Smash Journeyman
Well, as most of you have figured out by now, Lucas's Psi Magnet (down B) hurts the enemy. To do this you just have the enemy in the bubble of energy and then when you release the bubble (let go of b) if the enemy was in the energy bubble when it was released they get damaged and they go flying
i found out that you can send an 80% damaged mario from the middle of final destination to off the course just by one measly psi magnet. and because the length of psi magnet depends on how long you hold b, you can have it be really quick, like a half a second or less. this means that psi magnet is just like fox's shine
i've discovered that SHFF-ing the psi magnet is very useful. It's just like fox's shine canceling. and because the psi magnet hits other characters so far, SHFF-ing lucas's psi magnet is like SHFF-ing a smash. And there are tons of uses to being able to SHFF a smash.
Now we've established that an 80% damaged mario can be sent off the stage from the middle. But on the edge, that mario at 80% damage is flung so far off the course that he can't recover. Now this doesn't mean much since Mario's recovery is pretty bad. But imagine this. What if your opponent is at 100%? Then that same psi magnet could send them flying straight into edge and they wouldn't have the chance to recover.
All in all, the psi magnet may be Lucas's best killing move. Since it easily kills people from 90%-100% plus you don't need to charge it up to kill them at 90%-100%. (Unless they're a heavy character, when they're heavy i suggest waiting till like 110%-125% to try killing them with it).
So what do you guys think? I'm curious as to know what other strategies you people could come up with for this awesome offensive move.
Yes, I know there's a thread about PSI magnet already. But that one is more about the sliding PSI and this one is more about the other strategies with it.
If this is still to much a duplicate thread then just ignore it and it will die eventually.
i found out that you can send an 80% damaged mario from the middle of final destination to off the course just by one measly psi magnet. and because the length of psi magnet depends on how long you hold b, you can have it be really quick, like a half a second or less. this means that psi magnet is just like fox's shine
i've discovered that SHFF-ing the psi magnet is very useful. It's just like fox's shine canceling. and because the psi magnet hits other characters so far, SHFF-ing lucas's psi magnet is like SHFF-ing a smash. And there are tons of uses to being able to SHFF a smash.
Now we've established that an 80% damaged mario can be sent off the stage from the middle. But on the edge, that mario at 80% damage is flung so far off the course that he can't recover. Now this doesn't mean much since Mario's recovery is pretty bad. But imagine this. What if your opponent is at 100%? Then that same psi magnet could send them flying straight into edge and they wouldn't have the chance to recover.
All in all, the psi magnet may be Lucas's best killing move. Since it easily kills people from 90%-100% plus you don't need to charge it up to kill them at 90%-100%. (Unless they're a heavy character, when they're heavy i suggest waiting till like 110%-125% to try killing them with it).
So what do you guys think? I'm curious as to know what other strategies you people could come up with for this awesome offensive move.
Yes, I know there's a thread about PSI magnet already. But that one is more about the sliding PSI and this one is more about the other strategies with it.
If this is still to much a duplicate thread then just ignore it and it will die eventually.