This is called a Best Of. Something funny happens in the chat, you copy paste it here.
CRASHiC: man, I can't wait for Black and white
Sir Bedevere: yeayuhz
Sir Bedevere: Same
CRASHiC: maybe then I'll make a team that's not all gimcks
PBfreak808: most of those pokes look ugly and like yu gi oh though....
CRASHiC: how do they look like Yugioh?
UltiMario: You mean Digimon, right?
PBfreak808: both
PBfreak808: have you seen the new stuff?
CRASHiC: I barely see Digimon, but Yugioh is just uncalled for
UltiMario: It can't be both
UltiMario: You can't have both Digimon AND Yu-gi-oh
UltiMario: It doesn't work
PBfreak808: some look like on some look like the other
PBfreak808: one*
BKing: is PBfreak from smashboards?
CRASHiC: there is a comic that explains the pokemon generation cycle, hold on
CRASHiC: I'm hoping PB is Plastic Beach and he's from Gorillaz-unofficial by chance
PBfreak808: ditto is cool
UltiMario: If Ditto was a Gen V Pokemon
UltiMario: everyone would be like "This is the biggest piece of **** ever"
BKing: agreed
PBfreak808: all the gen 5 pokes have unnecessary spikes and horns and blades. it wouldnt fit in
PBfreak808: almost all
UltiMario: "GF just ran out of ideas here. We doubt Gen VI will ever come when they pull out **** like this"
UltiMario: Etc
UltiMario: Also Bidoof was in Gen IV
UltiMario: It didn't follow the design trend
PBfreak808: bidoof is just one pokemon.
PBfreak808: it wouldnt kill anything
UltiMario: The line
UltiMario: TWO
PBfreak808: despite how bat its
CRASHiC: a total of 2 pokemon have spikes and blades PB
PBfreak808: wow typo heaven
PBfreak808: lol
CRASHiC: what are you talking about
CRASHiC: out of all the pokemon revealed, only 2 have spikes and blades
CRASHiC: oh wait
PBfreak808: 3 of what you have seen so far
CRASHiC: sorry, forgot the unnamed three pokemon
UltiMario: So
UltiMario: 3/22 confirmed pokemon
UltiMario: let's calc that
CRASHiC: PB, are you implying that you have seen leaked photos of these pokemon?
PBfreak808: im just saying. i love pokemon. but this is the first generation that i can truely say that im not looking forward to as much
Received pending connection on slot 6 from
Player 6 set name to roacherman
UltiMario: If we take rumors as fact....
roacherman: I just realized that I disconnected from the server an hour ago >_>
Sir Bedevere: lolol
UltiMario: 25-45 Pokemon in Gen V will be spike-a-palooza
CRASHiC: cause I'm looking at the right now, and I only see 3 pokemon that have spikes sticking out of them
UltiMario: That's out of a theoretical 157, mind you.
UltiMario: Factoring in Stages and evos and etc as well
UltiMario: >.>
CRASHiC: My list in terms of pokemon design:
PBfreak808: *facepalm* arguing with you guys is useless. you are so much of fanboys that you cant even judge the new generation clearly
PBfreak808: im out
PBfreak808: smell ya later
UltiMario: bahaha
Received disconnection from player PBfreak808
Removed player PBfreak808
CRASHiC: lol
Sir Bedevere: LOOOOL
CRASHiC: I'm going to "Best Of" that
BKing: lol