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Legend of Gamers presents: Brawl


Smash Rookie
Feb 22, 2011

Legend of Gamers is hosting a Super Smash Brothers Brawl Tournament.

Entry - will be $12 per person and $10 if you sign up early.

Prize - Pro $200 - First $100 - Second
Amateur $100 - First $50 - Second

You will be sorted based on prequalifier round performance.

There will be free door prizes given out randomly, such as a high quality bean bag chair, several gift card, and assorted other prizes.

Matches will be held on an 8'x8' projector screen, as well as three 42" flat screens. IMO's Pizza will be catering food.

Come on by and just have a great time. If you have any questions, go ahead and post them.


Smash Lord
Jul 10, 2005
how exactly are you going to decide whether someone is an amateur or pro? Most people on this website tell me I'm really bad, but my little brother tells me I'm the best in the world. I think it's because I get really nervous during tournament matches.

Can't wait to hit people with my moving egg back and forth across the stage and swallowing them and pooping them out. I've never played without smash balls on high, but I'll give it a shot.


Smash Rookie
Feb 22, 2011
i have a few really hard core brawl people that are going to watch people play pre quil. rounds that are some people that love to play at yoshi so this will be fun.


Smash Cadet
Feb 24, 2011
Lebanon, IL
i have a few really hard core brawl people that are going to watch people play pre quil. rounds that are some people that love to play at yoshi so this will be fun.
I'm the Yoshi player, and I can't make it. WGI/Percussion stuff doesn't end til April 17th.


Smash Cadet
Feb 24, 2011
Lebanon, IL
aww man, I would have loved some yoshi vs yoshi matches. Maybe next time.
I might be able to make it at the tail end of it, so I might be able to get some matches in. Regardless, I know Smash will be pretty active either at Legend of Gamers or other venues over the summer. My circle of friends surrounding the St. Louis area are really eager to get some action up here. I've been a long time lurker here, and I'm ready to change that.

So if you live in the STL area, or feel like driving for petty tournaments, I'm sure we'll get plenty of matches soon.


Smash Rookie
Feb 22, 2011
For sure we will be doing a bunch of different tournaments for smash brothers the n64, melee and brawl


Smash Lord
Jul 6, 2005
I will try to make it to this. I play Yoshi too! It would be cool to play some of my fellow Yoshi mains.


Smash Master
Jan 14, 2009
WauKe$ha, WI
lol $1500 in prizes for all 5 people showing up?

pick mk, get % advantage, cape glitch for 8 minutes



this tourney is doomed to fail.

all 6 of OP's posts were from this thread. :troll:


Smash Lord
Sep 11, 2007
Waukesha, WI
Remember the last tournament where there was a static prize for the winner, Best of the Midwest or whatever, where the dude running it was a known con artist and was arrested for it not too long ago? Just saying.

all 6 of OP's posts were from this thread.
And the "other player" JUST signed up, basically saying that he easily could be the OP trying to make hype.


Smash Champion
Feb 29, 2008
Chi-town, come at me
honestly if you guys wanna get any sort of turnout(which you can) you need to fix the rules its not even hard just find the pound 5 thread and C/P the rules from there.

i also have a suggestion for the Pro/Am thing do pools and seed like top 2 into pro bracket and the rest into am bracket.

finally if you get more than like 10 people this wont finish till like 2 or 3, might wanna start at like 1 or 12pm


"Their anguish was my nourishment."
Jun 28, 2008
Chicago, IL
if it's $1500 in cash prizes, how come only $450 is being paid out?

where is this money coming from?

why are the rules so bad?

how long do you expect the tournament to take if it starts at 8 p.m.? lol

what do you mean by "prequalifier round"? do you mean pools?

there are wayyyy too many questions to answer before any chicago players even consider to come to this.

edit: if you want help fixing this tournament so that it gets a big turnout, send me a PM and I can make some suggestions


Smash Rookie
Feb 22, 2011
Ok wow i guess i dont know where to start.

Well yes this is my first couple post, i am not a huge brawl player but everyone at my store is. Brawl is on my tvs almost 11 hours a day.


I have held a couple small tournaments here at the store the biggest was 40 people at a super smash brothers 64 tournament the week of my opening.


If you are afraid of me being legit check out my facebook under tristan reising it is the one with the giant mario. you can get any info there or my website legendofgamers.com i jsut didnt want to give out all the info cause i didnt want people to think i was trolling just to drum up business. I also have had no problem with the tournament last long the one with 40 people lasted around 3 hours that one was a single. The main matches will be held on a 8ft by 8ft screen then i also have 4 27 in flat screen tvs and 3 42 in flat screen tvs that we can put brawl on to make it go faster.
The 1500 in cash and prizes 450 is coming out of the store (or my Pocket) and the rest is getting donated in prizes from, Sumo bag company clear wire wireless, eagle coin and stamp, fantasy comics, tye die iguana, and a few other places ranging from a giant gamer bean bag to gift cards and a watch that will be given away randomly.

As far as rules i would like some suggestions on those and we will go from there then set those up. I am also planing on getting more prizes and money to put into the pool this is just a minimum.


"Their anguish was my nourishment."
Jun 28, 2008
Chicago, IL
Alright sounds legit. Here's the thing I must stress though... if you plan on attracting the smash community, you gotta know that most of us are very particular about the rules. I don't mean to commandeer your tournament or anything, but most smashers won't be willing to travel unless it has official rules.

Here is the ruleset of the last national tournament, Pound 5.


* 3 Stock

* 8 minute timer

* Items are set to "off" and "none"

* Sets best of 3 games.
* Winners Finals, Losers Finals, and Grand Finals will be played best of 5.

* In the event of a dispute, higher seeded players have the choice of controller port. If there is a question of who is the higher seed, let the TO decide.

* Like APEX, players will be permitted to have 1 coach that sits with them during the match and may assist them. Between games, players may individually take up to 3 minutes to consult players but must make a counterpick or ban choice with in 3 minutes of the previous match ending. If you do not make a CP or Ban choice within 3 minutes of the first game ending, you will lose that game. The lone exception to this is if there was a ruling question that required a TO's attention. If there is any dispute on this, please find a TO right away. This rule will not be strictly enforced but the idea is to keep you from stalling a match looking for a coach. Please don't test my patience on this.

* No player may choose a stage they have already won on in that set unless agreed upon by both players.

* In team matches, the ports will be determined in a 1221 fashion; whoever wins the RPS will choose first, then the opposing team will get their ports, and then the teammate of the RPS winner will get the last port or to save on time you could just agree to something on your own. If there is a conflict in singles, RPS will come into effect as well. You may also use the G&W Judgment hammer method as well to decide this.

* Colorblind Rule: If a player is colorblind, they may choose their teams color.

* Metaknight's Infinite/Extended Cape glitch is banned. Extending it via the air is acceptable.

* You are responsible for your own controller. Any malfunctions or errors that occur are your responsibility, so bring an extra controller if possible and always check to make sure you're using the correct settings BEFORE a match is played. If a match is to be restarted due to controller functions, it must be agreed upon by both parties. The opposing party has EVERY RIGHT TO CALL A JUDGE TO DQ YOU FOR PAUSING MID MATCH TO FIX THIS. I recommend x+y+starting before each match.

* If you pause a match for anything other than an emergency, the opposing player has every right to report you to the TO. If you are caught pausing in a game, you will lose the stock you are on. We do not care what the reasoning is. If you pause, you lose a stock. Unless there is a fire or the tv loses power there shouldn't be any pausing of the game period.

* Any action that can prevent the game from continuing (i.e., freezing, disappearing characters, game reset, etc.) will result in a forfeit of that match for the player that initiated the action. You are responsible for knowing your own character, and must be wary about accidentally triggering one of these effects.

* If there is an action that causes a freeze that doesn't require a game reset, you must hit that player out of stun immediately. Failure to do so will result in forfeit of the team that initiated the freeze glitch. (See the diddy teams freeze glitch as an example)

* Matches and Pools will be called. Do not play matches on your own. If players play a match out of order in the tournament bracket, Both players will be disqualified and the person that was skipped over will advance past both of them.

* Bowser/Ganon/Dedede/Kirbyciding- This results of this happening is whatever the game says. Even if the Ganon/DeDeDe/Kirby dies first. If the game reports sudden death, please refer to sudden death procedures (see below.)

* Sudden Death will not be played out. In the event of a sudden death the winner is determined by stock, then percentage. If the sudden death was initiated by a suicide KO- the players will have a 1 stock, 3 minute timer game to determine the winner. If a 2nd sudden death is reached and it is also a tie, then another 1 stock, 3 minute timer game will be played. If this game ends in tie via suicide kill, the player that did the most damage overall will win the set. Basically a "triple overtime" is the limit.

* Stalling is banned.

Stalling: The act of deliberately avoiding any and all conflict so that one may make the game unplayable. Running away from an opponent to reach a better position is not stalling, while doing an infinite grab endlessly against a wall is. Any infinite chain grabs must end immediately after 300% has been reached so as to prevent excessive stalling.

*"Continuous Sharking" is banned. This can be denoted as flying under the stage repeatedly with any character that can glide, just to fly back to the other side again without approaching the opponent. First offense will be a warning, 2nd will be a stock, and 3rd will be the game.

* There will be a 50 ledge grab rule in this tournament for singles. This will come into play if the time runs out. If the timer runs out, and a person has over 50 ledge grabs, they will lose regardless of the outcome. If both players have over 50 ledge grabs, it goes back to normal sudden death procedures for time outs.

* There will be a combined 110 ledge grab rule in teams PER TEAM. This will come into play if the time runs out. If the timer runs out, and a team has over 110 ledge grabs combined, they will lose regardless of the outcome. If both teams have over 110 ledge grabs, it goes back to normal sudden death procedures for time outs.

Doubles Rules: Team Attack ON, Life Stealing is allowed

Wii Hack Rules: Wii hacks are banned, with the exception of:

1. Infinite Replay

No other hacks will be on. I will have an SD card to load the game with the infinite replays. SD cards ARE BANNED. If you have your own SD card, you may load the infinite replay code yourself, but there should not be SD cards in the wii's, period. There have been too many problems with this in the past. I will do my best to enforce this- but it ultimately be the player's responsibility to make sure the wii they are playing on does not have an SD card in it. If a texture hack is found on that changes the size or physics of a stage and causes a match dispute, the match will be replayed, end of story. Please do me a favor and do not bring texture or stage hacks here.

Set format (In Order of Procedure):
1. Players pick character. Double blind pick may be called
2. Each player may announce one stage to be banned from counterpicks or neutrals for the set
4. The first game is played on a stage that both players agree on through striking. If both players agree to a stage and wish not to strike they may start on that stage.
5. The loser of the previous match announces the next match's stage from either the Starter Stage List or the Counter Stage List
6. The winner of the previous match chooses their character
7. The loser of the previous match chooses their character
8. Repeat steps 5-7 for all proceeding matches

Additional Rules for Double's Play

* Life Stealing is allowed
* Set team attack to ON

Additional Rules

* Port slob picks: On a player's counterpick, that player may opt to redo the port selection process with that player or team picking their port first.

*Wiimotes and classic controllers are allowed but we would prefer if you used gamecube. You are responsible for your controller. Take any necessary actions to prevent interference such as removing batteries. If we find your wiimote has interrupted or impededed a tourney set, you will be disqualified from the event.

*Important one: Plank's DQ rules. If you're DQ'd from a match, you are out of the tournament, not just winners bracket.

*Don't be douche. Because I'll be one back.

Stage Lists--

Starter Stages: (Top seed strikes 2 stages first, then the other player strikes 3 stages, then the top seed picks between the final 2 remaining stages)

Pokemon Stadium 1
Final Destination
Castle Siege
Lylat Cruise
Yoshi’s Island

Counterpick stages: (each player receives 1 ban per set)

Delfino Plaza
Frigate Orpheon
Pokémon Stadium 2
Rainbow Cruise

Please read the above information carefully. By participating, you are agreeing to follow all rules. Any failure to do so can and will result in you being asked to leave (no refund). Also by participating you are agreeing not to hold us responsible for any property or personal loss or damage.

If you follow this ruleset then you should get no complaints from anyone. If you need any of it explained then just ask... all smashers know what it means though so there should be no confusion among us.

A few more things.... pretty much all smash tournaments are double elimination. The only reason to do single elimination is if there are time restraints.

Which brings me to my next point... starting at 8 p.m. is a really bad idea, especially if you want people to travel more than an hour for it. Try to aim for noon - 1 p.m., if you're only doing singles.

Which brings me to ANOTHER point lol... most Smash tournaments have both 1v1 and 2v2 tournaments. 2v2 is run first, then 1v1 immediately after. It's not necessary of course, but a lot of people enjoy 2v2 more and kind of expect it to be there. If it causes problems with the payout then just doing singles is acceptable.

Which brings me to (hopefully) my final point... here's how most smash tournaments go. Each player is charged 3 fees for entering a tournament (assuming they choose to enter both singles and doubles)... a singles entry fee, a doubles entree fee, and a venue fee. The singles entry fee is usually $10, and it goes straight into the singles pot. That means that if 40 players enter singles, then there should be $400 in the pot. At the end of the tournament, the pot is distributed among 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place. Usually in a 60%/30%/10% manner (or something similar). So 1st place gets $240, 2nd gets $120, etc.

Doubles entree fee is the same thing, but for the 2v2 tournament.

And the Venue fee goes straight to the tournament organizer, and it is used to pay for venue costs as well as expenses to the tournament organizer. This fee is determined beforehand, and every player has to pay it to enter the building. It usually ranges from $3-10, depending on how much the venue charges to host a tournament there. The TO determines how much he must charge for the venue fee in order to pay for the venue--try to be fair because most players don't enjoy being fleeced haha. Also, the venue fee is usually waived if a player brings in a full setup (consisting of a Wii + Brawl + a TV). This is to make sure there are enough setups.

Now I know that you already have set prizes (the $450 coming from the store/your pocket), but that can lead to a lot of potential problems. A great idea would be to offer this $450 as a bonus to the top 3 of 1v1, in addition to the singles entry fee that we pay. So instead of winning $240, the first place player will win $240 + a percentage of the $450 bonus. Attaching a bonus to the singles pot is a great incentive to get the best players from across the region/country to travel to your tournament, since winning more money will make them more willing to travel.

Oh and one more thing... you will hear a lot of complaining if you force players to use flat screen TVs and a projector to play tournament matches. The reason for this is because most flat screens and projectors have a noticeable input lag when you play Wii games. It may be hard for you to notice, but most smash players (myself included) are really sensitive to it, and will complain if there are even a few frames of lag. And in most cases there are. Input lag really screws with high-level players, since a lot of our actions must be performed in a window of a few frames (a frame is about 1/60th of a second).

That's why I'd encourage players to bring their own setups... most of us have no problem lugging TVs around if we know that they will be needed. If you give them a discount for bringing TVs/Wiis, then not only will there be no complaining about lag, but there will also be plenty of Brawl setups for players to use, and the tournament will run smoothly. Setups are very important.

Again, I'm not trying to take over the tournament or anything--I'm just giving suggestions. What I just described is the ideal Smash tournament, in most of our eyes. It may sound like we complain a lot, but if we're traveling 6+ hours, then we deserve to know we're getting our money's worth haha.


Smash Rookie
Feb 22, 2011
I do Like this set of rules so this is the one we will go with now we will only do a singles round.
* 3 Stock

* 8 minute timer

* Items are set to "off" and "none"

* Sets best of 3 games.
* Winners Finals, Losers Finals, and Grand Finals will be played best of 5.

* In the event of a dispute, higher seeded players have the choice of controller port. If there is a question of who is the higher seed, let the TO decide.

* Like APEX, players will be permitted to have 1 coach that sits with them during the match and may assist them. Between games, players may individually take up to 3 minutes to consult players but must make a counterpick or ban choice with in 3 minutes of the previous match ending. If you do not make a CP or Ban choice within 3 minutes of the first game ending, you will lose that game. The lone exception to this is if there was a ruling question that required a TO's attention. If there is any dispute on this, please find a TO right away. This rule will not be strictly enforced but the idea is to keep you from stalling a match looking for a coach. Please don't test my patience on this.

* No player may choose a stage they have already won on in that set unless agreed upon by both players.

* In team matches, the ports will be determined in a 1221 fashion; whoever wins the RPS will choose first, then the opposing team will get their ports, and then the teammate of the RPS winner will get the last port or to save on time you could just agree to something on your own. If there is a conflict in singles, RPS will come into effect as well. You may also use the G&W Judgment hammer method as well to decide this.

* Colorblind Rule: If a player is colorblind, they may choose their teams color.

* Metaknight's Infinite/Extended Cape glitch is banned. Extending it via the air is acceptable.

* You are responsible for your own controller. Any malfunctions or errors that occur are your responsibility, so bring an extra controller if possible and always check to make sure you're using the correct settings BEFORE a match is played. If a match is to be restarted due to controller functions, it must be agreed upon by both parties. The opposing party has EVERY RIGHT TO CALL A JUDGE TO DQ YOU FOR PAUSING MID MATCH TO FIX THIS. I recommend x+y+starting before each match.

* If you pause a match for anything other than an emergency, the opposing player has every right to report you to the TO. If you are caught pausing in a game, you will lose the stock you are on. We do not care what the reasoning is. If you pause, you lose a stock. Unless there is a fire or the tv loses power there shouldn't be any pausing of the game period.

* Any action that can prevent the game from continuing (i.e., freezing, disappearing characters, game reset, etc.) will result in a forfeit of that match for the player that initiated the action. You are responsible for knowing your own character, and must be wary about accidentally triggering one of these effects.

* If there is an action that causes a freeze that doesn't require a game reset, you must hit that player out of stun immediately. Failure to do so will result in forfeit of the team that initiated the freeze glitch. (See the diddy teams freeze glitch as an example)

* Matches and Pools will be called. Do not play matches on your own. If players play a match out of order in the tournament bracket, Both players will be disqualified and the person that was skipped over will advance past both of them.

* Bowser/Ganon/Dedede/Kirbyciding- This results of this happening is whatever the game says. Even if the Ganon/DeDeDe/Kirby dies first. If the game reports sudden death, please refer to sudden death procedures (see below.)

* Sudden Death will not be played out. In the event of a sudden death the winner is determined by stock, then percentage. If the sudden death was initiated by a suicide KO- the players will have a 1 stock, 3 minute timer game to determine the winner. If a 2nd sudden death is reached and it is also a tie, then another 1 stock, 3 minute timer game will be played. If this game ends in tie via suicide kill, the player that did the most damage overall will win the set. Basically a "triple overtime" is the limit.

* Stalling is banned.

Stalling: The act of deliberately avoiding any and all conflict so that one may make the game unplayable. Running away from an opponent to reach a better position is not stalling, while doing an infinite grab endlessly against a wall is. Any infinite chain grabs must end immediately after 300% has been reached so as to prevent excessive stalling.

*"Continuous Sharking" is banned. This can be denoted as flying under the stage repeatedly with any character that can glide, just to fly back to the other side again without approaching the opponent. First offense will be a warning, 2nd will be a stock, and 3rd will be the game.

* There will be a 50 ledge grab rule in this tournament for singles. This will come into play if the time runs out. If the timer runs out, and a person has over 50 ledge grabs, they will lose regardless of the outcome. If both players have over 50 ledge grabs, it goes back to normal sudden death procedures for time outs.

* There will be a combined 110 ledge grab rule in teams PER TEAM. This will come into play if the time runs out. If the timer runs out, and a team has over 110 ledge grabs combined, they will lose regardless of the outcome. If both teams have over 110 ledge grabs, it goes back to normal sudden death procedures for time outs.


Smash Rookie
Feb 22, 2011
now as far as prizes it will be set the way i had it except it will be 10 dollars to enter early 5 of which will go into a prize pool and the other 5 will go to the venue. So the more people that come the pool will get bigger. Plus not to mention all the gift cards and prizes getting donated to the event which will be given out randomly.
If people want to bring there own Tv that is totaly fine with me we will hook it up and play on it I have never heard anyone talk about the lag before but like i said i am not a big super smash brothers player.
as far as the time we will have to change it to 1pm if we want other players to come to it i understand that so hopefully we get alot of people to come to it then.


"Their anguish was my nourishment."
Jun 28, 2008
Chicago, IL
How about the stage list? I'd recommend using Pound 5's stagelist instead of playing all games on Final Destination. FD is really advantageous to a few characters like Diddy and ICs.

Also, the prizes sound good (if the winners get the prize pool + part of the $450) but 3rd place should get money too. I've personally never seen a tournament where only 1st and 2nd place get money.

Finally, $100 is way too much for the Amateur bracket. The sole reason for this being that a lot of the "pros" who know that they won't get 1st, 2nd, or 3rd (but would still place top 8) will probably not try hard in the prequalifier and get placed into the amateur bracket on purpose, so that they can steamroll the amateurs and get an easy $100.

I'm not saying that the Amateurs don't deserve to win $100... it's more like, if the prize is $100, then it's not going to BE an amateur bracket because a lot of pros are going to join just to win the $100. And that would mean that amateurs would win no money instead of less money.


Smash Rookie
Feb 22, 2011
that is true we were going to watch some people during the first few rounds to make sure that it wouldnt happen but what might happen is we will take the amateur money do 50 for first 25 for second and 10 for thrid then do 50 for the pro third.

Everyone please be patient so i can update this all in the next couple days on the front page


Smash Rookie
Feb 22, 2011
it will be we are also having imos cater the food which they are doing for free so there will be free food also.


Smash Master
Dec 5, 2004
Wow, Tom went to work on this thread.

how many local people are you expecting to turn out to this?


Smash Rookie
Feb 22, 2011
Right now i am looking at around 40 people is what i am hoping. We do smash tournaments normally every month and 20 people normally show up but once we had around 40


Smash Hero
Dec 5, 2009
Omaha, NE
lol, DLA has it all covered, but you shouldn't use LCD tvs, you need real ones.

Also only FD is a joke, right?

Also, I'm throwing my qualifyer matches and winning the n00b bracket.

Also, how much pizza are you getting?

I'm perfectly fine with this starting at 8, hell, why not make it midnight?



Smash Rookie
Feb 22, 2011
we went ahead and changed it back to 8pm i think8 is going to be a better time for the store we also have venders coming i figure it will be going to midnight time frame with all the tvs we have plus we will keep the set of rules that is posted above and we should have plenty of pizza imos is catering the entire event


Smash Lord
Jul 6, 2005
Wow, sounds awesome. I'll will definitely be there. I'll try to bring a few people too.

edit: Everyone, stop telling him to run an MLG style tournament. Granted, I love MLG tournaments, but the majority of the players at this tournament will be locals, so he should cater to them. Casual players typically don't like 5000 rules, they don't want the tournament to last 14 hours, and they enjoy playing on big LCD screens and projectors. Notice that "official" tournaments rarely attract a single local player, yet in my hometown, the game stop touranment hit 55 local players last month.

It will still be a fun tournament without the official MLG style.


Smash Rookie
Feb 22, 2011
thanks man i hope to see you here let me know as soon as you can of how many people will be coming so i can make sure that there is enough pizza ext..... You can call 618 971 1024 i already have a couple pre pays from the store and hope to get a ton more.
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