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Ledge Trick: Get a naner in hand

The Sauce Boss

Smash Ace
Dec 14, 2008
Ann Arbor, MI
Pshhhhhhh ,no more lame pluck the naner onto the stage ledge tricks; you can pluck it and catch it all on the ledge!

How to:

1. push away from the ledge.
2. Fall a little while slightly DI'ing towards the stage
3. Second jump and short pluck simultaneously
4. Immediately side B away from the stage(towards the naner)
5. This is the tricky part, Z catch the naner. Do it too soon and you will kick and sd. Do it too late and you will miss the catch.
6. Immediately up B back to the edge

BAM! You now have a naner in hand and you are safely back on the ledge. :)

It takes a little practice to get the timing down, but once you get it down it is not so bad.

Watchout! I wouldn't try it too often because you might get gimped. If done correctly you should be able to upB all the way onto the stage to avoid any would be edgehogs however. I see it more as a mixup/showoff move, but it could be useful. Safely getting a naner in hand is always useful. The better/faster you do it the safer it will be.

Now have fun and impress your friends with your amazing diddy trix:bee:


LOL I first discovered this on battlefield and I just realized on fd there is a wayyyyy easier way to do it. You just pluck wall jump and z catch lol. EXTREMELY fast and easy on fd.

The stages with good wall jump ledges method (Final Destination, Castle Siege, Yoshi's Island)

1. drop away by pushing back
2. pluck and jump while DI'ing slightly toward stage
3. walljump
4. catch (bair is best)

For some reason it seems like you can't zcatch after a wall jump, anybody know why? (Actually is possible to zcatch but only works sometimes for some weird reason.)

You can get really wild and crazy on Yoshi's Island. You can pluck>walljump>catch>side B>walljump to the ledge. Just mix it up and be safe with it. I am sure there is probably other mix-ups too so try and experiment.


Smash Hero
Feb 18, 2008
New Jersey
Yes its good but once opponents catch on you will get gimped if its like metaknight or marth :(

The Sauce Boss

Smash Ace
Dec 14, 2008
Ann Arbor, MI
Yes its good but once opponents catch on you will get gimped if its like metaknight or marth :(
Yes I know. You can avoid the edge hog though and most players won't jump way down to hit you if they have a bad recovery. But yes it is a big risk to take.

The fd and yi (walljump) way is safe. You won't get gimped, because you can still side B AND upB from it.

white peachy

Smash Ace
Nov 28, 2004
Connecticut, USA
I've got a whole mess of edge tricks with diddy, but I'm sure many of you do...Naners are as crazy at gimping off the stage as they are useful on the stage.


Smash Cadet
Jun 13, 2008
Yes its good but once opponents catch on you will get gimped if its like metaknight or marth :(
Yeah that is true, but then that gives you an opening. Because if you go to do it again after getting caught you can just do it half way and fake out your opponent :lick:

The Sauce Boss

Smash Ace
Dec 14, 2008
Ann Arbor, MI
After playing around a little bit it looks like bair catching after walljumping is the best way to do it. For some reason you can't z catch after a walljump, anybody know why?


Smash Apprentice
Sep 19, 2007
Baltimore, MD
no but wouldnt it be safer to just pluck durring the recovery before u grab the ledge that way u can already have the nanner long before u dont have to worry about all this complicated stuff


Smash Lord
Jan 5, 2009
Montreal, QC
no but wouldnt it be safer to just pluck durring the recovery before u grab the ledge that way u can already have the nanner long before u dont have to worry about all this complicated stuff
Yeah you could do that but when your recovering, your not always recovering from above. You cant do it if your below the stage. So you use this when your at the ledge b/c of a reason other than recovering from above. And it never hurts to have more banana tricks in your arsenal :p

The Sauce Boss

Smash Ace
Dec 14, 2008
Ann Arbor, MI
no but wouldnt it be safer to just pluck durring the recovery before u grab the ledge that way u can already have the nanner long before u dont have to worry about all this complicated stuff
Well I mean obviously :ohwell:. I just posted this so people know it is possible. It is just another option, or a mix-up. And it is fun to be technical lol.


Smash Lord
Jan 5, 2009
Montreal, QC
Actually, It is possible to zcatch out of a walljump
Ive done it several times while playing around with this
But it was at random times (sometimes I would zcatch and other times I would air dodge) so I go with the Bair for fear of ADing instead of zcatching.

The Sauce Boss

Smash Ace
Dec 14, 2008
Ann Arbor, MI
Actually, It is possible to zcatch out of a walljump
Ive done it several times while playing around with this
But it was at random times (sometimes I would zcatch and other times I would air dodge) so I go with the Bair for fear of ADing instead of zcatching.
Ya I could of swore I did it once, but I thought I was just crazy because I never did it again. That is really weird I wonder whats up with it.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 10, 2009
That looks like fail to me, just over b jump back n pull banana then up b its alot faster and less risky. Then when its on the edge, ledgd hop then instant throw it. Offers a safe opertunity to get back on the stage and if the banana hits you can combo yet again. Your way force you to play around to much and can kill u or get gimped over one banana. Also you have to recover from directly under the ledge which means if they edgehog you cant over shoot land on the stage. It is flashy though and god knows i play too much on the edge.


Smash Lord
May 9, 2008
Socal -> FL
Fail ^^^^^

Its handy but if they do catch on its gimp fail for diddy.
@Born: your method is too slow... easy 5 sec and very easy to punish >.>

The Sauce Boss

Smash Ace
Dec 14, 2008
Ann Arbor, MI
That looks like fail to me, just over b jump back n pull banana then up b its alot faster and less risky. Then when its on the edge, ledgd hop then instant throw it. Offers a safe opertunity to get back on the stage and if the banana hits you can combo yet again. Your way force you to play around to much and can kill u or get gimped over one banana. Also you have to recover from directly under the ledge which means if they edgehog you cant over shoot land on the stage NOT TRUE, YOU CAN LAND ON THE STAGE. It is flashy though and god knows i play too much on the edge.
You obviously don't understand the point of this thread. I made this thread to describe a way to catch bananas OFF OF THE LEDGE. You for some weird reason thought I would like to know how to pull them onto the stage and retrieve them after. :dizzy:

I just wanted to share a trick; I was not sharing a new game breaking technique. I already warned about getting gimped in the original post, but I guess you don't read threads you post in. Never mind the fact that my wall jump method is arguably safer than the technique you described, I doubt you could even comprehend why, judging by the caliber of your post

I already know how to pull bananas onto the stage, everybody does. If you knew anything about diddy kong's current game play you would also know this. Saying "fail" a bunch of times is not cool, and when your post says nothing of any consequence to top it off, well I am going to have to ask you to STFU AND LEARN TO POST ;).

To start, read the original post before poorly rehashing things I already said. Next, don't post common knowledge on diddy kong that everybody knows. Lastly, stop saying "fail" and writing at an elementary school level.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 10, 2009
Lol i said fail once unless i FAIL at reading and counting too. Wall jumping is great but if you dont have a wall to jump off of like on sv then thats another alternative.

But Okay do your thing, i was unaware you werent able to voice opinions. Also your right i have no idea wat im talking about and should prob just drop diddy completely! Lol Good luck with your trick. Ill stick with playing the game rather then rehashing. :( sad face...

Stfu isnt nice kid lol. I thought we could be friends! But you just ruining it! :( :( :( sad face combo! Thats a great trick! Imma make a thread about that! You better not hash it either!!!

Diddyknight, yeah i know. I dont do this method alot. Maybe once or twice in a full set. When there is no wall to jump off of to put one on stage ill do it maybe. But ive havent been gimped from it yet so i dont have too much of a problem with it. Its no habit by any means.

Lol @ all the typos in my last post.
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