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Legends of the 8-Bit Rink, The Ice Hockey Team for Smash Bros!


Smash Ace
May 17, 2017
Wandering the pipes of Mushroom Kingdom

Welcome to the Ice Hockey team's support thread!


What the hell is an Ice Hockey?

Ice Hockey is a, er, well, Ice Hockey video game developed by Nintendo and released for the Famicom Disk System in 1988 in Japan, and on the NES in the U.S and Europe later that year. It's about what you'd expect: A Hockey game, with the goal being to score more than that other team. There's a few unique things about it, however. There are three classes, skinny, medium and fat. Skinny is fast and good at the face-off, but doesn’t hit hard, and is pushed around easily. Fat hits hard but is slow, and is bad at the face-off. Medium is in the middle, of course. It adds a little strategy to the game, as you only have four slots on your team to create a good combination of the three classes.
The game also has some of that primitive Nintendo charm from older games. I like the celebrations when a goal is scored.

The game has been rereleased a couple of times, including the virtual console as well as being one of the NES games launched with the Switch's online service.

How would they work in Smash though?

Good question. I imagine it would work something like this:

It would be a trio character, with one of each class from Ice Hockey. Only one character would be fighting at a time, with the other two in the background waiting to be “rotated in”, if you will. All three would have the same move set though, with the difference being their speed, strength, and which moves of theirs are more or less effective depending on who you're using at the time. The fat class would have stronger smash attacks but weaker jumps, for example. Of course, many of their moves would revolve around Hockey.

But why include them?


I can't sit here and tell you that Ice Hockey is on Mario or Legend of Zelda's level when it comes to classic NES games, but it is an underrated gem in it's own right and I feel like it's well loved among retro enthusiasts. I just find the idea of a trio transformation character where each character has the same moveset, but they each have their own stats meaning you need to pick the best character for a given situation, to be a neat concept. Pokémon Trainer is similar, but each Pokémon is a different character all together. Also, I don't believe we have a character who fights like they're in a sports game? So that would be unique, as well.

I wanna see some ALTS

Sure thing, my bold texted friend. There are six teams in the game, each with their own colors. Japan was replaced with Sweden in the PAL and North American regions though, making a total of 7.

Default: Diskun uniforms from the Disk System cover, pictured above
Alt 1, Japan (Pink)

Alt 2, USA (Blue):

Alt 3, Sweden (Yellow):

Alt 4, Poland (Brown):

Alt 5, Canada (Green):

Alt 6, USSR (Red)

Alt 7, Czechoslovakia (Grey)


Gimmick: Unlike Pokemon Trainer, each Hockey player has the same moveset. However, each has different stats, Fat has the hardest hit and the most defense, and the

strongest shield, but he has the weakest air game and shorter attack range. Skinny is the fastest, has the longest attack range, and the best air game, but deals low

damage, has a weak shield and is the easiest to launch. Medium balances the two out, being average to decent at everything, but excelling at nothing. They, of course,

share a damage meter and stocks. The players not currently being played as stay in the background cheering the current player on.

For the sake of easiness, moves will be described as ''Current Player'', meaning the move being is performed by whichever Hockey Player is in play.

Enterance: A large group of Hockey players skate across the screen, with Medium, Skinny and Fat staying behind.

Neutral A: Current Player simply swings their stick. Skinny can multi-jab by rapidly pressing A, but he deals less damage per hit.

Dash Attack: Current Player skates forward and drives their shoulder into the opponent. Basically, checking. Fat won't flinch out of this, but he won't skate as far as

Skinny who will go so fast he'll slide a little bit after the move if he misses.

Idle Animation: Adjusting their helmets, and scratching their backs with their sticks.


Skinny is the team's air guy, with the best jumps and aerials. Fat is only barely above Little Mac.

Nair: Current Player simply smacks the opponent with a hockey puck.

Uair: Current Player swings upward with their hockey stick.

Dair: Current player thrusts their skates downward. A direct hit is extremely powerful and will send enemies straight down.

Fair: A simple swing of the stick.

Bair: Current player swings their stick, which sends a puck flying a short range.


The team is fairly balanced with tilts, though Skinny can dish them out slightly faster, and Fat does more damage.

F Tilt: Current Player kneels like a goalie and throws a hockey puck forward, with very short range.

D Tilt: Current Player thrusts their stick forward at a low angle.

U tilt: Current player does an uppercut you'd more exect to see in a wild brawl than a boxing match.

Smash Attacks

Fat really shines here, as he hits the hardest with the smash attacks by far. Skinny's are weak and Medium's are merely average.

Side Smash: Just a big right hook, some good ol' fashioned Hockey violence!

Down Smash: Current Player swings their hockey stick in a downward arc.

Up Smash: Current Player throws a puck in the air, referee style, which falls straight down in front of them.

Grab Attacks

Medium actually has the best grabs. Fat can throw far but has bad grab range a lot of lag, and Skinny's throws are pathetic. Many of their grab attacks revolve around

hockey fights.

Pummel: Just some good old fashioned punching.

Forward Throw: Current Player grabs the opponent by the shoulder and swings them forward.

Up Throw: Current Player will smack the opponent with their stick so hard they fly upwards

Down Throw: Current player will slam the opponent into the ground with a punch.

Back Throw: Current Player will throw the oppoent over their shoulder.


Neutral B: Goaltending. A net appears behind Current Player, who takes a kneeling position. While the net is out, current player has a chance of blocking projectiles if

they hit B again at the right time. If they catch it, they can throw the projectile back at the opponent. If they fail to catch it, the projectile will go into the net

and only do 1% damage (a goal is worth 1 point, after all). If no projectile is thrown, the net will simply vaniash after a second. Fat has the strongest throw, but

Skinny has a wider time frame to catch the projectile.

Side B: Icing. Current Player will launch a puck across the screen with their hockey stick. If it lands on the stage, it can be picked up and used just like K. Rool's

crown. If the puck nails anybody, it will do a ton of damage. Fat launches it with the most force and it will hit the hardest, however it's innaccurate and is likely to

fly over the opponents head. Medium's is the most accurate, while Skinny's is the shortest range but he has the least startup lag.

Down B: Rotation. Simply, the current player goes to the bench and the next player hops in. This is very quick and seamless. The order goes: Medium-Fat-Skinny, then


Up B: The Human Hockey Puck. The Current Player is smacked by player behind them in rotation, sending them flying into the air.(they just teleport there to mid-air to do

it. don't ask questions.) Skinny gives Medium a mediocre recovery, Medium gives Fat a poor recovery, Fat gives Skinny a ton of air for a great recovery.

Final Smash: Bench Clearing Brawl. Both players in the background hop onto the stage and the whole team charges forward. Whoever gets caught by the charge will be sent

to an Ice Rink, where a large group of Hockey players will pummel them for massive amounts of damage.

Side Taunt: Current Player will tap their hockey stick to the ground while stretching.

Down Taunt: Current Player will raise his hands in the air and do a little celebration, the two players in the background will do the same.

Up Taunt: Current player will throw some air punches, but a referee will appear to scold them.

Victory Animation 1: The team skate around in circles celebrating, raising their hands and sticks in the air.

Victory Animation 2: Each player lines up and smacks a different puck in a row, first Medium, then Fat and finally Skinny, sending them flying to the left.

Victory Animation 3: The team rides a zomboni while celebrating.

Lose Animation: The team skates off the screen, dejectedly

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Smash Hero
Feb 15, 2014
I actually entertained the idea of these guys in pre-Brawl. I guess you could put me down as a supporter.


Smash Ace
May 17, 2017
Wandering the pipes of Mushroom Kingdom
I've added my first draft for a moveset idea, it's quite rough though. as well as a new tune to listen to!

And welcome, smashkirby. They would've been a cool pick for Brawl if they hadn't decided on R.O.B. Always thought it would be interesting to see a winter square-off between them and the Ice Climbers.


Smash Hero
Feb 15, 2014
I've added my first draft for a moveset idea, it's quite rough though. as well as a new tune to listen to!

And welcome, smashkirby. They would've been a cool pick for Brawl if they hadn't decided on R.O.B. Always thought it would be interesting to see a winter square-off between them and the Ice Climbers.
Wow, you certainly seems to have a good idea of how you want them be in Smash! It's funny, your idea of having all 3 hockey players on the stage, taking turns in battle seems a bit similar to an idea I had for Dion, Max, and Jack (from the Marvelous games).

And thanks for the welcome. Honestly, I agree that they would have been an interesting pick for Brawl, but I'm still happy they went with R.O.B., personally. Also, you're right, it'd be cool to see a match between them and the Ice Climbers.


Smash Lord
Sep 12, 2012
This kind of character being brought up is a big part of why I enjoy Smash fan ideas so much.


Smash Ace
May 17, 2017
Wandering the pipes of Mushroom Kingdom
Wow, you certainly seems to have a good idea of how you want them be in Smash! It's funny, your idea of having all 3 hockey players on the stage, taking turns in battle seems a bit similar to an idea I had for Dion, Max, and Jack (from the Marvelous games).

And thanks for the welcome. Honestly, I agree that they would have been an interesting pick for Brawl, but I'm still happy they went with R.O.B., personally. Also, you're right, it'd be cool to see a match between them and the Ice Climbers.
The Marvelous Kids are definitely in the running if a trio character (or a second one, if you count PT) is introduced. They even have a similar short guy/fat guy/lanky guy set up. And yeah, I’m glad we got R.O.B, he’s excellent.

This kind of character being brought up is a big part of why I enjoy Smash fan ideas so much.
Smash Speculation is a good creative exercise. I enjoy the oddball picks


Smash Hero
Feb 15, 2014
This kind of character being brought up is a big part of why I enjoy Smash fan ideas so much.
Smash Speculation is a good creative exercise. I enjoy the oddball picks
Same here. Same here. Honestly, I'm into more retro/obscure characters as I feel they still have a lot offer Smash (as :ulticeclimbers::ultgnw::ultpit::ultrob::ultduckhunt: can all attest to).

I always wondered if folks here on SmashBoards found me a tad odd for liking so many retro/obscure-as-heck characters, but it appears they actually find it pretty cool that I like such characters in the first place.

The Marvelous Kids are definitely in the running if a trio character (or a second one, if you count PT) is introduced. They even have a similar short guy/fat guy/lanky guy set up. And yeah, I’m glad we got R.O.B, he’s excellent.
Yeah, exactly! Heaven knows the Marvelous kids are about as obscure as you can get. Honestly, I'm still pretty hyped over their being Spirits in Smash Ultimate actually.


Smash Ace
May 17, 2017
Wandering the pipes of Mushroom Kingdom
Same here. Same here. Honestly, I'm into more retro/obscure characters as I feel they still have a lot offer Smash (as :ulticeclimbers::ultgnw::ultpit::ultrob::ultduckhunt: can all attest to).

I always wondered if folks here on SmashBoards found me a tad odd for liking so many retro/obscure-as-heck characters, but it appears they actually find it pretty cool that I like such characters in the first place.

Yeah, exactly! Heaven knows the Marvelous kids are about as obscure as you can get. Honestly, I'm still pretty hyped over their being Spirits in Smash Ultimate actually.
Damn near everybody got a spirit (except pro wrestling rip) including our hockey guys over here. Part of the reason I love spirits lol

More obscure characters are usually some of the most fun to talk about.


Smash Champion
Apr 9, 2013
Lost Woods
I actually entertained the idea of these guys in pre-Brawl. I guess you could put me down as a supporter.
I was just struck by a thought when you mentioned this in regards to pre-Brawl. Do you remember a website at the time of pre-Brawl with lots of ideas and I guess some "supposed" roster for a Smash Ultimate/Online/Revolution. (can't quite remember the name), but I remember there were a website with The Ice Hockey Team as part of it, and you could go into each characters page and there would be music and whatnot. It's a distant memory, but a fun little thing. Wondered if you could have seen the same.


Smash Hero
Feb 15, 2014
I was just struck by a thought when you mentioned this in regards to pre-Brawl. Do you remember a website at the time of pre-Brawl with lots of ideas and I guess some "supposed" roster for a Smash Ultimate/Online/Revolution. (can't quite remember the name), but I remember there were a website with The Ice Hockey Team as part of it, and you could go into each characters page and there would be music and whatnot. It's a distant memory, but a fun little thing. Wondered if you could have seen the same.
Oh, my gosh! I know EXACTLY what you're talking about! I came across that site either shortly before/after I came across the official E3 website for Brawl. Gosh darn it, I even came across the site quite recently and bookmarked it, but I think I deleted said bookmark some time later.

It had 100-200 (maybe even 300) characters from across Nintendo's library. Believe it or not, it was THAT very website that introduced me to Nintendo's more obscure characters like Cupid (Sennen Kazoku), Mike Jones, Bubbles, Mr. Stevenson, Sukapon, Duck Hunt Dog, Urban Champion, Little Mac, Starfy, most of the Star Fox cast outside of the titular team, more of the Wario cast outside of Wario and Mona, and much, MUCH more. Heck, Lark (from Pilotwings 64) was even on that site!

By the way...

Just thought I should leave this here...
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Smash Hero
Feb 15, 2014
http://web.archive.org/web/20080520...nline.com/CharacterPages/characterselect.html you mean this old beast? Classic. Good source of mages for some of the lesser known guys, too
Holy-- how did you get this??? God, I think I was like, 9 when I first came across this site. By the way, as a quick disclaimer for everyone here, some characters were added and/or removed throughout the years on this site, such as DeMille from Tomato Adventure and Katt Monroe from StarFox. I guess you'd have to browse through the various years of this site's existence to find everyone.


Smash Ace
May 17, 2017
Wandering the pipes of Mushroom Kingdom
Holy-- how did you get this??? God, I think I was like, 9 when I first came across this site. By the way, as a quick disclaimer for everyone here, some characters were added and/or removed throughout the years on this site, such as DeMille from Tomato Adventure and Katt Monroe from StarFox. I guess you'd have to browse through the various years of this site's existence to find everyone.
it’s linked on a TV Tropes page of all places


Smash Hero
Feb 15, 2014
would link but I’m on my phone atm. There’s a hilarious in hindsight page for smash bros where it’s linked for predicting Pit/Duck Hunt/etc
I found what you were talking about on TV Tropes, and it's almost scary how many characters that site ended up predicting.

Found this gem on Youtube
Now I wish this little ditty was in Smash Bros.!


Smash Hero
Feb 15, 2014
I recently fought the Ice Hockey team In Smash Ultimate, and I just thought about something... why wasn't the stage you fight them changed to Pokemon Stadium 2's Ice form? It seems a bit odd using PKMN Stadium 1 with slippery physics, when what I just mentioned is in Ultimate already...


Smash Ace
May 17, 2017
Wandering the pipes of Mushroom Kingdom
Been thinking about the players’ stage. It would of course be the Ice Rink, with the appropriately slippery terrain. There’d be two nets with goalies who will bat players away. There’d also be a scoreboard which would display points if anybody is knocked past the goalie into a net.


Smash Hero
Feb 15, 2014
Been thinking about the players’ stage. It would of course be the Ice Rink, with the appropriately slippery terrain. There’d be two nets with goalies who will bat players away. There’d also be a scoreboard which would display points if anybody is knocked past the goalie into a net.
That's not a bad idea! So it'd basically be Pokemon Stadium 2's Ice Mode, but permanently, huh?
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