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List of advanced techs.


Smash Champion
Mar 11, 2008
St. Louis, Missouri
I figured it would be helpful to sticky this..a list of advanced techniques with details on how to perform them..I will contribute the techniques I feel like I can explain well and then if you guys will contribute to the thread I will add them to the opening page so anybody can check this out..I know how to glide toss but I am going to leave that to somebody else to explain because I can't explain it that well and I will add it to this post.

Rocket Barrel Banana Cancel-pressing up b close enough to a banana so diddy slips on the banana sending the rockets astray..situational usage.

Glide Tossing-

Reverse Glide Tossing-

FSmash while holding a banana

Aerial into a banana-

Rising up B glitch-
Not sure if I'm right about how this works, but it's pretty cool. Diddy's up-B slows his downward fall while charging. As near as I can figure, this does exactly that: slows downward progress. In other words, not any other directions. I've managed this before, and more than just once. I don't really know if I'm right, but I think it's done by jumping IMMEDIATELY (very small window, since the up-B cancels all momentum before charging) before the up-B. It seems to carry the upward momentum while charging, letting you move up even before you actually blast off, as it were. It really beefs up his vertical recovery, if it works right. It's tough, but it works, and if somebody could master it, it'd be pretty impressive.

EDIT: This seems to work more often (but not exclusively) after being hit, and coming out of the tumble animation. Any more information would be appreciated.
I know there are handfuls more but rather than somebody coming on here searching all over I'll try to put as many of them that I can in one easy place..I'll keep checking this and then quoting whoever explains a technique and putting it on here..I only put one of my own because I feel the others on these boards have more knowledge of the moves and are better at explaining them. If you don't like this idea just say so and I can delete this thread. Thanks.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 10, 2008
San Diego, CA
for glide toss you tap the c stick in the direction you wanna through in the middle of a roll. cover's all glide tossing.

aerial into a bannana you... aerial into a bananan.. in the air.


Smash Champion
Mar 11, 2008
St. Louis, Missouri
for glide toss you tap the c stick in the direction you wanna through in the middle of a roll. cover's all glide tossing.

aerial into a bannana you... aerial into a bananan.. in the air.
For the aerial into a banana, i meant the thing where you hit z and then aerial. I know how to do these things I just wanted them explained well for somebody who came to these boards..


Smash Journeyman
Feb 10, 2008
San Diego, CA
oh well the zac is the z-drop, attack, catch. you z-drop your banana and then attack your opponent asap while simultaneously catching your banana.


Smash Cadet
May 29, 2008
The glitch at the air, after be hit in the air jump and later use the barrels, dashing at the air whit its to up.


Smash Ace
Jun 14, 2008
Not sure if I'm right about how this works, but it's pretty cool. Diddy's up-B slows his downward fall while charging. As near as I can figure, this does exactly that: slows downward progress. In other words, not any other directions. I've managed this before, and more than just once. I don't really know if I'm right, but I think it's done by jumping IMMEDIATELY (very small window, since the up-B cancels all momentum before charging) before the up-B. It seems to carry the upward momentum while charging, letting you move up even before you actually blast off, as it were. It really beefs up his vertical recovery, if it works right. It's tough, but it works, and if somebody could master it, it'd be pretty impressive.

EDIT: This seems to work more often (but not exclusively) after being hit, and coming out of the tumble animation. Any more information would be appreciated.


Smash Rookie
Jun 13, 2008
upward sliding with barrels is not something that will ever see tourney play, the only time it can be done is right after your opponent has hit you in an upward direction, in which situation, you would be above the stage and being juggled by your opponent, probably to your death, so falling after an up b would be the last thing you would want. strictly a teaser glitch. The one, most epic instance i can see where this would ever be useful is if you were playing doubles, ff on, you and your ally are falling, right next to each other, neither one of you can make it back to the stage, your ally hits you upwards and you start a barrel charge to recover.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 23, 2008
upward sliding with barrels is not something that will ever see tourney play, the only time it can be done is right after your opponent has hit you in an upward direction, in which situation, you would be above the stage and being juggled by your opponent, probably to your death, so falling after an up b would be the last thing you would want. strictly a teaser glitch. The one, most epic instance i can see where this would ever be useful is if you were playing doubles, ff on, you and your ally are falling, right next to each other, neither one of you can make it back to the stage, your ally hits you upwards and you start a barrel charge to recover.
Actually I was spiked by Olimar, did the uB glitch, and got back to the stage(from off the screen below) quick enough to gimp him.

So yes this glitch helps if youre spike at low %'s. I think I was at 40% or so.


Smash Ace
Jun 14, 2008
Actually I was spiked by Olimar, did the uB glitch, and got back to the stage(from off the screen below) quick enough to gimp him.

So yes this glitch helps if youre spike at low %'s. I think I was at 40% or so.
It's true, you don't have to be hit upward. Coming out of the tumble animation is enough, regardless of direction.
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