Haha, My own interpretation of Roidley is a big guy who's kinda slow on the uptake, distracted by thoughts of food, he can and will eat just about anything and anyone should he be allowed, he charges through walls and can wreck just about anything with brute force, while at the same time being like a big kid, he's easily exited by new and shiny things and wants his big brother's approval.
As for the main Ridley, the boss of this mafia-like pirate group, he's super intelligent, cunning and incredibly narcissistic, he changes his whole look every month and is still in the midst of making his own robo-double, various weapons and scientific advancements but... he's never got a like, a college degree for any of those, his only degree is... Drama Major.
He literally plans out heists and attacks like he's writing scripts, including his own dramatic entrances, where he hangs from ceilings, slowly emerges from the shadows of rooms and the like.