eh.. where are all the major tournaments in the central valley held at.. Level One ( with the exception of the few at nickle arcade ) I didnt say that we made the community, we are just the organization progressing it.. the community we have started is the people who play at level one, and compete in the tournaments there, which has grown a lot..
Jobe is right Drex. Look at this...
The first Cencal players to travel 3 or more hours for a tournament were
Mr. Ganondorf
Who went to B4N, a huge Norcal tournament in San Francisco.
The first (and ONLY) cencal players to travel out of state for a tournament were
When we went to MLG Vegas.
The first players (guaranteed) to L-Cancel in the central valley were
ShadowCloud and Myself have LITERALLY dominated the Central Valley in super smash brothers melee for as long as we've teamed. We have NEVER lost a teams tournament in the Central Valley.
When I lived there, I was NEVER regarded as anything but the best player in the valley. ShadowCloud and I were NEVER regarded as anything but the best team in the valley. My crew, Zero to Death (and all the previous cencal names we've had) has NEVER been regarded as anything but the best crew in the central valley.
When DSF, Sheridan, Frotaz, DC, EznJay, Mr. PBody, and Nezumi came to the Central Valley to play smash for the first time at Just Smash II, they didn't come because of Level One. Hell, the tournament wasn't even AT Level One, it was at the Nickel Arcade. They came because they had friends in the Central Valley. Friends that have traveled up and down the entire state of California competing in smash tournaments.
When Zelgadis and Hella Nick came to Porterville to smash with myself and ShadowCloud, Level One didn't exist.
When Sheridan and NealDT came to Porterville to smash with myself and Kamakaze, Level One didn't exist.
When I throw a smashfest in Porterville, and 22 smash players come to compete without even a mention of a prize fund, they come because of their friends, ZivilynBane and ShadowCloud. Has Level One even broke the 22 mark for an official tournament?
Now, I really don't take things personally, especially something like this, but c'mon. I worked my *** off for two years to make the smash scene what it is in the Central Valley. And I guarantee it would be where it is at now with or without Level One. Not to say that I'm not grateful, but I mean....every player who is good in the valley was good before Level One, and I already knew of them. Mexi is probably the best player I met through Level One, and he is a cool guy and a good player, but not the best.
The central valley was made what it is by people like ShadowCloud, TDog, and Jobe whom sacraficed hundreds of dollars, thousands of miles, and countless hours of their time to make sure each and every smash player in the valley was informed and transported to every event we've been to.
ESPECIALLY SHADOW CLOUD. This guy has put over 10,000 miles on his two cars taking people back and forth to tournaments. He's fronted over a thousand dollars of his own money booking hotel rooms, keeping his cars in the condition to travel over the grape vine or pacheco pass, paying entry fees and food for his friends who can't afford it, and even taking losses when people don't pay him back. He's been to more legitimate tournaments than anyone that's left in the Valley, trained and recruited more good players than ANYBODY in the valley, and is known throughout the state.
Not only that, but he's one of the most original and recreational Sheiks in the state. Did you know ShadowCloud doesn't watch smash videos? Did you know he doesn't read guides or study the game in any way? Every thing he does he created himself and most of it without much practice at all. He works and goes to school, yet he still finds the time to go to all the big tournaments in the state, and even some that are out of state.
In the Central Valley, PORTERVILLE has the largest smash community, the most success, the biggest history, and the most reputation out of any other community in the valley. Go to Isai and ask him who ShadowCloud is, and he'll tell you. Ask Isai who LevelOne is....he won't have a clue.
I'm sorry Drex. I love and appreciate Level One very much. Even when they ban me from their tournaments for winning. Even when they promise sponsorship and never deliver. And yes, even when their tournaments end up being terribly ran. Now I know you guys are improving, and I know Level One is the future of smash in the central valley, but please don't forget the reason why Level One is even a minute smash force. Level One exists because of the godfathers of central valley smash, because of these people
Mr. Ganondorf