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"Let me go!" I need help from the Ice Climbers Mainers' Point-of-view

Admiral Pit

Smash Hero
Feb 20, 2008
Recently, about one week ago I've Faced an Ice Climber player, but this one was a bit different than the other ones I've faced.

First off, I will say that I'm aware of the ICs will try to start grabbing at the beginning of the match, D-throw to Spike, and D-throw to spike again, and that's the part where you get hit on the ground and locked by an Ice Block.

NORMALLY on the 2nd time I get spiked to the ground, I escape by pressing L or R to quickly get up (Similar to wall teching, just on the ground), but this Ice Climbers was different.

This Ice Climbers player did something different after the first "Spike to ice block" phase right when I get at about 33% damage. This one somehow locked me in an F-throw chain using Popo and Nana one after another, so I couldn't escape that. The problem with this is that not only cant I escape it, I never seen that kind of Chaingrab from them before.

So eventually I got spiked off of FD and was 0-deathed for the FIRST time! There goes my perfect record. *Cries*

I've a Pit mainer since the game's release (That's like 8 months now), and knowing how Pit lacks melee range compared to many other characters, that can be troubling. I do also second Bowser, Wolf, and Wario. Personally I think that only Pit is the only one in my team who could really take the ICs on.

:( Please, I really need help on how to handle the ICs while at the same time, trying to avoid the Chaingrabs. Yes, I know that I am to seperate the two, but apparently the player does Shield and block accordingly most times.
-The option I see that may be vaulable to me is to use Pit's Shield-pressuing attacks, or basically his Infinite Jab, D-tilt them in the air, and U-tilt in attempts to seperate Nana and Popo, then go after Nana first. The player is even good with Popo alone. Or even if together, he isnt all chaingrabs, and is good in regular combat.

BTW, the "Dont get grabbed" Comment doesnt help, for it doesnt tell me HOW to deal with the situation.

And I will be honest. I've feared the ICs much more than I've feared Broken Metaknight and overpowered Snake. I guess I really am weak against grab spam and chaingrabs.
I need your opinions on how to deal with them accoringly, as a Pit, and I already know that Norfair is my counterpick.
But what about on FD? The player takes me there for the sake of Chaingrabbing space.

Hint: This is the Ice Climbers player's AIB account. http://allisbrawl.com/profile.aspx?id=19618


Smash Legend
May 8, 2008
I'm not gonna lie, I thought it was gonna be my AiB profile, lol. Well maining Pit, you use those arrows to keep them at bay. Most of his moves have disjointed hitboxes anyway IIRC. Space yourself better and don't get grabbed.

UpTilt does seperate them.
Also, do you mash out of the chaingrabs? It seems a lot of people don't even try.



Smash Ace
May 17, 2008
Corneria... Fourth Planet of the Lylat System
Go to the Icies character discussion board and research it.
Here's a link to a page that has a Search bar at the top right that you can use to search the Smashboards site. Don't spread it around... it's kind of a secret. http://www.smashboards.com/index.php

In all seriousness, the Icies grab is easy to mess up but if your opponent knows what he's doing then they can keep it going for just about as long as they want. They can also link Bthrows and Dthrows in with that chaingrab fyi. There's not much you can do about it except try not to get grabbed and wave at your stock as it leaves.


Banned via Administration
Jul 20, 2008
planking while watching anime with Fino
You can get 0>deathed on Battlefields Platform if the IC is any good....

Just counterpick a place where you cannot get Ice Block Locked, thats really your only hope besides 'don't get grabbed'

I know you are against spam, so you're only hope is to space so you just tip the IC, and do your best to gimp Nana to get rid of 0>deaths


Smash Lord
Nov 4, 2005
use side b to separate them, oh, and when you do that, there´s potencial that the IC can grab you :p

Just dont get grabbed whatever it takes:p


Smash Lord
Jun 14, 2008
Calgary, AB, CA
the "don't get grabbed" phrase doesn't help you (which it shouldn't) because people who say that never explain how not to get grabbed. Pit has pretty decent aerials...What you could do to avoid being grabbed is just stay in the air more, and use your projectile to space.


Smash Ace
Mar 1, 2008
Kumasi, Ghana
Use arrows to keep them away, and take to the skies up close. N-air approach and rising D-air work pretty well. Up Tilt on the ground separates them, and a space Down Tilt is hard to punish. Try to avoid blizzard, and blizzard walls with Side-B. Mirror Shield messes with Squall Hammer. Glide Attack (aim for their head,) and Back Air are good finishers in this match as far as I know.

Ask Rogue Pit. He knows how to deal with the Ice Climbers. :)


Master of Caribou
Aug 24, 2007
Claremont, CA
I've a Pit mainer since the game's release (That's like 8 months now), and knowing how Pit lacks melee range compared to many other characters, that can be troubling. I do also second Bowser, Wolf, and Wario. Personally I think that only Pit is the only one in my team who could really take the ICs on.
I think Wolf and Wario actually do quite well against ICs and I would much rather fight against a Pit than either of those two characters.

Admiral Pit

Smash Hero
Feb 20, 2008
My thoughts on how to seperate them is Pit's Infinite Jab, it's one of my primary moves against the ICs. D-tilt is another since it knocks them both in the sky, then U-airs to seperate them. I dont use arrows much considering the Ice blocks, and I'm just too nervous of the Grabs.
Apparently SH N-airs would work, if the IC player didnt know how to Shieldgrab that move.
As for Side-B (Angel Ring), I dont even bother with it, it's just too risky, even as an edgeguard.

U-tilt wont work since it lacks horizontal range and by that time I'll be grabbed yet again.
And yes, I do try to mash outta it, only the first time I get grabbed, then I wait to press L or R just before I hit the ground and get hit by that Ice block .
As for the part where I get held by one of them ICs while the other one is charging a Smash, I TRY, but it's almost always too late for me.

I do appreciate the help you guys have given me. It is one of my most hated matchups ever, maybe even worse than Metaknight.
Sometimes, When the Ice Climbers grab me, I think that they might kidnap me :(


Smash Lord
Jun 23, 2008
That's for me to know
My thoughts on how to seperate them is Pit's Infinite Jab, it's one of my primary moves against the ICs. D-tilt is another since it knocks them both in the sky, then U-airs to seperate them. I dont use arrows much considering the Ice blocks, and I'm just too nervous of the Grabs.
Apparently SH N-airs would work, if the IC player didnt know how to Shieldgrab that move.
As for Side-B (Angel Ring), I dont even bother with it, it's just too risky, even as an edgeguard.

U-tilt wont work since it lacks horizontal range and by that time I'll be grabbed yet again.
And yes, I do try to mash outta it, only the first time I get grabbed, then I wait to press L or R just before I hit the ground and get hit by that Ice block .
As for the part where I get held by one of them ICs while the other one is charging a Smash, I TRY, but it's almost always too late for me.

I do appreciate the help you guys have given me. It is one of my most hated matchups ever, maybe even worse than Metaknight.
Sometimes, When the Ice Climbers grab me, I think that they might kidnap me :(
Ok, the infinite jab won't really seperate them. It might desync them for a very short period of time but in the end, they are still relatively close to each other making resyncing happen instantly because the infinite has low hit-stun.

Snipe at them while they are in the air with arrows because they can't do much about that and you might end up desyncing them. Ice Blocks can't block arrows unless they are summoning the Ice Blocks in which the block with be in their face. Non-curved arrows go over any slightly melted Ice Blocks so keep that in mind. If you are far away and you are arrowing while they are ice blocking, the damage trade is about 5% Pit's arrows when fresh and 1-2% for each Ice Block that hits you since they get weaker as they travel distances since they melt.

Never use Angel ring against any character that has a recovery that sweetspots the edge. I don't know why people use it as an edge guard it but is just so stupid. When you sweetspot, you ledgesnap and gain the invincibility frames without actually being exactly at the edge. Since Belay can ledge snap and act as a tether, your best shot is to shoot Popo while he is throwing Nana. If you hit Popo and Nana snaps onto the ledge, Popo will remain down there and Nana will be on the ledge, a place where someone can't belay her until she gets up. If the arrow hits Nana and her hitbox cancels it (it will because there is a hitbox surrounding her making her invincible to every attack since it will automatically clash with the Nana hitbox), the belay won't tether and continue normally, desyncing them for a short period of time since they land at different heights.

Follow up nair with up-tilt (learned this combo recently and likes it a lot) because it will shield poke. Since most Ice Climbers shield to any aerial in hopes of grabbing during the opponents landing lag, up-tilt will shield poke the decayed shield and force them into the air, a spot which Ice Climbers don't do very well on if they don't have their double jump.

Only use Up air when they are above you. It has more priority than the Ice Climber's down aerial (the move they usually use to get to the ground as fast as they can since their air game is rather akward) and juggle them like you would to Zelda. As long as you are in their bottom front angle, they can't really do much to counter your juggling since Fair takes a while to start up, dair falls right into there making Up-air more successful in hitting, nair lacks priority, squall hammer stalls a little bit in the air before falling, blizzard even when fast falled can't do much since it only hits horizontally, Ice blocks rise a little bit before being shot making them obsolete under their forward line of sight and airdodging might be mindgamed into another attack from Pit.

For the "getting out of the grab" problem, keep your analog circling because each rotation gets rid of 24 of the frames of the initial grab frame time and each button you press gets rid of 4 frames (4 or six, I forgot but circling your analog gets rid of the frames the fastest). For the fair out of throw problem, do a roll tech behind then to get out of the Ice Block's range and make sure that you time the tech so it does occur. By rolling behind them, they can't regrab you as easily and you have a chance to attack them while they are occupied in shooting the Ice block.

Keep an open mind when at high percents cause that is when the charged smash after a grab by the IC's is relatively hard to escape. Think twice before doing something when they are approaching or when you are.

Well, this is my advice to you. I hope you will understand what I mean because these are the most reliable tips I can give to you on how to counter the two Ice Climbers.

Admiral Pit

Smash Hero
Feb 20, 2008
Thanks everyone, I finally could hold my own much more than I used to. But still, that B-throw and F-throw chain, I havent seen it from any other ICs. That one player is special. But should you go against me, please dont Kidnap (or Angelnap) me :(

Toon Senshi

Smash Rookie
Nov 13, 2008
Eastern Zone, Canada.
the "don't get grabbed" phrase doesn't help you (which it shouldn't) because people who say that never explain how not to get grabbed. Pit has pretty decent aerials...What you could do to avoid being grabbed is just stay in the air more, and use your projectile to space.


Smash Lord
Jun 23, 2008
That's for me to know
the "don't get grabbed" phrase doesn't help you (which it shouldn't) because people who say that never explain how not to get grabbed. Pit has pretty decent aerials...What you could do to avoid being grabbed is just stay in the air more, and use your projectile to space.
Pit's projectile can't really space... It's only made to attack people when you do have space... Up close, it's a really bad attack.


Smash Hero
Mar 26, 2007
Nowhere Land
Thanks everyone, I finally could hold my own much more than I used to. But still, that B-throw and F-throw chain, I havent seen it from any other ICs. That one player is special. But should you go against me, please dont Kidnap (or Angelnap) me :(
he;s not really unique, you've just never seen it before... that doesn't make him unique...


Smash Ace
Jul 17, 2008
United States
You did know that both ICs can DI out of Pit's u-air if you're trying to separate them... then after DI'ing it's probably safe doing a d-air.

Admiral Pit

Smash Hero
Feb 20, 2008
Do keep in mind that Pit's U-air is very hard to DI out of, and since you're controlling 2 chars at the same time, one of them might not make it before the last hit of the move. Pit's U-air has 6 hitboxes, about 2% damage each, and the last hit is the knockback.


Smash Lord
Jun 14, 2008
Calgary, AB, CA
glad to see you joined smashboards! but how was i repetitive?...I don't think you read my whole post. I think you read, "don't get grabbed" and jumped to conclusions. I was in no way repetitive...I told him how to avoid being grabbed by staying in the air more. Think about it: IC's can't fly up and grab someone in the air...they have to wait for a person to be on the ground. And I think that's why they have a hard time with metaknight, cause metaknight can stay in the air and has such amazing aerials. he can stay in the air for so long before landing: 5 wing flaps, gliding, up b, side b.

Toon Senshi

Smash Rookie
Nov 13, 2008
Eastern Zone, Canada.
glad to see you joined smashboards! but how was i repetitive?...I don't think you read my whole post. I think you read, "don't get grabbed" and jumped to conclusions. I was in no way repetitive...I told him how to avoid being grabbed by staying in the air more. Think about it: IC's can't fly up and grab someone in the air...they have to wait for a person to be on the ground. And I think that's why they have a hard time with metaknight, cause metaknight can stay in the air and has such amazing aerials. he can stay in the air for so long before landing: 5 wing flaps, gliding, up b, side b.
Hm, look at the sentence and tell me again.


Smash Lord
Jun 14, 2008
Calgary, AB, CA
Hm, look at the sentence and tell me again.
look at what sentence and tell you what again? "Repetitive."??? cause that isn't a sentence even if it has a period...it's a word. and if you're telling me to look at my sentence, mine isn't a sentence...it's a paragraph. and if you're saying my advice sucks and that it's repetitive, you better think again...I've given that simple advice to quite a few people, and it really did help them (including my own older brother)...it even works for me (as I use Pit against some of my Ice Climber friends). so maybe people disagree with my phrase, "use projectiles to space"...but it doesn't matter, cause it works for me and I'm just trying to help.

so ummm...dude, you're not making really making any sense you're really confusing me :urg:


Smash Ace
Jul 17, 2008
United States
Do keep in mind that Pit's U-air is very hard to DI out of, and since you're controlling 2 chars at the same time, one of them might not make it before the last hit of the move. Pit's U-air has 6 hitboxes, about 2% damage each, and the last hit is the knockback.
I never thought that DI'ing Pit's u-air is that hard, it's like DI'ing his n-air.
When Nana is always a bit near or just near Popo, she'll copy what Popo does. In addition, if Popo DIs, Nana DIs, then you're safe.

Toon Senshi

Smash Rookie
Nov 13, 2008
Eastern Zone, Canada.
look at what sentence and tell you what again? "Repetitive."??? cause that isn't a sentence even if it has a period...it's a word. and if you're telling me to look at my sentence, mine isn't a sentence...it's a paragraph. and if you're saying my advice sucks and that it's repetitive, you better think again...I've given that simple advice to quite a few people, and it really did help them (including my own older brother)...it even works for me (as I use Pit against some of my Ice Climber friends). so maybe people disagree with my phrase, "use projectiles to space"...but it doesn't matter, cause it works for me and I'm just trying to help.

so ummm...dude, you're not making really making any sense you're really confusing me :urg:
Just what I like to see, friends ganging up on someone they have no idea who it is...

Anyways...I'm talking about you looking at the sentences posted above yours, not the one worded "sentence" you say.



Smash Lord
Jun 14, 2008
Calgary, AB, CA
Just what I like to see, friends ganging up on someone they have no idea who it is...

Anyways...I'm talking about you looking at the sentences posted above yours, not the one worded "sentence" you say.

Ya...FP and me are friends (I guess)...but we're not ganging up on you. We're just correcting the things you say cause they don't make sense.
and maybe if you happened to "look at the sentences posted above yours" (the following quote), you would have known that I saw "the sentences posted above mine" (*tsk tsk):
. so maybe people disagree with my phrase, "use projectiles to space"...but it doesn't matter, cause it works for me and I'm just trying to help.

Toon Senshi

Smash Rookie
Nov 13, 2008
Eastern Zone, Canada.
Ya...FP and me are friends (I guess)...but we're not ganging up on you. We're just correcting the things you say cause they don't make sense.
and maybe if you happened to "look at the sentences posted above yours" (the following quote), you would have known that I saw "the sentences posted above mine" (*tsk tsk):
Online people these days, arguing over tiny things...

Do me a favour, please get a hold of yourself.


Smash Lord
Jun 14, 2008
Calgary, AB, CA
Online people these days, arguing over tiny things...

Do me a favour, please get a hold of yourself.
Firstly, you started the argument by saying the word "Repetitive" and not helping admiralbowser at all by giving advice. I actually tried to help even though some people didn't agree with one line I said...

Secondly, I got a hold of myself...If you want we'll stop the argument right here and right now. cause to tell you the truth, i HATE arguing, but once I get into it, it seems to never end =P


Smash Legend
May 8, 2008
Online people these days, arguing over tiny things...

Do me a favour, please get a hold of yourself.
Calm the **** down. =_=;

What is this even about? Now back to helping the guy. If he even needs help.

Toon Senshi

Smash Rookie
Nov 13, 2008
Eastern Zone, Canada.
Firstly, you started the argument by saying the word "Repetitive" and not helping admiralbowser at all by giving advice. I actually tried to help even though some people didn't agree with one line I said...

Secondly, I got a hold of myself...If you want we'll stop the argument right here and right now. cause to tell you the truth, i HATE arguing, but once I get into it, it seems to never end =P
Oh please, it's the internet, what else can you ask for? Plus, I'm the person he's talking about.

...anyways, we've played for awhile, we've had good times, and 1 bad time.


Smash Lord
Jun 14, 2008
Calgary, AB, CA
Oh please, it's the internet, what else can you ask for? Plus, I'm the person he's talking about.

...anyways, we've played for awhile, we've had good times, and 1 bad time.
I already knew you were the person he was talking about. see:
glad to see you joined smashboards!
I just want you to be clear about what you're saying (even if it's the internet). 1 word (repetitive) doesn't sum up a whole paragraph I wrote to help the guy. I hope you understand that I'm not angry at you...

Toon Senshi

Smash Rookie
Nov 13, 2008
Eastern Zone, Canada.
I already knew you were the person he was talking about. see:

I just want you to be clear about what you're saying (even if it's the internet)...cause 1 word (repetitive) doesn't sum up a whole paragraph I wrote to help the guy. I hope you understand that I'm not angry at you...
Thanks for welcoming me, I know you aren't angry, I just try to make sense.


Smash Lord
Jun 14, 2008
Calgary, AB, CA
Thanks for welcoming me, I know you aren't angry, I just try to make sense.
Thank you. :bee:

ya, I'm not angry...I was just trying to help you get used to smashboards---as there tends to be a lot more flaming on this site compare to AiB, so you just have to watch what you say to people on here. If you think I'm mean (which I'm not), wait till you meet some of the others on here!

Toon Senshi

Smash Rookie
Nov 13, 2008
Eastern Zone, Canada.
Thank you. :bee:

ya, I'm not angry...I was just trying to help you get used to smashboards---as there tends to be a lot more flaming on this site compare to AiB, so you just have to watch what you say to people on here. If you think I'm mean (which I'm not), wait till you meet some of the others on here!
I'm used to flaming, and no, you aren't mean, I just met you.
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