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king dedede vs pika


Smash Apprentice
May 19, 2008
Florida, USA
if both players were to be equally matched, who would win?

BTW can dedede use his chain grab on pikachu?

4% APR

Smash Champion
Sep 5, 2006
D3 can't chaingrab Pika, although I'm pretty sure Pika can chaingrab D3. It's a really annoying matchup


Smash Journeyman
Mar 21, 2008
Sterling, VA
Pikachu will win most likely, the only thing we have on him is that he dies early, no chaingrab on him, and he can cg us to at least 70 with fthrow.


Smash Cadet
Sep 11, 2007
Pikachu is very annoying. Especially its down smash. It seems rather impossible to get away from no mater what I try. I noticed not trying to escape from it sometimes works though. Which is weird.

Benjamin Linus

Smash Apprentice
May 19, 2008
On the Island
wow never had i seen such a large inhabitance of noob players in the character specific forum of one of the best characters in the game. De3 cannot chaingrab pika and pika cant chain grab De3.

This is a slightly harder match up for De3 but not impossible. First of all you can jump out of both of pikachu's chain grabs which are forward throw and down throw. second to play this match up its all about spacing and edgegaurding. Its very important to space bairs on pikachu because most pika's abuse his awesome air game. Keep him on the ground with bairs and ftilts. Ftilt thundershocks. Edgegaurding is a little difficult but just be smart and look for patterns. Pika's generally will go for the sweet spot so grab the ledge first then punish if the barely make it on the stage. if you see them consistantly going directly to the stage, wait for it then punish with a downsmash or up smash.

who is the veteran player who is giving you people information, cuz whoever he is he is not doing his job.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 14, 2008
I play a pretty good Pika relatively often and I mainly deal damage with shield grab>dthrow>ftilt/neutral-a, a few Waddle Dees here and there and RAR'd bairs. And dsmash can be a good finisher, too.


Smash Apprentice
May 5, 2008
Stevens Point, Wisconsin
Hooooo man. My best friend who is kick butt with Pika plays me as D3 all the time. I've gotten to know the pattern of how he beats me. Stay away from Pika's OP dsmash T_T. It breaks through shield, will outlast your spot dodge, and will catch you out from your roll. How to avoid it? Don't get hit with it lol. Ftilt the little mouse until he backs away. It's all about spacing. Also whenever he wants to juggle you, get to the ground, shield>grab>dthrow, and then tech chase and grab him wherever he decides to get back up. He'll back away quick enough. Oh, and make sure to edge guard and punish early so he can't do his little quick attack thing back on stage. Hope that helps!


Smash Cadet
Jun 5, 2008
My friend is AMAZINGLY annoying with his Pika against my D3, but I've found some pretty good counters.

Waddle Dees, on the stage, seriously rock because Pika's Thunder Jolt can't get to you with one of these suckers in the way. Also, Dedede's FTilt has some serious range - it can and will poke Pika out of any attack, including all of Pika's smashes and tilts. If Pika ever uses a Thunder on the ground, dash a bit away from him and punish with a FSmash. NEVER use Super Dedede Jump because of that stupid chainable Thunder... but then again, no one really uses that move in a one-on-one, so I don't know why I'm saying that. Abuse DSmash and USmash, their double-sided cover whacks any roll-happy Pikas pretty well. And you WILL beat Pika in the air - no worries there.

Hope this helped.


Smash Champion
Aug 13, 2002
Green Hill Zone, MD/VA
wow never had i seen such a large inhabitance of noob players in the character specific forum of one of the best characters in the game. De3 cannot chaingrab pika and pika cant chain grab De3.

This is a slightly harder match up for De3 but not impossible. First of all you can jump out of both of pikachu's chain grabs which are forward throw and down throw. second to play this match up its all about spacing and edgegaurding. Its very important to space bairs on pikachu because most pika's abuse his awesome air game. Keep him on the ground with bairs and ftilts. Ftilt thundershocks. Edgegaurding is a little difficult but just be smart and look for patterns. Pika's generally will go for the sweet spot so grab the ledge first then punish if the barely make it on the stage. if you see them consistantly going directly to the stage, wait for it then punish with a downsmash or up smash.

who is the veteran player who is giving you people information, cuz whoever he is he is not doing his job.
*applause* i wouldn't call them noobs though. because we all started playing brawl when it came out for the most part, unless you got the japanese one.

When it all comes down to it though, even if D3 can't CG Pika, Pika begins to realize that D3 can protect a space of the floor way better than he can, and as the projectiles become less useful (you guys already said how) He has to try to trick D3 into playing his speed game (aka chase me plz), and if he can't, then even the Dreaded Dsmash won't work because then you're talking about trying to either rush D3 and set it up that way, which a smart D3 can say,"hey, he's coming at me, let me ftilt or back up a bit." or try to roll into him, which is dumb, unless you are the massive mind game master. the point is D3 is putting out less effort to basically negate the pika hit and run strategy. I dont even care about pika anymore, because even if his air game is good, I'll just bair it. it's not that hard. I still d throw him too because I'll just tech chase him and at that point he's all about trying to get away and reset spacing. just slow the game down guys.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 20, 2008
This is a very, very annoying and difficult matchup for DDD

It is absolutely essential that you be patient. Always be trying to out-space pikachu. You have to keep him far enough away that he can't dsmash. If he does, you're going to each a lot of damage and possibly a thunder if you don't DI/airdodge right.

Always have Waddles out of stop his projectile. This way you can try to make pika come to you. The second you go after pikachu, you're going to lose faster than a captain falcon

The best strategy would be to dthrow into tech chase. This is a good way to rack up damage on pikachu and get him to the edge of the stage. Once he's there, throw him off the stage and edgeguard with bairs and make sure to punish him severely for being predictable with his upB. If you can manage to trick pika into upBing into a fsmash, he dies, instantly, even at like 40%

It will be a tough match, but it's definitely winnable.

Oh, p.s. stay away from pika's running usmash, it's got fox-like qualities when it's fresh and will be attempted for a ko around 100% which is far too early for you to die
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