizard
Laser Trident: Marth, Ike, Lucario, Link, Toon Link
Magma shot: Ice Climbers, Ivysaur, ZeroSuit Samus
Cement Block: Pit, MetaKnight, King DeDeDe, Pikachu, Yoshi
Black Hole Bomb: Fox, Falco, Wolf, Olimar, Ganondorf, Mario
Plug ball: Squirtle, Captain Falcon, Game&Watch, ROB, Samus
Jewel Satellite: Zelda, Sheik, Wario, Snake, Luigi
Hornet Chaser: Diddy, DonkeyKong, Sonic, Ness, Lucas
Megabuster: Megaman

Strength Table
(character suffers half damage against that weapon)
Tornado Blow: King DeDeDe, Pit, Ice Climbers, Metaknight, Captain Falcon
Laser Trident: Squirtle, Fox, Falco, Wolf, ROB
Magma shot: Snake, Charizard, Bowser, Samus
Cement block: Sonic, ZeroSuit Samus, Wario, DonkeyKong, Ike
Black Hole Bomb: Zelda, Sheik, Game&Watch, Link, Toon Link
Plug Ball Pikachu, Ness, Lucas, Marth, Diddy
Jewel Satellite: Lucario, Jigglypuff, Olimar, Mario
Hornet Chaser: Kirby, Ivysaur, Luigi, Yoshi

Important message from Dr Light!
I have been upgrading Megaman's copy function in preperation for Smash Brothers. Instead of just taking their weapons, Megaman can now BECOME the Robot Masters. This takes up enormous amounts of energy, so he can't do this without a Smash Ball

Final Smash
Depending on the weapon Megaman currently has equipped, he will become one of the 9 robot masters of Megaman9 (controls vary between robots, but are mostly similar to megaman's controls). This is a transformation smash that lasts 45 seconds and persists even if Megaman dies during it. (i.e. when he respawns he will still be the robot master). Robot Masters cannot flinch but the Final Smash will end early if the robot master is sufficiently damaged (exact stamina varies depending on certain circumstances)

Each robot Master has a base amount of stamina. The amount of weapon energy Megaman has for his equipped weapon when he activates the final smash also affects the amount of stamina he has during it.
The exact stamina Megaman has during his Final Smahs can be calculated by;
'Base Stamina' multiplied by units of 'weapon energy' left divided by 28

Each weapon type has an alternate final smash that happens by chance. In these, rare cases, Megaman will transform into Doc Robot, who will in turn copy the programming of a robot master from the past. The exception to this is if the Megabuster is equipped. The alternate final smash for the mega buster is the Wily Machine;

This is Doc Robot, he mimics the behaviour of other Robot Masters

Final Smash Types;
  • Megabuster: FakeMan[90%] or Wily Machine 9[10%]
  • Jewel Satellite: JewelMan[60%] or Doc Robot As WoodMan[40%]
  • Laser Trident: SplashWoman[80%] or Doc Robot As IceMan[20%]
  • Concrete Shot: ConcreteMan[75%] or Doc Robot As GutsMan[25%]
  • Tornado Blow: TornadoMan[75%] or Doc Robot As AirMan[25%]
  • Plug Ball: PlugMan[70%] or Doc Robot As SnakeMan[30%]
  • Black Hole Bomb: GalaxyMan[88%] or Doc Robot As FlashMan[12%]
  • Hornet Chaser: HornetMan[60%] or Doc Robot As TopMan[40%]
  • Magma Shot: MagmaMan[80%] or Doc Robot As HeatMan[20%]
  • Rush Coil/Jet: Any of the above, chosen completely at random
(Regardless of which weapon is equipped, having a full jewel satellite when activating the final smash will transform Megaman into JewelMan or Doc Robot as WoodMan)


Fake Man
Base Stamina=80%​
Megaman transforms himself into the wrong arm of the law, Fake Man! Unlike many of Megaman's other Final Smashes, FakeMan can move and jump without restriction, making him control much like Megaman himself. Unfortunately, Fake Man can only fire his gun during other players' attack animations, so if your enemies don't attack, FakeMan cannot shoot. Fake Man's projectile looks and acts similar to regular Megabuster shots but, in midair, he shoots downwards at a 45 degree angle. There is a 33% chance every time he shoots, that two shots come out at once. These special shots spread apart as they travel (much like Magma shot) making them trickier to avoid, but less accurate.

Touching Fake Man causes 8% damage and medium knockback (KO at 125%)
Touching one of Fake Man's shots causes 5% damage and high hitstun (1.5 seconds worth)
Touching two of Fake Man's shots at once causes 25% damage and high knockback (KO at 80%)

Wily Machine 9
Base Stamina=250%​
It's only has a 10% chance of happening compared to Fake Man, but it's worth the wait. Megaman becomes a gigantic dinosaur like vehicle which can only move left or right when hovering above the ground with its thrusters. Pressing jump activates the thrusters, levitating him a short distance above the ground. The longer jump is held, the higher Wily Machine hovers. Pressing jump again, or hovering in place for 2 seconds causes Wily Machine to crash back down to the ground. At any point during this final smash, pressing A will release a bouncing explosive egg out of the machine's "mouth". Although only one egg can be on-screen at a time, the explosive eggs are quite large and explode on contact with another player. Attacking an egg has a 75% chance of sending it the other way and a 25% chance of making it explode.

Touching Wily Machine causes 15% damage and medium knockback (KO at 160%)
Getting crushed underneath Wily Machine when it falls causes 40% damage and super-high knockback (KO at 40%, funnily enough)
Explosion from egg causes 30% damage and high knockback (KO at 80%)

Jewel Satellite

Jewel Man
Base Stamina=200%​
Megaman transforms into that lover of shiny objects, Jewel man. Jewel Man can activate and shoot as many Jewel Satellites (with R) as he pleases, although he cannot stop running and he can only jump when an enemy is airborne. One of his weakest transformations, so make sure Megaman doesn't have a full jewel satellite around him when he activates his Final Smash.

Touching Jewel Man causes 10% damage and light knockback
Touching one of the jewels in a jewel satellite causes 2% damage and light hitstun.
Touching a jewel that has been fired out of a jewel satellite causes 5% damage and light knockback (KO at 200%)

Wood Man
Base Stamina=800%​
If luck is on his side, Megaman can become wood man. He can activate and shoot leaf shields just like they were jewel satellites. As a bonus, every time he does so, 5 evenly spaced leaves materialise and fall in front of him (he must wait until these leaves fall off the screen before he can summon a new leaf shield). Wood Man is mostly immobile however. He can only move left or right when he is in the air, and he can only jump immediately after shooting a leaf shield

Touching Wood Man causes 30% damage and high knockback (KO at 85%)
Touching a leaf shield causes 15% damage and flinching knockback
Touching a falling leaf causes 10% damage and spikes

Laser Trident

Splash Woman
Base Stamina=300%​
Megaman somehow transcends genders and becomes that diva of the ocean, Splash Woman. As You move her left and right, Splash woman sings while slowely rising upwards. Everytime she changes direction she summons 3 small fish which sweep across the screen below her (she can only have 3 fish on-screen at once). Pressing A makes Splash woman shoot a laser Trident straight down at the ground. After shooting 6 laser tridents, or if she stops still for 1.5 seconds, Splash Woman plummets down to the ground herself (if she was in the air to begin with)

Touching Splash Woman as she plummets causes 15% damage and spikes the enemy
Touching Splash woman while singing causes 20% damage and medium knockback (KO at 200%)
Touching Splash woman at any other time causes 5% damage and light knockback
Touching a fish causes 20% damage and flinching knockback
Touching a Laser Trident causes 3% damage and knocks the enemy downwards

Ice Man
Base Stamina=500%​
It's totally not an Ice Climber! Megaman becomes the frigid, Ice Man! Ice Man can only run left or right for short distances (4 times his width) before he tires out and has to stop for 2 seconds. Ice Man must be stationary if he wants to jump. Ice Man fires automatically three times whenever he jumps, although pressing A while airborne forces him to shoot earlier. The blasts of ice he shoots, behave similar to Laser Trident shots, despite travelling much slower and freezing their target.

Touching Ice Man causes 15% damage and medium knockback (KO at 160%)
Touching a blast of ice causes 6% damage and freezes the enemy (no knockback)

Concrete Shot

Concrete Man
Base Stamina=800%​
Megaman becomes that bulldozer of a gutsman ripoff, Concrete Man. Concrete Man has three moves at his disposal, but can do nothing else. He must also wait for each move to end before trying another, and he cannot use the same attack twice in a row.
Press left/right: Concrete Man shoulder barges in that direcion, sliding until he hits a wall or reaches an edge
Press jump: Concrete man jumps high into the air, and crashes back down after a short pause. Concrete man can move left or right while he jumps up (about as much as when using a warp star)
Press A: Concrete man shoots 3 blobs of cement out of his arm at once. Each blob is fired at a random trajectory, but all three will be generally be aimed toward the nearest enemy. These shots behave identically to concrete shots, but travel slightely further.

Touching Concrete Man as he barges causes 20% damage and medium knockback (KO at 110%)
Touching Concrete Man as he falls causes 35% damage and high vertical knockback (KO at 85%)
Touching Concrete Man at any other time causes 10% damage and flinching knockback
Touching a blob of cement causes 5% damage (in addition to the usual effects of the move)

Guts Man
Base Stamina=1200%​
The original and best! Megaman becomes Guts Man! Guts Man must jump if he wants to move left or right, and he can't do either very quickly. If Guts Man touches an item or projectile, he will catch it and fashion it into a small ball of junk. He can add more items and projectiles to the ball to make it bigger, but he cannot move at all until he throws the ball away. When thrown, the ball will shatter into 4 pebbles on contact with an enemy or the ground. These pebbles behave just like any other throwable item, and can even contribute to another ball of junk for Guts Man.

Touching Guts Man causes 20% damage and high knockback (KO at 80%)
Touching an airborne ball of junk causes 40% damage and high knockback (KO at 70%)
*Thrown pebbles cause 15% damage and medium knockback (KO at 130%)

Tornado Blow

Tornado Man
Base Stamina=280%​
Megaman transforms in one cool customer on the wind, Tornado Man! He can't move left or right unless he's falling, but can use Tornado Blow at any time by pressing A (The same restrictions on how often you can use it apply). Pressing and releasing the jump button sends his legs into a rapid spin, which causes him to rise up off the ground (the longer jump is held, the higher he will levitate). He will then hover at that height until he descends, either from being attacked or if jump is pressed a second time (holding jump down lets Tornado man move further left or right than he could normally)

Touching Tornado Man's spinning legs causes 15% damage and high knockback straight down
Touching Tornado Man as he falls causes 12% damage and high knockback in the direction he was currently travelling (Can KO as early as 70%)
Touching Tornado Man under any other circumstances causes 12% damage and light knockback
Touching one of Tornado Blow's tornadoes causes 12% damage and sweeps the foe upwards

Air Man
Base Stamina=500%​
Through a freak of luck (25% chance actually) Megaman turns into Air man instead. Air man can only move left or right while jumping (and he can't control the height of his jumps. It constantly switches between short hop, medium jump and full jump). Pressing A while standing still causes Air Man to summon 7 tornadoes which appear in random places across the screen, but generally within Air Man's field of vision (these tornados look identical to the ones used with Tornado blow, except they are blue instead of green). These tornadoes will stay in place until A is pressed a second time, whereupon Air Man will use his propeller to push the tornadoes in the direction he is facing. Air man can be damaged by his own tornadoes, if he should happen to touch one

Touching Air Man causes 12% damage and light knockback
Touching a tornado causes 20% damage and flinching knockback

Plug Ball

Plug Man
Base Stamina=500%​
Megaman transforms into that, eclectic electric, Plug Man. He can only move left or right while jumping, and he can only jump in tiny hops (or one longer, but not higher, jump if the button is held down). If he reaches a wall, or other solid obstacle, he will jump as high as is neccessary to clear it. At any time, Plug man can fire a plug ball from his arm, which behaves exactly like megaman's version of the weapon

Touching Plug Man causes 10% damage and light knockback
Touching a Plug ball on the ground or walls causes 9% damage and light knockback
Touching a falling plug ball causes 9% damage and spikes.

Snake Man
Base Stamina=300%​
Megaman becomes a slippery customer indeed, he transforms into Snake Man! Snake Man can move left or right at will, but cannot jump unless he is next to an obstacle that needs to be jumped over (he will jump as high as it neccessary, but will not jump at all otherwise). Pressing A at any time will Make Snake Man release a Snake, which behaves very similar to a Plug Ball, except it doesn't drop straight to the ground when fired and as a result, can't spike the enemy.

Touching Snake Man causes 14% damage and light knockback
Touching a snake causes 15% damage and medium knockback (KO at 200%)

Hornet Chaser

Hornet Man
Base Stamina=280%​
Megaman transforms into that lover of gardening, Hornet Man! Hornet Man can move left and right and jump as he pleases, but he cannot shoot his weapon unless he jumps straight up. When Hornet Man jumps straight up, he will automatically jump higher than normal and shoot three special Hornets as he rises. These Hornets behave very differently to Megaman's version. They cannot change direction midflight, sacrificing manouverability for sheer speed. The hornets dart towards the closest enemy, stopping breifly once they've passed their target. The three hornets will repeat this a total of 3 times before disappearing. Hornet Man can move around as normal while the Hornets are flying, but he cannot summon more until the current three have disappeared.

Touching Hornet Man causes 10% damage and light knockback
Touching a Hornet causes 15% damage and medium knockback (KO at 150%)

Top Man
Base Stamina=400%​
Megaman becomes the unfortunately named Top Man, unfortunately. Top Man cannot jump, but he rarely needs to. To move left or right, Top Man must rapidly press A to build up charge (the more A is pressed, the farther he will dash). Once the desired level of charge has been reached, and after a slight pause while he starts spinning, Top Man will dash foreward behaving much like a hothead (i.e. he will follow the shape of the terrain as he moves). Pressing B while stationary will make Top Man summon three Spinning Tops diagonally upward in front of him. After a slight delay, the three tops will dart towards the nearest enemy and continue on that tradjectory until they leave the screen.

Touching Top Man as he dashes causes 5% damage and high knockback (KO at 80%)
Touching Top Man as he charges up causes 3% damage and light knockback toward Top Man (Can be DI'd out of by 40%)
Touching Top Man at any other time causes 8% damage and light knockback
Touching a Spinning Top as it is moving causes 12% damage and high knockback in a random direction (can KO at 100%)
Touching a stationary Spinning Top causes 8% damage and flinching knockback

Black Hole Bomb

Galaxy Man
Base Stamina=100%​
Megaman transforms himself into the star gazing super computer, Galaxy Man. As Galaxy Man moves left or right, he rises upwards, although if he stops or tries to change direction, he will plummit to the ground. Pressing jump converts him to "spaceship" mode whereupon he will patrol the top of the stage. In spaceship mode, Galaxy Man can shoot a purple orb, which will sink while drifting towards the nearest enemy. Once it sinks close enough to the ground, the orb will detonate and become a black hole. Galaxy Man will automatically teleport into the space directly below the black hole and revert back to "regular" mode.
Touching Galaxy Man causes 30% damage and light knockback
Touching a black hole causes 10% damage and flinching knockback
Touching the explosion as a black hole forms causes 15% damage and medium knockback (KO at 160%)

Flash Man
Base Stamina=120%​
Megaman harnesses the powers of time itself and becomes Flash Man. Flash Man moves very slowely and cannot jump unless he is next to an obstacle that needs to be jumped over (he will jump as high as it neccessary, but will not jump at all otherwise). Flash Man can freeze time for everyone but himself, for 3 seconds at a time by pressed A (There is a 5 second recharge period before he can freeze time again). If he presses A while time is frozen, Flash Man will shoot a barrage of pellets (5 at a time in a 'high-recoil' machine gun fashion).

Attacks; *Knockback caused when time is frozen is reduced by half*
Touching Flash Man causes 12% damage and medium knockback (KO at 150%)
Touching a pellet causes 3% damage and low hitstun

Magma Shot

Magma Man
Base Stamina=300%​
Megaman becomes Magma Man, a robot with a volcanic personality. Magma Man can only move left or right while airborne and jumps as high as the obstacle he needs to clear (much like Plug Man). Magma Man automatically shoots his weapon (identical in form and function to Megaman's version) at the peak of every jump. If Magma Man rapidly taps A whilst on the ground, he will ignite the flames on his head, causing his next two shots to be charged shots.

Touching Magma Man's head flames caues 30% damage and flinching knockback
Touching Magma Man causes 12% damage and medium knockback (KO at 90%)
Touching one flame from Magma shot causes 1% damage and very light knockback
Touching two flames from Magma shot causes 4% damage and light knockback
Touching three flames from Magma shot causes 16% damage and medium knockback (KO at 150%)
(knockback from flames doubles if the shot is charged)

Heat Man
Base Stamina=80%​
What a hothead! Megaman becomes the veritable toaster of Robot Masters, Heat Man! Heat Man is completely immobile unless he has his flame shield around him. Whenever Heat Man is damaged, he surrounds himself in an inpenetrable flame shield. From the flame shield, holding left or right causes Heat Man to shoot himself in that direction as a series of flames. Once you stop moving Heat Man, he will lose his flame shield. Pressing A when Heat Man does not have a Heat Shield causes him to throw 3 tiny flame bombs towards the closest enemy. Small columns of flame will erupt where-ever they land.

Touching Heat Man while he is moving causes 12% damage and high knockback (KO at 90%)
Touching Heat Man while he is in his flame shield causes 15% damage and light knockback
Touching Heat Man at any other time causes 8% damage and light knockback
Touching a flame bomb causes 20% damage and flinching knockback
Touching a column of flame cause 15% damage and high vertical knockback (KO at 100%)


Assist Trophy: Eddie
What a cute robot! Eddie appears from the Assist Trophy and does the only thing he knows how. He flips his top and scatters 7 random health restoring items across the stage. They generally land around him, but he will make an extra effort to make them reach any Megamen currently on the stage. There is a 1 in 3 chance that a smash ball will come out instead of the health items. Eddie can be picked up and thrown (impact is similar to that of a hammer head), but if you do that before he has a chance to dish out his goodies, he will teleport away.

Stage: Robot Master Room

The famous Robot Master rooms just became even more precarious! Like the Electroplankton stage, characters are rendered in 2D here. There are three shutter doors which open and close randomly during battle. At least one door will be open at all times.
This stage has a notoriously low blast ceiling and is a nightmare to most campers (characters who can heal themselves do very well here). The walls mostly rule out horizontal KO, so go for the vertical ones.

Stage Music;
We're the Robots
Concrete Man
Boss- Born Again-
Wily Machine
Magma Man

But wait! If you hold down R while selecting the stage, you'll end up here;

Break Man's Room! Things can get quite chaotic in this small chamber. Play a 1v1, Stamina match for the authentic Break Man experience. As a bonus, if you set a CPU Megaman to Lv1 and play this stage, he will behave exactly like Break Man did in Megaman

Stage Music;
Spark Man
Intro Stage SFC
Cut Man
Boss battle
Flash Man

But wait! If you hold down L instead while selecting the stage, you'll end up here;

Crash Man's room! There's a shutter door that occasionally opens and closes to give access to the left blast zone. The upper blast zone feels higher than the other stages.

Stage Music;
I can't defeat Airman
Boss remix
Song #20


Kirby Hat

Kirby becomes pixelated, and can shoot whatever weapon Megaman had equipped when he was swallowed (he shoots out of his mouth). The weapon has 16 units of weapon energy and there's no way for Kirby to restore this without giving up the power.

Alternate Costumes
Changing Megaman's costume, doesn't change his colour, he becomes an entirely different character! This helps differentiate between two or more Megamen in a match. This is just a cosmetic change, it does not affect how Megaman plays in any way. However. these alternate costumes do have their own taunts, victory and loss poses

From left to right; Rush Adaptor Megaman, Mega, Break Man, Bass, Roll, Dr Wily, Dr Light, Quint

Rush adaptor Megaman
Rush has fused with Megaman! This is useful somehow?

It's Megaman, when he's not Megaman. It makes sense, trust me

Break Man
He seems somewhat familiar, like a brother... nah, couldn't be..

He's such a douche that Dr Wily immediately began making a better, less douchey, robot

Megaman's sister/not-sister. Somehow related to Megaman's brother/not-brother

Dr Wily
It's safe to say that everything that has ever gone wrong in the universe, is his fault. But you just can't say no to those eyebrows...

Dr Light
He likes to give 'menial task robots', the most retardedly over-powered weapons he can, you know, just in case.

?? Why, this looks like Megaman, from the future! But he's evil! What a sad destiny for Megaman to have to destroy his future self...


Up taunt: Megaman blinks twice in rapid succession
Down taunt: Megaman jumps and twirls in the air, just like a pansy
Side taunt: Megaman changes his weapon to something not normally available. His palette becomes dark grey and black. This actually counts as an extra weapon, but trying to shoot it will cause the Megabuster to explode in Megaman's face, damaging himself (10%) and turning him entirely black.

Rush Adaptor Megaman
Up taunt: Rush Adaptor Megaman hovers briefly in place
Down taunt: Rush Adaptor Megaman's Mega arm falls off. He can't repeat his down taunt until he picks the Mega arm back up
Side taunt: Rush Adaptor Megaman sufferes a malfunction and temporarily transforms into Item 2

Up taunt: Mega blinks twice in quick succession
Down taunt: Mega kicks a soccerball around with his feet
Side taunt: Mega puts on his Megaman helmet. Repeat the taunt to take it off again

Break Man
Up taunt: Break Man whistles Protoman's theme.
Down taunt: Break Man turns away from the screen, his scarf fluttering in the breeze
Side taunt: Break Man takes off his mask. OMG! IT'S PROTOMAN! If that's too awsome, just repeat the taunt to put his mask back on

Up taunt: Bass defies logic and fuses with Rush to become Rush Adaptor Bass. Repeating the taunt un-fuses the two.
Down taunt: Bass stands defiant
Side taunt: Bass tries to quiet a sudden surge of energy from within him

Up taunt: Roll blows a kiss to nobody in particular
Down taunt: Roll twirls around in place, and changes her costume to resemble the one from Megaman 8. To change back, repeat the taunt
Side taunt: Roll embarassingly falls on her backside

Dr Wily
Up taunt: Dr Wily wiggles his eyebrows
Down taunt: Dr Wily wiggles his eyebrows
Side taunt: Dr Wily Reveals his true identity. He's an ALIEN! Wait... that can't be right. Do the taunt again and he really reveals his true identity. Mr X! Wait.. no, that's just wrong. Do the taunt once more to return him to good ol' eyebrow Wily

Dr Light
Up taunt: Dr Light turns and points ominously at the background, expecting it to blow up
Down taunt: Dr Light suddenly malfunctions! He's a fake Dr Light! Do the taunt again to return him to his original self.
Side taunt: Dr Light waves his arms like a looney

All taunts: Quint gets his pogo stick out (I'm serious) and rides it. Use the taunt again to put that blasted thing away

Final Smash Taunts

Fake Man
Up/Side taunt: Fake Man Salutes his opponent. He's not fooling anybody
Down taunt: The barrel of Fake Man's gun whirrs around briefly

Wily Machine 9
Up/Side taunt: The canopy of Wily Machine 9 explodes, revealing the pilot. It's a Metool?! This taunt can only be used once
Down taunt: Wily Machine's mouth opens and closes, as if chewing.

Jewel Man
Up/Side taunt: Jewel Man sparkles like a gem. Totally manly
Down taunt: Jewel Man flaps his arms up and dow

Concrete Man
Up/Side taunt: Concrete Man jumps up and down in place a couple of times. He doesn't get very high.
Down taunt: Concrete Man tries to shoot, but only a slither of cement comes out

Splash Woman
Up/Side taunt: Splash Woman sings to herself. La la LAA! Hey! It's the Megaman 9 title screen song!
Down taunt: Splash Woman unsheaves her trident.

Tornado Man
Up/Side taunt (in air): Tornado Man spins a mini tornado with his arm.
Down taunt (in air): Tornado Man's legs malfunction briefly, before restabalising
Up/Side taunt (on ground): Tornado Man spins his legs into a tornado
Down taunt (on ground): Tornado Man turns away and broods.

Magma Man
Up/Side taunt: Magma Man ignites his head flames. This actually counts so use the taunt if you don't like mashing A
Down taunt: Magma Man puts the flames on his head out. But why would he do that? That's silly.

Hornet Man
Up/Side taunt: Hornet Man's honeycombs open and close. As if that was at all intimidating..
Down taunt: A Hornet lands on Hornet Man's shoulder

Plug Man
Up/Side taunt: Plug Man holds his gun up and tries to channel some electricity into it.
Down taunt: Plug Man bounces up and down briefly

Galaxy Man
Up/Side taunt(in air): Galaxy Man sparkles with all the colours of the rainbow. It's a cosmic event!
Down taunt(in air): Galaxy Man's legs temporarily pop out of his UFO and he struggles to get them back in.
Up/Side taunt(on ground): Galaxy Man sparkles with all the colours of the rainbow. It's a cosmic event... on the ground!
Down taunt(on ground): Galaxy Man waves cheerily to his opponent. It's good manners, after all.

Doc Robot
Up/Side taunt: Doc Robot walks in place. Look at him strut his stuff!
Down taunt: Doc Robot accidentally fires a Crash Bomb at his feet! Don't worry, it's a dud.


#1 Megaman bounces up and down repeatedly on Rush Coil
#2 Megaman teleports away
#3 Megaman shoots his megabuster along to beat of the victory song

Rush adaptor Megaman
#1 Rush adaptor Megaman hovers in place
#2 Rush un-fuses himself from Megaman, then steals his helmet
#3 Rush Adaptor Megaman fires his Mega Arm at the screen, breaking it.

#1 Mega jumps into the air and transforms into Megaman
#2 Mega kicks a soccerball at the losers
#3 Mega turns and looks into the sky

Break Man
#1 Break Man hops left and right while shooting
#2 Break Man turns away, his scarf fluttering in the breeze
#3 Break Man isn't there at all, only his mask remains on the floor...

#1 Bass, with Treble, points arrogantly at the losers
#2 Bass teleports away. His work is done
#3 Bass fires the left side of the screen repeatedly

#1 Roll rides Rush Jet past the screen, but can't steer him and crashes
#2 Roll starts mopping the floor
#3 Roll runs past the screen, collecting some screws that have been left on the floor

Dr Wily
#1 Dr Wily wiggles his eyebrows
#2 Dr Wily wiggles his eyebrows
#3 Dr Wily wiggles his eyebrows

Dr Light
#1 Dr Light yabbers on and on about some utter nonsense, while waving his arms about
#2 Dr Light's head falls off. Don't worry, it's a fake.
#3 Dr Light makes some adjustments to Cutman, accidentally making him explode

#1 Quint jumps around on his stupid pogo stick
#2 Quint takes off his helmet. Gosh! He looks just like Megaman!
#3 Quint just stands there gormlessly

Final Smash Victories

Fake Man
#1 Fake Man salutes the losers, then starts peppering them with bullets
#2 Fake Man salutes, holding it for as long as he can

Wily Machine 9
#1 Wily Machine is nowhere to be foun-- oh dear, it just landed on top of the losers.
#2 The canopy of Wily Machine opens up and the pilot, a Metool, tumbles out. He lands on his head and cannot get back up.

Jewel Man
#1 Jewel Man studies one his jewels, basking in its manly radiance
#2 Jewel Man sparkles like his jewels

Concrete Man
#1 Concrete Man shoots cement out of his arm to form a wall between him and the losers.
#2 Concrete Man shoulder barges through some concrete blocks littering the floor
#3 Concrete Man takes his mask off. He's really gutsman! There's a 10% chance that his face is actually *click for spoiler*

Splash Woman
#1 Splash Woman sings along to the victory theme
#2 Splash woman swims past the screen, riding a fish

Tornado Man
#1 Tornado Man flies up and away on his crazy spinning legs
#2 Tornado Man holds his arm upright and spins it in place

Magma Man
#1 Magma Man pumps up the flames on his head to gargantuan proportions
#2 Magma Man performs squat jumps for some reason

Hornet Man
#1 Hornet Man releases 7 hornets which angrily buzz around the losers
#2 5 Hornets return to Hornet Man while carrying random items

Plug Man
#1 Plug Man shoots plug balls at a canvas board with Spark Man and Bright Man drawn on it
#2 Plug Man cannot stop jumping up and down in place!

Galaxy Man
#1 Galaxy Man is in the far distance, flying away.
#2 Galaxy Man struggles to escape a black hole he detontated too close to himself.

Doc Robot
#1 A transparant image of the robot, Doc was mimmicing, flies up out of him
#2 Doc Robot paces back and foreward. He seems to like walking.

All chracters except Dr Wily
They explode. Boom!

Dr Wily
Dr Wily wiggles his eyebrows

All characters except Dr Wily
They teleport in on a stream of pixels

Dr Wily
Dr Wily cruises in inside his flying saucer. The top of the saucer comes off, and Dr Wily jumps out. Plus he wiggles his eyebrows just a little.​

Codec Sequences
Colonel: Watch out Snake! That's the Blue Bomber!
Snake: Bomber huh? Sounds like quite the munitions expert
Colonel: He's more than that. There's not a thing in the world he can't fire out of that Megabuster of his
Snake: So I sould get up close right?
Colonel: Absolutely not Snake! Megaman thrives in close combat. If you try to approach him, he WILL shoot you down.
Snake: I'm hating this Blue Bomber already..
Colonel: Me too Snake. Me too.

Rush Adaptor Megaman
Snake: Otacon! This guy just fused with another robot!
Otacon: Hmm. Oh! It's Megaman! I didn't recognise him for a second
Snake: OTACON! Focus!
Otacon: Sorry, sorry. Megaman and Rush have fused together. Now he has all the mobility of his canine companion.
Snake: Really?
Otacon: No Snake. No, it's just a costume

Mei Ling: Snake. Do you know who you're fighting?
Snake: Yeah, it's Rock. Rock the robot. I heard all about him from Otacon
Mei Ling: Um, his name's actually Mega.
Snake: Really? Why'd Otacon think he was Rock?
Mei Ling: I haven't the slightest idea Snake. Just be careful against Mega.

Break Man
Otacon: Holy Gosh Snake! It's PROTOMAN!
Snake: ... pretend for a moment I don't have a clue who that is
Otacon: You don't know PROTOMAN!? He's Megaman's bro and the prototype to all.. oh, wait. Sorry Snake, it's just Break Man. He blows.
Snake: You gotta admit he's got some style though. Maybe I should get a scarf...
Otacon: That's something I'd like to see Snake. So don't go and get yourself killed out there
Snake: Right

Snake: Colonel, what am I facing?
Colonel: That's Bass. He's out to prove that he's the strongest Robot of all. He'll stop at nothing to achieve that. So be on your guard!
Snake: But being strong means squat if you have nothing to fight for.
Colonel: Exactly right Snake. If he wasn't such a threat to the mission, I'd feel sorry for him
Snake: Well that's a first, Colonel.

Mei Ling: Hey Snake, tread lightly here. You're up against Megaman's sister.
Snake: How does she even think she can put up a fight? She's cowering!
Mei Ling: Even though they're not really blood relatives, Roll and Megaman are a lot alike. So she'll fight if she needs to.
Snake: I'll have to take your word for it

Dr Wily
Snake: Colonel, this guy's giving me the creeps.
*Dr Wily appears on the other screen, wiggling his eyebrows*
Snake: !!
*Dr Wily keeps wiggling his eyebrows*
Snake: I don't know what castle you crept out of, but you'd better run on back to it before I have to make things ugly
*More eyebrows*

Dr Light
Colonel: That's him Snake.
Snake: You're sure, right.
Colonel: I'm positive. That has to be Dr Light. He's one of the researchers responsible for sentient robots.
Snake: I don't know how to say this, but there's something wrong with him. He doesn't seem all that, human to me.
Colonel: This is no time to worry about details, just take care of him.

Snake: What in the.. Otacon! This fruit has a pogo stick!
Otacon: That's Quint. He is what happens to Megaman in the future.
Snake: What!? HIM?!
Otacon: Yeah, Dr Wily kidnapped him from the future and reprogrammed him
Snake: But why? Quint looks pathetic.
Otacon: You're absolutely correct Snake, but think about it. If Quint dies, then Megaman has no future. Perhaps he was purposely programmed to be ineffective.
Snake: Wily does sound like the kind of person who'd try something so stupid.
Otacon: Just take it easy on Quint. We don't want to destroy the only hope for everlasting peace.
Snake: No, that'd be just tragic..
Otacon: Hey! I'm being serious Snake!

Fake Man
Colonel: Ah, the wonders of the modern world. Who knows how many lives have been saved thanks to police robots
Snake: Heh, who does he think he's fooling?
Colonel: Snake! Watch your tongue! Times are much safer thanks to upstanding law enforcement robots like him
Snake: But he's clearly a fake colonel. Don't tell me he's got you fooled!?
Colonel: Give me one good reason why I should believe you.
Snake: .. He has a chaingun for an arm Colonel. You don't save a lot of lives with that kind of firepower.

Wily Machine 9
Snake: What is this!? Some new kind of Metal Gear?
Otacon: It's nowhere even close to that Snake. It's called a Wily Machine.
Snake: A Wily, Machine huh? Guess it belongs to Wily then
Otacon: That's right. They're powerful and heavily armored, so keep your distance ok?
Snake: That's going to be a problem here Otacon, there's nowhere to hide
Otacon: oh. Well, um, good luck!

Jewel Man
Mei Ling: Hey Snake. Do you think you could get me one of Jewel man's Jewels? I hear they're among the most beautiful stones on the planet.
Snake: I'm not on holiday, Mei Ling, and I'm not getting you a souvenier.
Mei Ling: hm, party pooper.

Splash Woman
Otacon: !! Wow! I never thought I'd live to see a female robot master in action!
Snake: Otacon, it can't be that big of a deal that she's a woman
Otacon: But it is Snake! She's the very first female robot master ever produced
Snake: .. so how can I beat her?
Otacon: Beat her!? How could you do something so heartless?

Concrete Man
Snake: This guy's built like a house... Colonel! What can you tell me about him?
Colonel: That's Concrete Man, a construction robot. You won't meet anyone with a shorter temper, so do yourself a favour and stay out of his way
Snake: I think it's too late for niceties, he's already spotted me
Colonel: Then, whatever you do, don't stop moving! He's got some nasty quick drying cement and a shoulder charge that can level buildings
Snake: Got it.

Tornado Man
Snake: The wind here seems.. unstable
Mei Ling: I think that's because of Tornado Man. He was engineered to counteract the formation of typhoons.
Snake: Isn't giving a robot the power to make tornados a little, irresponsible?
Mei Ling: Yeah, I suppose it is. Dr Light has a lot to answer for
Snake: I've got a few questions for him myself...

Plug Man
Otacon: Snake, we'd best be careful. Electrical interferance from Plug Man could easily jam our transmissions
Snake: Plug Man? Sorry, but that's a stupid name.
Otacon: It's a well known convention to name robot masters like that. But those are just names for the public. His real name is DRN-068
Snake: ...that's not much of an improvement
Otacon: Does it matter?
Snake: hm, no, I guess not---*cut off by electrical interferance*

Galaxy Man
Snake: Colonel! How can this robot possibly be making black holes!?
Colonel: Ah, I see you're fighting Galaxy Man, Snake. He was built to aid the space program. With a supercomputer mind, Galaxy Man is capable of calculating rocket trajectories in a nanosecond.
Snake: But if that's all he does, why can he make Black Holes?
Colonel: I.. I don't know Snake. Just deal with it.

Magma Man
Snake: Mei Ling! This robot looks dangerous..
Mei Ling: That's because he is. Magma Man was designed specifically to withstand the extreme temperatures generated in geothermal power plants.
Snake: It looks like the hotter he gets, the harder it will be to stop him
Mei Ling: Very much so Snake. Be careful
Snake: I'm always careful.

Hornet Man
Snake: This guy shoots bees!?
Otacon: Yeah! Isn't he just awesome?
Snake: I hate to admit it, but you're right.
Otacon: I wish I could shoot bees
Snake: And I wish I could shoot bees that were on FIRE.
Otacon: Hey! No fair! That's even cooler than what I wished for.

Doc Robot
Colonel: Snake. Have you defeated the second Fan Fiend yet?
Otacon: Don't collect that Stock Heart! It's really a Metool in disguise!
Snake: ..!? What's going on? Why are you talking like this is some sort of game?
Colonel: Plug it into the second Control Port and press Left.
Mei Ling: A5 B2 D5 D4 C5 C1 B4 C3 E2
Otacon: Beat the miniboss fast enough, and you can fight Protoman, Snake!
Colonel: You don't have enough Crash Bombs. Die and try again.
Mei Ling: Blue A3 B5 D3 F4 Red A6
Colonel: Pausing the game over and over is despicable! Why don't you just give up?
Snake: ...
Mei Ling: Jump! Jump! Slide! Slide! .. ..Fission mailed Snake..

SSE Role
Megaman, along with the other characters to his name, reside in the Gameworld. The Gameworld is a subset of the Trophy world (the world in which the SSE is set)​

Backstory: Before Megaman's creation, Dr Light and Dr Wily collaborated on a rather primitive means of interplanal travel. (this same technology would end up being used for making Subspace bombs)Dr Light saw the technology as a space saver, allowing smaller households to store their extra clutter in another dimension. Dr Wily however wanted to use it to more militristic ends. He turned against Dr Light, stealing much of their shared research for himself, and absconding with a number of Light's Robot creations.
Over the next few years. Dr Wily worked on the interplanal teleporter in secret. Though his work was disrupted on many occasions by Megaman, he eventually completed it.
For its test run, he decided to send Gutsman into a relatively barren dimension, Subspace...

Megaman's role: Megaman has individual Subspace Emissary levels which you are not required to play when playing through SSE. You can access these levels as soon as you first reach the Map Screen. Completing these extra levels will unlock Megaman for use in the Great Maze.
In these stages, Megaman has a set amount of stamina he can lose before dieing. Megaman can only be blasted off the screen in exceptional circumstances

Level 1: Dr Wily Stage 1
*In a far off corner in King DeDeDe's castle is a small TV and a NES. Megaman II has been left paused at the first Dr Wily Stage*
That's right! It's the famous MegamanII: Dr Wily Stage 1! Playing it as Megaman9:Megaman makes the level somewhat easier than its NES counterpart, and Megaman doesn't have to restart the level every time he dies. The Boss of this level is weak against Laser Trident and Concrete Block

*Cutscene: Megaman reaches Wily's lab just as Wily uses the interplanal teleporter on himself. Wily's Castle starts to collapse*

Megaman now has 3 minutes to complete the stage again, in reverse! Break Man appears and fights Megaman, just before the level's end. He'll continue fighting until only 8 seconds remain on the clock, then he'll flee.
*end level*

*Cutscene: Megaman returns to Dr Light's lab to see that Light has been working on a teleporter of his own. Light and Megaman look at one another for a moment, Megaman nods and then he jumps right into the teleporter*

Level 2: Subspace0
This stage is much like the subspace stages at the end of the main story. However, this stage is just one, very long platform, punctuated by occasional fights with the SSE sub-bosses. At the end of the level, after a long spiked pit he can only cross with Rush Jet, Megaman must fight a shadowbug enhanced Gutsman. There are plenty of useless items strewn around for Gutsman to use, and the platform on which they fight is tiny.
*Cutscene: Megaman catches up to Dr Wily, who is hovering near Master Hand in his trademark UFO. He wiggles his eyebrows and Master Hand Attacks!*

Boss!: Taboo Master Hand & Wily UFO: This is mostly the same as the Master Hand fight from Classic Mode, but the chains coming out of its tendons will cause flinching if they touch you. You can't deal any damage to Master Hand, he's impervious. To beat the boss, Megaman must focus on hitting the Wily UFO (300% stamina). The UFO simply teleports around the stage.

*Cutscene: Megaman defeats Wily who, as always, begs for forgiveness. Master Hand suddenly grabs Megaman while his back is turned and crushes him into a trophy!*

after completing both levels, Megaman's trophy will appear in the first Subspace stage, where he can be finally unlocked..


Event #34: Defeat Airman
"If I had the leaf shield I'd be just fine..."
Characters: Megaman
Location: Bridge of Eldin (King Bulbin doesn't appear)
Items: Gooey Bomb, Starman, Mr Saturn, Food
Desciption: This is a Stamina match between Megaman and an Airman(Lv8) that is 4 times its usual size. The Airman has 300% health while Megaman has 100%.

Event #48: The Mega Royale
"Take that, everlasting peace!"
Characters: Wily Machine 9
Location: SmashVille
Items: Bob-ombs
Description: a 3 stock match between Wily Machine and a team consisting of Megaman, Roll and Break Man (All Lv7). Wily Machine automatically loses a stock whenever it has 100% damage or more

Classic Mode Clear

All Star Clear

*I may add even more! Watch this space*

Chief Mendez

Smash Master
Mar 25, 2007
@Spade: About time. :bee:

The Stadium only has Blinky for some reason, updating it to the new one would be nice.
That's probably because your posting method's really weird. Your first one is titled "Ghost Gang", yet apparently you've made multiple posts for each ghost.

So what I don't know is if the Ghost Gang is one character you switch between during battle (like Zelda/Shiek), or just a bunch of different characters that just happen to be from the same franchise. Also I don't think it was finished when it was first posted, which easily leads to confusion...


Smash Ace
Nov 5, 2008
free? whats free?

*NOTICES BILL* :suess:

YAH! A NON-CLONE! woohoo!

(would give more praise, but ends post early due to starfox games being my arc-nemises)

Red Arremer

Smash Legend
Nov 27, 2005
I previewed you with those I whipped up before you went offline. :p

Oh? How so? Some lack of teamed up heroes in your SSE? :p

He would, if he was dead!

Holy macaroni, that's one giant!


Smash Ace
Nov 27, 2008
In a timeless world
I previewed you with those I whipped up before you went offline. :p

Oh? How so? Some lack of teamed up heroes in your SSE? :p

He would, if he was dead!

Holy macaroni, that's one giant!
Yeah. lol

I needed a double team that can compare to Rock and Roll. So thanks

Red Arremer

Smash Legend
Nov 27, 2005
Yeah. lol

I needed a double team that can compare to Rock and Roll. So thanks
Feel free to use them. As a little extra, Jonathan's jacket is red and Charlotte's dress is blue, while Rock wears blue armor and Roll read clothes! Fufufufufufu!

Chief Mendez

Smash Master
Mar 25, 2007
Hmm. Okay. So, two things about MM9:Mega Man--

1. He's awesome. The only things I skipped were the extras (a pox on ye), and I loved every second of it. Really, this is probably my favorite moveset in the contest so far. Seeing Mega Man 2 getting so much rep made my day, especially considering...

2. He's totally and 100% broken. He'd be banned in a second. I don't want you to change it, because he's absolutely perfect like he is...but aside from the actual act of putting a non-Smash Bros. character in a Smash Bros. game, he'd be an absolute god on most neutral stages. You say he can't camp...but if he controls like he does in Mega Man 9, then that won't matter--the slide's fast enough to get him away from any threats from above/behind, and his weapons take care of everything else. Once you got the real-time switching order memorized, you could blaze through all of them, then revert to the Mega Buster and just fire shots at a wall until you were back at max energy.

Red Arremer

Smash Legend
Nov 27, 2005
Nooooo, MM9:MM steals Bill's spotlight! ;-;

By the way, I'm really sorry, but I won't read that moveset right now. I will do it tomorrow today at work, should it be insanely boring there. Even then I doubt I'll be able to read through the whole thing. lol

Kekekekeke... Yes! I have planned them since the very beginning of MYM 4, even longer than Bill or Lyon. But they were really secretely secret characters.
I want them to be my absolute masterpiece in this contest, uniting creativity, uniqueness, and much detail.


Smash Lord
Nov 26, 2005
HOLY ****! I just started reading about Megaman, and it's already becoming a favourite of mine. Ridiculous but soooo awesome.

Junahu, you've outdone yourself (and pretty much everyone else).


Smash Ace
Aug 1, 2008
Wow....I finally finished reading through MegaMan 9 and, Junaho, I say this with all self-security...


Let's cut the ribbon and cake now, shall we?

Red Arremer

Smash Legend
Nov 27, 2005
Sure is!

Actually he says "CHARUOTTO!", but I guess not everyone can be a master of Engrish like I am. ^-^

@KingK.Rool & darklemonadeserenade

*feels ignored and invisible and hides under his blanket*


Smash Journeyman
Oct 12, 2008
Oh gosh, why is it all good movesets are posted when I'm gone?

1. Whatd I miss
2. Filler :p
3. Megaman is huge!!! That's like a novel lol.


Smash Ace
Nov 15, 2005
Shropshire Slasher
Hooray! Megaman9:Megaman was well received! *eats celebration cake*

I can't believe I actually did 17 mutually exclusive Codec sequences... I must have been crazy.


Smash Ace
Aug 1, 2008
@KingK.Rool & darklemonadeserenade

*feels ignored and invisible and hides under his blanket*
That's not to say I didn't lurv the Bill moveset, Spadefox. I was just expressing my happiness towards Junaho's hard work. That's not to say you didn't do a lot of hard work. =b


Smash Champion
Dec 21, 2007
Hippo Island
Hooray! Megaman9:Megaman was well recieved! *eats celebration cake*

I can't believe I actually did 17 mutually exclusive Codec sequences... I must have been crazy.
I actually loved that. That really shows a lot of effort was put into this.

Wow, there are way too many top contenders in MYM4. Every single regular has posted something that I wouldn't mind seeing in the number 1 spot.


Smash Lord
Nov 26, 2005
@KingK.Rool & darklemonadeserenade

*feels ignored and invisible and hides under his blanket*
Awww... sorry, Spade. I'm not a huge fan of Star Fox in general (with a few notable exceptions), and I'm still trying to read movesets in order, so I just kinda skipped it for the time being. I would have done the same with Megaman, but it's so obviously, incredibly unique that I just had to comment on it.

I promise I'll comment on Bill eventually, though. Or maybe even review him, if the others don't feel like it.

More about Megaman: I'm still speechless. It's so simple, but so genius. If only all the characters in the original SSB had played like this, like they actually do in their games... we'd have a different, but incredibly awesome, game.

I think.. you've changed the way I look at movesets forever, Junahu.



Smash Lord
Jun 8, 2008
The Secret Kingdom
Kid Goku Preview

Up Smash: Power Pole Extend-. Up Smash: Power Pole Extend- The first few frames of this move will throw the enemy above Goku, just like Bullet Seed and Snake’s mortars. Goku plants his power pole vertically and holds it steady with both hands. The longer you charge the smash, the higher the power pole extends. Fully charged, which takes about five seconds, it can hit the highest platform on Hyrule Temple while standing directly under it. The Power Pole extends a tiny bit slower than Snake’s mortars, giving it a bit more lag. After the Pole has reached its peak, it stands menacingly for 1 second. During this time the pole acts as a semi-permeable shield, stopping thrown items and projectiles, though characters have absolutely no trouble jumping through it. The only hitbox is on the very tip, dealing 18% damage and good knockback fully charged.


Smash Champion
Dec 21, 2007
Hippo Island
Up Smash: Power Pole Extend-. Up Smash: Power Pole Extend- The first few frames of this move will throw the enemy above Goku, just like Bullet Seed and Snake’s mortars. Goku plants his power pole vertically and holds it steady with both hands. The longer you charge the smash, the higher the power pole extends. Fully charged, which takes about five seconds, it can hit the highest platform on Hyrule Temple while standing directly under it. The Power Pole extends a tiny bit slower than Snake’s mortars, giving it a bit more lag. After the Pole has reached its peak, it stands menacingly for 1 second. During this time the pole acts as a semi-permeable shield, stopping thrown items and projectiles, though characters have absolutely no trouble jumping through it. The only hitbox is on the very tip, dealing 18% damage and good knockback fully charged.
Sounds pretty good in concept, but I think the charge time should be shortened, considering it has such a small hitbox.


Perpetual Lazy Bum
Jul 30, 2005
Stamping your library books.

(Entries to come soon. I mean it this time. I'm a creative genius when I want to be. Really. I'll post in this one. I mean it.)​

(Eh, I'm bored, I'm gonna make this look fancy-schmancy.)​


(Here, I'll post the entries I do.)
Audrey II


(I claim these guys. Don't take them from me. I get easily upset. If I start to slack off, please PM me pictures of said characters/whatever.)​
  • Fone Bone (Bone series)
  • Kingdok (Bone series)
  • An original character (Wh-what?)
  • Zook (Me)
  • T-Rex (Jurassic Park)




Smash Ace
Aug 7, 2006
@Kibble: Could I request a list of what movesets are on what pages on the first post like in MYM3.0? There's a whole lot more talking going on (not that that's a bad thing) which is taking up a lot of space. I know there's a bunch of pages in a row without movesets on them. At the rate that this thread is progressing, people who aren't constantly monitoring it are going to get bogged down and not want to go find stuff. We don't want to alienate people from the discussion. Plus, it will make it easier to find all of the movesets at the end of the contest.
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