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Kazoo I'm calling you out

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Smash Ace
Dec 30, 2008
Rome, GA
this forum needs more drama

kazoo you were talking all kinds of trash to me about a money match for a large sum

So come on and don't chicken out. Take out a loan and let's MM. 20, 40, 100, 500, idc

TO6 it's goin down.

Or you could make a bunch of excuses and never money match me, blah blah, I need more time...


Alright drama boards: so a while back kazoo joins SWF and starts complaining that he wants to get better but doesn't have a ride to tournaments. I (and several other people) offer to pick him up if he takes marta from downtown to the doraville station. I even told him specifically he didn't need to bring gas money cause it was right on my way.

Well after all his stupid random ride johns finished and he finally came with blu3 one time to the waba where lambchops and green mario showed up, he basically came and got ***** by everybody. Who cares, everyone gets *****, yeah I still do all the time, so what.

But then he posted in the debate hall or georgia flame thread or something that he could beat me or something like that when I like 3 stocked him like 2/2 times just using running JC usmash. for real.

So then I was like let's MM scrub. Then he was like I need more time.. that was over half a year ago.

It's just pointless stupid drama and after hearing him talk down to jman on the pound 4 livestream and just generally be annoying, I figure I'd just bring it out here. Cause that what smash is for. You want entertainment, xif, ok *****, here you go, are you not entertained?

But for real all the people who are trying to trash talk me are just stupid.. this isn't about you. The world does not revolve you. Sorry to break it to you.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 22, 2007
i don't know what's going on but hype + 1 for sure

still waiting on that MM lil kong where you at


Smash Ace
Dec 30, 2008
Rome, GA
I don't know which to feel more sorry for, kazoo, or the sorry *** mother fvcker that may ostensibly feel good about himself over an mm with kazoo
Maybe you should feel sorry for the not-so-clever censor dodger who doesn't even go to tournies anymore and acts like he's the **** on the boards.

I know I'm a scrub, I just need the money, and he was the one who was trash talking me in the GA flame thread and all that garbage. I'm still scrub status no matter what.


Smash Master
May 31, 2009
Atlanta, GA
Wow, I just saw this today.

Looks like someone's still salty over the PG.

You're @ WABA, we'll play. Not 100% of my whereabouts for TO6...

And XIF, you should definitely feel more sorry for GOD! I forgot about this for a while now.


Smash Master
Nov 30, 2003
ZOMG Duluth, GA mostly... sometimes Weston, FL
The Great Kazoo is the Martian from the Flinstones.

While me and Kazoo may disagree on many things (including Reduced Sugar Cinnamon Toast Crunch) I do enjoy his tag.

GOD!: When you have a 2003 join date, there are certain perks. Especially since I can still stomp on everyone that's posted in this topic thus far. This includes Mike Gorilla, because I thought this would be a good time to put Mike on blast too for no good reason other than the fact that Smashboards has become a cure for boredom rather than a resource for smash knowledge and tournament whereabouts (and lame ass topics where shitty players wallow in their mediocrity by doing pointless mm's with even shittier players).

Hows that for censor dodging?

Suck it.


Smash Ace
Dec 30, 2008
Rome, GA
So now all the dinosaurs who live at home with there moms need to come on the boards and feel good about themselves. Go get a job or something ***g0t and stop bothering me. People will talk all the **** they want on the boards but ***** out in real life cause they're scared. Multiple examples right here.

1) Xif cause he's just a scared *** who brags about his join date and won't do **** to me irl (one of the perks of never going to tournies)

2)Eikelmann- random from FL who doesn't know what he's talking about. Let me just quote shroomed who said, right after fighting amsah, "Europe needs to learn to fight doc." Being good against europe's incredible variety of chars doesn't mean you know every match up scrub. stfu noob wow idk who you are but you should just mind your own business plz.

Ok mike g if your money is on kazoo I'll take a side bet, $10-500. You pick the amount.

Эикельманн [РУС]

Banned via Administration
Jul 17, 2009
2)Eikelmann- random from FL who doesn't know what he's talking about. Let me just quote shroomed who said, right after fighting amsah, "Europe needs to learn to fight doc." Being good against europe's incredible variety of chars doesn't mean you know every match up scrub. stfu noob wow idk who you are but you should just mind your own business plz.

Lol, all I remember is that you looked like a complete idiot trying to argue with the best Sheik in the world about something he clearly has more knowledge about (Anything doc related).

One of the, if not the best docs in europe, lives in his country anyways. lol

Money match? lol

Cash Moooooooney
Hey there, guy who somehow knows me.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 22, 2007
Smashboards has become a cure for boredom rather than a resource for smash knowledge and tournament whereabouts
QFT as I visit smashboards at work

So now all the dinosaurs who live at home with there moms need to come on the boards and feel good about themselves. Go get a job or something ***g0t and stop bothering me. People will talk all the **** they want on the boards but ***** out in real life cause they're scared. Multiple examples right here.

1) Xif cause he's just a scared *** who brags about his join date and won't do **** to me irl (one of the perks of never going to tournies)

2)Eikelmann- random from FL who doesn't know what he's talking about. Let me just quote shroomed who said, right after fighting amsah, "Europe needs to learn to fight doc." Being good against europe's incredible variety of chars doesn't mean you know every match up scrub. stfu noob wow idk who you are but you should just mind your own business plz.

Ok mike g if your money is on kazoo I'll take a side bet, $10-500. You pick the amount.
Oh god (the real one - not you) hyyyyyyyypppe I love posts like this
BTW my money's on you because, while I haven't seen you play, I have seen my casual player friends beat Kazoo at Melee, so I'm liking my odds.

ALSO important: OP needs story behind all this rage/hype


Smash Master
Nov 30, 2003
ZOMG Duluth, GA mostly... sometimes Weston, FL
***** I will make it out to the next GA tournament you're at just to put you back in your place.

Matter of fact, my number is 678-983-2391, and if you think you something special i'll drive out to Rome or wherever the **** you are and stomp you real quick and take your money.

Just make it during the weekend because well, as much fun as this is on chatting on the boards, I got work to do and a girl to **** so to be honest teaching you some ****ing manners isn't necessarily my top priority.

Эикельманн [РУС]

Banned via Administration
Jul 17, 2009
***** I will make it out to the next GA tournament you're at just to put you back in your place.

Matter of fact, my number is 678-983-2391, and if you think you something special i'll drive out to Rome or wherever the **** you are and stomp you real quick and take your money.

Just make it during the weekend because well, as much fun as this is on chatting on the boards, I got work to do and a girl to **** so to be honest teaching you some ****ing manners isn't necessarily my top priority.
This was pretty great.

Xif, do you use AIM at all anymore?


Smash Ace
Dec 30, 2008
Rome, GA
n**** I ain't serious! this whole thing is a joke and I can **** both of you anyway, gtfo LOL
Lol I know you were joking... and you can **** me (now at least, give me a few months..). I did this at 1 AM when I was bored as hell and I saw kazoo post somewhere and I was like, wow, that loser still hasn't MMed me like he said he was going to, after all that trash talk about how he was better than me and some stupid stuff like that.

But for real cash mooney I know that's your tag or something but yeah yur a ***g so what yeah MM me. come to TO6.

And yeah xif go to the next GA tournament. I like how you talk down to me when every single girl I date probably looks like 500x nicer than your girl. Your mom looked like trash but she wanted it bad and I made an exception. You're good at smash but whenever someone does something random you want to stick your ***** in the thread and start a trash-talking and **** measuring contest. So ****** watch out please.

Um have fun taking my money... lol I'm not gonna mm you. If you want to try and take my money you'll have to do it some other way. Stop making this thread about you and your overlarge ego.

Эикельманн [РУС]

Banned via Administration
Jul 17, 2009
I doubt I'll be going to any smash events after September; I leave for Iraq then.

Lol, Xif is going to completely destroy you at anything you attempt to do to him, just saying. You're really barking up the wrong tree.

edit: can you even quote where kazoo "**** talked" you? You seem like the kind of person who just wants to start random bull**** with people, regardless of if it's actually there or not.


Smash Ace
Dec 30, 2008
Rome, GA
pics then.

Eikelmann: yur a waste of time ***. Nothing you say will ever make a difference cause you challenge me to a MM then head off to iraq then make a lot of stupid judgments about me and act like your opinion matters.

Search through his posts and find them yourself. Lol it's not like he's gonna deny it anyway, he knows he did it. If he denies it, then I'll find them, if not I'm not wasting my time. Meanwhile keep your dumb *** out of it.


Smash Champion
Jan 26, 2009
Toronto, Canada
Awful lot of testosterone in this thread



But seriously... lol


Banned via Administration
Mar 26, 2006
i mean im in the middle of straight balrog trollin and i have to stop for this? really?
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