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King DeDeDe Matchup Discussion--need more info--sticky plz


Smash Journeyman
Mar 21, 2008
Sterling, VA
Most of this is from CO18's guide, but we don't have a matchup discussion like most of the other boards do, so i figured i'd give it a shot. But we do need alot more info. Right now we have none on alot of characters so everyone's input will be added unless it's false of course. Anyways here it is for now.

Matchup 7:3


Bowser is better than people think and I find this matchup to be decent but still in favor of Dedede. Bowser's UP+B is a pain. It comes out extremely quick and racks up alot of damage.
Use your waddle dees alot in this matchup. Bowser has some pretty good approaches, F-Air, Side+B, Dash attack, Dashing grab, Approaching with fire. Bowser's that mix up their appraoches well can get pretty tough. Main counter to this is easily B-airs as it basically ***** all of these approaches. Make sure to watch out for Fire because its basically a free
15-60% depending on DI and where you are when you get caught in this.
Bowser's Uair is extremely strong so be sure to watch out for this however d-air counters this easily because of its range. Bowser's F-air is quicker than yours so you wont be using
Fair as much as you usually do but your bair is better.
Bowser will mainly edgeguard you with F-airs and Breathing Fire when you're below the stage trying to get to the ledge. He doesnt have much maneuverability off the stage because of his lack of jumping ability and poor recovery so an Air dodge will usually get you to the stage safely.
Bowser sort of has the advantage when you're close to each other on the stage. He can breath fire and get you caught for massive damage. His jabs come out very fast as well as his Ftilt he has his side+b and his Up+b comes out very fast and racks up damage as well so youll want to space well with your F-tilts, waddle dees and Bair alot.
Bowsers side+b results in him grabbing you and body slamming you and most Bowser players tend to use this more than a standard grab. Bowsercide's hurt so watch out for this and can really turn the tide of a match. You want to be aggressive edgeguarding Bowser because of his lack of recovery. The Bowser wont take many chances in the air because of his recovery and this gives you a good advantage. Wop Bairs will pretty much **** any Bowser once you get him off the stage.

Bowser can be infinited making this match 100 times easier so make sure to do this to him, and you really shouldn't lose unless you either can't grab him for some reason or mess the infinite up.

Good Stages:

Bad Stages:


Captain Falcon
Matchup 7:3


CF has a very limited approach, and most of not all of them are shield grabbable, i like to play defensively on this match. Use waddles if he's running toward you from far away. If he jumps toward you, i actually jump and use bair cuz it beats his fair in so many ways. If he's close to you, either grab him or ftilt him. He also likes to mix up his approach w/ his downB or forward B on the stage. These moves are easily shieldgrabbable also, and you can ftilt him out of both i think. Once you get him off the stage, go after him w/ bairs or fairs, bairs are better, you probably only have to hit him three times, then focus on getting back onto the stage. Don't underestimate him though, he's got a really good spike, so watch out for it. Obviously CG him if you can. Overall this is a fairly easy matchup for DDD.

Good Stages:

Bad Stages:


Diddy Kong
Matchup 4:6


You can pretty much play defensively or aggresively against Diddy but playing aggressively is a bit better.
Diddy can Combo Dedede pretty easily out of his dash attack.
N-air becomes your friend in this game whenever he does so.
His dash to up-smash/Up-tilt will juggle you with almost no lag and the only move fast enough to get him first is n-air.
His bananas are a huge pain. You have to be careful maneuvering on the stage as well as the bananas ruin Dedede's chaingrab.
You can swallow Diddy's bananas if they're thrown at you which is useful in some situations if he's far away but if he's close you'll likely to be punished due to the lag after doing this.
Use his bananas as much as you can against him as well by catching them and picking them up if theyre close. Use Waddle dees alot in this matchup, having diddy approach you helps a ton. Because his bananas cover the stage so well, Keeping the game in the air benefits you, your main approach will probably be reverse bairs because of bananas. Unless there aren't bananas on the stage, you should definitley fthrow or bthrow and keep diddy in the air.
Edgeguarding Diddy under the stage is easy as pie, Jump down and **** him with bairs.
His up+b has some pretty bad starting lag so its pretty simple.
Over the stage its tougher due to Diddy's Side+b that has too much priority and covers good horizontal distance.
Overall, Diddy is a pretty tough matchup, his bananas are really what puts the match in his favor. Just watch out for his bananas, use wdees and alot of bairs.

Good Stages:

Bad Stages:


Donkey Kong

Matchup 8:2


Donkey Kong is a rather easy matchup for Dedede.
Hes big and has no projectile.
Everything really works on him.
He can be both infinited and chaingrabbed so make sure you go for the grab.
Hes big so you can uptilt juggle him pretty easily since it will hit him if hes sort of close to you. Your aerials are better than his so dont be scared to fight in the air unless your off the stage in this case both his fair and dair spike you hard and its not that hard to land for DK since youre a big target.
Besides his spikes, the only real threats are his up+tilt that can juggle Dedede pretty easily and the range and power of his Fsmash and Upsmash. Most of his attacks can be shield grabbed pretty easily and besides from a few moves DK should be a breeze.

When he's off the stage, make sure if you're going to hit him, try to get him in some sort of downward angle if at all possible, cuz he has little to no vertical recovery, and he has SAframes on his upB so don't get in his way or it'll take off alot of damage.

Good Stages:

Bad Stages:


Falco 4:6


Anyways, you should Dthrow to ftilt then most of the time, and somtimes throw in a Dthrow to dash attack or Fsmash. It'll surprise them lol.

you should follow falco off stage and gimp him with a bair. When he has his double jump left i like doing a weak bair and then jump and strong bair as he double jumps.
And FFnair combos into Ftilt, but i never got it to work against MK =/
And you should be sure to always have a waddle between you. It'll force him to stop laser approaching or just SHL instead of SHDL, which i think is easier to avoid. ~ynnek123~

Definitely need more info about this matchup. He seems to have quite an advantage over DDD. First off, he can chaingrab him to 70 or so, and he's got a good projectile which you need to keep a waddle out at all times for, and he's good at comboing w/ his dash attack into utilt or upsmash, and he likes to dair into dsmash, or a tilt. I don't know too much about this matchup except that it doesn't come easy for me.

Good Stages:
for once, not FD, maybe Norfair or w/e place has the lava

Bad Stages:
Bridge of Eldin


Matchup 5:5


Fox isn't too hard of a matchup. Waddle Dees stop laser spam so be sure to use them often and keep them on the stage. Because of that Fox will be forced to approach you and this is where you own him. You outrange him easily with your Ftilt so he'll mainly approach you with short hopped dair, you can shield grab this in right position so do so. If fox gets you however he can combo alot of things out of his dair, up tilt juggling will rack up alot of percent on you, he can also use any of his smashes out of it, all which are good. Make sure to watch out for his upsmash when you get up into the 100% range because it so **** strong. Overall, Pressure with dees, shield grab his approach, throw him then **** him in the air is the most effective way to beat fox. Watch out for his smashes and try not to get hit out of his dair and you should be fine.

Good Stages:

Bad Stages:


Game and Watch
Matchup 4:6


Game and Watch seems to be quite the threat to DDD, he can't be chaingrabbed so you're stuck w/ either dthrow to ftilt or techchasing. His main approach will be the turtle (bair). It's very good and very hard to punish it if they space if right. You outrange him on the ground and I'd try to keep this match on the ground if i were you cuz DDD's ground game outranges gaw's by quite a bit. Gaw can combo you easily in the air w/ nair, bair and a soft fair. Luckily, you can escape his dthrow madness by buffering rolls or i think DDD can just escape it in the air or something weird like that--plz add info on this. His dair is also pretty good, but punishable, just shield it and utilt cuz it has mad priority so don't go for the utilt before, just shield it to be on the safe side. Make sure you don't give him time after his dair cuz alot of gaw's like to cancel their landing lag of dair w/ a dsmash which is very potent especially if you get his w/ the head of his hammers. Also, his dair spikes during the first few frames, so watch out for that. He dies early, so techchase kills are a must, dashatk, charged dsmash, fsmash. Don't get above him early on in a stock cuz his utilt can combo you for a while.

All his smashes are strong as crap and can probably kill you alot earlier than you are used to so watch out for them. I thin he can bucket your Waddle doos beams, so don't let him. His hammer seems to be situational, but he'll use it when he's tech chasing alittle. He has a good recovery, but alot of times, gaw likes to sweetspot the ledge, so if you can get on there and get your frames, then do so for a gimp kill.

Good Stages:

Bad Stages:


Matchup 7:3


Ganondorf should be an easy matchup for you. His recovery is decent, he's got his forward B and his upB. His upB has pretty much the same things as CF's, but once you get him off the stage, barrage him w/ bairs and he shouldn't be able to recover. On the ground, you outrange him w/ ftilt. And you can CG him. He is very heavy and get's combo'd easily. mix up your rolling when he techchases you w/ his forward B grapple. He has a very strong spike so make sure you are aware of it. Waddle toss when you can, he has no projectiles either. Try to keep him in the air as long as you can cuz your air game > his air game. His jab has super armor on it, so don't be surprised to get hit w/ it alot, and so does his upsmash. Play an offensive game, cuz he'll run out of options very quickly. Also, nair fastfalled to utilt a few times to uair works well against him. That's all i can think of for now. But you should be winning this match 9 times outta 10 at least.

Good Stages:
Bridge of Eldin (BoE from here on out)

Bad Stages:


Ice Climbers
Matchup 4:6

Ice climber's

I played against Uber Ice in two tournaments recently

His IC's are phenomenal...Best ive seen this far

That being said I found this match up easier then alot of people rate it.


Nair separates IC's nicely

DDD out ranges IC's

IC's recovery is very gimpable


IC's have a wide array of CG's to abuse

The forward air CG finishes nicely into a instant spike at the end of the stage

You cant CG them while they are together

In this match up...Avoid being grabbed

This might require you to be less campy and might force you to avoid using grabs while Nana is still alive.

Use your tilts on the ground

Use Nair to separate and chase off the ledge with WoP Bairs

Medium difficulty in my experiance...
Good Stages:

Bad Stages:


Matchup 7:3

Strategy: OK, everytime i see an Ike pop up when i'm online, i pretty much think WIN. Seriously, this is one of the easiest matchups in the game. First off, Ike has no projectiles, meaning waddles should be used when he is far away to make him approach. Second, waddles stop his quick draw. He hits them instead of keeping going to hit you, so always have one in front of you if you can. Third, his recovery is very subpar, he has two, quick draw and great aether, now i'll give him this, he does have SA frames on his Great Aether, and I'll get to that later, for quick draw, either grab the ledge, then get your frames when he lets it go, or take the hit and he'll die. Gimping Ike is rather easy and almost unfair, he can't really airdodge if he's below the stage or he'll lose too much height and die, so go after him w/ a bair. If he starts to use his bair, i suggest getting out of the way. And when he uses it and lands on the stage, just shield grab, simple and throw him back on the map. Bairs off stage and he can't recover.

Ike's will pretty much have to approach you w/ one of these moves, full hop fair, double jumped fair, dash attack, or quick draw. We already handled quick draw, and i'm gonna handle all of the other approaches right here. SHIELD GRAB. That should do it for ike, then just cg him to the stage, throw him off, and follow w/ bairs or fairs.

Ike has some quick moves, well maybe just one, bair. watch out for this move it's alot quicker than all his others and has a decent range. His ftilt is also a decent KOer. If you get him in the air, keep it that way. Ike's will also stand at a corner, and wait for you to approach, which shouldn't happen unless you're really mad or something, cuz it's alot easier to make them approach you. and they will back throw and try to spike you w/ their dair. This is a very powerful spike that will probably kill you even at lower percents. So be wary of that.

Play a ranged game against him. Throw waddles, ftilt, cg, gimp. And that should be game for you.

Good Stages:

Bad Stages:


Matchup: 5:5

I think the key here is staying on the ground. I haven't actually played a Jigglypuff, but I was gonna use her as one of my secondaries a while ago. And i've seen a few good Jiggles. Jiggly will approach you in the air w/ either nairs, bairs, or fairs, heck or dairs. Or pound in the air if she thinks she can connect. WoP is jiggly's main game, and playing a good jiggly is not easy to do w/ any character. if she gets you off the stage, i suggest air dodging and getting back on the stage because if you stay around, you'll be dead soon enough. So stay on the ground and use your tilts and shield her aerial approaches, i would say shield grab them, but a decent jiggly won't allow you to to that, her DI is incredible. Beware of the dair to rest combo, it'll kill DDD at 80's i think. She also has a quick dash attack that can catch you off guard, and her only good ground KO move besides rest is fsmash which has more range than you'd think. But your ground game is far superior to hers so take advantage of that. You can't CG her, so tech chasing skills will be involved in this one also. Condition your opponent into rolling either backwards or forward, then go for the KO. It shouldn't be hard to KO her, she's one of the lightest if not the lightest character in the game, i forgot. When you are in the air which will happen, i'd probably jump once, and autocancel dair, or use bairs, i advise you not to use fair cuz it's too slow against someone w/ WoP skills like a good Jiggly user. Any info on this matchup would also be nice since i've never actually played one w/ DDD. Oh, and Jigglypuff is just too cool for her own good. She's almost on the level of DDD's coolness, well, ALMOST.

Good Stages:

Bad Stages:


King DeDeDe
Difficulty: Easy as Pie, whoever get's the first grab wins

DDD is the coolest, awesomest, fattest, most hardhitting heavyweight, pwning penguin you'll ever face. I suggest you turn away from the screen when playing this character or his coolness will overpower you and you'll die. And tell the person using DDD to press down and hold for three straight hours.

Behold the l33t awesomeness of DDD's down.

Matchup 5:5


Kirby seems to be a pretty even matchup, slightly favored to DDD IMO because of range. Throwing waddles doesn't seem to work much cuz they just fair them all, and it's a three hit move, so they don't have to have perfect timing either. Most of them approach w/ fairs or on the ground they'll use their dash attack to approach. After getting you in the air, they will most likely chase after you so be ready to air dodge and counter their aerials. Your bair is better than probably all of her aerials, and has more range i think. when they are on the ground, use ftilt, it completely outranges all of kirbs attacks. Resort to utilt, and techchasing KO's cuz you probably won't be killing kirb off the edge much, unless they're at a really high percentage, cuz kirbs has either as many jumps as you or one more, i can't remember. If they get you off the edge, they like to do dair to footstool. So try airdodging right after the dair and you can actually footstool them instead, just did this yesterday to a kirby. Abuse your dthrow to ftilt cuz i think your grab outranges most of her tilts. They will try to kill you mainly with WoP's aerials off the stage, or the dair thing i was talking about, or forward smash. Watch out for kirby's fsmash, it Kills you pretty early, probably like 120 which is early for DDD.

Good Stages:

Bad Stages:


Difficulty: Easy or Medium?????


Good Stages:

Bad Stages:


Matchup 5:5


Obviously, Lucario gains more power the more damage he's taken, so try to kill him asap. Luckily his recovery's terrible, and it doesn't do any damage, so he's definitely a character you're going to wanna chase off the stage w/ fairs or bairs.

Lucario will approach w/ many things, and can combo really well when he's at low percentage. He can catch you in an utilt till about 50 or 60, then hit you around in the air after that. Fair is shieldgrabbable, so do it. He likes to dash attack or just walking ftilt. His ftilt has a ridiculous range and a huge hitbox like probably the size of lucario being pushed toward you. Fsmash is a good KOer when he's at a higher percentage. And then there's Aura Sphere, which is a very good projectile, when he's at high percents, a BAS baby aura sphere will do about 10, and a fully charged one can probably ko you under 110. They like to use this when you're trying to recover, so don't even get on the same level as them, and if you see them jumpwing to where you are, but they keep they're distance, then be ready to airdodge the aura shpere.

Know the good thing about this match is that you can CG him here, and then i'd fthrow him off the edge cuz of his mediocre recovery. That's the main reason why i rated this one easy, but it's almost a medium, If we coulddn't CG him it'd be a real bad matchup.

And watch out for the dair, if you can predict that they are gonna do it, then jump to the side of them and bair, it's a pretty good counter for this amazing dair of Lucario's.

Good Stages:

Bad Stages:


Matchup: 6:4

If you have every played a good Lucas, you should know why this is labeled medium. He can play a really good ranged game and can keep you away from him for a long time w/ PKFire if he sh's it and bstick's it, it's a very good defensive tool, and an even better offensive tool. PKT2 is very slow, but takes off alot of damage, so try not to get hit w/ it. He can use his PKThunder for edgeguarding and stage spike you if you are at higher percentages like in or near the 100s. His usmash is laggy, but very powerful, this will kill you at like 85-90. His fsmash has a really good knockback also, and can kill you very early if you are near the ledge cuz of how good it's knockback is. He has PKFire for his main approach, but can also approach w/ one of the best nairs in the game. His nair is great, and he can DI it so he can move back to the place his started the move if he full hops it. He also likes to nair to jab combo, which comes out very fast, or nair to ftilt. He also has a good dair that if he hits you on the last two hits, he can dtilt lock you to the edge of the stage and just fsmash you to your death. His fair can kill you off the stage if he keeps it undecayed.

There are a couple of good things that are in our favor. One, his recovery although it's good, has alot of startup time, so if you can hit him before he can hit himself, then it's probably gonna result in a kill. If you notice him start to use his snake to recover, go down and stage spike him, it's fun. You can CG him also, so always do this. But even w/ the CG this match is pretty even due to the fact that he can combo you like crazy. Use bair alot though, it's got alot more range that his nair, but he'll usually nair from a shorthop, and he has a really good shorthop. Use dair occasionally, but not alot or he'll hit you w/ an upsmash. His utilt is also really good and he can chain them in early percentages. His bair spikes.

Good Stages:

Bad Stages:


Matchup 7:3


Luigi can be infinited, kthxbai. But no srsly, if you can get a grab on him, then it should be the end of the stock, but you can't CG him, so don't even try it. He has a good aerial approach w/ bair and I think it has enough range so that you can't CG him out of it. His jabs are really good. But your ftilt like usual beats all of his ground moves. For Killing, he has fsmash which KO's really early. His aerial game is dare i say it better than yours, most of them come out faster than your bair. and this just in, his dair can spike if he hit's you while he's spinning w/ his hands, so that one isn't a really known one, but watch out for it. His nair is probably one of the fastest aerials in the game, comboing him in the air might be hard cuz of his fast aerials, but like i said, i'd try to stay on the ground, get a grab, then not mess up the infinite and take one of his lives, rinse and repeat. He can combo you pretty well, so use air dodge or dair to get out of those. He also doesn't have the greatest recovery, i'd throw a waddle at him to see what he does, and if he airdodges, punish him and followup w/ another aerial and he'll probably be unable to recover.

Good Stages:

Bad Stages:


I'd like into input for Luigi. He really does have a good recovery game BUT it's pretty gimpable as long as you know what your doing. Recommend avoiding stages such as Battlefield, and Lylat cruise because, if your on the platform, you'll get combo'd from Upairs. Same goes for Mario. Speaking of Mario, he's basically the same fighting as Luigi but, he's moves are more situational. He's cape/Fludd/Fireball are more nausiance.
He can cape you and push you with the fludd so you gota be careful in recovering. His Upairs are abit reliable the fact hes a fastfaller. Also avoid luigi's and mario's uptilts as it can juggle you to 0-40% pretty quick.
As a Mario/Luigi main.. I prefer Mario being easily gimped by a D3 because he doesnt have a crazy insane recovery unlike Luigi. But he can be pretty sitational if he has his extra jump

Matchup 7:3

Strategy: You can infinite him =)

Good Stages:

Bad Stages:


Matchup 5:5


This will probably be your hardest matchup against people that you can CG. Marth's spacing game is fantastic, and his dtilt is faster than your ftilt, so you have to be in the right range to expect a hit before you get hit. Marth uses fair ALOT, and it's hard to punish it. When you grab him, definitely CG him, and try to get him off the stage. Although he's not the easiest to gimp, his upB is very good and it has SA frames during the first few frames of the move. It will stage spike you if you are caught in it. so watch out for it. He will combo you like crazy if there are platforms involved, so i'd pick a good flat stage like good ol' FD or mix it up w/ Bridge of Eldin, CG kills are good. Approaching will probably be hard cuz of how good his fair is as a defensive tool, but walking into a ftilt is a good choice since nothing outranges it of his. DDD is fat and an easy target, so he's easy to get spiked, but really make sure you don't. Cuz good marth's will spike you, and when you least expect it. I actually seem to get alot of my kills from "techchasing, or i'd rather call it mindgames, cuz a good marth will try to get out of your CG w/ an upB, but if you grab him, dthrow and start your CG, he'll probably try to do just that, and then just dthrow, don't move, and do an fsmash, they'll upB, and if you're on a place w/ no platforms for safety, let it go a little before they hit the ground, although this doesn't work much, cuz they can still di backwards after they upB. Marth's will try to use their grab release game on you alot, so get familiar w/ what combos they like to do, and di properly. Dair works well in this matchup IMO, well at least OoS it does. Waddles will also help out alot since he's got no projectile although i think he can swipe these away w/ fair. This matchup would be extremely difficult if it weren't for the cg, and it's still a very hard one. I'd play this one defensively, he's got too many offenses that are just faster than DDD's. Using waddles when marth is trying to recover back onto the stage works well, i'd use it if i were you. Just mindgame him into something dumb w/ dthrow for early kills, and try to gimp, even if you don't succeed, try try again.

I'm sure there is more info on this matchup, cuz i heard alot of people have trouble w/ marth, i know i do.

Good Stages:

Bad Stages:


Meta Knight
Matchup 4:6


If you think MK will dash at you, then dash at him and grab (into back throw).

if you think MK will space a shuffle fair in your face, shield it, then let go of shield and dash grab (into back throw).

if he's near the edge and you grab him, and he expects you to forward throw him, you can down throw him then dash grab to the edge, and get a free CG off (extra 8% from the full powered down throw) before F throwing.

after spacing aerials, especially near the edge, come down randomly with neutral B to suck him up if he runs into you.

to edge guard, jump over him and fall on him with Bair.

if he's jumping from directly under you and is about to up B, expect it, block it, then shield hop Bair him as his up B spins around, making sure not to get hit by his glide attack.

if he tornados either block it all, then try to dash grab into back throw (if you can), or down smash him out of it (up tilt works too, but down smash always works).

if you get caught in tornado, mash upwards + air dodge a lot and you'll get out (this also works vs Smart Bomb items, you can get out easily by smash DIing).

also occasionally I F smash or dash attack if i know when he's going to run at me, but I have to think like really far ahead to make sure I'm going to get that (this doesn't work as well vs ppl with good reflexes, but it worked as much as I could figure out). Best time to use F smash (vs anybody actually) is right after they grab the ledge, they often try to jump out and attack as soon as possible, try to time the F smash to hit them just as their ledge invincibility would end. This is a good way to get 30-40% gimp kills on people.


i just played an MK and almost won, it was close, then he destroyed me on the last stock, stupid platforms, anyways, what i got out of it was:

When MK nados, waddles stop it, or at least it did when i did it. So that's one of his approaches down, and he also likes to approach w/ fairs which are shieldable, but i couldn't grab him out of it, cuz he kept jumping higher and then doing dairs, so utilt if you time it right kills him really early like 90s. And dthrow to dash attack i got em once by mindgaming it, but dthrow to dash grab works, and dthrow stand still and charge a dsmash also works if you think he's gonna roll forward. They really like to go off the stage and try to nair you or upB, so just when you're recovering, use fair, it should hit them unless they time it well. Dthrow to ftilt to get them to try and roll backwards. Dtilt if he's running towards you on the ground so that if he jumps and tries aerial approach, you'll have time to recover. Dtilt is also a good kill move here. If he grabs you, he'll probably dthrow, whichever one is where he stomps on you, in that case, air dodge and di upward cuz he'll try to hit you w/ a fair, then use dair.

I'm not even sure if it's worth trying to fair/bair WoP him off the edge, cuz he's got faster aerials i think, i just threw some waddles to see how he would react off stage, and then if i saw an opportunity, i baired. Meta's like to use UpB for their kills alot, if you dodge the initial part, then use dair cuz he loops around in a circle and ends up where he started. Actually, dair might outprioritize his upB if you get the range right.

That's it for now until i play another one. I'm gonna add Pikachu to the list of people i have alot of trouble beating, he's harder than metaknight, who actually isn't as hard as i first thought.

The always dreaded match against MK should hopefully be easier after reading this.

Good Stages:

Bad Stages:


CO18 vs Mk18
The Gun vs Lil' Smokey

Matchup 5:5


Ness is a pretty tough matchup. Youre a big target for all of his moves.
Bairs are very good in this match since its the only thing that can contend with his fair and bairs quickness and priority. Ness's pk thunder is a nusance so watch out for it.Make sure youre ready to dodge and shield pk fires because if youre hit with one it leads to bad things. He can fsmash you out of it, run and grab you and string a combo together and can repeatedly use pk fire making a little chain where you rack up major damage. Ness can be chaingrabbed so make sure to use that to your advantage.
You can **** ness pretty bad with edgeguarding since it takes time time for him to recover with pk thunder and you can also gimp him.
But when edgeguarding DO NOT get below him. Ness has the most insane spike in the game and if youre anywhere 10%+ you will have no chance of recovering if spiked.
Ness has the ability to absorb so you need to watch out when using waddle dees and there is a waddle doo on the field. In like 3 seconds Ness can absorb the waddle doo beam and heel 70% of his health so if there are any waddle doos on the field and you have the oppurtunity get rid of them.
Overall, this matchup is fairly tough but is definitley winnable. Just watch out for PK thunder and PK fire, approach with bairs and try to grab. And don't forget to CG =)

Good Stages:

Bad Stages:


Matchup 5:5


Good Stages:

Bad Stages:


Matchup 4:6


Pikachu is not a good matchup for DDD. I personally hate playing them. OK, they like to make you approach w/ their neutral B. I'd try to not make a habit of shielding it, cuz what most players like to do is neutral B, then dash, so that when you shield the thundershock, they're close enough to grab you from your shield. So jumping over them is the better option. Other than that, they can QAC approach which is crazy fast and if they are good at it, is a very good, fast approach, now most of the time they will end up doing an aerial from it, so get your shield ready. Now a very good combo of Pika's is fair to dsmash. These are two multihit attacks, and your shield will be eaten away even if you do shield it. It comes out very fast, as the dsmash cancels all the landing lag of the fair. Pika's dsmash is one of the most annoying moves of the game. The good thing is you can DI out of it if you do it early enough. To DI i am told that you are to DI upward, and smash the Cstick up also. I haven't tested this yet, but i hope if works. Oh, not to mention, Pika can CG you up to 70 w/ fthrow. So, he's got alot against you. But it's still a manageable matchup. You need to stay medium range so he doesn't use neutral B, but he still can't hit you w/ his fsmash which is his most ranged move. Ftilt outranges him on the ground, and ftilt will also help rid the stupid neutral B if he's far away instead of jumping or shielding. So he will probably approach you in the air w/ either fair or dair which is risky. His nair kills you at probably 120, 130 it's a very strong aerial, earlier than that if you are near the ledge or offstage. Then always watch out for thunder. Upsmash to thunder is a pretty well known combo, so remember to airdodge and go to one side or the other, thunder is very potent when you are in the air and can kill you very early.

Pikachu's playstyle reminds me of Fox's. It's very 'hitnrun' if you will. He'll try to combo you w/ his aerials into a dsmash, then run away which he's very fast so he can do so. Then neutral B, to make you approach them, and try to hit you w/ fast attacks to stop your approach. So make sure to stay in medium range when possible, ftilt alot, dtilt alot, and don't forget to dthrow mindgame for early kills. His fsmash is probably his best, most reliable kill move, but it's kinda laggy on the startup, so you shouldn't have a problem shielding it.

Good Stages:

Bad Stages:


Cap'n Olimar
Matchup 4:6, it should be 3:7, depends on how many times you get him off the stage=)


Ollie is hands down THE Master Spammer (closely followed by Pit). He is kind of a hit and run playstyle also. Most Olimar's will pikmin throw you to make them approach you. To help take all the damage these gay things do to you, DDD can use his AAA, the spin hammer thing to prevent most of them from coming on you, although i don't recommend this, it's the best way. I usually utilt and ftilt and bair, cuz they have less lag, and still get the job done. Now i can't say you won't take any damage from pikmin, but it will lessen it alot. Now approaching on the ground is safer since Olimar doesn't really approach unless he's down and needs to get a kill. Ftilt is a very good approach, way outranges all of his ground moves, even his dsmash and fsmash i think. If he wants to approach through the air, i say go at him w/ bair, it's better than his aerials from what i can tell. His grab game is very good, i'm pretty sure his grab range is better than yours, and he can kill you w/ bthrow from a blue pikmin pretty early in the 100s, and a purple uthrow around the same. Also his usmash is POTENT. Avoid this at all costs. Mindgame him into thinking you are going to land above him, and he'll use it, then jump before you get hit, then land on him w/ an nair, or go to the side abit and hit him w/ a bair. He will combo you cuz you're huge, he likes to fthrow or dthrow, one of those into uair or usmash alot. But if you DI backwards and you might have to cstick back also, you should be able to get out of it. Now here's the beauty of this match, and should probably be your focus point of the whole match, Olimar's recovery is probably the worst in the game. Just grabbing the ledge will work like 80 percent of the time for edgeguarding. But you can chase him off the edge, and i advise you to do so w/ bair to WoP him, or fair for a kill. This should be your goal in this match, get this annoying spammer off the stage where he can't recover, and the game will be yours. You will have to be patient and you will have to take some pikmin damage most likely. Some good advice is to make sure your priority isn't to take the least amount of damage of pikmin as possible, cuz that's what an olimar wants you to do, focus on a small part of his gameplan. Instead, take some damage if it means getting in a grab to throw him off the ledge. You can't CG him, but he's very light, so a dash attack out of a mindgamed dthrow will kill like 80's, heck even earlier cuz you'll probably be somewhere near the edge. Olimar beats you pretty much in every aspect, but his recovery's so bad that it's probably your only chance of winning, so get him off the edge whenever you can plz.

Good Stages:
Yoshi's Island

Bad Stages:
Chocknater (D3) vs. Mick (Olimar) 3
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=97pLNdNnOEk&fmt=18 --Wow, just wow, DDD pwnage right here

Matchup 5:5

Arrow Spam > Waddle Spam. Arrows are faster and cancel out your Dees anyway, but because of the lag time on Dees arrows will start hitting you in a spam war and Dee's won't hit. However' you can aim your Dees up to throw them over the arrows so you both get hit (Dees hit harder), and Gordos go right through arrows (but can be reflected by mirror shield and angel ring). Best way to counter arrow spam is through flying around airdodging and playing mindgames until you get close enough to him. DDD's Ftilt is also fast enough to cancel out arrows, but only until DDD is at 100% damage. After 100% if you get hit by a single arrow then the stagger time afterwards will be too long to keep using the Ftilt trick (you will get juggled) until you stabilize.

Pit is the hardest character in the game to land a finisher on, and one of the only ones that has better aerial maneuverability than DDD. You need to use mindgames to kill him (preferably with a B-air, or F-air). Your only other viable finishing options are Dtilt or F/Bthrow, all of which need him to be at very high (usually 150+) damage to be fatal.

You can counter angel ring with a grab or Dtilt, but Gordos will deflect so don't try throwing a Dee at him. Also you can't Inhale him through this move (unless you're behind him). His Mirror Shield is pretty much the same as far as deflecting and grabbing go, except you can't use Dtilt on it but you can use Inhale.

Keep in mind he can be chain-grabbed and is a lightweight and you'll be fine. This matchup seems hard at first but with enough practice is very heavily stacked in DDD's favor. ~AvariceX~

Close as soon as you can to prevent Arrow Spamming. Pit’s is great at long range, so your goal is to get close and chain grab him. Once of the edge, you can bair him, but his recovery is very good. Keep at it with bairs until you can hit him out of the Wings of Icarus (UpB) since after that he‘s done. You may want to resort to the uptit at close range to pop him in the air and try to get a vertical kill. At close range, expect Angel Ring, Ftilt, Fsmash, and Down Smash in an attempt to push you away. If he grabs you, try to disrupt his follow ups with a well timed dodge and DI. Up air and Down air are viable in this match up if you can keep him either below or under you, despite his aerials. ~Jaybee~

I don't know if everything hasn't already been said, but pit really hasn't been a challenge for me when you get within ftilt range. Medium range. Spacing seems to be a very imperative part of this matchup. Your bair might be better than all his aerials, and it actually makes a very good approach here. If you can get him to use his jumps, then WoP bair him or something, he'll have to use his wings, and if you hit him he's dead off the stage.

Good Stages:
Luigi's Mansion

Bad Stages:


Squirtle 4:6
Ivysaur 6:4
Charizard 6:4

I don't know enough about PT to write anything so, here's what Jaybee said:

For Squirtle, he is the fastest but lightest, and his only projectle move only pushes you away doing no damage when fully charged. You may want to use your pokes and Waddles to force him to attack you recklessly, as you would fight Pikachu or other nimble characters. Your Ftilt messes with the other two’s ground game well, and forces them to either jump most likely. Your projectiles are also better overall then thiers. Once Ivysaur is off the ledge, get ready to grab the ledge in order to easily prevent the tether recovery technique. This also goes for other chracters, like Zero Suit Samus, and Olimar. Try not to get grabbed by Ivysaur, as it appears to combo from them well, and respect Charizard’s Fair. Charizards Rock Smash is very good, and you should see it often. Other than that, if you got more info, let me know. CGing the two heavier pokes is always good.

More info on this one please...

Good Stages:

Bad Stages:


Matchup 5:5


Good Stages:

Bad Stages:


Difficulty: Very Easy

Strategy: You can infinite him, so you should be good unless you're playing online, i hate lag...sorry, just lost to a DK, couldn't get the infinite online, too freaking laggy. Anyways, i definitely need more info on this one also, but here's what our good friend Jaybee said:

Samus can be Infinited. Learn it and instill the fear of the close encounter. Nowadays the Brawl version of samus will at advanced levels use lots of the air grabs. due to its stun it can be used to hold you at bay, combined with missles, and her sex kick. (n-air). You know that her recovery is still good, so a good understanding of your air game is needed, as the majority of this battle will be played out in the air. Look for Dashing A, and as always look for the projectiles. Waddles can eat these, in fact one waddle can eat a fully charged Shot no problem, and the missiles too. your ftilt can block missiles and smaller charge shots too. So, once the projectile game is negated, you should have an easier time as Samus may feel pressured to bring the battle at a closer range.

Good Stages:

Bad Stages:


Matchup 5:5 or 4:6


Good Stages:

Bad Stages:


Matchup 5:5


Snake is a moderate matchup.
Snake covers pretty much the whole stage. He can have his down smash and down+B mines spread out. He can throw grenades almost anywhere. His side+b can get you and he can Mortar slide.
Bairs should be your main approach in this match.
Snakes Ftilt is a 2 hit series, comes out extremely fast, has crazy knockback, and its second hit has crazy range. It is so broken. Make sure you shield through the entire thing.
Luckily snake can be chaingrabbed making it easier so you definitley want to grab him.
Edeguarding snake is very hard because hell just fly super high out of your range of attacking him which sucks as well.
Snakes Nair is very effective against Dedede so you must watch out for this. Also Snake can do Nair---> Ftilt with absolutely no lag so dont try to shield grab him after his nair otherwise youll get hit with a ftilt.
When recovering against Snake you almost always want to get to the ledge because his upsmash works as a crazy edgeguard and he will nair you in the air as well.
Overall, Snake being the broken character that he is is pretty tough as he is against all characters but the match is certainly winnable. ~CO18~

you want to play him agressively to limit his explosives and thier setups. Your goal is to chaingrab, but if you miss, his standard and tilts are very good and will knock you back far. Pay attention for his dashing A, and prepare to counter attack his smashes. his horizontal recovery is crazy; i'd suggest a vertical kill with Uptilt or Uair primarily. Space your bairs properly. In the air you have the advantage if you are smart. if he apporaches from the air, simply wait for the dude to fall and chaingrab. If you knock him off the stage, then do so with the intention of forcing his Cypher to activate from under that stage's edge, cause if you grab him as he is coming from under that stage, he loses cypher and won't get it back. I dont do anything after the grab, I let him go to ensure he gets no chance. for this reason Most Snakes will not do this, but it is still good to know. it's easier to edge gaurd this way too.

Ummm... let's see for D3, i say use waddledees when you can, ftilt outranges most (if not all) of his tilts, so get in that range for most of the battle. When he mortar slides (what snakes do that, i've never seen any) all the time, shield grab. This one took me a while, you have to be quick about it, but it sets up for a nice cg and fthrow off the edge and WoP him w/ bairs off the stage, fair to kill. Keep him in the air if you can, i'd say you have a better air game than him, plus he gets juggled easily due to wait. His ground game is just purely better, that's all there is to it. Watch for utilt, crazy broken range, kills DDD at at least 115, maybe a little later. I actually find my self rolling behind him when he tries to do a jab combo, usually leads to a grab from D3. Avoid mines and those other mine like things. claymoures or something. DDD's pretty easy to edgestall with snake, i suggest if he's close to the ledge, press back and do a bair so that DDD's foot is like the only thing on the stage. Good move to get back up. Once you get him off the stage, just be aggressive, he's pretty vulnerable while in his upB. That's all i have, hopefully that helped any DDD mainers take down the dreaded foe: Snake. Definitely use the CG to your advantage though, very imperative for this match. Also, I will add, snakes that start using usmash near the corner for edgeguarding, just suicide them if you're up, i did this like twice in the same match. If you can get him in his UpB, you've done your job, then hit him more and more. This matchup is not easy, but it is definitely a winnable matchup, these games are usually very close at least when i play them.

Well, if he's throwing uncooked grenades at you, throw them back at him. But most snakes just shield drop them so they blow up in your face.

Good Stages:

Bad Stages:

Zelgadis vs DSF-1
Zelgadis vs DSF-2

Matchup 6:4


Good Stages:

Bad Stages:


Toon Link
Matchup 5:5

Well, I've played several Toon Links, good ones so far, I think...

If the Toon links Spams all his arsenal against you, your options to this is to walk and Power/Perfect Shielding (which is easier to do in Brawl) approach, If you P.shield an Arrow, you have a Free Grab, and a chance to chaingrab him.

A way to edgeguard T.Link, is to observe when he does his Up-B, since T. Link Requires to be at a little far from the edge for him to sweetspot, you can pretty much differ either Up-B all the way to the stage or to the edge.
If it aims for stage landing... well the punishmet is up to you (F-Smash, grab, Mech-hammer etc)
If it goes low, you can always try stage spiking with B-Air.

If T.Link gets to the edge, most common comeback is jumping from the edge and attack. Which can be countered with either F-Tilt, F-mash (For predictability and proper timing), or the rolling hammer (A,A,A) which doesn't let them go back to the stage normally or by jumping (which can hit several times on stubborn people).

Against Toon Link, is pretty much a lot of spacing on the ground (With F-tilt, D-Tilt) and B-Air here and there on the air.

If I recall right, D-Smash can out range certain T. Links attacks.
In this match up, Toon Link will be trying to camp you for most of the match. Once you learn how to get past all of TL's projectiles, the fight should become easier. Of course, that's easier said than done; Toon Link is very mobile, and Dedede is relatively easy to camp because of his large size and slow speed.

Don't bother spamming Waddle Dees back, because they won't faze TL much. All of TL's projectiles travel quite slowly, so you can see where they are going to land in advance. Use brawl's defensive options to your advantage. Roll, dash to powershield, or sidestep, etc. Furthermore, you can nullify TL's arrows and boomerangs by using an attack. Bombs can be caught easily by doing an airdodge or aerial while approaching.

Everyone knows about Dedede's CG and great grab range, so TL won't be spamming projectiles up close. XD Once you come near, Toon Link will either try to hit you with something like an SH Nair/Fair, or run away. For surprises, TL may SH, DI back, and use Zair (which will autocancel). Be careful of JC thrown bombs as TL runs away too (that, or dash--> SH --> bomb throw --> quickdraw).

Basically, be patient. Weave through the projectiles and close the distance. Predict what TL will do and punish accordingly. Even though TL has a sword, Dedede has several moves (like ftilt) that can out-range his attacks. CG when you can; once you reach the end of the stage, throw TL off and edgeguard. After a while, TL will get away...just repeat the process then.

Eventually, Toon Link will have to approach sometime to land a kill move (smashes, Uair, Fair). TL has problems killing Dedede because of his heavy weight. In addition, toon link can't combo into kills, so he usually snags one when the opponent makes a mistake (like dsmash to punish rolling, Uair for airdodges, Usmash to punish landing lag & whiffed attacks). Play safe, and capitalize on TL's mistakes. If TL misses a move, that's a free grab for you.

Another thing- since dedede's recovery goes at a set trajectory (+ being a large target), TL might try to dair you. Dair shouldn't be too hard to see coming; predict, airdodge, then let TL fall to his doom. ;) Toon Link might hit Dedede out of upB with Uair or Fair though, so watch out.

Just find a way around TL's camping, then you're set. Good luck facing all the TL's you come across. =)

Edit: Yeah, Toon Links love to bair. =P RAR stands for "Reverse Aerial Rush," just so you know. It's just a dash to reversed short hop while DI-ing back, and it helps you use bair as an approach.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 3, 2008
Disagree with Bowser, I'd say easy. I don't care to support my claim, and I'm probably wrong, but that's what I think.

Never fought any good Diddy's, so no idea there. I generally assume that any character Dedede can chaingrab is a decent matchup at worst, though.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 21, 2008
Sterling, VA
yeah, like i said most of this is from co18's stuff, so i haven't really played any good diddy's either or bowsers, but i think the main problem is underestimating a bowser cuz he's got a pretty good moveset to go along w/ the fact that he dies late, and he's got a pretty fast tilt game w/ good priority and range. But he's easily gimpable and a huge target and he can be CGed, but i just went w/ w/e co18 said for that matchup rating cuz i don't know alot about him.


Smash Hero
Jul 25, 2007
In Your Mom
truu. I wrote that from a non infiting standpoint lol.

But change it 2 easy cuz in a tourney, bowser = *****.

Anyway this thread should be good, cuz i dont have that much time these days. ill try to update it soon though. ;/


Smash Journeyman
Mar 21, 2008
Sterling, VA
yeah, i greatly appreciate your guide on DDD, definitely a huge help to beginners, but i just figured you were pwning people on GB or something, so i was like, well i've got plenty of time on my hands, but yeah, if i finish it and get some good info, feel free to put it in your guide man.

rathy Aro

Smash Lord
Mar 16, 2008
Bowser should be very easy because of the infinite. Same for all of those who can be infinited.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 29, 2008
n1 guys would be really helpfull if we could get all of this detailed for every character. I'm willing to help anytime if you need any :D

Most helpfull specifically though would be a guide on snake as its one of my mates mains and somehow always seems to get lucky with random ftilts and upairs. Basically spamming A combos constantly.

And yes, DDD's down really is awesome in its purest form.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 21, 2008
Sterling, VA
bump, yeah i'll probably have snake's one up tommorow night or wed. afternoon. I've got some pretty good stuff on him, but i have to find where i posted it, and CO18 had some stuff on it too.

Also, what do you guys think about putting a video section under each character after explaining how to play them so the reader can get an even better idea about the matchup


Smash Apprentice
Feb 5, 2008
Marth is Hard.. if not Very Hard.

MK should definitely be Very Hard. He's such a pain. Use DTilt to stop his dashes.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 13, 2008
Bowie, MD
There actually is/was a matchup thread, it's been going on for awhile, but hasn't gotten much attention as of late.

Edit: My mistake, it seems JayBee is also supporting this thread.

I'd advise getting some info off his thread also to help bolster this one.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 21, 2008
Sterling, VA
Oh, wow, i didn't even see that other matchup thing, maybe this one wasn't necessary, well, Jaybee, can i take some of your stuff and just combine it w/ mine to make a really big one, sorry, i didn't know you made one. I just want to get this stickied so we can keep it going for a long time.

Oh, and has anyone seen MK's infinite cape thing--so broken, don't know why i posted that on DDD forums, but it's cool.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 21, 2008
Sterling, VA
k, just added Olimar vids, i'll finish up sometime this week w/ the whole thing, i'll be done w/ the character writing stuff tommorow, well at least w/ everything i know of.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 29, 2007
Ice climber's

I played against Uber Ice in two tournaments recently

His IC's are phenomenal...Best ive seen this far

That being said I found this match up easier then alot of people rate it.


Nair separates IC's nicely

DDD out ranges IC's

IC's recovery is very gimpable


IC's have a wide array of CG's to abuse

The forward air CG finishes nicely into a instant spike at the end of the stage

You cant CG them while they are together

In this match up...Avoid being grabbed

This might require you to be less campy and might force you to avoid using grabs while Nana is still alive.

Use your tilts on the ground

Use Nair to separate and chase off the ledge with WoP Bairs

Medium difficulty in my experiance...


Smash Hero
Jul 25, 2007
In Your Mom
That stuff about MK, Mew2king said not me lol = More reliable since he knows everything basically.

Whenever we get alot of info on every char, ill updae this stuff on the guide.

We should also try to include vs stage as well because like olimar is manageable on FD,SV,Ps1..etc... but on BF its extremely difficult...etc..

Also, Waddle Dees don't stop nado, gord does however, if waddle dees did this matchup wouldnt be hard because nado is the only thing of mk that cant be easily guarded.

Ftilt,Dtilt,Inhale basically **** his dash attack and grab attempts.

Just the fact that tornado ***** heavies is a main problem.

Down smash And Up tilt do knock him out of nado but of course you're not going to time the release perfectly and/or know everytime he will nado.

We should probably work together and organize it better. Marth boards matchup thread is organized pretty nice.
Just an example of what I meant.

Ike: 7:3
This matchup is one of Dedede's easiest matchups. Dedede has a projectile where as Ike doesn't, forcing him to approach where most of his attacks can easily be shield grabbed leading to a chaingrab. Once the Dedede player starts the cg and gets him off the stage, that stock should basically be over for the Ike

Ike Advantages in the Matchup:
Jabs annoy Dedede since it comes out quicker than any of Dedede's moves.
Dedede's a big targer for his strong moves.
(Dont see what else ike has in this matchup at all)

Dedede's Advantages
-Dedede is heavier than Ike
-Dedede can chaingrab Ike
-Can camp Ike easily since Ike has no projectile
-Can Shield grab most of his attacks easily leading to an easy cg.
-Better Aerials
-Outranges Ike overall
-***** Ike off the stage

Strategy- Camp Ike and Throw waddle Dees to force him to approach. He can really only approach with fairs, reversed bairs and his dash attack since Waddle dees stop quick draw. Shield grab all of his attacks and chaingrab him. His jabs are quicker than any of your attacks so if he gets in close just try to shield. You can shield grab him after the 2nd jab, so wait for the 2nd jab if you're shielding him to grab him otherwise his jab will strike you before your grab. Watch out for jab fakes, After some time the Ike will just jab fake after the 1st jab and try to grab you out of your shield, be aware of this. Other than this, you're pretty much set, just watch out for his kill moves, chaingrab him to the end of the stage, throw him off and gimp. Airdodging will cause the Ike to fall to far down and die, so he won't airdoge. Basically 1 bair will ruin his recovery so gimping is easy as pie.

Recovering: Recovering is easy against ike since he won't be too risky because of his own poor recovery. Just watch out for the occasional fair and his dair spike which are really his only 2 options trying to edgeguard you off the stage.

Good Stages against Ike:
Pokemon Stadium1
Rainbow Cruise
Pretty much any stage you'll **** ike on lol.
But.. Ike does pretty well on BF and its platforms, it's one of his better stages.

Edit: Also, I played Azen's lucario and wtf. M2k is right if you play a good lucario, you basically have to spam bairs and cg because all of his aerials are way faster than the rest of yours and lucario can string together nice combos.


Smash Obsessed
Dec 25, 2002
Modesto, CA
Peach is actually very good against DDD.

Sheik should be placed as Medium/Hard. Depends on the Sheik's combo/aggression game. It's similar to fighting ZSS. DDD really has to play on his feet in order to not take in so much damage from the speed. Sheik, however, is very easy to edgeguard, which happens to be one of DDD's greatest strengths.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 21, 2008
Sterling, VA
That stuff about MK, Mew2king said not me lol = More reliable since he knows everything basically.

Whenever we get alot of info on every char, ill updae this stuff on the guide.

We should also try to include vs stage as well because like olimar is manageable on FD,SV,Ps1..etc... but on BF its extremely difficult...etc..

Also, Waddle Dees don't stop nado, gord does however, if waddle dees did this matchup wouldnt be hard because nado is the only thing of mk that cant be easily guarded.

Ftilt,Dtilt,Inhale basically **** his dash attack and grab attempts.

Just the fact that tornado ***** heavies is a main problem.

Down smash And Up tilt do knock him out of nado but of course you're not going to time the release perfectly and/or know everytime he will nado.

We should probably work together and organize it better. Marth boards matchup thread is organized pretty nice.
Just an example of what I meant.

Ike: 7:3
This matchup is one of Dedede's easiest matchups. Dedede has a projectile where as Ike doesn't, forcing him to approach where most of his attacks can easily be shield grabbed leading to a chaingrab. Once the Dedede player starts the cg and gets him off the stage, that stock should basically be over for the Ike

Ike Advantages in the Matchup:
Jabs annoy Dedede since it comes out quicker than any of Dedede's moves.
Dedede's a big targer for his strong moves.
(Dont see what else ike has in this matchup at all)

Dedede's Advantages
-Dedede is heavier than Ike
-Dedede can chaingrab Ike
-Can camp Ike easily since Ike has no projectile
-Can Shield grab most of his attacks easily leading to an easy cg.
-Better Aerials
-Outranges Ike overall
-***** Ike off the stage

Strategy- Camp Ike and Throw waddle Dees to force him to approach. He can really only approach with fairs, reversed bairs and his dash attack since Waddle dees stop quick draw. Shield grab all of his attacks and chaingrab him. His jabs are quicker than any of your attacks so if he gets in close just try to shield. You can shield grab him after the 2nd jab, so wait for the 2nd jab if you're shielding him to grab him otherwise his jab will strike you before your grab. Watch out for jab fakes, After some time the Ike will just jab fake after the 1st jab and try to grab you out of your shield, be aware of this. Other than this, you're pretty much set, just watch out for his kill moves, chaingrab him to the end of the stage, throw him off and gimp. Airdodging will cause the Ike to fall to far down and die, so he won't airdoge. Basically 1 bair will ruin his recovery so gimping is easy as pie.

Recovering: Recovering is easy against ike since he won't be too risky because of his own poor recovery. Just watch out for the occasional fair and his dair spike which are really his only 2 options trying to edgeguard you off the stage.

Good Stages against Ike:
Pokemon Stadium1
Rainbow Cruise
Pretty much any stage you'll **** ike on lol.
But.. Ike does pretty well on BF and its platforms, it's one of his better stages.

Edit: Also, I played Azen's lucario and wtf. M2k is right if you play a good lucario, you basically have to spam bairs and cg because all of his aerials are way faster than the rest of yours and lucario can string together nice combos.
Wow, i like the ideas, thanks, yeah, we should work on this one together. I'll finish this one, add some videos to each character, and then we can revise it, do w/e to it, add advantages and disadvantages to it. Cuz those are good, look real nice


Smash Apprentice
Jun 29, 2008
Really Really good info on snake, Lots of help really appreciated for you finding this all it will help out alot :)

And yes, if its possible videos for each char would be really useful to see how the match should be played rather than reading it. But obviously the best way to get used to a matchup is just going on your Wii and practise. But its good to get the heads up first before you try and infinate luigi and fail big time haha.

But one questions, Is it easier to sheild snakes grenades or jump to avoid and then go into a bair combo?


Smash Hero
Jun 23, 2008
Wishing Apex 2012 happened again.
I'd like into input for Luigi. He really does have a good recovery game BUT it's pretty gimpable as long as you know what your doing. Recommend avoiding stages such as Battlefield, and Lylat cruise because, if your on the platform, you'll get combo'd from Upairs. Same goes for Mario. Speaking of Mario, he's basically the same fighting as Luigi but, he's moves are more situational. He's cape/Fludd/Fireball are more nausiance.
He can cape you and push you with the fludd so you gota be careful in recovering. His Upairs are abit reliable the fact hes a fastfaller. Also avoid luigi's and mario's uptilts as it can juggle you to 0-40% pretty quick.
As a Mario/Luigi main.. I prefer Mario being easily gimped by a D3 because he doesnt have a crazy insane recovery unlike Luigi. But he can be pretty sitational if he has his extra jump


Smash Journeyman
Mar 21, 2008
Sterling, VA
yeah, i'll see if i can add that some time, and lol at the end of that, online DB=hot garbage fresh outta the oven or something like that, how true

to Liquid: i think it's easier to just jump them, first of all, jumping them usually means they will just fall off the stage, meaning no way they can end up blowing up in your face, and it already starts you process of bair approaching should you choose to do so.


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
Sorry but, Playing some tuff DDD as Peach and beating them and losing to them as well, that fight is not rated easy for DDD. That fight is even. What kind of Peach players are you basing this from, or are you just saying that cause everyone is like "Peach sucks etc." Do you know everything about Peach and how to use her to her full power. how 2 skilled players of Peach and DDD go at it?

I change that to medium and if you want me to write up why I think its even then I'll do so for you.

Xzax Kasrani

Smash Master
Jun 14, 2007
Philadelphia, PA
Here is what i have to say.
There match up remind me of when Brawl first came out. A lot of DDD players have gotten very good.
Olimar: Thats a hard match up not Medium. Olimar is fast and DDD isnt.

Meta Knight: Its hard because Vex Kasrani tends to beat me and i main meta knight. And from what people told me i have a "sick" Meta Knight.
In General the Olimar match up was a stupid one


Smash Hero
Jul 25, 2007
In Your Mom
Yeah man peach is tough for DDD.

Can combo him very well, and those turnips rock hard.

She has really quick moves too. I would change that to medium as well.

And regardless Olimar is still one of DDDs hardest, if not hardest matchup, it shouldnt be medium :/

Vex Kasrani

Smash Master
Jul 13, 2007
Philadelphia, PA
Yeah man peach is tough for DDD.

Can combo him very well, and those turnips rock hard.

She has really quick moves too. I would change that to medium as well.

And regardless Olimar is still one of DDDs hardest, if not hardest matchup, it shouldnt be medium :/
Olimar should be in the match up known as almost impossible, in tournament an Olimar can spam you the entire time and you can't do a thing about it, it's so difficult. The only thing that really makes it slightly possible is Dedede's spot dodge.

Peach goes even with Dedede, atleast thats what I think.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 21, 2008
Sterling, VA
OK, made the changes yall requested, and i played a good olimar a couple of days ago, and yeah, he really is just purely better than DDD, but his recovery is DDD's saving grace so i put it as 4:6 in Ollie's favor. Also changed peach to 5:5 cuz her moves actually have a decent amount of priority, and her fair is very good. And turnips are really annoying, and are alot faster than waddles. She probably has a better aerial game than DDD does, but DDD has a much better ground game than her. Although her dsmash is very good.

After work and after i go to a friends house, i'll try and finish this up, it should look near done by tommorow, and then i'll try to reformat it or whatever, add the stuff CO18 talked about.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 21, 2008
Sterling, VA
Sorry but, Playing some tuff DDD as Peach and beating them and losing to them as well, that fight is not rated easy for DDD. That fight is even. What kind of Peach players are you basing this from, or are you just saying that cause everyone is like "Peach sucks etc." Do you know everything about Peach and how to use her to her full power. how 2 skilled players of Peach and DDD go at it?

I change that to medium and if you want me to write up why I think its even then I'll do so for you.
K, changed it, but if you could write up why it'd be nice to add it to the discussion


Smash Hero
Jul 25, 2007
In Your Mom
Olimar is still not 6:4. It is easily 7:3 if not worse, the ONLY thing DDD has in this matchup is gimps.
Olimar pretty much counters every other possible thing DDD can do.
He can spam you to hell, forcing you to approach, once you get close, he can easily shield grab all your attacks,downsmash, or nair, and he can combo you to hell. Olimar is just incredibly tough.

Imo this how the matchups are, I have a good amount of experience vs everyone and this is how I feel.
I'll write up why later.

Bowser - 7:3 Dedede
Captain Falcon - 7:3 Dedede
Charizard - 6:4 Dedede
Diddy - 6:4 Diddy
DK - 8:2 Dedede
Falco - 7:3 Falco
Fox - 5:5 Even
Ganondorf - 7:3 Dedede
IC's - 6:4 Ic's
Ike - 7:3 Dedede
Ivysaur - 6:4 Dedede
Kirby - 5:5 Even
King Dedede- Too much win
Link - 6:4 Dedede
Lucario - 6:4 Dedede
Lucas - 6:4 Dedede
Luigi - 7:3 Dedede
Mario - 7:3 Dedede
Marth - 5:5 Even
Metaknight - 6:4 MK
Game and Watch - 6:4 Gaw
Ness - 5:5 Even
Olimar - 7:3 Olimar
Peach - 5:5 Even
Pikachu - 6:4 Pikachu
Pit - 5:5 Even
ROB- 5:5 Even
Samus - 7:3 Dedede
Shiek - 5:5 even
Snake - 5:5 even
Sonic - 6:4 Dedede
Squirtle - 6:4 Dedede
Toon link - 5:5 Even
Wario - 7:3 Dedede
Yoshi - 7:3 Dedede
Zelda - 6:4 Zelda

Emblem Lord

The Legendary Lord
Aug 11, 2005
Scotch Plains, NJ
Switch FC
Marth doesn't have 6/4 advantage.

He has no grab release stuff on Dedede that is guaranteed and he can't up b out of the perfect CG using the dash to shield grab.

And, I agree with CO18. It's even.

Vex Kasrani

Smash Master
Jul 13, 2007
Philadelphia, PA
Bowser - 7:3 Dedede
Captain Falcon - 7:3 Dedede
Charizard - 6:4 Dedede
Diddy - 6:4 Diddy
DK - 8:2 Dedede
Falco - 7:3 Falco
Fox - 5:5 Even
Ganondorf - 7:3 Dedede
IC's - 6:4 Ic's
Ike - 7:3 Dedede
Ivysaur - 6:4 Dedede
Kirby - 5:5 Even
King Dedede- Too much win
Link - 6:4 Dedede
Lucario - 6:4 Dedede
Lucas - 6:4 Dedede
Luigi - 7:3 Dedede
Mario - 7:3 Dedede
Marth - 5:5 Even
Metaknight - 6:4 MK
Game and Watch - 6:4 Gaw
Ness - 5:5 Even
Olimar - 7:3 Olimar
Peach - 5:5 Even
Pikachu - 6:4 Pikachu
Pit - 5:5 Even
ROB- 5:5 Even
Samus - 7:3 Dedede
Shiek - 5:5 even
Snake - 5:5 even
Sonic - 6:4 Dedede
Squirtle - 6:4 Dedede
Toon link - 5:5 Even
Wario - 7:3 Dedede
Yoshi - 7:3 Dedede
Zelda - 6:4 Zelda
Diddy - 6:4 Diddy (I think it could be as bad as 7:3 in favor of Diddy)
DK - 8:2 Dedede (Why? I think its 5:5 or 6:4 in DDD's favor without using infinites)
Fox - 5:5 Even (I think its 6:4 Fox favor)
Shiek - 5:5 even (I believe its 6:4 Sheik's favor)
Squirtle - 6:4 Dedede (I think its the other way around, Squirtle having the advantage)

Again these are just my opinions from matches I've had in the past.

Other then that your list looks great.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 21, 2008
Sterling, VA
Diddy - 6:4 Diddy (I think it could be as bad as 7:3 in favor of Diddy)
DK - 8:2 Dedede (Why? I think its 5:5 or 6:4 in DDD's favor without using infinites)
Fox - 5:5 Even (I think its 6:4 Fox favor)
Shiek - 5:5 even (I believe its 6:4 Sheik's favor)
Squirtle - 6:4 Dedede (I think its the other way around, Squirtle having the advantage)

Again these are just my opinions from matches I've had in the past.

Other then that your list looks great.
meh, i think sheik is still even, she just can't KO you for a really long time, and she doesn't have the greatest recovery. But she's really fast and can rack up damage very quickly.

I agree w/ Diddy and Squirtle, and i disagree w/ the fox one, it's a pretty even matchup when i play it. I'll put 7:3 last week when i played a DK, it was actually a pretty good match. Don't play him on BF


Smash Journeyman
Oct 26, 2007
Calabasas, California
Switch FC
1284 3127 1819
I honestly feel sorry for Ike. I main him and it's so true that DDD is, by far, his worst match-up.


Smash Cadet
May 22, 2008
Dream Land
A few pointers that I've learned for facing Diddy:

Diddy's F-smash has 2 separate parts just like toon link's. You can shield the first part of the f-smash and then grab him before the second hit.

Like the guide mentioned, try to shield any bananas he throws at you, and the jump and pick it up from the bounce off your shield.

Another big tip, is try to fight near the edge of the stage and force him to come to you with dees. The reasoning behind this, is if he catches you in the middle of the stage he can easily combo you across it racking up an easy 20-30%, so try to stay between the edge and diddy.

Also, it is very easy to gimp diddy when he is charging his barrel recovery, try to get out there as fast as possible and b-air him to gimp up his barrel charge.

Vex Kasrani

Smash Master
Jul 13, 2007
Philadelphia, PA
A few pointers that I've learned for facing Diddy:

Diddy's F-smash has 2 separate parts just like toon link's. You can shield the first part of the f-smash and then grab him before the second hit.

Like the guide mentioned, try to shield any bananas he throws at you, and the jump and pick it up from the bounce off your shield.

Another big tip, is try to fight near the edge of the stage and force him to come to you with dees. The reasoning behind this, is if he catches you in the middle of the stage he can easily combo you across it racking up an easy 20-30%, so try to stay between the edge and diddy.

Also, it is very easy to gimp diddy when he is charging his barrel recovery, try to get out there as fast as possible and b-air him to gimp up his barrel charge.
Either this, or pressure Diddy and don't let him get bananas out.
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