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M.A.S. Epic Characters 8/21/10 Results!


Smash Master
Nov 18, 2005
Eau Claire, Wisconsin
1: North Dakota Norman (Hunger) ($138.00) - you're really really hard to hit.... lol. thanks for the advice
2: Perfect Booty Climber (Sago) ($69.00) - little hunger something something
3: Blunt Smoking Anus Destroyer 420 (Fatboy) ($23.00) - get beat by me more in random dittoes ;)
5: Ook - such fun sets. too many times we played tho.
5: Grimace - fun sets. and u r still cute
9: Kennispam - top 5 huh. good job in y tier tho.
9: Kirk - you're really good... i felt *****.
9: DLA - i'm not that scared of the ganon mu anymore ;)
13: Norm - fun teaming!
13: Oro - backing out of our mm i see how it is
17: Meneil - fun games

webster - get a bigger venue plz! i hate playing on the floor or standing up :(


Smash Ace
Nov 30, 2008
i think we should do why tier next time.

so my day 1 wolf can make a return.

edit: my wolf would be day 2 next tourney.


Smash Master
Jan 14, 2009
WauKe$ha, WI
Additional SO's

DLA- ill get you next time, sorry i couldnt play 100% vs you

Akashi- you can take away my dignity, but NO ONE can take away my ability to taunt after every kill >:[

Fatboy- ln2puberty

Hunger- im bring kaabi no ei raido next month. MMs will occur

Sakurai- thanks for letting ook win. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOK

Truett S. Cathy- for making the best chicken sandwich known to man

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
1: North Dakota Norman (Hunger) ($138.00) - Good talking with you, now I want to work on Guild wars again.

2: Perfect Booty Climber (Sago) ($69.00) - Fun playing with you, for some reason playing while standing felt really good.

3: Blunt Smoking Anus Destroyer 420 (Fatboy) ($23.00) - Why aren't you fatboy slim?

4: YoshQ - you almost placed in money, very very close.

5: Ook - OOOooookkk, Rumble Falls and Norfair were great.

5: Grimace - DDD, oh snap my worst MU.

7: Kappy - That Bair, dang. Still I can't lose to Kirby and frown, he always makes me smile.

7: Moozle - You got a lot better from before, really nice job. Also bom-omb on Akashi was lol.

9: Kennispam - GJ on winning midtier.

9: Kirk - Haven't seen you in a long while.

9: Akashi - Thanks for the advice and telling me that I've improved I'll keep working on that.

9: DLA - Thanks for telling me my Link improved. Your Ganon still *****.

13: Norm - Hi

13: Oro - Thanks for the Melee help I want to learn the game again.

13: Red Ryu - place better scrub

13: Nathan - You have Kenni's name, lol.

17: Tetsion - Your Pit is legit those techs were mad good.

17: ****ing Bob - Hi

17: Loki - Falcon Punch me more. =D

17: Tao (Zwarm) - Wow you get bad luck with brackets.

17: Meneil - Meneil, D=. Nice seeing you though.

17: Tony - Falco again, I'll see you next time.

17: Epic - Just work on basics and you'll get better.


Smash Master
Jan 14, 2009
WauKe$ha, WI
so im getting fired for accidentally summoning the police to work so i might not have money for more tourneys... legit john imoh
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