I'm satisfied with what they've done with the king. They appear to have blended the two models, which only seems logical given how long it has been since the king's last Rare appearance. DK64's appearance was rather blocky and lacking in detail., which means they needed to go even further back to the trilogy to pull most of his features from. Some aspects of the PAON design were necessary in order for him to really fit into the cast IMO. Such as the PAON facial features paving the way for some epic facial expressions like many characters appear to have. However, what I like most is that they stayed true to his more iconic features of the past such as the gold-plated belly as opposed to PAON's more fleshy one, gave him a much more rugged and jaded look on both his scales and cape like the Rare design. And of course there's the iconic bloodshot eye, the cape gemstone and his krown to top it all off.