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looking for good challengers

B Link

Smash Lord
Sep 26, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
Hi im new to the forum I've read alot but never actually signed up or posted...so yea you -may- have played me (BLink) but I haven't played many pros yet, so anyway I can't really say like i'm good until I play good people. My main is link and I use keyboard. I p2p as well as go to emularena grounds so far i've lost to a few people i think their names were dedrick and frogles

Anyway I hope to improve my link by playing better players the reason I made this post is b/c there are wayyy too many inexperienced players online so if you see me ask for a match. cya online!


Smash Lord
Apr 12, 2005
Me too. I'm not that good, but I'm not too bad either.

B Link

Smash Lord
Sep 26, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
no I don't have msn yet only aim but I'll get it today

i'm going on at around 8:00pm today at emularena, also if we have a good connection we can also do p2p if you'd like I usually find it has almost perfect speed with most people


Smash Cadet
Sep 22, 2007
if anyone goes on Emularena Grounds (Unit X) or anti3d.com servers for 64k, i'll play you anytime i'm on. my username is DXMachina. Aim sn: DeuceExM MSNM: dxm_rocklee13@hotmail.com

i hope you dont make me regret putting those up, but please send me a message if/when you want to play me. i'm decent, i think, but i dunno. (when you IM me, say that youre from the Smash Boards please)


Smash Hero
May 26, 2006
Just played for the find time in a while, I was ridiculously out of practice...
I'll play if I ever see you...WenboDou's my screen.


Smash Cadet
Sep 22, 2007

Ffa's and teams suck online Ffa's and teams suck period.
youre on crack my friend. ffa's are amazing. 1v1 leaves no room for distraction or double teaming, and 1v1's suck online because you dont know the skill level of the person youre playing until you play them. like me, im not that great, but i like playing online for fun, and people take 1v1s way too seriously. i like to experiment with my own combos and try characters im not experienced with just for the hell of it. but people are so obsessed with "OMG I GOTS 2 WIN ALL DA TYM" that they forget to have fun with the game.

and personally, i prefer 3 man ffa's over 4 because it gives more action between everyone. with 4man ffa's, you get 2 guys fighting each other on each end of the stage, completely separated. writh 3 man, everyone's all together, and it makes for more strategy than just dealing with the one lone guy trying to kill you.


Smash Master
Sep 1, 2006
Springfield, MO
youre on crack my friend. ffa's are amazing. 1v1 leaves no room for distraction or double teaming, and 1v1's suck online because you dont know the skill level of the person youre playing until you play them. like me, im not that great, but i like playing online for fun, and people take 1v1s way too seriously. i like to experiment with my own combos and try characters im not experienced with just for the hell of it. but people are so obsessed with "OMG I GOTS 2 WIN ALL DA TYM" that they forget to have fun with the game.

and personally, i prefer 3 man ffa's over 4 because it gives more action between everyone. with 4man ffa's, you get 2 guys fighting each other on each end of the stage, completely separated. writh 3 man, everyone's all together, and it makes for more strategy than just dealing with the one lone guy trying to kill you.
Lol wow. Your post made me laugh. Seriously your just hunting me down in threads and trying to flame me right? Im used to it so go ahead. Theres threads all over with me in them.

Have fun!

B Link

Smash Lord
Sep 26, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
Mississauga. It's near Toronto.
of course I know where mississauga is! haha d'you ever want to make plans to meet up? (you are good right?)


btw FFA is like the only thing you can do online the other modes are almost impossible to get a lagless and fair fight

sometimes people who get a few stocks off you (b/c they are kirby for example) just by standing still and waiting for you to come (obviously if you're good u know how not to just run into their utilt or smash moves etc) but then there's a huge lag spike and even though u tried to z cancel you don't and it f***'s you up. The worst part is sometimes they say "lol" at you even though ITS LAG not your "skill".

Also people seem to not know the definition of lag. They think that if the game runs at 58-60 fps and drops sometimes to 55 and under it's ok because most of the time it is high fps. wrongggg


Smash Cadet
Sep 22, 2007

Lol wow. Your post made me laugh. Seriously your just hunting me down in threads and trying to flame me right? Im used to it so go ahead. Theres threads all over with me in them.

Have fun!
actually, im not following you. youre just in EVERY TOPIC so no matter where i go youre always there. plus, youre talking to me like im ******** or something, so just leave me alone. i was simply posting a response to your post. maybe i should have typed this instead:
[sarcasm] yoo arr on crak mai frend lolmonzodinordzlol [/sarcasm] because i wasnt being serious in saying that. im not trying to get you to hate me if thats what youre wondering.


Smash Master
Sep 1, 2006
Springfield, MO
actually, im not following you. youre just in EVERY TOPIC so no matter where i go youre always there. plus, youre talking to me like im ******** or something, so just leave me alone. i was simply posting a response to your post. maybe i should have typed this instead:
[sarcasm] yoo arr on crak mai frend lolmonzodinordzlol [/sarcasm] because i wasnt being serious in saying that. im not trying to get you to hate me if thats what youre wondering.
Who cares if im in every thread you see. Dosent mean you have to respond to every post i make. If you want me to leave u alone quit making smart *** replies.
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