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Laundry's All-Stars Pokemon Mafia -- Pokeballs to the Pokewalls!

#HBC | ZoZo

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Jan 12, 2009
Land of Nether
Ofc people are welcome to give their own thoughts but in the end it will be themselves to decide. Kantrip's doesn't really matter as long as it's outside of the shoot pool. Ryker will probably suggest his own pool and Zen would have to adapt to that/optimize it.

#HBC | ZoZo

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Jan 12, 2009
Land of Nether
Deadline is in 10 and a half hours. Get the stuff figured out by then, because I'll be sleeping now and probably not waking up before the deadline.

Ramen King

Smash Cadet
May 6, 2012
Only Creation
I honestly don't think it will be a problem if Ryker and I shoot the same person. Not sure why either of you think it would be. I'm going to be doing a good read through before I make the decision so I don't know yet. Ran you will always be bulletrproof right? Because if I ultimately decide it's best not to shoot, I can just aim for you.

BRB Not Posting.

May 14, 2012
I lied, I can't shoot Nabe. It's fighting. Probably won't affect him. After that I'd shoot Raz/JTB. After that, Ran/TBlock.

I wouldn't shoot anyone else at this point.

#HBC | ZoZo

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Jan 12, 2009
Land of Nether
I honestly don't think it will be a problem if Ryker and I shoot the same person. Not sure why either of you think it would be. I'm going to be doing a good read through before I make the decision so I don't know yet. Ran you will always be bulletrproof right? Because if I ultimately decide it's best not to shoot, I can just aim for you.
Aim for Nabe in that case. Doesn't hurt to double check his role, right?

Also, Ryker, is your vig move (Hi) Jump Kick? If not then I don't see how your crumbs line up.

BRB Not Posting.

May 14, 2012
No. I haven't crumbed anything in specific. I have simply left an overall idea that it would be Scizor and even that was a red herring.

Shooting Nabe is a waste. Shoot your scum read and we'll not shoot.

Nabe needs to be lynched.

#HBC | Laundry

Grand Sage of Swag
Mar 22, 2011
Under a bridge
The doors to the Pokemon Center opened and Laundry stepped back out into the cold. He looked around at the streets surrounding him, trying to analyze the environment. A lonely old man was stumbling through the heavy snow, aided by a rather energetic Mankey. Two young ladies were mingling as they walked somewhere together. A little kid was out adding finishing touches to an impressive snow fort in the dim light from his house. Laundry could see more forts down the street. He guessed the young lads of this city seemed to partake in frozen warfare to have armaments this impressive.

"Hold it."

Laundry turned and looked to his addresser. An older gentleman had approached him, flashlight in hand (despite the strong light from the street lamps) and was staring him down; moreover, he was a cop. Laundry sighed and offered a polite, "Yes?"

"With the recent crime string we've experienced here, a curfew has been set in place for all of Snowpoint City effect of immediately. By stepping outside, you have broken it," the policeman said.

"And what about him?" Laundry asked, pointing towards the old man down the street.

"He's on his way back," the cop said.

"And him?" Laundry asked, pointing towards the little kid.

"HEY JUNIOR," the cop shouted at the top of his lungs, "IT'S DANGEROUS TO BE OUTSIDE RIGHT NOW, YOU SHOULD GO INSIDE." The little kid looked up from his work and stuck his tongue out at the cop. "I'LL TELL YOUR PARENTS!" the cop added. The kid immediately got scared, jumped up, and ran inside.

"And them?" Laundry said, unperturbed by the sudden outburst. His finger now rested upon the two young ladies who were now intently gazing at the scene. "They're clearly heading towards that bar."


"Yeh, I thought so. Nice bluff, almost worked if but for a pair of pretty women," Laundry said. "So are you gonna tell me why you targeted me? I take it you did so because of that recent crime string and I'm an unfamiliar person."

"Don't get lippy with me, boy," the officer added. "You will respect my autho-"

"Excuse me? I'm not just your regular citizen," Laundry said. He fished around in his pocket and pulled out his card--his ID proving his association with the PSP. "Do you recognize this?" he asked. The cop grudgingly nodded. "Then that's all the introduction I need."

"...you're here for the robbers, ain't ya?"

"Yeh. Though I'm curious, why was I called? What happened to Herr Doctor Vult? Last I heard, he was stationed here in Sinnoh, though the higher-ups tend not to tell us about officers handling unrelated projects."

"He was here. Came ridin' in a few days ago, took some notes and asked some questions, then skipped town to another part of Sinnoh. These robbers ain't just hitting here. They're all over," the cop explained.

"Ah, alright. That explains some things," Laundry said, mulling over his next question. "More importantly, a little boy recently had his Pokemon stolen by what I assume to be these criminals. I assume you know something about this?"

"No, not at all," the cop said.

"Ah. I got the location of the theft from him in my questions. Care to show me to it?" Laundry asked.

"If it's just a street corner, ain't much I can do about it," the cop said.

"It's not--it was a warehouse. Said it was over by the docks, and that he was playing around there with his Pokemon just exploring like a kid when he got jumped. Can you take me there?" Laundry asked.

"Sure thing," the cop said. He turned and lead the way for Laundry. The agent quickly followed in step, trying to organize his thoughts. His good friend, Vult, had already been here but yet, no data was left for him and he didn't stick around despite the repeat occurrances. Laundry was told nothing of this--was Vult rogue or did the organization just see fit not to tell him that Vult was even working on this? If so, why did they inform him Ryker was investigating Oak's disappearance? Too many questions, too many questions.

Laundry reflected back to the boy. Why him? His only stolen Pokemon were a Scizor and a Rotom. Sure, sure, Rotom isn't exactly a run of the mill Pokemon but Scizors can be obtained so much easier. Yet they stole both? What did they want, exactly? Was it because the boy stumbled on something a little more precious and they had to neutralize him? Why didn't they just kill him? Laundry hoped the site would provide answers--Blaziken definitely would not lose to these *******s.

Laundry sighed. The cop kept trying to make idle chit-chat to break the silence but Laundry didn't really care for it. This cop was kind of a *******, but that was to be expected of these people if they couldn't catch a few simple thieves. He still seemed like a nice enough guy. Talked about his wife and his daughter and how she was aiming to be a trainer as well. Said she had the chops, just that the Pokemon available to her here weren't really that great. Their family was trying to save up just enough money to get her down to some Pokemon Academy in some city or another, Laundry wasn't paying too much attention. He was still giving the cop the time of day, just that his mind was in other places right now.

Suddenly, a scream and shouts for help pierced the nighttime blizzard. Laundry and the cop both stopped what they were doing and ran after it. Laundry's hand darted to his pokeballs and pulled one out. He clicked it open and out popped his Blaziken. It quickly darted after them, catching up in no time. The three of them--men and Pokemon--quickly reached the source of the screams. The two young ladies that had dared enter the bar were now crying.

"We were robbed!" one shouted.

"Which way?" Laundry quickly shot. The other pointed in a direction. He motioned to the cop to stay here as he followed his Blaziken into the night.

Red Ruy, Minun, Town Loving Magnet has been lynched.
Gorf, Plusle, Town Loving Cheerleader has committed suicide.
Night 2 begins! Night 2 ends whenever all night actions are in or Monday, May 28th, at 11:59 PM EST (extra time added for the holiday weekend)!

#HBC | Laundry

Grand Sage of Swag
Mar 22, 2011
Under a bridge
"Sit down, Mr. ..."

"Fiction," Ryker finished.

"Yes, sit down Mr. Fiction," one of the assistants said, ignoring his disbelief of our manly protagonist's incredible last name. Ryker took a seat across from the assistants at one of their desks. He shot a glance around the room while they prepared a couple of pages of data for him. It was a small room with a couple of work stations set up. The only object of extreme interest was a strange machine across the room. Ryker got up and wandered over to it almost immediately.

"And with that, that sho--...hey, what are you doing?" one of the assistants said.

"Checking this thing out," he said, poking buttons. "What's it do?"

"That..that machine is how we transfer Pokemon of interests between labs. It's like the PC Boxes run by Bill and his associates but instead of putting them in singular boxes owned by individuals, it's a community box that every major Pokemon lab across each of the regions can access. I'd appreciate it if you'd stop poking around at it," the assistant said as Ryker started pressing a bunch of buttons it, "as it's valuable machinery and costs a lot to fix."

"Shut up, I'm trying to bring up a history log of transfers," he said.

"Why would you do that?" the other asked, piping up from his silence.

"Are you stupid? There's no way they would've carried Oak's body and a haul of Pokeman out of here at the same time," Ryker said. He then wound up and punched the machine in the side. Suddenly a light flashed on one of the buttons. Ryker pressed the button and a history log opened up on the moniter. Ryker grinned, adding, "What time did they kidnap Oak?"

"About 2:30 or so in the afternoon, why?" one of the assistants asked.

"C'mere and look at this, nerd," he said, beckoning one of the assistants over. The nerd got up and grudgingly walked over to the machine. The history showed that a bunch of transfers had been made at about 2:40, all within seconds of each other. "Do you have any way of showing where these Pokemon transferred to?"

"Yeah, sure, just give me a second..." the assistant said. He punched a few buttons and then suddenly an in-depth look at one of the Pokemon transferred popped up. It showed that it had been picked up at about 3:30 or so from the lab in...

"Twinleaf Town," Ryker said. Suddenly the machine sparked and fizzled. The screen shut off and something in the back exploded. Smoke rose from the machine. Busted.

"You did this! You're gonna pay for this!" the lab shouted as Ryker walked from the room and pulled out his cell phone, completely blowing the guy off.


Laundry stopped and panted. He had been following tracks for half an hour now with no real sign of gaining anyone of them. The tracks were weird too. At some point they'd completely stop, at others they'd just flat-out change to Pokemon tracks. He had a guess that they were either riding on Pokemon or having Pokemon follow along behind them to cover the tracks but they kept going nowhere. Blaziken was still chasing them--the Speed Boost Chicken never tired and never slowed--but it was futile. He called for his Pokemon and it came running back to him. A quick pat on the head and a bottle of fresh water was the reward it got as it got sent back to its Pokeball to rest.

Laundry grimaced. The thieves knew the terrain. That was not a good sign. Locals? Or just months of planning to steal from the entire city? Neither boded well, but the former could at least limit his search. Laundry sighed and started walking back towards the city when his pocket suddenly started buzzing. Who was calling him right now?

"Hello?" he asked, placing his phone to his ear.

"Hey little bro!" said a familiar voice from the speaker.

"Oh hey Ryker, what's up?" Laundry asked.

"Normally I'd talk to ya a little bit, but let's get down to business," Ryker said. "You're working on the case up in Snowpoint, right?"

"Yeh, I just lost a couple of thieves in the snowstorm," Laundry said bitterly.

"Aw, tough break," Ryker said. "I know what that's like."

"Yeh, tell me about it."

"But hey, listen, before we get off track, I've got some information you may appreciate. You remember how Oak got kidnapped? While the kidnappers were here, they lifted a bunch of Pokemon too."

"Oh really?"

"Now, they couldn't just walk off with Oak and a bunch of Pokeballs at the same time. It's too much to carry in a single trip, y'know? So get ready for this little bro: they used this lab's transfer machine thingy to send the Pokemon somewhere else."

"So where'd they send them?"

"Twinleaf Town."

Laundry didn't speak for a moment. So a bunch of Pokemon were stolen from a lab by sending it to another lab. Meanwhile, a bunch of thieves in Snowpoint were jacking Pokemon. Suddenly the connection between the incidents grew stronger than similar uniforms. But why were they up in Snowpoint if the Pokemon got transferred to Twinleaf?

"You still there?" Ryker asked.

"Huh? Sorry, zoned out for a second," Laundry said. "Thanks bro, I gotta go."

"Aight, man, I'll catch you later."

Laundry hung up.


Ryker shoved his phone back in his pocket. He walked over to the table and picked up the information the assistants had prepared for him, then walked out of the room. THE METAGAME was leaning against the wall next to the entrance to the lab, prepared for any suspicions visitors. Ryker nodded to his Pokemon and they both walked outside cooly. He pulled his keys out and slammed the button labeled "GO TIME." Excalibur pulled up in front of the building and they both hopped into the convertible. Ryker handed THE METAGAME the papers and then tore out of streets.

"Hey, read me where the perp was heading after he left the lab," Ryker said.

"Machamp, Ma-Machamp Machamp, Champ Ma, champchamp-"

Ryker stole the paper back and looked at it. From witness reports gathered a few hours after the crime occurred, a couple of witnesses saw a pair in black heading north in a car. One more witness saw this pair shoving Oak into the backseat bound and gagged.

"We're on the road to Viridian City," Ryker said, letting off a cheesy grin as he sped north.


Not a Hufflepuff, Lucario, Town Hero has died during the night.
Day 3 begins! Deadline is Thursday, June 7th, at 11:59 PM EST!

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
This town really ****ing blows though. Tacket lynch was seriously dumb and leaving Xonar alive ... seriously?


~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Why did you decide to put like the most pro-town player in the game to sleep though? **** smells mad scummy.


#HBC | ZoZo

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Jan 12, 2009
Land of Nether
I have a move called Worry Seed which changes an ability to Insomnia (target gets notified) which makes that person immune to sleep.

#HBC | ZoZo

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Jan 12, 2009
Land of Nether
Well if you are asleep and you get Worry Seeded, I'd imagine it goes over.

That said, I couldn't have been the one to put Joey to sleep because Ruy used LightningRod on me that night. That night nothing happened to Ruy. I did nothing that night.

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
Man all that NA garbage *sigh*

Yeah, I read stuff but I intentionally ignored claim stuff because this game is full of ambiguous stuff that leads us nowhere. I'm gunning for scummy playerslots, **** the rest.


#HBC | ZoZo

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Jan 12, 2009
Land of Nether
Then my answer still rests unanswered. Leaving claim stuff unread is also dumb as hell as reactions and the claims themselves lead to places.

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
I already did that. Just because you don't agree with the way I'm going about thing doesn't mean you can just go around and discredit my stuff like that.



#HBC | ZoZo

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Jan 12, 2009
Land of Nether
The only thing I'm discrediting is the fact that you say I slept Joey, when it's physically impossible for me to have done that. You have no accusations running.

~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
I think any accusation would be pretty redundant by now considering that you should've been lynched on Day 1 already. The only thing that kept you alive was because this town is a bunch of ******* who can't tell the difference between disagreeing with somebody and thinking somebody's scum.



Live for the applause
Nov 13, 2006
Vote: Xonar

I'm not going to full claim, but I'm Porygon2. Whenever I target someone at night with my ability, I change to their pokemon type with my passive Trace.

Night 1 I targeted Kantrip and was changed to flying type, which is why I had him restate his role and more specifically his pokemon type.

Last night I targeted Xonar and did not change types.

Right now I'm flying type. Ferrothorn is steel-grass.


Live for the applause
Nov 13, 2006
(if it isn't clear, I should've changed to either steel or grass if Xonar was really Ferrothorn)

#HBC | ZoZo

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Jan 12, 2009
Land of Nether

I'm actually Celebi, I have Worry Seed and Magic Coat. I used Magic Coat tonight (1pp, so it's out now). I claimed Ferrothorn with Barbs because Ryker held me at gunpoint. Ferro is my actual dumbrole/fakerole (Ferrothorn, indy plant abductor as a reference to my plant abductor role in Gigabots) given by Washed.

Change again tonight and you'll see.

What makes me MORE curious is how you're FLYING type when Kantrip is ice/flying.


Live for the applause
Nov 13, 2006
In the case of a dual type pokemon, I only get one of the types. I already confirmed this with laundry D2.
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