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Jab Locking


Smash Master
Jun 24, 2006
Chicago Heights
Continuously jabbing the opponent across the stage while they are in an inescapable hit stun animation on the ground. This is initiated after jabbing the opponent when they failed to tech their fall.

I noticed that there are a lot of Mario mainers who have difficulty doing the jab lock. The best strategy we seem to know is Nair at around 30-60%(depending on the character) to knock them to the ground to set up the jab lock. Although it is still hard because the opponent will still most likely tech. There are some strategies for the jab lock by taking the advantage of the surroundings in certain stages.

Luigi's Mansion: This stage is the easiest to perform the Jab lock. A Uthrow, Dthrow, or Utilt can cause the opponents to bounce off the ceilings of the bottom floor and hit the ground setting up for a jab lock. This will catch them by surprise and most likely they would not tech. This stage is a double edge sword unfortunately, since there are characters that benefit from this stage a lot more than Mario does. So it really depends on the character you are facing. Update: This hasn't been tested but Monk thinks that instead of finishing the jab lock with a fsmash, Utilt them instead when you are under the next ceiling. If they DI behind you can turn it around. This can be a possible infinite. :O Needs testing though.

Stages with Platforms: I noticed this a lot and i would like to share my experience. If the opponent is standing above a platform and you are right below them they are susceptible to jab locking. Assuming a Mario main will Uair them while their on the platform.. they will probably Block or spot dodge. If they block, the Uair will knock them off balance and they will fall to the ground. If you capitalize with the situation you can quickly jab lock them once they flop to the floor. This will only work if they are at the edge of the platform.

Yoshi's Island(melee): You can use this stage like Luigi's Mansion.. although it is a bit harder. You can use the 3 blocks on both sides of the stage to have them bounce off them and fall back on the ground. Since the blocks are higher than the ceilings on Luigi's Mansion.. higher % will be needed to pull this off.

Skyworld: I don't even know if this stage is legal but it can be used the same way as Luigi's mansion becuase of the platforms. Unfortunately this stage can be really gay for Mario. So it depends on the character once again.

Pictochat: A lot of things can be used for this stage. But the one i use the most is when the clock appears in the middle of the stage. When this happens you can quickly capitalize and use the bottom of the clock to jab lock. This stage runs hot and cold.

There are probably more stages but we can use this thread to share ideas and I'll update.


Legacy of the Mario
Aug 3, 2008
San Antonio, Texas
Too tired to think of anything at the moment (I'll get back to you when I'm awake), but just wanted to say that Skyworld is on the Counter/Banned list, but is generally banned in most tourneys I believe.

Judge Judy

Smash Lord
May 18, 2008
IDK, do you think FLUDD could mess up someone if they're in their tumble animation. Also, fireballs can possibly setup up a jab lock if your opponent misses a tech but is too far way to directly jab lock.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 11, 2008
Jab Lock is good but i think that Mario gets punished by it more then most chars. still if it ever happens abuse it.

Judge Judy

Smash Lord
May 18, 2008

2 mins in. He also uses a fireball to stall it until he was close enough to lock.

On YI you have to remember that the lock ends when you hit the part of the stage that ends. He could have gotten a KO if he let sliq stand up before he reached that part and charged a fsmash.
Guess my idea works then, nice. Fireball to jab lock looks smexy, nice vid.

Teh Future

Smash Master
Apr 6, 2008
St. Louis, MO
yeah ive seen the video before and that was the first thing I noticed when I found it again. Very cool, im wondering now if you can chain with fireballs only? It would be hard to do, and it would only work until you were close enough to jab lock, but it would make it much easier to hit a jab lock in general, since they could be almost anywhere on the stage when they fall, plus you could jab them to one side of the stage, sh over them and fireball to reverse the direction for the infinite :o

lol im gonna go mess with it, although I doubt it would work on anyone except maybe for large characters(like bowser...)

Edit: lul I was thinking Marios Fb was about as fast as ice climbers ice block, which can lock people. I forgot when it locks its desynced so its twice as fast LOL.

Judge Judy

Smash Lord
May 18, 2008
yeah ive seen the video before and that was the first thing I noticed when I found it again. Very cool, im wondering now if you can chain with fireballs only? It would be hard to do, and it would only work until you were close enough to jab lock, but it would make it much easier to hit a jab lock in general, since they could be almost anywhere on the stage when they fall, plus you could jab them to one side of the stage, sh over them and fireball to reverse the direction for the infinite :o

lol im gonna go mess with it, although I doubt it would work on anyone except maybe for large characters(like bowser...)
IDK, Luigi has a true fireball lock so Mario can probally do some sort of pusedo fireball lock. Ftilt also sort of locks at low percents. Also, I still wonder there might be a way to force someone to mess up a tech with the cape or FLUDD.


Smash Master
May 21, 2008
Ontario, Canada
Lol yea Fireball lock? I've done it in training mode before, but I never really practiced it, cause I thought it was too hard to pull off something like that in an actual match.


Legacy of the Mario
Aug 3, 2008
San Antonio, Texas
Fireball locking?

Now that's something to wonder about. I don't think fireballs come fast enough to try that however.

Btw Bo. I don't mind the whole picture thing. It just makes me look more sexy.


Smash Apprentice
Apr 7, 2008
I think combining the pivot walk with the jab lock could lead to an infinite if applied right. Imagine getting to the edge pivot walking to the other side and starting the jab lock again to the other ledge.

If we can figure it out, it could make the jab lock deadlier tenfold.


Smash Apprentice
May 13, 2008
I'm pretty sure you can F smash someone after Jab Locking. I was succesfully able to do it on a level 9 Falco and in a real match (Both at Luigi's Mansion) I do it right after they bounce up.


Smash Master
Jun 24, 2006
Chicago Heights
This hasn't been tested but Monk thinks that instead of finishing the jab lock with a fsmash, Utilt them instead when you are under the next ceiling. If they DI behind you can turn it around. This can be a possible infinite. :O Needs testing though.

Judge Judy

Smash Lord
May 18, 2008
This hasn't been tested but Monk thinks that instead of finishing the jab lock with a fsmash, Utilt them instead when you are under the next ceiling. If they DI behind you can turn it around. This can be a possible infinite. :O Needs testing though.
They could still tech after getting hit by the Utilt though, but Utilt might still be a more useful follow-up than Fsmash.

mario brawler

Smash Journeyman
Dec 30, 2007
Playing Brawl until I have a seizure,nah im kiddin
Fludd would be too slow, and the postioning would be hard
little fun thing-I managed to do a D-tilt > (angled) F smash at the end of a jab lock, it was bowser tho and he had around 90%
at that % the Dtilt just barely lifted him off the ground to mario's eye level, so right before he lands the Fsmash hits him, ussually people mash the control stick, but not the jump button, so DI'ing is the only little issue depending on how high they pop of the ground
just a littlt thing to add a bit of damage to your jab lock, plus it looks cool ;P
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