D*mn, at zero's own place, too?! be forewarned, he has two bros and a fierce, b*tch of sis!
zero & i decided id be in charge of timing...first time ive led a tourney, so i figure i'll try some things out and see how effective they are.
first--registration for ALL events will begin when you walk in the door. sign in for each event you expect to participate in.
second--i will seek out each individual for entry fee & cross them off the list. if your payment is MIA at time of event start, you WILL NOT be entered into the brackets and therefore forfiet your chance to compete in that particular event.
third--you will be entered into brackets on comp(if entry fee is paid) before event begins.
**do not worry!! i will seek out and find each entrant before matches begin. if i can not locate you, i will not forget about you! before matches begin, i will double check and announce those who are missing payments. sign in lists will be cross checked for new entrys every so often.
this will cut down on registration times dramatically!!! sign in area will be OBVIOUS. give us a chance to enact this, the old ways are just too time consuming.
now addressing 'group awkwardness/attention'--
we as a multi-gaming community should not brush others off. the reason the smash world is 'weak' in alabama is bc of this. take these multi-game tournaments as an opportunity to enrich other gamers' lives on the greatness of smash--brawl, melee, whatev.
if we have enough setups, 'standing around' should not be an issue. SO BRING SETUPS!!
Im actually quite good at organizing things and believe this new way has a chance to workout. if it ends up being an EPIC FAILURE--i give you my permission to...idk...pelt me with paintballs? those things hurt, so i'll be on my game!