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Jab Lock!!!


Smash Lord
Mar 28, 2008
Yo Couch
I was playing in a free for all and there was one person left. i was against... marth i think. at smashville. we were on the left side of the moving platform and i started spamming downtilts to interrupt his dash attacks. i realized he would hit me so i shielded and immediately downtilted again, and kept doing it. He ended up getting stuck in it (jab lock) and he could not DI, airdodge, or anything to get out of it. we guessed it was because of the moving platform. i have been able to repeat this too. EVEN at high percentages. in any case, i like smashville because it's basically final d without getting stuck, while you can jab lock. the only con is that sometimes the bananas get caught up on the platform or it gets in the way of spikes. sorry for the weird sentences.

i was just thinking about jab locks as i wrote this, and i was wondering if anyone knows if you can jab lock with diddy's downtilt at places with walls like corneria or delfino?


Smash Lord
Mar 28, 2008
Yo Couch
delfino plaza? at tourneys you can jab lock all the time with marth. smashville... if you're in the right situation with diddy you can just think about it and use it.
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