You personally don't have to hurt them. Think of smaller children; they are at a point they are most impressionable. If someone, anyone, had hurt them in a way that sticks with them for life, they will unleash that anger either sooner or later, usually on someone that is not very close--though sometimes that occurs--You can say the wrong thing to them, not knowing what they've been through, and half the time they'll go off on you. Them flipping out isn't necessarily your fault...
I'm thinking those boys who hung the nooses didn't like what they believed their territory was being trespassed upon, so they took action to scare the 'intruder' away. I'm sure we'd all do something to scare away an unwanted guest at our own homes. Nonetheless, that kind of action was unnecessary...
As for the shotgun: This could have been provoked by anything (i.e.: finacial loss due to a lay-off, major divorce, the store cheated him somehow, or maybe he was a psycho). The action was wrong no matter the case; and if someone wrestled the shotgun out of his hands to prevent impending destruction, they should be seen as brave heroes.
And yes, there are many cases in which aggression is due to mindlessness; but we are not talking about mindless people, are we?