Sorry I missed that Ronike.
Ronike, Camo-man, Oblivion and Arkengate head off into the forest surrounding them.
"There's something different about this place," Ronike notices.
Oblivion nods his head in agreement. "Look at these trees."
The trees and grass around you are all of a strange coloring. Pink, blue, purple.
Ronike leans over to read a nearby sign. "Don't step on the Mome raths. What are Mome raths?"
Ignoring Ronike, Arkengate suddenly lifts his head. "I hear something." He turns and begins to run toward the sound the rest of you don't hear.
Camo-man immediately follows him. Ronike and Oblivion hesistate for a moment before running to catch up. It's not long before they come across an archway cut into a hedge. The group can hear someone yelling. As they round a corner it looks like a trial of sorts is taking place.
A young girl is tanding before a rather large women. The women screams "For attempted theft of my heart I sentenc Alice to death! Off with her head!"
One you runs forward. The others try to pull him back. "Wait!"
"It's not her fault. We can tell who the real thief is."
Suprisingly you are able to calm her down enough to get her to listen. The Queen gives you a short period of time to proove Alice is innocent.
"Gather enough evidence and bring it to me. Or it's off with all of your heads!"
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