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jab counter


Smash Ace
Feb 1, 2008
Poughkeepsie, NY
theres some interesting, technique, lets call it for now that i have been messing around with and i believe only works for ice climbers. It could prove to be really useful in certain situations (which i will get to in a sec) and it will always lead to a grab which in our case = death

i titled this jab counter because most charaters in the game have a multi hit jab combo that will either put a lot of space between you and your opponent or keep you in long enought to do a smash attack out of and hurt you further. when the ice climbers become in such a situation (ex. Fox's jab and kick thingy) rather than trying and Di out of it, they can actually very easily land a grab.

to do this, you hold your shield, & down on the joy stick, and then repeatedly hit the C-stick downward as fast as you can. what happens here is that by holding down on the joy stick influences your DI downward and that coupled with the cstick DI will get you onto the ground rather than being stuck in the jab attack. due to how the shield is so easily applied in the game, you will automatically put it up when you reach the ground which will result in a powershield of the next jab that hits. then Becuase your shield is up and you are holding down on the joystick, pressing down on the c stick will initiate a grab (so basically it does 2 things at the same time) and cause the jab combo to stop

why this is so effective with ice climbers is becuase there are 2 of you which means twice the chance to get out and interrupt the attack with a grab. i need to experiment more with this to find out other moves that this could efectively work against other than jabs, but im hoping that it can prove as a counter to Game and Watch's bair and any other multi hit attack that the game contains

the explaination is kinda confusing i know but just try it out for yourself and tell me what you think


Smash Obsessed
Dec 25, 2002
Modesto, CA
it sounds like some jab combos would have too much hitstun for ic's to powershield grab out of it

i know fox's kicks have very low hitstun, but other jab spams (sheik's, dedede's, falco's, etc) have too much histun and range to be shield grabbed by ic's

i didn't test it though LOL so we'll see

too lazy wow


Smash Ace
Feb 1, 2008
Poughkeepsie, NY
ok so i tested this on all characters and ffigured out that its only useful against 3 members of the cast which are : Fox, Captain Falcon, and Metaknight. this was just testing for jabs but my timing may not have been perfect for the other characters.

one thing i ddi notice is that against Pikachu and Sheik, you can DI down enough to get the necessary powershield but you couldnt not land a grab on either of them because shieks has too much priority, and pikachus headbutt causes tripping.
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