So, I have been absent from the marth boards, and brawl, for a bit now. I've been hanging out in the art boards the whole time. Anyway, I'm kind of getting back into it. I was playing around just against some friends when i started to figure out a couple of things that i hadn't seen or heard of before.
The first one i noticed worked particularly well was SHFFing Nairs while facing towards the stage, on the edge. In order to prevent get up attacks and ledge hop attacks, it requires some timing. The reason this is a good strategy is because of the angle of the attack. the low side prevents rolls, the high side prevents jumps and ledgehops, and the fast fall prevents normal get ups and get up attacks. with spacing and timing, LHADs and ledgehopped aerials are easily prevented too. The odd part about this one, is that against some characters. It works as a decent approach. Backwards SHFFing Nairs. They prevent roll-behinds, aerial approaches, and the FF stops ground attacks (depending on the character, of course)
The second one was a bair edgeguard, again while facing towards the stage, on the edge. It works the same way but you are vulnerable to rolls, and less vulnerable to get-up attacks.
On a final note, when you jump off the stage to edgeguard, be sure to position yourself to punish an airdodge. In many cases, it's their only option, and instead of making it so that if they airdodge, you just fly by eachother, space it and DI in order to punish their airdodge. I nearly never see this done.
The first one i noticed worked particularly well was SHFFing Nairs while facing towards the stage, on the edge. In order to prevent get up attacks and ledge hop attacks, it requires some timing. The reason this is a good strategy is because of the angle of the attack. the low side prevents rolls, the high side prevents jumps and ledgehops, and the fast fall prevents normal get ups and get up attacks. with spacing and timing, LHADs and ledgehopped aerials are easily prevented too. The odd part about this one, is that against some characters. It works as a decent approach. Backwards SHFFing Nairs. They prevent roll-behinds, aerial approaches, and the FF stops ground attacks (depending on the character, of course)
The second one was a bair edgeguard, again while facing towards the stage, on the edge. It works the same way but you are vulnerable to rolls, and less vulnerable to get-up attacks.
On a final note, when you jump off the stage to edgeguard, be sure to position yourself to punish an airdodge. In many cases, it's their only option, and instead of making it so that if they airdodge, you just fly by eachother, space it and DI in order to punish their airdodge. I nearly never see this done.