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Kat the Gravity Queen drops in!


Smash Apprentice
Apr 16, 2015

Kat is the star of a game she debuted in, called Gravity Rush or Gravity Daze in Japan. She is one of the more interesting recent characters in gaming, and her debut was very well received. She's your everyday hero. She also starred in the sequel Gravity Rush 2. She has already appeared in a few spin-off games. They are:
A breakdown of Kat and her moves in PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale:

You can watch Gravity Rush: The Animation - Overture to get a bit familiar with her:

A moveset idea:

Gimmick: Gravity Gauge. This depletes rapidly as Kat uses gravity attacks and takes a few moments to fill back up.


Kat’s combat in Gravity Rush is composed of kicks, and this move set will reflect that.
Up Smash: An uppercut-styled kick that launches Kat into the air.
Side Smash: A charged double kick.
Down: While charging this, Kat will raise her leg into the air (similar to Ganon’s uptilt in sm4sh), and forcefully kick down when the smash is released. Has a meteor effect.


Neutral: Three hit kick combo.
UP: Flipping kick.
Side: Roundhouse kick.
Down: Short sliding kick.


Forward: Kat does a drill-like kick that propels her forward.

Neutral: Kat does a kicking flip in the air.


Up Special – Gravity Shift: Kat will float in the air, and the gravity gauge starts depleting. The player can then point the control stick in any direction and fall in that direction. This puts Kat in a pretty gimped state, unless Gravity Rush is activated, in which case it turns into a Gravity Kick and does damage.

Neutral Special – Gravity Rush: Accelerates gravity on Kat by quite a bit and can be used in conjunction with Gravity Shift to good effect. Can be used either for normal falls for a mix-up, or with special attacks to increase her rush-down game considerably. Also speeds up Gravity Slide. Depletes gravity gauge.

Down Special – Stasis Field: Lifts up nearby opponents for a second, can be used to start a combo. Works kind of like Mewtwo’s side special in Sm4sh, but has strength depending on how far the enemy is from Kat. It ranges from a good combo start-up if the enemy is on top of her, to a minor nuisance to enemies a bit farther away. This does a pretty decent chunk to the gravity gauge.

Side Special – Gravity Slide: Kat performs a sliding kick that can be held as long as she has her gravity gauge full. She can also do a jump while doing this to have better maneuverability. Does more damage if used in conjunction with Gravity Rush.

Transforms into a Panther and procedds to fly around mauling her opponents with her claws.

Also, a neat thing would be to have Dusty following her around, or randomly appearing from time to time.

  • Kat places her hand on her hip nonchalantly and uses her other hand in a shooing motion.
  • Kat crouches down to stroke under Dusty's chin.
  • Kat performs two twirls while using her Gravitational abilities. Dusty orbits her.

She got a cool skin mod
Who can resist such a adorable face?

She can be intimidating too.

She got a powerful backhand

Kat could also use Lunar Style and Jupiter Style in her movesets.

She is also a lovely singer.

Series logo should be the Apple.


Discovery of Gravitation (New Remix)
Lumino & Tenebria Theme (Yin & Yang)
Bloody Claws (New Remix)
Night Gale (New Remix)
Douse Shinundakara (Instrumental)
Mysterious Woman (New Remix)
Brahman's Angels (New Remix)
All Fires Burn to Ash (New Remix)
Elektricitie (New Remix)

There was a problem fetching the tweet
There was a problem fetching the tweet
There was a problem fetching the tweet

She has many different costumes to wear.

There aren't really any gravity-oriented fighters on the Super Smash Bros roster yet. Kat would be the first one.

Gravity Queen's fans:
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Smash Lord
Jun 26, 2011
Well you beat me to it. If Spencer is OK with having a MS character in Smash, and Sony wants to add someone, I feel Kat is the perfect choice!


Smash Legend
Sep 22, 2012
Well, there is the very obvious caveat of her being owned by Sony, who notoriously doesn’t play ball ever (see: the cross-play debacle). Even if they were okay, I don’t see how a character with absolutely no history with Nintendo whatsoever (or has enough iconic status of their own, like Crash) should make it in. Banjo is actually the polar opposite, since his entire history is linked to Nintendo.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 28, 2014
United States of America
I support her!

She is on a Nintendo console?
Where does that say on the ballot?

They put Cloud Strife in and put emphasis on Final Fantasy VII, a game that was never released on a Nintendo platform. instead of Warrior of Light, Bartz Klauser, or Terra Branford. It shows where the priorities of the third-party developers lies.

Well, there is the very obvious caveat of her being owned by Sony, who notoriously doesn’t play ball ever (see: the cross-play debacle). Even if they were okay, I don’t see how a character with absolutely no history with Nintendo whatsoever (or has enough iconic status of their own, like Crash) should make it in. Banjo is actually the polar opposite, since his entire history is linked to Nintendo.
Sony published games for Nintendo like Smart Ball and still do. Roy and the Ice Climbers have made no significant impact anywhere either. Kat herself is popular. She was one of the most request characters in Playstation All Stars Battle Royale unlike Zeus.


Smash Ace
Mar 20, 2014
All your base
I feel like Ugandan Knuckles has a better chance of getting in at this point, but if she somehow made it I'd be thrilled.


Smash Legend
Sep 22, 2012
Sony published games for Nintendo like Smart Ball and still do. Roy and the Ice Climbers have made no significant impact anywhere either. Kat herself is popular. She was one of the most request characters in Playstation All Stars Battle Royale unlike Zeus.
Roy and the Ice Climbers are still more relevant to Nintendo than Kat, and have a lot of popularity with the Smash fanbase. Also, she definitely doesn’t have the status of Cloud to justify her being in.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 28, 2014
United States of America
Roy and the Ice Climbers are still more relevant to Nintendo than Kat, and have a lot of popularity with the Smash fanbase. Also, she definitely doesn’t have the status of Cloud to justify her being in.
"Smash popularity" doesn't amount to much for Nintendo since its created by a third-party. A number of characters are more popular then them. Kat would be too if she appears. If Roy and the Ice Climbers are still more relevant to Nintendo then they should do something notable for Nintendo then just being Super Smash Bros characters.


Smash Hero
Mar 24, 2014
Miami, NYC
Switch FC
SW 3124 9647 8311
I support her!

Where does that say on the ballot?

They put Cloud Strife in and put emphasis on Final Fantasy VII, a game that was never released on a Nintendo platform. instead of Warrior of Light, Bartz Klauser, or Terra Branford. It shows where the priorities of the third-party developers lies.

Sony published games for Nintendo like Smart Ball and still do. Roy and the Ice Climbers have made no significant impact anywhere either. Kat herself is popular. She was one of the most request characters in Playstation All Stars Battle Royale unlike Zeus.
The "rule" in question was not given in the Ballot (which did take suggestions for the future, but the ballot and its official winner, is over).
Sakurai listed in the past, one of the few times he actually gave specific criteria about character additions, that characters included needed to have some history on a Nintendo Console.

Cloud does fit into this, though it is by technicality. Cloud was in several games, primarily Kindgom Hearts games, which appeard on Nintendo handhelds.
Kat has not ever appeared on a Nintendo console.


Smash Ace
Aug 12, 2012
As characters like Cloud (who made it in), Crash, and Bomberman rapidly gain plausibility, it's new characters like Kat and 22B who, in my opinion, should fill in those implausibility gaps. Not having a PS4, I never could play Gravity Rush, but I think she would definitely make for a great character.


Smash Hero
Mar 24, 2014
Miami, NYC
Switch FC
SW 3124 9647 8311
As characters like Cloud (who made it in), Crash, and Bomberman rapidly gain plausibility, it's new characters like Kat and 22B who, in my opinion, should fill in those implausibility gaps. Not having a PS4, I never could play Gravity Rush, but I think she would definitely make for a great character.
I agree that she would make a great character.
But a lot goes into getting a third party character. It's not just to be "implausible," and there are many "implausible" options that actually fit the criteria Sakurai has had in the past.

Or he could throw that all out this game and we might get Mickey. Who knows.

At least with Mickey we would be guaranteed Sora, too.

And tournaments in Disney World.


Smash Lord
May 7, 2014
The Sass Realm
I'm a huge fan of Gravity Rush (if my username and avatar wasn't a hint); I bought a Vita for it and the only reason I got PlayStation All-Stars was to use Kat (AKA Kitten).

I know that her chances of getting in Smash aren't the best, to say the least. Though it's hard to describe, but Kat has a very Nintendo feel to her. Actually, Gravity Rush as whole does; maybe it's the lighthearted tone, or how unique and ambitious it is. It'd be right at home on a Nintendo console, in my opinion. In any case, regardless if she'd make it to Smash, there's no doubt that she wouldn't be fun to use. So yeah, I totally support this.
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Smash Journeyman
Oct 28, 2014
United States of America
The "rule" in question was not given in the Ballot (which did take suggestions for the future, but the ballot and its official winner, is over).
Sakurai listed in the past, one of the few times he actually gave specific criteria about character additions, that characters included needed to have some history on a Nintendo Console.

Cloud does fit into this, though it is by technicality. Cloud was in several games, primarily Kindgom Hearts games, which appeard on Nintendo handhelds.
Kat has not ever appeared on a Nintendo console.
I don't think cloud being in a single game that's not even his home series is really much of an improvement. What Sakurai states is only more of an objective. Not an actual rule. He refers to it as a "courtesy". It's ridiculous anyway. Master Chief appeared in Minecraft, is it a "courtesy" to appear in a game that is not his home series but appear in one hundred titles that's not on a Nintendo platform? Or Lara Croft? Or Scorpion? Holding the door open for people to pass through is a "courtesy" is it not? Does that mean I have to hold the door open every time? No.

The Smash Ballot was implied by Iwata to have multiple winners (He said “we won’t be able to accommodate every request”, rather than “we will only be able to accommodate for one request) and stated on its website to have influence over this game. He didn’t reveal the winners because he didn’t want to spoil members on the Roster before formally announcing them. The most likely scenario is that well get a reveal trailer for one of them, and after their trailer, Sakurai will say how well they did on the ballot.

If "history on a Nintendo Console" is so important then why not make it a top priority and mention his reasoning for including Cloud Strife? Why not focus on Cloud Strife's "history on a Nintendo Console" and not Final Fantasy VII?

It's nothing more than a red herring as the "history on a Nintendo Console" is ignored and never referenced.
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Smash Cadet
Nov 15, 2014
You have my support.

Well, there is the very obvious caveat of her being owned by Sony, who notoriously doesn’t play ball ever (see: the cross-play debacle). Even if they were okay, I don’t see how a character with absolutely no history with Nintendo whatsoever (or has enough iconic status of their own, like Crash) should make it in. Banjo is actually the polar opposite, since his entire history is linked to Nintendo.
Sakurai has wanted or added characters that aren't "iconic" such as Ness, Ice Climbers, Roy, Geno, etc. I wouldn't call them an "international superstar".
The "rule" in question was not given in the Ballot (which did take suggestions for the future, but the ballot and its official winner, is over).
Sakurai listed in the past, one of the few times he actually gave specific criteria about character additions, that characters included needed to have some history on a Nintendo Console.

Cloud does fit into this, though it is by technicality. Cloud was in several games, primarily Kindgom Hearts games, which appeard on Nintendo handhelds.
Kat has not ever appeared on a Nintendo console.
Sakurai has considered adding Sonic the Hedgehog in Super Smash Bros Melee. A character that have never appeared on a Nintendo platform before but the reason he couldn't was because of "time constraints". There is no evidence Sonic was rejected simply because he didn't appear on a Nintendo platform prior. He already added Roy in Super Smash Bros Melee so it didn't matter to him. Sakurai is known for changing his mind such as adding Leif, Villager, Pac-Man, and Chrom for example.


Smash Legend
Sep 22, 2012
Sakurai has wanted or added characters that aren't "iconic" such as Ness, Ice Climbers, Roy, Geno, etc. I wouldn't call them an "international superstar".
Yeah, but those characters wouldn’t require the cooperation or negotiation of copyright with a third-party, and not just any third-party but a direct competitor at that. The odd one out among those guys is Geno, who you might have noticed isn’t playable in Smash.

From all the third-party characters, the only one that isn’t an outright gaming icon is Bayonetta, who earned her place by being one of the main third-party exclusives for Nintendo.

(Also, and this is just nitpicking, but Sonic had two games that released on Nintendo consoles the same year as Melee and were likely in development at the same time, so it’s more of a Roy situation than it would seem.)
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Smash Cadet
Nov 15, 2014
Yeah, but those characters wouldn’t require the cooperation or negotiation of copyright with a third-party, and not just any third-party but a direct competitor at that. The odd one out among those guys is Geno, who you might have noticed isn’t playable in Smash.

From all the third-party characters, the only one that isn’t an outright gaming icon is Bayonetta, who earned her place by being one of the main third-party exclusives for Nintendo.

(Also, and this is just nitpicking, but Sonic had two games that released on Nintendo consoles the same year as Melee and were likely in development at the same time, so it’s more of a Roy situation than it would seem.)
They are still rules like Pikachu isn't allowed to appear in Yoshi's Woolly World. Bayonetta's game was still released on Steam. Sony still released games for Nintendo like Microsoft. Regardless whether Geno is playable or not doesn't change what Sakurai intended. Sonic's games was released after Super Smash Bros Melee, not before.

Sakurai: "Exactly. And within the FF franchise, Cloud is without question the most popular choice. A number of people fixate on the fact his original game was never released on a Nintendo console, but if we were to limit our choices to characters who appeared on a Nintendo console, we’d end up with Bartz from FFV or the Onion Knight from FFIII—how would that work?"

Sakurai: "At the same time, I think it’s only natural to prioritize the character who enjoys worldwide popularity. I might have had misgivings if Cloud had never appeared on a Nintendo console in any form, though."

[Interviewer]—"Recently, he’s shown up in the Theatrhythm and Kingdom Hearts series. He’s even branching out to the PS4 now with the FFVII remake."

Sakurai: "Which is why I think we should forget about console wars and focus on what’s really important: enjoying the games themselves."

In just a few sentences he went from how only focusing on 3rd party characters who appeared a Nintendo console limits your character options, to maybe having misgivings if they didn't appear on a Nintendo console, to saying that we should forget about console wars. Sakurai hadn't drawn a line and make a very clear stance one way or the other.
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Smash Hero
Jul 23, 2012
Man, Gravity Rush is my favorite PlayStation series of all time. I even mained Kat in PSASBR. I'd love if if she somehow popped up in Smash.

My only hang up is the fact that she's a Sony first party character. And Sony hasn't been playing nice with Nintendo or Microsoft as of late from the bits of news that does come up for public viewing when the companies do interact. (Always seems to be about issues with crossplay across consoles and PC) SO can't bring myself to expect anything from Sony ever popping up in Smash in anyway shape or form. Unlike Microsoft which has potential to have something in it. (Probably wont)
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Smash Hero
Mar 24, 2014
Miami, NYC
Switch FC
SW 3124 9647 8311
I don't think cloud being in a single game that's not even his home series is really much of an improvement. What Sakurai states is only more of an objective. Not an actual rule. He refers to it as a "courtesy". It's ridiculous anyway. Master Chief appeared in Minecraft, is it a "courtesy" to appear in a game that is not his home series but appear in one hundred titles that's not on a Nintendo platform? Or Lara Croft? Or Scorpion? Holding the door open for people to pass through is a "courtesy" is it not? Does that mean I have to hold the door open every time? No.

The Smash Ballot was implied by Iwata to have multiple winners (He said “we won’t be able to accommodate every request”, rather than “we will only be able to accommodate for one request) and stated on its website to have influence over this game. He didn’t reveal the winners because he didn’t want to spoil members on the Roster before formally announcing them. The most likely scenario is that well get a reveal trailer for one of them, and after their trailer, Sakurai will say how well they did on the ballot.

If "history on a Nintendo Console" is so important then why not make it a top priority and mention his reasoning for including Cloud Strife? Why not focus on Cloud Strife's "history on a Nintendo Console" and not Final Fantasy VII?

It's nothing more than a red herring as the "history on a Nintendo Console" is ignored and never referenced.
This is all running on an idea that Kat has made any impact on gaming. Which is a difficult opinion to argue.


Smash Lord
Sep 12, 2014
Kat is one of my favorite video game characters ever. Gravity Rush is my second favorite super hero series (Infamous is #1 if you're curious). But I gotta say, Kat doesn't meet the standard for 3rd party. Unlike Sonic, Megaman, and Bayonetta, she isn't particularly important to Nintendo history. Unlike Cloud, she isn't tied to a franchise that's important to Nintendo history despite the character not being relevant to Nintendo. Unlike PacMan, she isn't universally seen as a gaming icon (literally none of my friends had ever even heard of Gravity Rush when I got the sequel despite all being gamers).


Smash Hero
Mar 24, 2014
Miami, NYC
Switch FC
SW 3124 9647 8311
Kat is popular. Sakurai wants Geno claiming he's "popular". Nothing more to it.
But then we are back to "Mickey is popular."

There is always more to it when the conversation is taken out of context.

Also, when did Sakurai say he "wants" Geno in?


Smash Journeyman
Oct 28, 2014
United States of America
But then we are back to "Mickey is popular."

There is always more to it when the conversation is taken out of context.

Also, when did Sakurai say he "wants" Geno in?
Mickey's game titles has been mentioned in the Chronicle of Super Smash Bros Brawl, yes.



What led you to decide to make a Geno costume after all this time?

Sakurai: To tell the truth, it’s because I wanted Geno to be a playable character. He has a gun for a hand, and I think he fits in really well with Smash. During Brawl, I thought it would be great if I could add him, but in the end it didn’t become a reality.

Because of that, you added him as a Mii Costume this time?

Sakurai: That’s right. He’s very popular. When talking about older characters, Geno always gets a lot of requests. He didn’t appear as a fighter, but I was able to achieve something kind of close to that as a Mii Costume.


Smash Journeyman
May 2, 2018
Never played it before. But, I'm planning on getting Gravity Rush 2 for my PS4. I support!


The Amateur Artist
Jan 26, 2014
This thread
Wow, I did not expect to see a support thread for Kat of all people.

Her chances are next to zero, but she is absolutely one of my favorite protagonists in all of gaming. She's sweet, brave, an absolute dork, and is always there to help people, even for the most trivial tasks.

Glad to see more people that feel the same.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 27, 2014
Just dropping to say that I love Gravity Rush so much! I picked up a copy of the remastered version on PS4, and was absolutely blown away by how amazing the game was, and it's probably the most Nintendo-like game on PlayStation.

Unfortunately, her chances at getting in Smash are just as likely as Goku, but Kat is an amazing character that definitely deserves more love.


Smash Hero
Oct 17, 2007
Has anyone from Sony said they would like to see one of their characters in Smash?

Either way I do really like Kat and think she would make a great Sony representative in Smash. (better than Sackboy imo)


Smash Journeyman
May 2, 2018
Never played it before. But, I'm planning on getting Gravity Rush 2 for my PS4. I support!


Smash Champion
Jul 13, 2016
Played Gravity Rush 1 in the middle of 2, so count me in, I definitely support this adorkable gravity warrior, she one of my favorite video game characters.


Smash Lord
Jul 14, 2014
It'll never happen, but dang, Kat would be a really amazing and unique addition. I love her games and the ending of Gravity Rush 2...well, it hit me pretty hard. Not many games can do that.

What a criminally under-known series.


Smash Legend
Nov 15, 2007
While I dont think she has strong chances, I'd love to see Kat in smash!
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Smash Champion
Aug 9, 2016
Somewhere Else
Switch FC
As much as I'd love for it happen, it's sadly on the very lowest ends likelihood wise. Even if Sony gave the okay for a character I really could only see them pushing for one of their bigger more well known franchises.

Nonetheless, I support her.

Nonno Umby

Smash Lord
Jun 30, 2014
Switch FC
SW 5218 5477 4500
Please add me among the supporters. While I doubt she will join Smash anytime soon I would love to see her being added since Gravity Rush is my favourite Sony owned series (and I'm secretly hoping that Sony sells the IP to someone else so that she can have her games on the Switch because that is a crowd more willing to try her games rather than the Playstation audience). I consider Kat my most wanted unrealistic choice, and seeing her in Smash would be a dream.
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Smash Ace
Nov 21, 2018
She was one of my favorite fighters in PS All Stars but I'm one of those who thinks a series needs to have Nintendo history to get into Smash. Wouldn't be upset if Kat was the one to break that though.

Nonno Umby

Smash Lord
Jun 30, 2014
Switch FC
SW 5218 5477 4500


Banned via Administration
Dec 3, 2007
No she is not, but if Phil Spencer is OK with Banjo in Smash, let´s see if Sony is OK with having one of its all stars in Smash.
Okay that's not the same thing. Banjo debuted on Nintendo 64 which is why Phil Spencer is okay with doing that. Kat has literally nothing going for her in that regard. And even if she did have an appearance on a Nintendo system there's no guarantee that Sony would want to play ball.

Nonno Umby

Smash Lord
Jun 30, 2014
Switch FC
SW 5218 5477 4500
Okay that's not the same thing. Banjo debuted on Nintendo 64 which is why Phil Spencer is okay with doing that. Kat has literally nothing going for her in that regard. And even if she did have an appearance on a Nintendo system there's no guarantee that Sony would want to play ball.
Supporting Kat is no different than people supporting Master Chief. If nobody has problem with the Halo dude then they should leave us alone.
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