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Kirby, to be a pro

Kirby Magatsu

Smash Journeyman
Dec 12, 2006
Today I fight against my friend, me with Kirby, him also, but I use Kirby as main, he had rarely used Kirby, he only knows how to use Kirby practically seeing me fight, then the style of battle of him are similar to mine. But I have much more experience than he with the char.

However, i had a hard battle, when the fight ended I just had one stock, and with 50~70%. I was tremendously angry, how could i be with only ONE stock?? That made me think about my experience, and I arrived the conclusion that a person that watches me fight has almost as many experience as i, that are there, playing!

That can be explained because with mind game there isn't practice, then a person that watches me play can use my tricks without practice.

In melee it isn't possible, because who watches a person using WD, Shffld, Tech etc. can't use this easily, he needs practice to use this techniques.

Therefore is necessary that Kirby evolves your "pro side", to differentiate noobs of pros, and, in that way, develop the char, doing with that he goes well in camps, and distance the Kirby players, for we have a model of Kirby to follow.

And sorry for mistakes in the text above, i'm trying to imporove my english, but he still sucks. xD


Smash Journeyman
Mar 17, 2008
Florida; I consider myself a decent brawl player.
Well maybe you didn't do too good because you got nervous and you were afraid that if you lost, you would make yourself look bad.

If you want to separate the noob Kirbys compared to pro Kirbys, the big difference is that pro Kirbys know how to pull off combos and juggle. Noob Kirbys usually spam foward smash as one of their main attacks. That's what I see anyways.


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2008
Bergen County
...The way I see it. The moment you're getting worried about noobs and pros you've become a pro. Seriously, people should only play to win while enjoying it at the same time, but if you're not enjoying the game b/c you're afraid your friend is going to beat you then just stop IMO.

Also back to the point about your friend just picking up Kirby. One, you won. Sure it was close but who cares you won, everybody has close matches sometimes, even against noobs. Two, if your friends gameplay was similar to yours than you should be able to take advantage. And please don't give me the bs about mindgames. Three, Kirby has a really easy learning curve and good buffs so being successful with him by just picking him up is nothing new. Four, don't compare Brawl to Melee.


Smash Champion
Apr 9, 2008
San Francisco
Agreed with posts above. The other thing is, everyone plays differently. That includes kirby players. If there WAS some sort of universal standard for how a kirby could play, we could make a level "10" computer that plays exactly as the ideal kirby player would. But we can't, cause everyone has a different style. It sounds kinda corny saying everyone's unique, but it's true. You're friend can't play exactly as you do. And even if he could, you at least have the experience of knowing your own weaknesses. Take advantage of those.

Also, I agree that kirby has a fast learning curve. His mind games are kinda easy to learn as well. But that doesn't mean you can instantly pick up everything he does just by watching >>. Keep playing =]

Good luck!


Smash Apprentice
Oct 12, 2006
Kirby is extremely easy to use, but has huge flaws. THe key to being a good kirby is learning how to mix things up, and most of all COVER YOUR ARSE! For example his b-up is extremely useful for pulling people outta he sky, but if you use it, and they sheild, our left wide open for a very punishable lag. Another example (this one a good example) His b down is extremely useful for pulling him self out of the sky, and to "cover your arse" a quick fair, bair, or air hammer out of the rock is usually an un expect move, and for that good cover. But im off topic. The point is, KIRBY IS SEXY!

Kirby Magatsu

Smash Journeyman
Dec 12, 2006
...The way I see it. The moment you're getting worried about noobs and pros you've become a pro. Seriously, people should only play to win while enjoying it at the same time, but if you're not enjoying the game b/c you're afraid your friend is going to beat you then just stop IMO.

Also back to the point about your friend just picking up Kirby. One, you won. Sure it was close but who cares you won, everybody has close matches sometimes, even against noobs. Two, if your friends gameplay was similar to yours than you should be able to take advantage. And please don't give me the bs about mindgames. Three, Kirby has a really easy learning curve and good buffs so being successful with him by just picking him up is nothing new. Four, don't compare Brawl to Melee.
I only disagree with 2 and 4, my friend isn't noob, he is very good either, and he plays similar to me, it doesn't say that he will do everything i do. And compare brawl to melee isn't the question, if that bother you, then ignore...

Anyway, i catch the general idea guys, in the next time i won't be afraid to lose.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 20, 2008
Also, if you main Kirby then he's used to your play style whereas you haven't every played his kirby. But every match should be a learning experience. Only in tournaments is my first priority winning, with learning a close second. Unless I'm just annoyed at my n00b friends for turning items on.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 28, 2008
Agreed w/ the items thing, items are fun sometimes but some brawl items are just plain ridiculous and they award an instant free stock for a well luck timed heart, bumper, deku nut or more...
Kirby is about being unpredictable and using your opponents strategies against them, you knew what your opponents strategy was and yet you didn't say you were punishing them for it. IF you know how they play, you will know how they lose.
Winning isn't everything... Its just the only thing that matters.... In TOURNIES, not in friendly brawl...unless theirs money on the line... Also three periods=awesome....


Smash Ace
Mar 22, 2008
three periods=awesome....

I do this all the time lol...

So on topic kirby vs kirby is pretty much two things: mindgames and moveset knowledge

Since your friend watches your videos all the time he knows your playstyle and the way you use your moveset, so he is pretty much on even grounds since you know your own playstyle and he would probably start off trying to play in the same way as you. Which means it ends up mostly as a mind games fight with you at a slight advantage because (i would hope) you can play your own playstyle better than he can mimic yours.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 28, 2008
What about Quantum Field Theory?...

So basically just use what he's doing against you. He knows your playstyle and movesets, you know his playstyle and movesets, the reason you probably did as bad as you did (If you call winning bad) is you were just predictable.


Smash Ace
Feb 4, 2008
I've experienced the same thing as Magatsu, my bro started playing Kirby and he emulates mine very well. What is different between or playing style is how i counter. Being able to play offensively and defensively is easy, its called learning how to play a character.

When ur pro with a character u know which moves to use to counter other moves i.e. tackle against G&W bair, no one would think to use it as counter but it works, or for example: i've up tilted my opponent and he has decent damage so he flies up many Kirby's would think to upair or bair, but that becomes predictable and wont always work depending on ur opponent, so u start to think what can he do and what attacks do i have that i can combo or chain together or maybe even nothing at all. Waiting for ur opponent to make a move can help to throw them off their game.

Basically a pro can play how they feel like and still win, they just know what to use and when to use it. Not calling myself pro here but i've seen enough chillin and Candy, azen, Forte, etc. to realize what they do


Smash Ace
Mar 22, 2008
So yeah mindgames=pro

to properly mindgame you have to know what you and your opponent is capable of...

sounds easy but is infinitely complicated


Smash Apprentice
Oct 12, 2006
This is how Kirby plays the "tiers." Beating Kirby is not based on skill, i mean to a point yes it is but hear me out. Unlike other characters such as say wolf, or meta knight, finding out what your Kirby opponent is going to do will actually give you a much greater chance of winning. What im trying to say is that Kirby does not have a character build advantage such as a stunning down smash, or a very long, very strong range weapon, what makes you a good Kirby player will eb determined by your knowledge of Kirby and your opponents thereby lack of knowledge. When playing Kirby is for the most part safe to bank that your average opponent has very little experience playing Kirby, which will give you a straight out knowledge advantage. So after all that said, the goal of Kirby is not only what i mentioned in my last post, but also this: when your kirby, you have to punish your enemys' mess ups with your longer than seeming range, definately use the mindgames, and if they they really dont know how to play kirby, abuse the hell out of the kirbycombos.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 7, 2008
uhhhh maybe ur not a pro with kirby not meant to main kirby... may i suggest anyother character? XD
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