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Mach Tornado suggestion - "Stage trimming"? (Easy Spike / Edgeguard / etc) [VIDEO!]


Smash Journeyman
Mar 10, 2008
I've scored a few kills with this 'trick' before, and the past few MK mains I've come across have been unaware of it. I'm going to throw it up here (vomit?) for all interested in testing with it and making it part of their game.

Basically, on stages like Final Dest with that inwards arc'd edge of the stage, you can spike people easily off the stage with the Tornado. Of course placement, etc all matters - but here is the basic idea:

Hop off the stage. Jump once and immediately begin to Mach Tornado (keep tapping B constantly). Hold towards the stage; hitting the lower end of the stage's side. It's imporant you hold perfect left/right, not a diagonal. The Tornado will slightly bounce along the stage, up through the arc, around the ledge, and land sliding across the top off the map. You're doing this wrong if you bounce 'away' from the stage. You should basically "slide along" trimming the stage all the way up. It's hard to suicide doing this trick if you're doing it right.

The cool part:

I know it's the last hit of the Tornado that has most knockback. That doesn't matter. If you catch someone in that part of the stage with the tornado doing this trick (just do it normally, dont slow down for them or anything) they will be stage spiked by a 'normal' hit from the nado. If they are at 0% they might be able to recover if they have good recovery but its easy to ledgehog/guard them. 30%~+ they are dead.

I will post a video tonight. I urge MK mains to better learn what I am refering to here as it works very well and is very practical for spikes AND other uses.

EDIT: Quickly threw together this little video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jZy1v0_S2wU


Smash Journeyman
Mar 21, 2008
ive done this tech before, (using tornado under the stage and making it back onto the stage by what you call "trimming") and have played around with the tech. I havent actually spiked someone with it though, and didnt even know it would stage spike. Thanks for bringing this up, i will try to add this to my game.

Also, this works best on battlefield... you can trim much easier under that stage, probably because the bottom part of the ledge is curved at a better angle so the upward motion of the tornado just glides along it alot easier. I notced you can do it from alot further underneath on that stage.


Smash Cadet
Feb 1, 2007
San Jose, CA
Hmm, that sounds like a pretty awesome move to have when a player has mastered it. Thanks, I'll have to try it training sometime.

Master Raven

Smash Master
Mar 25, 2008
Thanks for this! I will most certainly attempt to use this whenever I have the chance.
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