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"Let me go!" I need help from the Ice Climbers Mainers' Point-of-view

Admiral Pit

Smash Hero
Feb 20, 2008
Okay let me clarify something before this "Argument" continues...
First off, Toon Senshi is THAT Ice Climbers Player I was talking about, the one who I was facing who was the first one that introduced me to the F-throw and B-throw chain. He is very good if you ask me, but Im still scared about me being "Angelnapped" iwhen they grab me :(

And i think when he meant "Repeative" he means that "Dont get grabbed" statement, which Does NOT help. I think I said this before.


Smash Lord
Jun 14, 2008
Calgary, AB, CA
Okay let me clarify something before this "Argument" continues...
First off, Toon Senshi is THAT Ice Climbers Player I was talking about, the one who I was facing who was the first one that introduced me to the F-throw and B-throw chain. He is very good if you ask me, but Im still scared about me being "Angelnapped" iwhen they grab me :(

And i think when he meant "Repeative" he means that "Dont get grabbed" statement, which Does NOT help. I think I said this before.
don't worry...the argument stopped like 2 hrs ago and everything is fine now. toon senshi just wasn't explaining himself clearly...but yup, it's all ok now.

and I know you said the "don't get grabbed" statement doesn't help. That is why I've explained in 2 posts (the second one is probably more helpful to you then the first) why it doesn't help and how you can make it help. And by "Repetitive", I think he didn't read my whole post after he saw "don't get grabbed" and jumped to conclusions. Here's the 2 posts I was talking about:
the "don't get grabbed" phrase doesn't help you (which it shouldn't) because people who say that never explain how not to get grabbed. Pit has pretty decent aerials...What you could do to avoid being grabbed is just stay in the air more, and use your projectile to space.
look at what sentence and tell you what again? "Repetitive."??? cause that isn't a sentence even if it has a period...it's a word. and if you're telling me to look at my sentence, mine isn't a sentence...it's a paragraph. and if you're saying my advice sucks and that it's repetitive, you better think again...I've given that simple advice to quite a few people, and it really did help them (including my own older brother)...it even works for me (as I use Pit against some of my Ice Climber friends). so maybe people disagree with my phrase, "use projectiles to space"...but it doesn't matter, cause it works for me and I'm just trying to help.

so ummm...dude, you're not making really making any sense you're really confusing me
I hope those 2 posts help you...cause it's helped a lot of my friends play better and beat my Ice Climbers...(which they couldn't until I told them that) :bee:
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