yea just buy a triwing for like 5$ and replace the stick on ur controller
really easy and self explanitory
when you open the controller open it face (button) down, and then take the...motherboard thing out slowly straight up
this will keep all the buttons where they should be, start button, etc. and if there are rubber faces to what the buttons actually press they should be there as well, if not just peel them off (they aren't truly stuck onto the motherboard) and put them in the correct positions atop the buttons
the control stick is basically just placed over the tru analog stick in the picture that guy zodiac linked, so just pull it off, i've don it a lot, it offers some resistence but i've never damaged a controller doing this
so pull it off, and put on the new one
when you put the controller back together, make sure all the pieces are where they should be, and make sure that the R and L trigger buttons, there are parts attatched to them that are raised that actually act as the press, make sure those coincide w/ the slots they go into on the the slots available on the motherboard
place the loop of the wire around the raised circular i believe it's a screw hole? just place it over that, that's where it sits naturally so i make sure to always put it back cause it can be a hassle trying to get it elsewhere
put the controller back on, make sure it snaps, hold it together with your hand and make sure all the buttons feel normal (might feel a little more mushy than normal since not supported by screws), then screw it back on, you can and probably should test shielding as well to make sure that went smoothly
this is just to avoid hassle of having to unscrew againw hen u realized u ****ed up