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C2050D68 0000000D
3E808045 6294BF18
82B40000 56B305EF
40A2004C 3AA00000
3E808046 6294B108
82740000 567201CF
4182001C 567200C7
41820014 56720253
4182000C 56720295
40820018 3AB50001
2C150004 40800010
481A1BF0 7C0802A6
60000000 00000000
#Injection point at 80050d68. It's some function that gets executed every frame while in a game. Not sure what it does.
lis r20,0x8045
ori r20,r20,0xBF18
#Load the Additional Rules memory address into r20
lwz r21,0(r20)
#Load the actual hex for the rules into r21
rlwinm. r19,r21,0,23,23
bne+ 0x4C
#If pause is enable, skip to the end of the code
li r21,0
#clear r21 to be used as a player counter
lis r20,0x8046
ori r20,r20,0xB108
#load the hex address for player 1's inputs into r20
lwz r19,0(r20)
#load the input data into r19
rlwinm. r18,r19,0,7,7
beq- 0x1C
#If a is not being pressed, skip to the player increment
rlwinm. r18,r19,0,3,3
beq- 0x14
#If Start is not being pressed, skip to the player increment
rlwinm. r18,r19,0,9,9
beq- 0x0C
#If L is not being pressed, skip to the player increment
rlwinm. r18,r19,0,10,10
bne- 0x18
#Finally if LRASTART are pressed, skip to reset function
addi r21,r21,1
#Increment counter by one
cmpwi r21,4
bge- 0x10
#If greater than or equal to four, skip to the end of the code
addi r20,r20,12
#Add 12 to the input address, so it loads the next player's inputs for the next loop
#Branch back to line 9
b 0x1A1BE4
#This branches to the reset function
mflr r0
#This was the original line
stb r4,0(r3)
addi r3,r3,1
cmpwi r3,8
C2050D68 0000000E
3E808045 6294BF18
82B40000 56B305EF
40A20058 3AA00000
3E808046 6294B108
82740000 567201CF
4182001C 567200C7
41820014 56720253
4182000C 56720295
40820018 3AB50001
2C150004 4080001C
3D80801A 618C4510
7D8903A6 4E800421
7C0802A6 00000000
#Injection point at 80050d68. It's some function that gets executed every frame while in a game. Not sure what it does.
lis r20,0x8045
ori r20,r20,0xBF18
#Load the Additional Rules memory address into r20
lwz r21,0(r20)
#Load the actual hex for the rules into r21
rlwinm. r19,r21,0,23,23
bne+ EXIT
#If pause is enabled, skip to EXIT
li r21,0
#clear r21 to be used as a player counter
lis r20,0x8046
ori r20,r20,0xB108
#load the hex address for player 1's inputs into r20
lwz r19,0(r20)
#load the input data into r19
rlwinm. r18,r19,0,7,7
#If a is not being pressed, skip to COUNTER
rlwinm. r18,r19,0,3,3
#If Start is not being pressed, skip to COUNTER
rlwinm. r18,r19,0,9,9
#If L is not being pressed, skip to COUNTER
rlwinm. r18,r19,0,10,10
bne- RESET
#If LRASTART are all pressed, skip to RESET
addi r21,r21,1
#Increment counter by one
cmpwi r21,4
bge- EXIT
#If greater than or equal to four, skip to EXIT
addi r20,r20,12
#Add 12 to the input address, so it loads the next player's inputs for the next loop
lis r12,0x801a
ori r12,r12,0x4510
mtctr r12
#This branches to the reset function
mflr r0
#This was the original line
8016ca68 Pause_IngameCheckPauseOnOff
8016bc74 Pause_CheckButtonsToPause
8016cbe8 Pause_CheckButtonsToUnpause
#enable checking for pause even with Pause: Off
0416caa8 60000000
#enable checking for unpause even with Pause: Off
0416cc28 60000000
ASM injection point: 8016bdf0
- Part of function Pause_CheckButtonsToPause.
- Line immediately after a player’s instant button presses are placed into r0.
- This code line checks the instant button presses for the start button.
lbz r14,0x24ca(r29) #load current match flag that includes if pause is on/off
rlwinm. r14,r14,29,31,31 #pull out the bit (00000008) and compare to 0
beq- NORMAL #if pause is enabled, branch down to the default code line like normal
# if pause is disabled…
lwz r0,0(r3) # load all button presses in this frame, instead of looking at instant buttons
andi. r3,r0,0x1160 # L+R+A+START button flags = 0x1160
cmpwi r3,0x1160
bne- NO_PAUSE #if current buttons being pressed do not consist of L+R+A+START, don’t pause
li r0,0x1000 #load 0x1000 into register for button press check --> will pass start button check
li r0,0 # load 0 into register for button press check --> will fail start button check
rlwinm r0,r0,0,19,19 # default code line, pulls out start button bit (00001000)
I tested this on console and it works but noticed a minor problem: if player 1 presses L+R+A+START after losing all his stocks in a teams or FFA match, the game freezes. Is it possible to fix this?L+R+A+START to Pause Game when Pause is Disabled (1.02) [Achilles]
0416caa8 60000000
0416cc28 60000000
C216BDF0 00000006
41820020 80030000
70031160 2C031160
4082000C 38001000
48000008 38000000
540004E6 00000000
Let me know if there are any problems.