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Learning Zero Suit Samus


Smash Cadet
Jul 15, 2008
Well, I'm fairly new to ZSS and after having looked through the stickies I can't recall seeing any subject quite like this.

Essentially what I'm looking for is some discussion of the major road blocks facing new ZSS players and especially anything that can be done to expedite the learning process. If there's certain stages, opponents or manuevers that should be practiced (against/on). Which techniques should a ZSS Newb focus on first? Etc...


Smash Master
Jul 5, 2007
Staten Island, NY
Well, you want to get started on the right track, and I hate when I see ZSS players develop on the wrong foot. The main thing that I notice almost all ZSS players do (not just new players) is play almost completely defensive. They don't go for any big combos, and don't utilize her speed well.

My style is basically spacing myself with forward Bs, Down Smashes, and paralyzers until either:

1) I find an opening
2) One of the attacks hit
3) The opponent breaks through my spacing

If the first or the second occurs, I try to follow up with a big combo because once ZSS is on the offensive she has a big advantage.

If it's the third possibility, then I either jab or use an f-tilt or d-tilt before my opponent can grab or attack me. ZSS is fast enough against most characters to be able to pull this off.
Edgeguarding is another part of this. People seem to be afraid to edgeguard with ZSS fearing that they will get gimped themselves. ZSS actually has some of the best edgeguarding in the game, but you have to first learn ZSS' recovery well before you can properly utilize this.

Recovery is just as important. I'm tired of seeing ZSS players get edgehogged as soon as they are sent off the stage. Check my recovery thread for info on that, if it's not on the first page it's on the ZSS guide center that is stickied. So, yeah those are the two biggest things to start off working on are your general playstyle and recovery. I'm not saying to adopt my style in particular. It is nice to make a style for yourself, but I am saying that you should take advantage of ZSS' spacing ability and quick close range attacks.


Smash Lord
Oct 20, 2007
Fairfax, VA
Gonna do this before you get beaten by one of Cake's candles.

http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=175185. And Luigi's Mansion is evil for ZSS.
As far as I know we don't actually have a thread explaining the actual process of learning ZSS, and this has piqued my interest.

Stages: http://smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=155975

Tricks: http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=163670

Other than that, it's a matter of learning how to approach and then effectively chain together attacks. Pay attention to Snakeee's post, it probably sums it all up the best. Personally I like to bait a shield with an uncharged paralyzer shot. If they jump, I follow up with a hyphen smash. If they shield or get stunned, I go for the grab. Either of these set you up nicely.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 25, 2007
East Meadow, New York
As far as I know we don't actually have a thread explaining the actual process of learning ZSS, and this has piqued my interest.

Stages: http://smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=155975

Tricks: http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=163670

Other than that, it's a matter of learning how to approach and then effectively chain together attacks. Pay attention to Snakeee's post, it probably sums it all up the best. Personally I like to bait a shield with an uncharged paralyzer shot. If they jump, I follow up with a hyphen smash. If they shield or get stunned, I go for the grab. Either of these set you up nicely.
I personally like to space with ZSS's attacks, Side-B and D-tilts in order to try and get the person to approach from the air. Snakeee likes to be agressive with his play style and it's possible with ZSS to do this even though brawl is a campers game. This is prolly mainly due to her having some safe/little lag moves and the ability to punish as well as space very well.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 4, 2007
If I ever finish my guide on ZSS you could give it a look over, but sadly, it's been a long time since I touched it, lol.

Anyways, first and foremost, MASTER HER RECOVERY. I totally agree with Snakeee on this one. A large part of ZSS's game is good edgeguarding, and you have to be confident that you can make it back to the stage and not get a stock behind because of some stupid SD.

Quick recovery tips:
  • Save your doublejump for last, it's the best recovery you've got, it's unpredictable and has the highest vertical distance.
  • Clear the edge before tethering, use a u-air or something fast to get the edgehogger away.
  • Remember to always boost your double-jump (using up-b directly after you jump)
  • If you have the choice to try for a spike and die, or footstool and live. ALWAYS FOOTSTOOL.

After you've got that stuff down, it's really all about mobility and spacing. Like Snakeee said, a defensive ZSS is at a disadvantage. She doesn't have great options out of shield, subpar at best. Know how ZSS moves, her short hop height, her full hop height. Know the length of your Up-B and Side-B. Know when you can chase someone, when you can't. Learn to read airdodges, it's extremely important when trying to juggle combo.

Once you've got your offense, you need to cover the flaws. Get better at being under shield pressure. Understand that shieldgrabbing is no longer the best option. Try doing different attacks out of shield: tilts, aerials, jabs. Understand when someone has enough lag to punish, and when you need to just GTFO and start re-spacing.

Lastly, post on the boards! OP was intelligent and informed, and believe me, it's appreciated. We could use another ZSS regular! d:

EDIT: oh yeah, I forgot. Play with items! It sounds funny, but suitpieces are a HUGE part of ZSS's first stock. If used properly you can get a pretty **** good lead, then all you need to do is keep it!

James Sparrow

Smash Master
Sep 26, 2005
East Wisconsin
i'd say it's pretty important to learn how to recover well. read snakeee's thread on how to do so properly.

oh snakeee already told you this. well, you should listen to him.


Smash Lord
Feb 21, 2008
Canada, British Columbia
Learn her recovery thats probably the hardest part. After that you just gotta space well and be an overall good player. Also try to figure out which attacks are good to use after each other and stuff.

Oh and memorize your attack properties like how the side-b has a dead area or the maximum range of your paralyzer and what moves are your kill moves and the % they kill at stuff like that.


Mar 16, 2007
Start out just using Plasma Whip. When that doesn't work, think of what else would work there, and do that.

Then just start throwing in random dsmashes.

That's probably the worst advice ever, but it worked for me.
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