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Jacksonville Listen Up


Smash Apprentice
Jan 17, 2008
jacksonville florida
I have no one good to play ssbb with. i main random and im good at it. at my first tournament i got 9th out of 31. but whatever. im just seein how many people live in jacksonville. im not holdin a tournament or anything but if you ever wanna get together and play, hook me up. (904)993-3529


Smash Lord
Apr 13, 2008
Miami, FL

Too bad you also made it seem like I don't know when to properly capitalize things. Please refrain from editing my posts in the future. If I wanted to look like an idiot on the boards, I'd just copy/paste all of your posts as my own.


Smash Lord
Aug 26, 2008
Getting used to FL.....slowly.
I main Captain America (aka Falcon).

We should play some MELEE at some point, lamugi. I remember you from fast1. Brawl is so boring... :(
wait, I'm confused. You hated melee the last time I saw you.

Too bad you also made it seem like I don't know when to properly capitalize things. Please refrain from editing my posts in the future. If I wanted to look like an idiot on the boards, I'd just copy/paste all of your posts as my own.
lol. Your still funny to read, as always. I wonder when the day you will actually start to understand things about smashboards. If that happens, even I will be impressed with somebody of your calibur.

Idiot with my posts? LOL. Your doing just fine without using my posts.

See, I can play brawl. Infact, I don't mind it at all. But when brawl brings people like yourself into the smash community, it gets annoying sometimes. Oh but you'll probably respond to this post too. As if ignoring my stupid comments was hard or something, lol.

You don't even enter tournaments. And when you do, its just for fun. Half of the time you stand on the side. Do me a favor and tell me why you continue to come to these events. To get better? It doesn't seem like your going anywhere at all to me. Or are you here to be a pest to people just like me?

At FAST. All you could do was follow me around from the side and gawk at me. Like an annoying crow who won't stop following you around because it feels that it needs to prove something. And at every other tournament recently, its been the same exact thing. Why? Are you seriously that bored with yourself, that attempting to get under my skin is all you have set out to do? The day you go to a tournament, and leave me alone, I will also be impressed.


Smash Lord
Apr 13, 2008
Miami, FL
You definitely didn't make this post in hopes I would ignore you, so in fact, I am going to tear your post apart.

lol. Your still funny to read, as always. I wonder when the day you will actually start to understand things about smashboards. If that happens, even I will be impressed with somebody of your calibur.
From what I've been told, people like you are the cancer that's killing smashboards, not me. I'm a whole lot more liked on the boards, and in general, than you are. Can that many people REALLY be wrong?

Idiot with my posts? LOL. Your doing just fine without using my posts.
In this case, you replied to me unnecessarily. This isn't the first case. If you want me to stop flaming you, then you might want to start by ignoring my posts, and just a hint, not replying to them will certainly help, especially since I wasn't talking to you to begin with :laugh:

See, I can play brawl. Infact, I don't mind it at all. But when brawl brings people like yourself into the smash community, it gets annoying sometimes. Oh but you'll probably respond to this post too. As if ignoring my stupid comments was hard or something, lol.
I can play Brawl, too. Infact, I do quite often. Actually, it's probably pretty safe to say that I'm better than you, even though I don't take this game the least bit seriously, but I guess we'll find out since we have a money match to do in the near future :) People like me in the smash community. It's funny, when I hear people complaining about the people in the smash community, my name is seldom brought up, however, your name is more often than not.

You don't even enter tournaments. And when you do, its just for fun. Half of the time you stand on the side. Do me a favor and tell me why you continue to come to these events. To get better? It doesn't seem like your going anywhere at all to me. Or are you here to be a pest to people just like me?
I've entered the last couple of tournaments I've attended, and what's wrong with entering just for fun, anyways? I didn't know there was some heinous law against that. My bad. I just can't take the game as seriously as others can. I go to see the people I like, and to cheer on my friends. A social thing? Perhaps. I know a lot of people and I like a lot of people, it just so happens that out of a gigantic list of people I enjoy being around, you aren't on it. I'm sorry.

At FAST. All you could do was follow me around from the side and gawk at me. Like an annoying crow who won't stop following you around because it feels that it needs to prove something. And at every other tournament recently, its been the same exact thing. Why? Are you seriously that bored with yourself, that attempting to get under my skin is all you have set out to do? The day you go to a tournament, and leave me alone, I will also be impressed.
:laugh: I followed you around? When? I hardly even know what you look like, and I only know because so-and-so at the time pointed you out and was like "Oh lol that's Mooney", I hardly stalked you as you like to make it out to be. If I were ever going to stalk anyone in the smash community, it would at least be someone who's easy on the eyes. To my knowledge, I've only seen you at, what? 3 tournaments in total, out of the tons and tons I've been to, and the only time I think I ever said anything in your direction was maybe at Lolful because you were acting like an idiot in regards to Matt. You see, this is how I know for sure that this last little bit of your post is ridiculous; If I have something to say to someone, I'll say it to them. I don't stalk and gawk from the sidelines. Not my style, because especially when it comes to someone like you, I have nothing to be afraid of. I will say what I have to say, and I will tell you what's on my mind in regards to you-- on the boards, in person, no matter what; it just so happens than you're generally a quiet little mouse in person, but you have a giant mouth on the boards :]

Leave you alone at tournaments? Easy enough, as it's what I've been doing. You can try to make it out like the cute girl at smash tournaments has been following you around, yeah, adorable and all, but the fact of the matter is that that's the furthest thing from the truth, and you should really stop deluding yourself, as you aren't convincing anyone else, either.

Anyways bro, get at me this Saturday so we can do our MM, as I'm quite looking forward to it :p


Smash Lord
Aug 26, 2008
Getting used to FL.....slowly.
You definitely didn't make this post in hopes I would ignore you, so in fact, I am going to tear your post apart.

From what I've been told, people like you are the cancer that's killing smashboards, not me. I'm a whole lot more liked on the boards, and in general, than you are. Can that many people REALLY be wrong?

In this case, you replied to me unnecessarily. This isn't the first case. If you want me to stop flaming you, then you might want to start by ignoring my posts, and just a hint, not replying to them will certainly help, especially since I wasn't talking to you to begin with :laugh:

I can play Brawl, too. Infact, I do quite often. Actually, it's probably pretty safe to say that I'm better than you, even though I don't take this game the least bit seriously, but I guess we'll find out since we have a money match to do in the near future :) People like me in the smash community. It's funny, when I hear people complaining about the people in the smash community, my name is seldom brought up, however, your name is more often than not.

I've entered the last couple of tournaments I've attended, and what's wrong with entering just for fun, anyways? I didn't know there was some heinous law against that. My bad. I just can't take the game as seriously as others can. I go to see the people I like, and to cheer on my friends. A social thing? Perhaps. I know a lot of people and I like a lot of people, it just so happens that out of a gigantic list of people I enjoy being around, you aren't on it. I'm sorry.

:laugh: I followed you around? When? I hardly even know what you look like, and I only know because so-and-so at the time pointed you out and was like "Oh lol that's Mooney", I hardly stalked you as you like to make it out to be. If I were ever going to stalk anyone in the smash community, it would at least be someone who's easy on the eyes. To my knowledge, I've only seen you at, what? 3 tournaments in total, out of the tons and tons I've been to, and the only time I think I ever said anything in your direction was maybe at Lolful because you were acting like an idiot in regards to Matt. You see, this is how I know for sure that this last little bit of your post is ridiculous; If I have something to say to someone, I'll say it to them. I don't stalk and gawk from the sidelines. Not my style, because especially when it comes to someone like you, I have nothing to be afraid of. I will say what I have to say, and I will tell you what's on my mind in regards to you-- on the boards, in person, no matter what; it just so happens than you're generally a quiet little mouse in person, but you have a giant mouth on the boards :]

Leave you alone at tournaments? Easy enough, as it's what I've been doing. You can try to make it out like the cute girl at smash tournaments has been following you around, yeah, adorable and all, but the fact of the matter is that that's the furthest thing from the truth, and you should really stop deluding yourself, as you aren't convincing anyone else, either.

Anyways bro, get at me this Saturday so we can do our MM, as I'm quite looking forward to it :p

My post wasn't meant to come out gay like that, but you just annoy me to no end on the boards.

From what you've been told? LOL. You can believe it if you want, I don't care. Just don't act as if you know anything about who dislikes me and what not, because hardly anybody does except for the melee players. People like afro are just following what they hear, and have no knowledge about it.

In this case, you replied to me unnecessarily. This isn't the first case. If you want me to stop flaming you, then you might want to start by ignoring my posts, and just a hint, not replying to them will certainly help, especially since I wasn't talking to you to begin with :laugh:
I hardly respond to your posts anymore. Its a waste of my time, but I decided to this time for some reason. The only reason I respond to stupid posts is when I'm bored. And your posts are deffinatly not flames, lol.

I can play Brawl, too. Infact, I do quite often. Actually, it's probably pretty safe to say that I'm better than you, even though I don't take this game the least bit seriously, but I guess we'll find out since we have a money match to do in the near future :) People like me in the smash community. It's funny, when I hear people complaining about the people in the smash community, my name is seldom brought up, however, your name is more often than not.
Lol, you think your better than me how? I could care less about smash in general. I don't own brawl, and I haven't for months now. I main random box, if that says anything. Golf, and my school work is a lot more important than some game thats slowly dying away anyways.

I know a lot of people and I like a lot of people, it just so happens that out of a gigantic list of people I enjoy being around, you aren't on it. I'm sorry.
Lol. You think that should matter to me? Some random from South Florida should deffinatly not matter at all. I could care less if you and your friends dislike me either, it means nothing to me.

:laugh: I followed you around? When? I hardly even know what you look like, and I only know because so-and-so at the time pointed you out and was like "Oh lol that's Mooney", I hardly stalked you as you like to make it out to be. If I were ever going to stalk anyone in the smash community, it would at least be someone who's easy on the eyes. To my knowledge, I've only seen you at, what? 3 tournaments in total, out of the tons and tons I've been to, and the only time I think I ever said anything in your direction was maybe at Lolful because you were acting like an idiot in regards to Matt. You see, this is how I know for sure that this last little bit of your post is ridiculous; If I have something to say to someone, I'll say it to them. I don't stalk and gawk from the sidelines. Not my style, because especially when it comes to someone like you, I have nothing to be afraid of. I will say what I have to say, and I will tell you what's on my mind in regards to you-- on the boards, in person, no matter what; it just so happens than you're generally a quiet little mouse in person, but you have a giant mouth on the boards :]
Ok. If you say so.

Not that **** again. It was a ****ing chair. I didn't give it up. Too ****ing bad. If your seriously going to complain SO much about one chair, and because I couldn't give it up is such a crime, then something is seriously wrong. Thats the only thing I did that day to piss anybody off. I was being quiet like you said, minding my own business playing melee, and then afro comes over, and starts playing me. The times I beat him he would complain in a sarcastic voice saying "GOSH THIS GAME SURE IS BALANCED", or something else of the likes in his normal immature manner. But when I lost, did I complain? **** no. Congrats to him if he beats me, if he doesn't thats too bad.

Anyways bro, get at me this Saturday so we can do our MM, as I'm quite looking forward to it :p
My birthday is happening this week, and I won't being going to gigs because I'll be in tampa doing stuff. Raise the money match to 50 dollars as well considering how your obviously a better player than me.


Smash Lord
Apr 13, 2008
Miami, FL
Gonna get your mommy to spot you the money, kiddo?
My friends will do it for me, but I'm sure your mom is the only one who would be willing to throw down for you.

You say you couldn't care less about smash in general, but then you try to talk down about me playing casually just ONE POST back. That doesn't really make much sense, now does it?

Get off my proverbial ****, kid. Come back when you have something worthwhile to talk to me about, like that $50 you wanna give me<3 Thanks babe! Can't wait to stalk you again cuz you so fiiiiine.


Smash Lord
Aug 26, 2008
Getting used to FL.....slowly.
Gonna get your mommy to spot you the money, kiddo?
My friends will do it for me, but I'm sure your mom is the only one who would be willing to throw down for you.

You say you couldn't care less about smash in general, but then you try to talk down about me playing casually just ONE POST back. That doesn't really make much sense, now does it?

Get off my proverbial ****, kid. Come back when you have something worthwhile to talk to me about, like that $50 you wanna give me<3 Thanks babe! Can't wait to stalk you again cuz you so fiiiiine.
My mom doesn't give me money anymore lol. The most she ever gives me is like 10. The rest I have to make myself off card vending.

I don't care about smash anymore. Because I make one post, doesn't mean I care about smash lol.

You first.


Smash Rookie
Mar 12, 2008
My mom doesn't give me money anymore lol. The most she ever gives me is like 10. The rest I have to make myself off card vending.

I don't care about smash anymore. Because I make one post, doesn't mean I care about smash lol.

You first.
At least care about taking a fcking shower then.


Smash Master
May 18, 2008
Cave of Olmec
How about weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

Dont argue

Chase ftw.

Not that **** again. It was a ****ing chair. I didn't give it up. Too ****ing bad. If your seriously going to complain SO much about one chair, and because I couldn't give it up is such a crime, then something is seriously wrong.
Nah its just a **** move to say "no im not gonna get up" when you just lost, yet you still wonder why people hate you so much. lol.

Im immature now o noes.


Smash Lord
Aug 26, 2008
Getting used to FL.....slowly.
At least care about taking a fcking shower then.
Lol doodah. I take a shower at least once every day. The only time I don't is when I'm at somebody elses house, and even then I take showers.

Thats pretty amazing hahahaha.

How about a hit for hit $50 money match mooney? I go first
Melee, 3/5. VS your samus.

I'd be playing ginger first considering how she challenged me before you.

Nah its just a **** move to say "no im not gonna get up" when you just lost, yet you still wonder why people hate you so much. lol.
There was an open chair right next to you. And once again, you speak as if you have any knowledge whatsoever about people hating me, when you don't at all. Your just another person to join the "everybody hates you" bandwagon, lol. Because people would obviously dislike me for not giving up a chair when there was one right next to you.


Smash Master
May 18, 2008
Cave of Olmec
Lol doodah. I take a shower at least once every day. The only time I don't is when I'm at somebody elses house, and even then I take showers.

Melee or brawl you choose.

I'd be playing ginger first.

There was an open chair right next to you. And once again, you speak as if you have any knowledge whatsoever about people hating me, when you don't at all. Your just another person to join the "everybody hates you" bandwagon, lol. Because people would obviously dislike me for not giving up a chair when there was one right next to you.
But your chair was in front of the tv, i had to play off the side which always sucks. You could of just NOT of been a complete **** and got up, like everyone else.

Theres no bandwagon, im just callin it how i see it. This is only one of the many reasons i dislike you.


Smash Lord
Aug 26, 2008
Getting used to FL.....slowly.
But your chair was in front of the tv, i had to play off the side which always sucks. You could of just NOT of been a complete **** and got up, like everyone else.

Theres no bandwagon, im just callin it how i see it. This is only one of the many reasons i dislike you.
Ok. So next time we play melee, I'll give up my chair to you, as long as you don't randomly complain every match you lose about how unballanced the game is. I don't complain about brawl anymore, so its only fair.


Smash Master
May 18, 2008
Cave of Olmec
I never said melee is unbalanced, i just said its definitely not anymore balanced then brawl.
Thats for **** sure.


Smash Lord
Aug 26, 2008
Getting used to FL.....slowly.
I never said melee is unbalanced, i just said its definitely not anymore balanced then brawl.
Thats for **** sure.
But complaining about it every match until you won sure didn't make anything better did it? Just don't do that again and I'll give you my chair.

Its a lot more balanced than brawl, but please lets not get into that.


Smash Master
May 18, 2008
Cave of Olmec
Its a joke, im a sarcastic person, whenever i play melee with anyone i ALWAYS say "MAN THIS GAME SURE IS BALANCED". I do it every match, regardless of winning or losing. But if your gonna be a ***** about it fvck your chair its not that big a deal just get the fvck out my way next time.

Its not more balanced then brawl rofl, but w/e.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 4, 2005
Fort Lauderdale, FL
I said hit for hit >:O

I wont even be at gigs, going to disney world and blizzard beach that weekend with my female.

Sadly my samus in melee is garbage until I spend enough time relearning to play melee, just gotta get used to not trying to play melee samus like brawl samus.


Smash Journeyman
May 8, 2008
Jacksonville UNF
I have no one good to play ssbb with. i main random and im good at it. at my first tournament i got 9th out of 31. but whatever. im just seein how many people live in jacksonville. im not holdin a tournament or anything but if you ever wanna get together and play, hook me up. (904)993-3529
UNF, get on it son


Smash Lord
Aug 26, 2008
Getting used to FL.....slowly.
mooney why are u obsessed with guy fawkes?
Because hes awesome thats why.

I said hit for hit >:O

I wont even be at gigs, going to disney world and blizzard beach that weekend with my female.

Sadly my samus in melee is garbage until I spend enough time relearning to play melee, just gotta get used to not trying to play melee samus like brawl samus.
i don't get it lmao

word have fun

then start playing again! we can play some at emilios tourney if i go, or the next melee gigs.
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