Everyone guessed Miis, and Mii Fighter is an easily associated name since that's literally what they do in this game. And even most people still call them "Miis" even after release, so I don't see how the addition of the very generic word "fighter" means anything. If their names were "Mii Swarm Fighters" in a hypothetical universe where Miis came from the same swarm as Master Core, and Gematsu claimed THAT kind of name, then I would believe him. Because nobody could predict that. However, anyone could blurt out the name "Mii Fighters" in casual conversation.
As long as there is room to pen a prediction as guesswork, which there is with EVERY prediction he made, then he has no case. I've already pointed out how assuming he's credible based on his predictions is flawed logic, because by that logic, I've got more inside knowledge than him.
You cannot guess Mii Fighters. No, that is not possible in any way. The character did not exist till Smash. Miis are not Mii Fighters. They are created by Sakurai first. That's complete and utter bull. Get over it and just accept that he had real information, because you're making up bullcrap excuses now.
No, you're using severely flawed logic. It does not work that way. You do not predict almost the entire roster that you specifically gave out as correct. You do not predict a character does not
exist yet. Mii Fighters are the exact same thing as Roy, two characters(technically 4) who originated in Smash. Let it go and just move on. They cannot be predicted if they do not exist.
Period. That point will never hold water on your part. I don't care if he guessed most of the roster, but one cannot be guessed no matter what. It's quite literally impossible, and the chances of him guessing almost every character perfect, and Mii Fighters, who do not exist, it just way too impossible. He clearly had inside information. No, Wii Fit Trainer is not easy to guess. Not even close. Villager didn't even have a name till Smash 4, and was pretty much called Animal Crossing Boy, which Animal Crossing Guy means the same thing. Guy and any usage of Male are completely interchangeable. It's damn obvious what he meant.
Your crap about Rosalina is also wrong. He didn't list it because he didn't get a chance. No other reason. He's beyond credible, and to be frank, it's way more likely that Chrom and Chorus Men were cut later on. You know why he didn't get some later characters? Because perhaps, oh, I don't know, they were added later? Sakurai added the clones and Robin late into the game. How can he know Lucina or Robin when they weren't added before Palutena's reveal? Or likely weren't. You're making a lot of poor assumptions while completely ignoring what Sakurai said. FYI, he 100% got "Pokemon from X & Y" just as Sakurai listed it, since he outright admitted that's how he listed it. That's one hell of an exact coincidence, now isn't it. In fact, it even further implies Sakurai had a smaller list, which the guy read and gave to us. Amazing how he got Lucas' cut, DLC characters, and Mii Fighter(again, this is
not guessable since they do not exist no matter what anyone says. Don't be ridiculous, they're new characters in every way and originated in Smash. That's as dumb as believing somebody guessed Roy from Fire Emblem, who didn't exist yet either), and got all but 2 characters wrong. But here's the kicker; We know Sakurai considered Chrom. That's a fact. We know Sakurai made a list since "Pokemon from X & Y" was on it. The chances of Chrom being on there are extremely high. Due to poor translations, Considered and Planned can be treated the same way. So even the interview isn't good enough as a reason to act like Chrom was not planned. The fact that Smash Run somehow has only enemies from playable franchises except a proven cut character(Ice Climbers) makes it beyond suspicious that somehow Chorus Men have an enemy too. While it's not cold hard proof they were planned, them being planned is beyond believable, and there's enough to suggest it's true, and them being cut is very likely a 3DS issue just like Ice Climbers, due to their multi-character style. Unless there's any proof they were definitely not playable(which there isn't), there's actually zero evidence to suggest the guy lied, and quite a bit to show he did not. Even if some is anecdotal, it's still more than what has been given against him, way more.
Frankly, there's a point when there's nothing better to do but accept when a leaker is legit. And he got way less wrong than the Pokemon X & Y leaker, who was also completely legit. There is no way a leaker who isn't the person controlling when characters are revealed to get every character reveal right. So that's not even worth entertaining as evidence against him. Planned dates change all the time, including release dates. Anybody who pays attention to developments knows that. In addition, leakers never know everything. They can't. Outside of the main developer themselves, there's going to be pieces a person will miss. They can miss a day of work due to being sick, for instance. You're too quick to call out the guy fake, and using extremely flawed if not sometimes worthless evidence. Tom Nook and Resetti have official and exact names. Greninja did not at the time. Nor did Villager. He would've named them exactly if he could. Because Guy and Boy can easily mean the same thing, there's no reason to believe whatsoever he wasn't referring to the player character. Honestly, if somebody leaked Brawl and called Pokemon Trainer as Red due to image they saw, they'd be just as correct. Even if they got the final name wrong, they didn't get the real character wrong overall. When people see PT, they assume Red(or sometimes Ash). Until they see the name, they won't refer to them as such. But since he beyond likely had a list, he could only list the currently planned characters, in waves(which explains why Rosalina wasn't listed, and the only reason she wasn't), which doesn't necessarily include every character that gets added late. Also, the fact Lucina was added mid-development and around the same times as the clones means he could not have known about her whatsoever. It's useless data against the leaker. Oh, and my favorite part; Sakurai downright admitted he originally wanted Miis in, but found Mii Fighters to be a more original idea and went with that instead. Yes Miis were listed first, and Mii Fighters were a mid-development decision, just as it was reported for Sal's leaker. Crazy coincidence, isn't it? Or, to be more blunt, it was no coincidence. Because there's just way too many, especially if you pay attention to the real development(which it's clear you did not, as he got two exact things right just as Sakurai said, which was Mii Fighters and Pokemon from X & Y). Oh, and fyi, you're wrong about Shulk's trailer too. He did not actually say the trailer would be that day. What he said was "Enjoy my good friend Shulk", implying it could be. But since he didn't actually say that'll be the case, it's a very weak blow to him. It also further proved that where he was among the development team, reveal trailer dates wasn't the specific case. In addition, he did also specify Shulk is in without a doubt, which was not a lie either. So I have a damn hard time believing he lied, when there's a severe amount of evidence in his his favor, including Sakurai's own words. Also, Sal isn't the leaker, he's just the middle guy, and didn't make up anything. At worst he translated weirdly. Hence "Goddess Palutena". He could've just been told "Animal Crossing Boy" and used a synonym for it. There's too much in favor of the leaker, and almost zip against him. He got two characters wrong, which are completely accountable for(and only one can be argued to not be proven as someone Sakurai intended to be in at one point, and it ain't Chrom), two impossible guesses right, since one is not able to be guessed, and another that Sakurai explicitly said was the case, and two severely difficult guesses(Wii Fit Trainer and Villager's codename), and since we have proof that codenames are used, as Roy was called Fire_Emblem first, Villager's codename is more than provable as correct for the time. And it sure as hell wasn't already anmed characters, cause he just happened to name everyone else accurately, or used a slight title, which still isn't legitimately inaccurate.
And with that, I'm done. He's legit beyond a shadow of a doubt, and you haven't given a single legitimate reason why we should believe he was entirely fake. Conspiracy theories are beyond illegitimate and irrational. We go with facts. He listed, mid-development, an exact new character that did not exist anywhere at all. That cannot be guessed, no matter what, and no amount of pointless denial will change this. Nor will bullcrap theories that hold zero water either. He could only have known about it because he was still working there, and nothing else.
And to put it bluntly, I haven't seen such flimsy evidence in a long time. Terrible conspiracy theories do not make for a strong argument, if even one worth entertaining. You can believe he guessed most of the roster all you want, but denying an impossible guess is just ludicrous and severely hurts your argument. He was legit for sure. It does not mean 100% of it was legit, but guess what? Not all leakers have all the information, so it's not a zero sum game anyway.