-Downward slash, the double forward-moving slash


- Casts a weak , small rock projectile with no knockback that lasts for a short while


-Uses Punji, casting a bamboo that sprouts from the ground.


-Uses Growth to cast grass which sprouts from below Isaac


-Gaia. A shower of Venus energy and boulders rain closely upon the enemy.


-Thorn. A field of spiked vines sprout out from the ground in front of Isaac. Does not deal much knockback and lasts for a few moments. It does not hurt Isaac, meaning he can use Thorn as a temporary over.


-Spire.A stalagmite is cast twice. Where the direction held is down-right or down left during these two castings determines where the Spires is casts from, whether it is directly in front of Isaac or behind for for the two castinsg. Thing something sorta like Lucas's Down-Smash.

- Cast a rock wall in front of him.


- Halt. Temporarily stops an opponent mid-movement, stunning them and letting them fall down for a brief movement in an helpless state


-Pound. Casts a magical giant hand that pounds the opponent below Isaac. Can be used to spike enemies.


-Force. Has good knockback. It involves casting a giant magical fists that leaves after-images behind it


-Upwards kick followed by Isaac casting thorny vines above him


-Sends out a Magical Giant hand after opponent to grab them. Has great range. The pummel would be the Hand crushing the opponent multiple times


-Front-Slap. Slaps off the opponent, knocking them off forwards.


-Catch-The Hand throws the opponent upwards


-Pound. The Hand just crushes the opponent on the stage with a flat hand. Causes the opponent to bounce.


-Back-Slap-Same as Front-Slap except of course, done backwards.
Special Moves

Move- works similar to how it did in Brawl, except much smaller, dealing damage and with far less knockback. However, it does have several expanded abilities such as the ability to grab and throw opponents in mid-air.Press

once to activate Move. Whilst it is still active, press

before it disappears in order to grab the opponent. If successful, one has a short period of time to control the Hand whilst still holding

before being forced to throw them. One can throw them in any different direction.


Great Wall- Chargeable move. The level of charge that is held determines the distance in which Isaac creates the wall from him as well as its power in terms of damage dealt and knockback given. Great for immediately stopping all momentum of the opponent if they end up in contact with it, as they end up stunned and any damage would be absorbed by the wall. A key move in limiting offensive approach


Wild Growth- A great, thick tangle of vines ends up sprouting from a yellow portal made out of Venus energy. Very useful anti-air attack and the primary recovery method that Isaac would use. After Wild Growth stops, Isaac can the climb the vine in order to gain ground. Does not cause helpless state. Can still attack whilst climbing, however, Isaac can only attack with his sword with the

button. Another key anti-air move due to its great reach. Useful for attacking opponents directly above you.


-Quake- The floor that Isaac is on ends up shaking. Opponents that are on the floor or in close proximity are send upwards, bouncing three times before being knocked up upwards
Final Smash
As for his gameplay, I expect Isaac's gameplay to be based around anti-air zoning and ground dominance by limiting offensive approaches, heavily relying on his magical hand and his other techniques to bring the opponent down to earth. Whilst he'll be more of a grounded character, I don't expect that he will be heavily relying on mobility as it would be below-average. Rather, he stands his ground and uses techniques such as Quake, Rockfall, Spires and Growth to control and dominate on his own terms.