Hmm, you really have to get more clever while recovering and coming back from the ledge
I'll edit this for a more detailed critic ^^'
E: 0:40 - why dj-dair on the platform? you could waveland on it but why dair?
0:50 - sweetspot
0:52 - don't attack like this if you lost your rejump =/
Instead waveland on the platform or just ff without any attack
0:55 - if he edhehogs either do rejump --> phantasm asap or do rejump --> firebird (and space it so he can't edgehop bair + recover
Try to predict if and when he ledgehops and either sweetspot ( if you think he'll leave the ledge soon enough) or do your upB diagonal upwards and ff (or he stays on the ledge ofc don't >.<)
0:56: - Laser =P
1:07 - nice pillar, but if you hit him you have to follow up more efficent
1:08 - That wakeup attack was very obvious; punish it
1:10 - don't always spotdodge after a tech when he is near; mix it up with shine/shield/c-stick-roll
1:12 - DI?
1:15 - DON'T comeback like this; it's easy to punish and you get set up for an easy edgeguard
1:19 - (2nd upB) Do it more upwardish and ff --> more difficult to punish
1:26 - if he stays in his shield, grab him and throw him asap (i'd fthrow in this situation)
1:28 - this is one of the most important things in this matchup - CC every f**king drill and shine him before he touches the ground --> combo
1:30 - after that tech i'd have tried to shine/ Next drill, cc --> shine, it's cool
1:33 - don't dodge after the tech
1:34/35 - Fall down deeper and then sweetspot the ledge with your rejump / The ledgehop -->phantasm was a bad decision; either do it asap or on the platform, but i'd prefer doing ldhl or just going onto the stage by pressing right
1:44 - against foxes ledgehopped aerials are not that good, because he can cc and shine or dd
1:56 - you have to expect that illusion; shffl a nair, it works wonders
1:58 - again this risky rejump dair =/
1:59 - isai drop would have been cool
2:05 - don't turn around wait for the illusion and shffl a nair or if he changes his recovery do what fits (mostly shffl'd dair and run off +rejump dair)
2:10 - just do a second laser (before your first laser hits) =P
2:11 - messup =/ ; run off + rejump dair is sexy in this situation
2:15 - rejump dair =/; that was close
2:23 - be sure your lhdls are very low against fox
2:33 - edgehog
2:38 - this time the rejump + bair wsa a good decision ^_^
2:41 - if possible SDI those uairs
In conclusion:
- think more while recovering
- vary your approaches, you often approach too direct (when against shield shffl'd nair > shffl'd dair)
- if you hit him, follow up better
- MORE LASER (alot)
- Platformgame
- Falcos grabs aren't very good but if they mess up the DI some awsome combos occur (e.g. uthrow --> shffl'd nair --> grab =P)
Ask me if anything isn't clear